
Lenguas / Lingüistica / Alfabetismo (3324)

  • Resemantización del purgatorio dantesco
    Guillermo Andrés González Hernández
    La idea de infierno, purgatorio y paraíso que presenta Dante en su Divina Comedia, hecha raíces en el destacado autor chileno Hernán Rivera Letelier, quien toma el arquetipo dantesco y le entrega un nuevo sentido dentro del imaginario pampino. Es así como, la novela Los trenes se van al purgatorio, vincula las concepciones presentadas por Alighieri con la configuración espac...

    40,85 €

  • Das polnische 'De Morte Prologus' und seine russische Fassung
    Robert Samarra Collins
    Das nachstehende Werk setzt sich mittels der sprachwissenschaftlichen Analyse der russischen Fassung des polnischen Gedichtes 'De Morte Prologus' mit einer Periode der russischen Sprachgeschichte auseinander, welche durch Einflussnahme von außen geprägt ist. Dieses mittelalterliche anonyme Werk entstand gegen Ende des 15. Jh. in Polen und wurde ungefähr ein Jahrhundert später i...

    49,21 €

  • Challenges of translating at the interface of Cultures
    Sadiki Moshi Feruzi
    The major purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges posed by cultural expressions in translating the play Nitaolewa Nikipenda from English into Kiswahili. The study employed the Cultural theory of translation (CTT) which asserts that translation of literary text became a transaction not only between two linguistic substitutions but also a negotiation between two c...

    75,08 €

  • English Language Proficiency of Bangladeshi Students
    Md.Kamrul Hasan
    The main objective of the present study is to examine the relationship between different social psychological variables on the one hand and proficiency on the other. The author has found a significant correlation between scoring for exact responses versus acceptable included responses, suggesting the Cloze procedure would well be appropriate for use with non-native speaker...

    75,26 €

  • The English Translation of ’WA’ in Quranic Text
    Imran Ho Abdullah / Yassir Ahmed Alsbagh
    This study investigates the Arabic conjunction ’wa’ and how it is translated into English. Firstly, it aims to examine the conjunctive relations posed by each ’wa’ found in surah Yasin and how they are translated in the surah. It then tries to assess the semantic functions of these ’wa’ and whether the English translations match with the meaning in the source text. It was found...

    75,33 €

  • Die Darstellung von Machtverhältnissen in dem Film 'Tambièn la lluvia'
    Kirsten Möhlmann
    Die spanische Regisseurin Icíar Bollaín greift in ihren Filmen wichtige gesellschaftliche Themen auf, meist stehen Frauen im Mittelpunkt und fast dokumentarisch erzählt sie über häusliche Gewalt, Einsamkeit, Heimat oder von der Gesellschaft Mariginalisierte. Ihre Figuren sind auf der Suche nach sich selbst und durchleben nicht selten eine Metamorphose. So ist es auch in ihrem j...

    43,21 €

  • Promoting Pakistani Variety of English by English Newspapers
    Arshad Mahmood / Muhammad Uzair / Muhammmad Zia-ur-Rehman
    One of the hundreds of genuine and creative efforts for the researchers, academicians, and transformers, who will love to read for multifaceted purposes, is presented in the shape of this book. This piece of original work on variety of English Language will profoundly facilitate, the people who interact with English Language directly or indirectly, especially the people who str...

    124,34 €

  • Enseñar Inglés en el siglo XXI
    María Cármen Pérez Llantada
    Nos encontramos actualmente en un momento clave de inflexión educativa y profunda revisión de diseños curriculares, metodologías docentes y sistemas de evaluación en la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras. De todas las lenguas extranjeras, el inglés juega un papel estelar en el ámbito educativo, especialmente a raíz las actuales políticas educativas europeas y los valores del ...

    55,74 €

  • Native American Identity Reexpressed
    Rulan Ye
    Leslie Marmon Silko (1948-), dedicated to the cause of reviving Native American culture, is reputed as one of most prominent contemporary Native American writers. She has integrated strong Indian color to her works by perfectly mixing diversified genres into the literary pieces, by connecting the writing closely to nature, and by implementing oral tradition and storytelling. He...

