Sustainable Real Estate - The Big Payback

Sustainable Real Estate - The Big Payback

Sustainable Real Estate - The Big Payback

Don Kulak

16,92 €
IVA incluido
SolarWinds Publishing
Año de edición:
Propiedad y bienes raíces
16,92 €
IVA incluido
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This book details a new paradigm in real estate management and development, creating a more symbiotic relationship between the built environment and the natural world. Working with, not against the forces of nature opens up a plethora of creative, profitable and efficient solutions to common problems, while retaining the balance and integrity of the surrounding landscape. In most cases the net results include reduced operating/building costs, healthier environments, and increased property values.Included are case studies and financial analyses demonstrating the pros and cons of new building/design technologies, and integrated methods of land, water, and building management. The book also discusses false belief systems that may go to the root of our environmental degradation, and outlines current legislation affording protection and legal rights to ecosystems worldwide.This is an antidote to mainstream real estate management and development practices of conformity, inefficiency, and disregard for living systems. It is the means by which people can profit by creating more ecological balance in the world, while using their real estate to do so. Owners, renters, property managers, or anyone involved with real estate on any level can help create a major shift in our relation to the world—from wasteful consumption, to regeneration.Don Kulak witnessed numerous cash flow, health, and environmental problems during his 13-plus years in real estate management and publishing. Having participated in countless planning and zoning board meetings, he came to realize peoples’ real concerns are being neglected in favor of larger corporate interests. He developed a more integrated way to solve these issues, while helping people become more self-reliant and less dependent on wasteful and polluting modalities. Benefits Include: Manage real estate for more profit, independence and self-reliance Investment analyses of sustainable upgrades with the highest returns Case studies detailing how lake water quality drastically affects surrounding property values.  Learn how to turn polluted, algae-ridden lakes into healthy, balanced ecosystems without chemicals or dredging Toxic fracking wastewater is being injected into water supplies around the world. See how local and national governments are drafting and enforcing 'Rights of Nature' legislation to prevent corporate pollution and exploitation. Solve flooding problems and health-threatening sewer overflows while replenishing aquifers Learn how to size and specify your solar electric system Create more leasable space for your commercial building while reducing HVAC costs Learn more efficient, durable, and less expensive alternatives to traditional copper piping systems Do you think we live in a democracy? See how true participatory democracy worked in Native American governments.  We have been led to believe living with “acceptable” amounts of contamination is a necessary by product of modern society. You can start reversing this trend now, with your own real estate.        

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