Lilith The Forgotten Goddess

Lilith The Forgotten Goddess

Halue Mane

14,11 €
IVA incluido
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Año de edición:
Feminismo y teoría feminista
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Lilith The Forgotten Goddess The traditional story of creation holds a mystery that has been perpetuated for centuries. Was Eve really Adam’s first wife? Many cultures around the world say not. According to these traditions, before Eve, God created another woman, one who refused to take on a subordinate role to the man represented by Adam. Lilith, rejecting submission, fled Eden and was later demonized by the patriarchal cultures that developed. However, Lilith has evolved from a figure associated with evil in ancient traditions to become a contemporary symbol of emancipated femininity. Through a detailed analysis of historical texts, mystical traditions and modern reinterpretations, this book explores the complexities of Lilith and her lasting influence on discussions of gender, power and autonomy. The narrative reveals how Lilith transcended her origins to become an icon of resistance and a reflection of cultural and social struggles for equality.Over the centuries, the figure of Lilith has been a controversial and multifaceted symbol, representing both a feared threat and a force for female empowerment. This book traces Lilith’s evolution from her roots in Mesopotamian and Jewish traditions, where she was seen as an evil spirit, to her modern re-signification as an icon of emancipatory femininity. The work explores how Lilith, initially demonized for her refusal to submit to male authority, has been reconfigured over time, especially in mystical and esoteric contexts, as a figure of power and resistance. By analyzing her various representations, the book highlights Lilith’s relevance in contemporary discussions about gender, power and autonomy, offering a comprehensive view of how ancient myths can influence and reflect modern struggles for equality. This narrative not only sheds light on Lilith’s past, but also places her at the center of current debates on identity and freedom.

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