Animales y sociedad

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Cuestiones y procesos sociales / Animales y sociedad (207)

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  • We Walk Beside You Book 2
    Sandra Mendelson
    Through the vehicle of telepathy, Sandra Mendelson provides us with animal guidance as a powerful tool for our daily lives. For the past decade, Sandra has channeled and communicated with thousands of animals from over 85 species of the land, sea and air. Her first book and deck of message cards -- We Walk Beside You: Animal Messages for An Awakening World (2017) --took home th...

    22,14 €

  • Ecolibrium
    Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri / Al-Hafiz B.AMasri / Mehran Banaei / Nadeem Haque
    Ecolibrium: The Sacred Balance in Islam presents the precepts and applications of a totally rational belief system where the distinction between religion and secularism is meaningless. The book demonstrates that the optimal solution to our mounting socio-environmental problems is achievable if only we were to return to an integrated way of thinking and living-of indeed organizi...

    32,14 €

  • Becoming Vegan For Health And The Environment
    Anthea Peries
    Becoming Vegan For Health And The Environment: Plant-Based Veganism Guidebook For BeginnersBalanced View Of The Benefits & Risks Of Being VegetarianABOUT THIS BOOKThis book is for those who may be sitting on the fence about becoming a vegan for health reasons, perhaps?, Or are you a beginner or a seasoned vegan already?The book provides a balanced view of the benefits and pitfa...

    22,21 €

  • Vivisection
    Albert Leffingwell
    A message against cruelty to animal, a plea against vivisection! Albert Leffingwell was a noted American physician, social reformer, and vocal advocate for vivisection reform. His books helped to bring light to the cruel abuses of animal experimentation and called for regulation. He was way ahead of his time in his approach to animal welfare. He is indeed an interesting turn-of...

    9,57 €

  • Vivisection
    Albert Leffingwell
    A message against cruelty to animal, a plea against vivisection! Albert Leffingwell was a noted American physician, social reformer, and vocal advocate for vivisection reform. His books helped to bring light to the cruel abuses of animal experimentation and called for regulation. He was way ahead of his time in his approach to animal welfare. He is indeed an interesting turn-of...

    17,91 €

  • El loro gris
    Guy Barat
    El loro gris africano ocupa un lugar privilegiado en el corazón de los criadores de aves: es un excelente hablador y un imitador magnífico, tiene un comportamiento activo y su expresividad despierta la simpatía de todos.Si usted desea criar un loro gris, esta es su obra, ya que aquí encontrará todo lo necesario para ocuparse correctamente de su nuevo compañero: cuál es su compo...

    23,87 €

  • Addresses and Essays on Vegetarianism
    Anna Bonus Kingsford
    A Plea for Vegetarianism !Anna Kingsford (née Bonus) was one of the first women to become a physician in England; mystic and poet; feminist; and ardent anti-vivisectionist and vegetarian. She was way ahead of his time in her approach to dietetics. She is indeed an interesting turn-of-the-century writer whose ideas have been greatly influential and whose books are still worth re...

    20,10 €

  • Addresses and Essays on Vegetarianism
    Anna Bonus Kingsford
    A Plea for Vegetarianism !Anna Kingsford (née Bonus) was one of the first women to become a physician in England; mystic and poet; feminist; and ardent anti-vivisectionist and vegetarian. She was way ahead of his time in her approach to dietetics. She is indeed an interesting turn-of-the-century writer whose ideas have been greatly influential and whose books are still worth re...

    12,31 €

  • Cosmopolitan Belongingness and War
    Matthew Leep
    Offers a cosmopolitan account of war that blends sharp inquiry into interspecies politics with original poetry on animals, loss, and war. ...

    122,10 €

  • Some Fantastic Place
    Randy Shields
    Stories about animals and the people who help them: a successful community effort to protect migrating toads, the 1983 protests that ignited the modern day animal rights movement, a kitten rescued from the middle of a busy road, a visit to a factory pig farm. There are also tributes to animal rights philosopher Prof. Tom Regan, singer/pianist/composer (and animal activist) Laur...

