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Cultivating Spirituality in Children 101 Ways to Make Every Child’s Spirit Soar!

Cultivating Spirituality in Children 101 Ways to Make Every Child’s Spirit Soar!

Cultivating Spirituality in Children 101 Ways to Make Every Child's Spirit Soar!

Rosie Kuhn

20,90 €
IVA incluido
The Paradigm Shifts Coaching Group
Año de edición:
Relaciones intergeneracionales
20,90 €
IVA incluido
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If you’re at all concerned about how to best support and encourage spirituality in your children, or in any children who may be under your care, Dr. Rosie Kuhn has written the book for you! Make no mistake, though, as Dr. Kuhn makes clear, cultivating spirituality in children isn’t all about what to preach - it is about walking the walk more than talking the talk. Whether we realize it or not, no amount of preaching will reach the mark when we’re out of alignment with our own truth, values and principles. If you are serious about raising your children with integrity and trust, this book is a must.

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