Callie Parker

12,97 €
IVA incluido
Indy Pub
Año de edición:
12,97 €
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Are you ready to turn your ADHD chaos into your greatest strength?Callie Parker, a mental health enthusiast, has lived the ADHD rollercoaster. She’s turned her distractibility into a superpower and now shares her secrets with you.In this book you will discover:The biggest mistake people make in managing ADHD that prevents them from thrivingThe only 3 techniques you need to know for harnessing ADHDThe 5 best ways to channel ADHD traits into strengthsThe secret to thriving with ADHD without sacrificing your uniqunessWhy adhering strictly to conventional organization methods is hurting your progress - what what to do insteadThe 3 best tools to help you on your ADHD journey20 thought-provoking journal prompts designed to deepen your understanding and acceptance of ADHDA practical habit tracker, aiding you in establishing and maintaining routines that harness the unique strengths of the ADHD mindHumorous, relatable stories that will make you see ADHD in a new light.And so much more!Even if you’ve been overwhelmed by ADHD’s chaos, this book offers easy, implementable strategies. It’s like having a chat with a friend who’s been there and come out thriving.Embrace your ADHD and unlock your potential. Get your copy of 'ADHD VS. YOU' today and start turning your chaos into your superpower!

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