My Father Was A Freedom Fighter

My Father Was A Freedom Fighter

My Father Was A Freedom Fighter

Ramzy Baroud

38,30 €
IVA incluido
Pluto Books Ltd
Año de edición:
38,30 €
IVA incluido
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Gaza is the frontline in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians and rarely out of the news, this book explores the daily lives of the people in the region, giving us an insight into what is at risk in each round of violence.Ramzy Baroud tells his father's fascinating story. Driven out of his village to a refugee camp, he took up arms and fought the occupation at the same time raising a family and trying to do the best for his children. Baroud's vivid and honest account reveals the complex human beings; revolutionaries, great moms and dads, lovers, and comedians that make Gaza so much more than just a disputed territory.

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