Afirmación personal, motivación y autoestima

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular / Afirmación personal, motivación y autoestima (19956)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Autoayuda y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Psicología popular Eliminar filtro Afirmación personal, motivación y autoestima Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Palabras de oro de la Sabiduría de Dios procedenes de la fuente eterna de la vida
    Las palabras de Gabriele, la profeta y enviada de Dios, que podemos transmitir en este librito, han sido expresadas por ella en diferentes ocasiones, en seminarios y lecciones espirituales de otro tipo.Le deseamos que también usted pueda sacar de ellas algún estímulo para tener una vida llena de sentido. Es posible que algunas de estas palabras de oro, que hoy le toquen de form...

    12,48 €

  • The Truth about You
    Bradford Baber
    This book is about you.You arrived in this world with a pure understanding of who you are, where you came from, and why you are here. Along with this, came absolute clarity about the meaning of your life and what is really important and true in this world.Then, during the normal process of growing up, while adapting to the world, and before you could share this truth with your ...

    16,37 €

  • A Life Just Like Mine
    Dr. Donna D. Kincheloe
    A heartbroken child from a fractured family grows up to survive even more abuse in her closest adult relationships, ultimately finding peace, love, and acceptance in her pursuit of God and her passion for nursing.  ...

    15,12 €

  • From the Sidelines to the Finish Line
    Emily Falcon
    In this inspiring memoir, Emily Falcon chronicles her lifelong journey with a congenital cardiac condition. In 1982, at seven weeks old, she had a heart attack that destroyed forty percent of the left side of her heart. This was her entry into a world of multiple cardiac procedures, surgeries, and hospitalizations, and a later diagnosis of glaucoma. Balancing these serious cond...

    24,91 €

  • Omgaan Met Demone
    Tracilyn George
    Het jy of ’n geliefde ’n geestesongesteldheid? Het jy al ooit gewonder wat jy kan doen om te help? Hierdie boek is jou antwoord! Om depressie ten volle te verstaan, moet jy aandagtig en aandagtig luister na dié van ons wat geteister word.Dit is belangrik vir enigiemand met geestesongesteldheid om met vriendelikheid, respek en waardigheid behandel te word, nie met stigma, vooroo...

    15,29 €

  • Tea with Jesus and Me
    Sherri House
    Captivating true stories, woven with engaging Bible devotions, served to you during delightful teatimes. The author makes you feel like you are sitting next to her, enjoying afternoon tea and listening to a friend share the faithfulness of God. Sherri is known for her faith-filled afternoon teas and devotional writing. In this book, she invites you to enjoy the charms of her tr...

    56,86 €

  • Through the Impossible
    Matthew Ames
    With its authentic storytelling and invaluable lessons, THROUGH THE IMPOSSIBLE stands as a beacon of hope for all caregivers and is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the depths of human compassion and strength. -Rabbi Peter BergTHROUGH THE IMPOSSIBLE is an inspiring and heartfelt story that will show you how to turn tragedy into triumph. For Matthew Ames and his fami...

    11,88 €

  • Loyalty
    Aaron Fields
    The concept of loyalty is important to understand. If you are one of the few people here on this earth that is born with this gift, be careful who you apply that to. Why? Well, because most people in this world are not loyal and have no integrity. Please keep in mind that loyalty is a gift, but it can also be a curse. ...

    14,75 €

  • The Achiever’s Code
    Jack B. Ott
    'The Achiever’s Code is a fast-paced, structured approach to life planning and an ideal curriculum for a mentoring relationship. It’s about ownership of purpose, service to others and building legacy.' A blueprint for your life of achievement.In a world that defines success as a mad scramble for money, fame and power - where bumper-stickers declare 'Whoever dies with the most t...

    20,88 €

  • God Still Does Miracles
    Linda Delgado
    'Be blessed as you read true stories of what God has done in my lifetime:'Pray for me, I’m hemorrhaging!''The spirit of Jezebel is exposed!''I see two boys in a dream!''God is going to give you what you lost and a girl!''A familiar spirit is cast out!''The miracle twins!'And many other exciting stories.'  -Linda Delgado ...

