The Big Time

The Big Time

Fritz Leiber

11,66 €
IVA incluido
J.A.C. Publications
Año de edición:
Estudios literarios: ficción, novelistas y prosistas
11,66 €
IVA incluido
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Have you ever worried about your memory, because it doesn’t seem to recall exactly the same past from one day to the next? Have you ever thought that the whole universe might be a crazy, mixed-up dream? If you have, then you’ve had hints of the Change War. It’s been going on for a billion years and it will last another billion or so. Up and down the timeline, the two sides - 'Spiders' and 'Snakes' - battle endlessly to change the future and the past. Our lives, our memories, are their battleground. And in the midst of the war is the Place, outside space and time, where Greta Forzane and the other Entertainers provide solace and r-&-r for tired time warriors.

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