From His Lips on Blessings

From His Lips on Blessings

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

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In a world filled with uncertainties and struggles, the promise of God’s blessings often feels distant. Yet blessings are not accidental-they are the fruit of intentional obedience and alignment with God’s will. In From His Lips on Blessings, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum bridges the gap between doubt and faith, unveiling the profound truths of God’s design for abundance and favour.This book is a clarion call to live a life free from the curses of sin, anchored in trust and obedience to God’s provision. Fomum challenges readers to confront fundamental questions:Why do some people experience the fullness of God’s blessings while others struggle?How can you break free from the curses of sin and step into the abundance God has prepared for you?This book addresses life’s core challenges-poverty, disease, failure, and spiritual emptiness-and offers practical solutions rooted in biblical truth. It highlights the power of obedience, the necessity of faith, and the boundless love of God, who desires the best for His children.Structured with engaging anecdotes and actionable steps, this book is best approached devotionally, allowing profound lessons to penetrate the heart and transform life.

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    26,61 €