    29,75 €

  • Life Shifts
    We all receive, at one time or another, a curveball-a diagnosis, a loss, a shift in consciousness-that causes us to feel an internal earthquake. These pivotal moments may appear as a sudden internal awareness that leads to a deeper understanding of ourselves and nudges us to make new choices from our inner wisdom. They may arrive as whispers or shouts-calling on us to face a ne...

    14,07 €

  • Speak
    Brittainy Spencer
    Speak is a deeply moving story that illustrates the growing pains of life through the eyes of a young girl, from childhood to adolescence and into adulthood. Brittainy’s life changed drastically when she and her sister, Jasmine, left their family home in Connecticut, sight unseen, and moved with their mother to Alabama. What should have been a new beginning turned out to be ...

    19,46 €

  • El poder de dejar ir
    Daniel J. Martin
    7 Sencillos Pasos para Liberarte de Tu Carga Emocional - Descubre Cómo Soltar el Pasado y Abrazar un Futuro Feliz y Lleno de PosibilidadesForma parte de la naturaleza humana desarrollar apego hacia las cosas que nos rodean. No hay duda de que, en algún momento de tu vida, te has aferrado a algo: un recuerdo, un error, un rencor, una pérdida o incluso una relación.Numerosos estu...

    14,44 €

  • Finden Sie die Liebe Ihres Lebens
    Leonardo Tavares
    Im Strudel des Lebens befinden wir uns oft auf der Suche nach etwas, das scheinbar außerhalb unserer Reichweite liegt. Manchmal ist es einfach, sich im Chaos äußerer Erwartungen, in den flüchtigen Versprechungen von Märchen und in der ständigen Suche nach Liebe zu verlieren, wobei wir oft vergessen, sie an den wichtigsten Ort zu lenken: auf uns selbst. 'Finden Sie die Liebe Ihr...

    17,04 €

    Brace yourself. The truth is in this move of God. How comforting is our Christian vernacular?    From  reading  this book, you’ll fully understand the Christian living lie.  The truth must  be revealed if we  intend on being meaningful in the Kingdom of God.    The worst of us can be made whole again. That’s the truth.  It’s not a secret that the truth about our    lives contai...

    17,28 €

  • Rock Bottom Has a Trampoline
    Charlynda Scales
    Regardless of where you are in your entrepreneurial venture, you are likely going to find yourself hitting rock bottom at one point or another. Whether it’s because something has happened in your personal life that threatens to derail your professional life, or it’s a financial hit you did not see coming, or it is succumbing to peer pressure, rock bottom can seem like the end o...

    15,45 €

  • كوب من اللافاندر
    الجروان ميسون راشد
    سطرتُ كلِمات هذا الكتاب لترافقكم في كلِّ مكان، سطرتُها لتنسُج معكم تلك الذِّكريات التي لا تفارقكم رغم مرور الوقت والزَّمن والسَّنوات.هذا الكتاب سيكون رفيقكم على مقعد الطائرة، وعند شاطئ البحر، وعند نافذة غرفتكم التي ستَفتح لكم نافذة الزَّمن والذِّكريات، وكيفيَّة التَّعامل مع النَّاس، والمحاولة دائمًا وعدم الاستسلام.أتمنَّى أن تستمتعوا مع كلماتي المنسوجة التي أُقدِّمها لكم بحبٍّ ...

    6,94 €

  • Om Vel Way
    Seval Seer
    The primary theme of this book is to 'Be Happy and Make Happy.'In life, everything one does is aimed at increasing the quality and scale of one’s happiness. Quality refers to richness and intensity; scale refers to its scope and longevity. The foundational and ultimate theme of human life is to evolve and to increase happiness, not only in our lives but also in the lives of oth...

    58,27 €

    Jacquie A McIver
    Cultivate an unshakable faith while embracing the profound strength and unwavering courage bestowed by the divine grace of God.In a world that often unfurls in unpredictable and tumultuous ways, our journey as Christians is marked by confronting formidable trials that could redefine our existence. Through our unyielding belief in God, we not only adapt but also flourish in the ...

