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Adaptation to the United States Academic Culture for International Students

Adaptation to the United States Academic Culture for International Students

Adaptation to the United States Academic Culture for International Students

Mei Zhong

72,98 €
IVA incluido
Cognella Academic Publishing
Año de edición:
Educación: cuidado y orientación de alumnos
72,98 €
IVA incluido
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Adaptation to the United States Academic Culture for International Students provides readers with engaging articles that illuminate key differences between the culture of America and that of foreign nations, especially with regard to the higher education system. The collection empowers students to analyze and discuss cultural differences, develop skillsets that will help them thrive in the American educational system, and build their cross-cultural communication skills and competencies. The anthology is divided into three parts. In Part I, students are introduced to cultural concepts, key terms and ideas in human communication, and the main cultural differences international students are likely to discover when studying at a university in the United States. Part II focuses on cross-cultural adaptation, featuring articles about interacting with American professors, time management, effective study and attendance habits, and America’s emphasis on academic integrity. The final part includes readings that examine nonverbal communication and the relationship between language and culture. Featuring invaluable content and scholarly insight, Adaptation to the United States Academic Culture for International Students is an ideal resource for students who’ve recently begun studies in the U.S., as well as university programs that seek to support the adaptation and overall experience of international students at their institution.Mei Zhong earned her Ph.D. from Kent State University. She is an associate professor in the School of Journalism and Media Studies at San Diego State University, where she also serves as the advisor for the international studies minor in the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts. Dr. Zhong has been involved in promoting international education for over 20 years and serves as a faculty coordinator for several educational exchange programs between SDSU and international universities. In addition, she has served as the president of the Association for Chinese Communication Studies, an affiliated organization of the National Communication Association.

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