Childhood Trauma and Recovery

Childhood Trauma and Recovery

Callie Parker

11,81 €
IVA incluido
Indy Pub
Año de edición:
Psicología infantil y evolutiva/del desarrollo
11,81 €
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If you’ve always wanted to heal from the lasting effects of childhood trauma but struggle with unresolved emotional pain, then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of being haunted by the past? Have you tried countless other solutions but nothing seems to work for long-term healing? Do you finally want to say goodbye to the pain and discover something that actually works for you?If so, then this book is for you.You see, healing from childhood trauma doesn’t have to be complicated.Even if you’ve tried therapy, self-help books, or other methods without success.The truth is, it’s much simpler than you think.Trauma enthusiast and author, Callie Parker, provides you with a step-by-step blueprint to emotional healing without re-traumatizing yourself.In Childhood Trauma and Recovery: Healing Your Inner Child, you’ll discover:The biggest mistake people make in dealing with trauma that prevents them from truly healing.The only 3 techniques you need to know for effective emotional recovery.The 5 best ways to practice self-care and strengthen your resilience.The 4 things you should know about the effects of childhood trauma.Secrets to reclaiming your life and happiness without unnecessary sacrifices.What renowned experts like Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and Dr. Judith Lewis Herman say about coping with childhood trauma.Why avoiding your past is hurting your progress - and what to do instead.The 3 best resources to support you on your journey to recovery....and so much more!Imagine how you’ll feel once you overcome your traumatic past, and how your life could change for the better.So even if you’re feeling hopeless, you can find healing and happiness with Childhood Trauma and Recovery: Healing Your Inner Child.If you’re ready to start your journey to recovery, then grab this book TODAY!As you embark on the transformative journey with Childhood Trauma and Recovery: Healing Your Inner Child, enhance your experience with the Childhood Trauma and Recovery Workbook. This companion workbook is designed to be used alongside the main book, offering practical exercises, activities, and reflections that parallel and deepen the concepts discussed. It’s an invaluable tool for anyone looking to actively engage with their healing process. Please note that the Childhood Trauma and Recovery Workbook is sold separately.

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