    124,49 €

  • A Universal Grammar Approach To Teach Grammar Based The X-bar Theory
    Ghazali Mustapha / Neda Saeipoor
    This study has been conducted to investigate the possible effects of presenting the syntax rules to the participants following the order of the X-bar parameters’ availability and triggering the target language parameter resetting by emphasizing on the input. This objective led to devising and applying a new approach for teaching English grammar based on the X-bar theory and to ...

    105,08 €

  • Das Dilemma im Artusroman
    Sonja Mather
    Die Darstellung von dilemmatischen Zwangslagen, in denen der Held und die Heldin in scheinbar aussichtlose Situationen geraten, ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der höfischen Artusromane des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. Die Autoren stellen ihre Figuren dabei in Verstrickungen zwischen zwei gleichberichtigten höfischen Pflichten, einander ausschließenden Wertvorstellungen oder zwis...

    72,63 €

  • Terry Pratchett und Transtextualität
    Rubina Mirfattahi
    Rubina Mirfattahi untersucht in diesem Buch den Umgang des englischen Fantasy-Buchautors Terry Pratchett mit Verweisen auf Geschichte und Literatur aus unserer empirischen Welt. Als theoretische Grundlage für sämtliche Untersuchungen gelten New Historicism, Genettes Transtextualitäts-Theorien und verschiedene Ansätze zum Thema Parodie (Margaret Rose, Simon Dentith, Nil Korkut...

    75,26 €

  • Vision of Budding Artists in Sons and Lovers and A Portrait
    Ruhina Jesmin
    This research work introduces the readers with Lawrence’s Paul and Joyce’s Stephen as artists,in the framework of psychoanalysis, having some similarities and differences in their artisic temperament,inclination, empathy, epiphany,inspiration for their art, rebellion, distortion of conventional morality,practical atheism, ideology,sensitivity to words and language. It uncovers ...

    74,88 €

  • Monomorphemic Exceptions to English Stress Assignment
    Christian Schaller
    When dealing with stress assignment on the word level, many exceptions to hitherto defined principles can be found in the English language. While some exceptions can be explained by word or morpheme boundaries, others do not fit so easliy into the underlying systematicity of English stress behaviour. Some are often described as simply being idiosyncratic. A new statistical anal...

    59,46 €

  • The Roles of English in the Hotel Business of South Tyrol
    Manuel Gatterer
    English has developed into an international lingua franca and is now used in innumerable communicative situations in large parts of the world. This book applies lingua franca theory to a particular economic domain: the hotel business of South Tyrol (Italy). After providing an introduction to the linguistic peculiarities of this European border province, the author investigates ...

    49,22 €

  • Letter Writing Guide for Scholars, Lovers & Workers
    Yinka Amuda
    This book contains a variety of letters aimed at partners/courting couples or those in the process of developing a relationship with the opposite sex; covering several aspects of correspondence between a romantically involved man and woman.This book also covers formal letter writing for scholars. With this book a reliable system of letter writing is gained by young student of E...

    15,98 €

  • History And The Voiceless
    Ifeyinwa Ogbazi
    This study entitled, 'History and the Voiceless: Yvonne Vera and Postcolonial Zimbabwe,' essentially examines Yvonne Vera’s preoccupation with Zimbabwean history in her five novels, namely - Nehanda, Without a Name, Under the Tongue, Butterfly Burning and The Stone Virgins. The study makes analyses of the historical narratives in line with feminist postcolonial literary disours...

    124,26 €

  • Using Informative Assessments towards Effective Literacy Instruction
    Using Informative Assessments towards Effective Literacy Practices offers research driven solutions to improve student literacy success through the exploration of advancements in literacy assessment and instruction. Recommendations are provided on selecting appropriate assessments and effectively using data for planning and instruction ...