    23,47 €

  • Re/Thinking Chickens
    Elena Lazutkaite
    Re/Thinking Chickens: The Discourse around Chicken Farming in British Newspapers and Campaigners’ Magazines, 1982–2016 has major social relevance as it focuses on one of the most forgotten and yet most exploited farmed animals, chickens, who now have a combined mass exceeding that of all other birds on Earth. Dr Elena Lazutkaitė demonstrates that the planet’s most numerous bird...

    70,06 €

  • The Political Lives of Victorian Animals
    Anna Feuerstein

    37,94 €

  • too little beast
    David C. McLean / David CMcLean
    too little beast: too much human ii is David C. McLean’s expansion & revision of his chapbook from Black Editions Press , too much human. The manifesto in the introduction has been rewritten to extend it from antinatalism to also include posthumanism. This extension was provoked by his growing dislike for humans & their goddam ideology, & his worship of another non-human, the l...

    11,39 €

  • Animal Welfare in China
    Peter J Li
    The plight of animals in China has attracted intense interest in recent times. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, speculation about the origins of the virus have sparked global curiosity Speculation about the origins of COVID-19 has sparked curiosity about how animals are treated, traded and consumed in China today.In Animal Welfare in China, Peter Li explores the key animal welfa...

    25,25 €

  • Diario de un activista (vegano)
    Óscar l. Sánchez / Óscar lSánchez
    El veganismo es comprender que existe una injusticia y rechazarla. Convivimos con perros y gatos, y nos despiertan ternura los vídeos de algunos animales que podemos encontrar por internet, pero ¿cuál es en realidad nuestra relación con la mayoría de animales? Lo más habitual es que nos los comamos o los usemos para vestirnos, que compremos productos cosméticos que han sido tes...

    15,90 €

  • Save our Planet Earth
    Peter A.J. Holst MD PhD / Peter A.JHolst MD PhD
    For half a century, Mother Earth has given man dominion over his own reproduction and the reproduction of all animals and plants on Earth. We are therefore indebted to repair the damage we cause. Meat and eggs for consumption are now exclusively produced by artificial insemination and with breeding and incubators. More than 300 million farm animals in the EU spend their entire ...

    16,68 €

  • Infamous
    Michael Frizell
    The sequel to the cult-classic comic book. Viewers worldwide were riveted by Netflix’s seven-episode reality series exploring the infamous and self-proclaimed 'Tiger King.' Joe Exotic’s jaw-dropping antics and the bewildering choices he made led to a conviction for attempted murder, violations of the Lacey Act, and twenty-two years in Federal prison. But what happened to the a...

    8,74 €

  • Los inseparables
    Gianni Ravazzi
    Los inseparables son pe-queños papagayos africanos, de gran colorido, vivaces y sociables; llaman también la atención porque viven siempre junto a su compañero; siempre unidos, expresan toda su alegría, sus espléndidos colores y mantienen una buena convivencia con las personas.Desde la clasificación científica a la morfología, de los hábitos alimentarios y sociales a los divers...

    26,99 €

  • Su perro y la ley
    David Siuraneta Pérez
    La tenencia de animales de compañía entre los que destacan especialmente los perros se ha convertido desde hace algunos años en una costumbre muy generalizada. Las páginas que siguen están dedicadas a exponer los aspectos que, desde el punto de vista del ordenamiento jurídico, resultan más interesantes para las personas que han decidido adquirir un perro, así como también para ...

    8,06 €

  • Ladridos lejanos
    Aleksandr Kuprín
    Sorprendente, auténtico y pintoresco así es el mundo de los animales en las obras de Aleksandr Kuprín, uno de los grandes de la literatura rusa, que se han traducido a muchos idiomas, incluyendo el castellano. En efecto, muy pocos artistas saben recrear con tanta veracidad los hábitos, el temperamento y la lealtad de los perros. Kuprin supo hacerlo gracias a su excepcional tale...

    14,56 €

  • Meatsplaining
    Jason Hannan
    The animal agriculture industry, like other profit-driven industries, aggressively seeks to shield itself from public scrutiny. To that end, it uses a distinct set of rhetorical strategies to deflect criticism. These tactics are fundamental to modern animal agriculture but have long evaded critical analysis. In this collection, academic and activist contributors investigate the...

