101 Testicular Cancer Juice and Meal Recipes

101 Testicular Cancer Juice and Meal Recipes

101 Testicular Cancer Juice and Meal Recipes

Joe Correa

20,46 €
IVA incluido
Live Stronger Faster
Año de edición:
Salud del hombre
20,46 €
IVA incluido
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101 Testicular Cancer Juice and Meal Recipes: The Solution to Testicular Cancer Using Vitamin Rich FoodsBy Joe Correa CSNHealth risks that lead to testicular cancer have not yet been discovered, but there are some general prevention guidelines everyone should know about. A Healthy lifestyle and early prevention are crucial factors in treating almost every disease. When we talk about a healthy lifestyle, a proper, well balanced, and highly nutritional diet is the first thing that should be discussed.You have to understand that your body is such a powerful machine with an amazing ability to heal itself, which is exactly why you should give it the right tools through proper nutrition. The recipes in this book are based on ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Besides that, all of the recipes are loaded with vitamins and minerals to help you boost your immune system.Fruits and vegetables are known as the healthiest foods in the world. They are the perfect tool to prevent almost all diseases. Recent studies in Italy show that people who eat seven servings of tomato per week are 60% less likely to get cancer than those who only had two servings.Some well-known antioxidants like garlic, onions, and basil, are proven to prevent different types of cancer, including testicular cancer. Their amazing antimicrobial properties are the main reason I have chosen to include them in so many recipes in this book.Another cancer-preventive superfood are berries! They are extremely high in bioflavonoids known as the strongest antioxidants. Recipes like ''Blueberry Green Tea Smoothie'' will boost your immune system and can clean your body of toxins in no time! It's a perfect option for a quick breakfast or an afternoon snack and will take just a few minutes to make!This book includes meal and juice recipes that contain all the superfoods necessary to prevent testicular cancer and improve your overall health.

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