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Novel Approaches to Urban Design and Architecture Education

Novel Approaches to Urban Design and Architecture Education

Pınar Dinç Kalaycı

347,54 €
IVA incluido
IGI Global
Año de edición:
Estructura y diseño arquitectónicos
347,54 €
IVA incluido
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A significant challenge has arisen as the way people interact with their environments undergoes significant changes, requiring crucial adjustments to existing environments, design methods, and educational systems. The relationship between these elements forms the backdrop for a complex challenge faced by academic scholars and design professionals alike. As the backbone of design education, design studios operate as microcosms, each with their unique interpretation of ongoing changes and distinctive approaches to solving real-world problems. This evolving landscape prompts a pivotal question: How can the varied pedagogies within design education be curated and explored to foster a more comprehensive understanding of their impact on our physical environment? Novel Approaches to Urban Design and Architecture Education , is a book that dives deep into the heart of this issue, examining the intricacies of design studio practices and their role in shaping the urban and architectural landscape. This compilation of original case studies and research is an indispensable resource, addressing the critical need for an exploration of the varied pedagogical approaches employed across different levels of design education.

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