    27,60 €

  • Re/Thinking Chickens
    Elena Lazutkaite
    Re/Thinking Chickens: The Discourse around Chicken Farming in British Newspapers and Campaigners’ Magazines, 1982–2016 has major social relevance as it focuses on one of the most forgotten and yet most exploited farmed animals, chickens, who now have a combined mass exceeding that of all other birds on Earth. Dr Elena Lazutkaitė demonstrates that the planet’s most numerous bird...

    85,14 €

  • Pork
    John Harvey Kellogg
    In his scathing (and somewhat scintillating) journey through the body of a pig, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg launches an all-out attack on the general grime and filth of these natural scavengers. First published in 1897, this short tome offers a horrifying yet somehow entertaining litany of reasons why hogs should be permanently put out to pasture rather than guzzled down human dige...

    5,62 €

  • Beautiful Joe
    Marshall Saunders
    Published in 1893, Beautiful Joe was the first Canadian book to sell a million copies and was extremely popular in America, too (selling almost a million copies by 1900). A work of fiction told from the dog’s point of view, it is based upon the true story of an abused dog (in the tradition of 1877’s Black Beauty). It reflects many of the unfortunate realities of society in thos...

    14,37 €

  • The Logic of Vegetarianism
    Henry S. SALT / Henry SSalt
    'what vegetarianism is, and (a scarcely less essential point) what vegetarianism is not !'Henry Stephens Salt was a noted ethical vegetarian, socialist, humanitarian and pacifist. It was Salt who influenced Gandhi’s study of vegetarianism. He is credited with being the first writer to argue explicitly in favour of animal rights (1892). He was way ahead of his time in his approa...

    17,50 €

  • ¿Amor o maltrato?
    Coqui Vega
    Muchas personas tienen un perro en casa, pero no han podido formarse mediante cursos o lecturas sobre conducta y comportamiento canino. En este libro se dan pautas y claves para entender mejor el entorno del perro y comprender qué necesita un perro para estar bien, no solo físicamente, sino también emocionalmente.¿Amor o maltrato? es una necesaria reflexión que cualquiera que c...

    11,44 €

  • El gran libro de los inseparables
    Gianni Ravazzi
    * Los inseparables son pequeños papagayos africanos vivaces y sociables, idóneos para la vida con el ser humano con el que se encariñan muy deprisa* Este libro analiza en profundidad la vida de las diversas especies en sus ambientes naturales, proporcionando una adecuada descripción de sus ca-racterísticas morfológicas, de sus hábitos alimentarios y sociales y de los diversos a...

    44,67 €

  • Diamante mandarín
    Michel Bolzinger
    El diamante mandarín, un pequeño pájaro de origen australiano, es objeto de una creciente popularidad en Europa y Estados Unidos. Famoso por su fortaleza y su capacidad de adaptación, sus colores son esplendorosos, tiene un carácter afectuoso y jovial y emite un trino que resuena alegremente des-de la mañana hasta la noche. ¡Un compañero ideal!En este libro, el autor comparte s...

    22,83 €

  • Lobos
    Bernard Dumort / Gérard Lecomte
    ¡El lobo! Desde los tiempos más remotos, siempre ha acompañado al hombre. Sólo el hecho de oír su nombre produce una mezcla de escalofrío y fascinación. Gran desconocido y tremendamente misterioso, este inteligente animal, al que a veces se puede escuchar en la noche profunda pero que raramente se deja ver, se ha considerado peligroso por el simple hecho de ser un depredador. S...

    40,51 €

  • Saving Species on Private Lands
    Lowell E. Baier / Lowell EBaier
    Winner, Independent Press Award - Conservation/Green, 2021The only hope for successful conservation of America’s threatened, endangered, and at-risk wildlife is through voluntary, cooperative partnerships that focus on private land, where over 75% of at-risk species can be found. Private landowners form the bedrock of these partnerships, and they have a long history of rising t...

    53,60 €

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