    19,98 €

  • The Reality of Myself
    Peter Gautchier
    About this entire book...Four stories unraveling the reality of a person’s inner self. Who am I? Perhaps you can identify yourself as one of the characters in the stories? Maybe you are a composite of all four? Maybe you are none of them, but have some of the things they possess? Their pathways lead to unraveling the Truth that awaits them.I. Wilbur Knows Best This is the he...

    13,20 €

  • Trovare l’Amore della Tua Vita
    Leonardo Tavares
    Nel vortice della vita, spesso ci troviamo a cercare qualcosa che sembra essere al di là della nostra portata. A volte è facile perdersi nel caos delle aspettative esterne, nelle promesse effimere delle fiabe e nelle ricerche incessanti di un amore che spesso dimentichiamo di indirizzare al luogo più importante: noi stessi. 'Trovare l’Amore della Tua Vita' è più di un libro; è ...

    17,18 €

  • 1000 Everyday Life Hacks
    Discover 1000 easy, realistic hacks spanning various aspects of daily living. From self-care practices and productivity strategies to health and fitness tips, financial insights, and travel recommendations, this book empowers you to make positive changes in your life. Embrace self-care rituals, boost productivity, harness technology, maintain a healthy lifestyle, manage your fi...

    8,60 €

  • Guarire la Dipendenza Emotiva
    Leonardo Tavares
    La dipendenza emotiva è un tema che tocca molte vite profondamente. Le nostre relazioni, le nostre scelte e la nostra percezione di noi stessi possono essere influenzate da modelli di dipendenza spesso difficili da comprendere e superare. 'Guarire la Dipendenza Emotiva' non è solo un libro sui problemi, ma anche sulle possibilità di trasformazione e crescita personale che sono ...

    18,16 €

  • 'Shadow Mastery
    Ellie Richards / James Richards
    What makes you, you? Have you ever felt a stirring deep within from a part of you that perhaps, remains largely unexplored? For example, do you feel as though the true you is always hidden or suppressed in order to navigate through life and adhere to everyone else’s expectations of you? As if you parade through life’s duties wearing an armour to conform but inside you are lost?...

    13,31 €

    Love Expressions is a love poetry expressing Owenazee Gideon Imafidon’s heart to the world.God has given me the inspiration to share my mind in collaboration with my heart to you, so I write as He the Almighty continues to inspire me through Holy Spirit. Love that is real come in many ways according to the world but the scripture has the perfect example of what it entails. Real...

    14,81 €

  • Slingshot
    Moustafa Hamwi
    Heal Your Past and Master Your MindsetAre you tired of spinning your wheels, stuck in a cycle of taking one step forward only to be pulled back by an invisible rubber band?You’re not alone! Much of the self-help industry focuses either on digging endlessly into your past or pushing a ’go-go-go’ mentality that often leads to burnout. What you need is a balanced solution - you ta...

    14,79 €

  • Corazón
    Gloria I San Miguel
    La serie de libros WordPOWER destaca el poder que realmente tienen las palabras. Todo el mundo tiene una historia y todo el mundo tiene palabras que han impactado sus vidas.WordPOWER, una iniciativa de Fig Factor Media, reúne palabras poderosas para crear libros significativos. Con ahora 25 libros en la serie con su primera edición en inglés y segunda edición en español, WordPO...

    24,48 €

  • How To Prevent Diabetes
    Dorris S. Woods
    Dr. Woods has been on the front line in the fight against diabetes as a clinical nurse specialist for thousands of diabetic patients. It was this experience that triggered the realization that she herself was in danger of becoming a victim of the disease whose devastating effects include heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, and loss of limbs. She had to lose weight, particul...

    16,31 €

  • How to Live in the Millennium
    Gina Welsh
    The Millennium is here! We are no longer in the End Times but have entered the Age of Shalom. Satan is bound, and it is time to start knowing how to live in this world without him in it. It is time to truly start living like heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ here, now, on earth. So let’s roll up our sleeves and get busy! It’s here! ...

    11,71 €

    Jo Watson
    Raising a small child and running your own business? This debut book from columnist, business blogger and copywriter, Jo Watson, aims to take a good look and a laugh at how both of those ’challenging yet rewarding’ life choices of parenthood and self-employment are kind of the same thing, when you think about it.The tears and the tantrums... the frets and regrets... the countle...

    20,37 €