    158,54 €

  • Crash Course in Family Literacy Programs
    Laura Sheneman / Rosemary Chance

    65,24 €

  • Chinese Under Globalization

    118,13 €

  • Validation of a high stakes test
    Mohammad Salehi
    This book is the result of our approaches of validation enquiry that were applied on the data obtained from a language proficiency test,conssiting of grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension carried out with 3,398 PhD candidates as a partial requirement for entering PhD programs in Iran. The four approaches were facotr analysis, multitrait multimethod, test taking strategi...

    123,12 €

  • On Translating the Quran
    Muhammad Al-Ghazi
    It goes without saying that the Quranic text- even regardless of being a divine text transmitted to Muslims by the God-sent Prophet (peace be upon him) - is a fertile area of research that has attracted a large number of scholars, academicians, and university students around the world due to the fact that it is the ideal of perfection in the Arabic language on various levels, t...

    122,89 €

  • Pop-Up Books
    Nancy Bluemel / Rhonda Taylor

    65,92 €

  • Wahnsinn als dramatisches Motiv
    Gabriela Schwandner
    Dichtung verarbeitet immer auch die Vorstellungen einer Epoche. Wahnsinn - dieses Thema hat die Menschen seit jeher fasziniert. Jede Zeit und jede Kultur hat ihre eigenen Vorstellungen von Wahnsinn, von seelischer Gesundheit, von Normalität, hat eigene Vorstellungen zur Genese und Ursache des Wahnsinns: ob Krankheit oder Strafe der Götter, ob Schuld oder Gnade. Diese Arbeit bes...

    63,51 €

  • The Modern School Story
    Lisa Maria Cerar
    The present work is a reflection on the adaptation of the classic school story; a genre which was very popular amongst children’s literature throughout the 19th and 20th century, yet declined in popularity towards the middle and end of the 20th century. Its halcyon days were over, and many critics believed it to be a dead genre. However, as the recent success of books such as H...

    63,50 €

  • Anglizismen in Informationstechnologien
    Marian Budáč
    Die Sprache als ein Kommunikationsmittel, ist von Anfang an dem Kontakt mit anderen Sprachen und Kulturen fremder Länder ausgesetzt. Diese Arbeit beschreibt den sprachlichen Einfluss der Anglizismen in den Informationstechnologien in der deutschen und slowakischen Sprache. Im ersten theoretischen Teil, befasst sich die Arbeit mit den Definitionen, der Gliederung der Grundbegrif...

    73,80 €

  • Multiliteracies
    A volume in Landscapes of EducationSeries Editors: William H. Schubert, University of Illinois at Chicago& Ming Fang He, Georgia Southern UniversityMultiliteracies: Beyond Text and the Written Word emphasizes literacies which are, or have been,common in American culture, but which tend to be ignored in more traditional discussions ofliteracy-specifically textual literacy. By de...

    71,67 €

  • Multiliteracies
    A volume in Landscapes of EducationSeries Editors: William H. Schubert, University of Illinois at Chicago& Ming Fang He, Georgia Southern UniversityMultiliteracies: Beyond Text and the Written Word emphasizes literacies which are, or have been,common in American culture, but which tend to be ignored in more traditional discussions ofliteracy-specifically textual literacy. By de...

    127,93 €

  • Reflections on Teaching Literacy
    Margaret Early
    The late Margaret J. Early was a nationally renowned educator in the field of English educationand reading, a past president of the National Council of Teachers of English, an author and aneditor herself, and the recipient of many awards. The book Reflections on Teaching Literacy:Selected Speeches of Margaret J. Early, edited by Willa Wolcott, contains fifteen of her speechesgi...

    71,76 €

  • Reflections on Teaching Literacy
    Margaret Early
    The late Margaret J. Early was a nationally renowned educator in the field of English educationand reading, a past president of the National Council of Teachers of English, an author and aneditor herself, and the recipient of many awards. The book Reflections on Teaching Literacy:Selected Speeches of Margaret J. Early, edited by Willa Wolcott, contains fifteen of her speechesgi...

    128,03 €