

Max Smith

14,48 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
Cuestiones personales y sociales: sexualidad y relaciones interpersonales (infantil/juvenil)
14,48 €
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Want her to text you back and BEG you to see her again.Did you know that women have these secret filters in their mind that determine if they are going to text you back? Every time you text a woman you go through the same filters which determine if she is going to sleep with you or if you are going to get friend-zoned.Men often have no idea these filters exist but what if I showed you how to pass all of them?Picture this! You are meeting up with your friends at a bar and you walk in with a woman that looks like a Playboy model by your side. Your friend’s jaws hit the floor and they look at you with awe.I’m going to show you exactly how to make that a reality.You will NEVER desperately wait for her to text back because you will know once you open your phone you will have a text waiting for you.You’re about to discover the untold secrets to making any woman OBSESS over you!I am going to show you EXACTLY how to:- Start a conversation out of thin air whether you’re on tinder, Instagram or Facebook-Create intriguing conversations that will have girls replying back within seconds-Build your social media profiles to make women obsessed with you before you even text them-My bulletproof formula to ask any girl out through text and get a 'Yes'-Revive conversations that are dying down-My secret technique that will make girls CHASE you! (She won’t be able to stop thinking about you)And so much more.Why trust me?Don’t listen to me... just look at the reviews!It’s time to take action. Are you ready to have a life full of seductive women obsessing over you at the tip of your fingers?

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