From His Lips on Fasting

From His Lips on Fasting

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

25,97 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
25,97 €
IVA incluido
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What does it mean to fast in a way that brings real spiritual breakthrough?In From His Lips on Fasting, Professor Z.T. Fomum presents fasting as a powerful spiritual discipline, revealing how it can separate you from sin and bring you into a place of divine power and purpose. This book will guide you through the different types of fasting and the overall effects of fasting. It will prepare you for spiritual warfare.Fomum speaks directly to the heart of every believer, emphasizing that fasting is not about self-denial, but about positioning oneself for an encounter with God. He shares testimonies of individuals and churches who have been transformed by fasting, and explains the critical role fasting plays in revival and spiritual growth.If you are ready to experience God’s power in a new way, From His Lips on Fasting will have a significant impact on you and make fasting a vital part of your spiritual journey.

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    14,47 €