
Artes / Arquitectura (8829)

  • Peter Eisenman
    Maximiliano schianchi / Santiago Miret
    Este libro es el primero de la Serie Conceptos dedicada a, por un lado, grandes arquitectos de la actualidad que tienen una influencia innegable en la práctica contemporánea y, por otro lado, cada una de estas publicaciones está enfocada en temáticas centrales de la Arquitectura como práctica cultural.Desde los Diez Libros de De Architectura de Vitruvio, pasando por tratados re...

    14,56 €

  • Elymian Residences
    Catherine G. Martin
    Embark on an architectural journey through time and space with this research, conducting a comparative analysis between Elymian houses in northwestern Sicily, vernacular structures from Anatolia, and Greece. The primary goal is to investigate whether a cultural link can be identified between the Elymi and their reputed Trojan ancestors. This study delves into Bronze Age houses ...

    23,70 €

  • Speaking Architecture
    Jeff Klymson
    For any successful construction project - domestic or commercial, small or large - your understanding of people and processes is key.Speaking Architecture is an accessible handbook and in-depth reference for every stage from brief and planning to construction and delivery, regardless what size your project. It explains who does what, demystifies key terms, and is an essential c...

    24,35 €

  • Le Journal Intime de la Villa Saint-Pierre
    Phyllis Pritchett de Martini
      Une villa centenaire raconte l’histoire de sa vie.Mon extraordinaire épopée a débuté dans la petite cité médiévale au bord du lac de Neuchâtel en Suisse en 1912, une année paisible et prospère. Les touristes parisiens séjournaient dans l’hôtel en face, passant leurs journées sur la plage et leurs soirées au Casino-Théâtre. J’étais une imposante villa néo-classique et dans cet...

    31,51 €

  • Reading Kenneth Frampton
    Gevork Hartoonian
    This book focuses on the first edition of Kenneth Frampton’s Modern Architecture: A Critical History, published in 1980. It searches for clues and positions that will provide the reader with an unprecedented insight into the significance of Frampton’s historiography of modern architecture. ...

    50,24 €

  • Designing Adventures
    Gordon Mead Stewart
    What was it like being an architecture student at the University of Maryland in the late 70’s? This fast-paced, firsthand account of an architecture graduate’s experiences is written in short, illustrated chapters covering dining halls and Beaux Art Balls, registration days and studio nights, dorm forays and jury stories, plus some wild adventures with friends. A truly multifac...

    45,34 €

  • A Comprehensive Analysis Adapting to the Changing Socioeconomic Landscape
    A Comprehensive AnalysisSubtitle Adapting to the Changing Socioeconomic LandscapeTitle: A Comprehensive Analysis Adapting to the Changing Socioeconomic LandscapeProduct Description:Are you intrigued by the evolving dynamics of public housing in the United States and the challenges faced by low-income families? 'A Comprehensive Analysis Adapting to the Changing Socioeconomic Lan...

    25,66 €

    The Islamic Golden Age: Shipping and Trading Lessons from History' explores the advancements made by the Islamic civilization in shipping and trading during the 8th to 14th centuries. The book highlights the development of shipbuilding techniques, navigation methods, and fair trade practices, offering valuable lessons for contemporary business and economic growth. ...

    14,16 €

  • Augusto Ortiz de Zevallos.
    Augusto Ortiz de Zevallos
    Este volumen recoge una selección de textos escritos por Augusto Ortiz de Zevallos a lo largo de cinco décadas. En un medio en que la crítica de arquitectura es un oficio que brilla por su ausencia, la voz de AOZ ha contribuido de manera fundamental a la conciencia crítica de nuestra arquitectura. Desde diversos medios, pero sobre todo desde su columna El espacio habituado en l...

    34,60 €

  • The Draftsman Chronicles
    Gilbert Correces
    The story of a young man named Guillermo Correces who was a self-supporting student at Philippine Union College and somehow finished his degree in teaching but due to Gods over arching plan for his life, he was led into a full-time career of drafting and building schools and institutions for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Philippines. He managed to start up with a draf...

    16,90 €

  • Crafting Value in Singapore Homes
    Pier Alessio Rizzardi
    'Crafting Value in Singapore Homes by TCA Design & Build' is a comprehensive and insightful publication dedicated to the art of architectural design and construction in Singapore. Authored by Pier Alessio Rizzardi, this book is a product of TCA Think Tank Editions, a division of TCA Design & Build, known for its expertise in architectural rebuilds, interior design, and loft spe...

    29,49 €

  • The Art and Science of Drawing
    Matthew Shannon
    Drawing is not a talent. It’s a skill anyone can learn! This is the philosophy of drawing instructor Matthew Shannon based on his more than twenty years of teaching. He has tested numerous types of drawing instruction from centuries old classical techniques to contemporary practices and designed an approach that combines tried and true techniques with innovative methods of his ...

    12,53 €

  • Echoes of Conflict the Global Impact of World Wars
    Dev Malhotra
    The devastating and far-reaching effects of the two world wars on a worldwide scale are analyzed in 'Echoes of Conflict: The Global Impact of World Wars' by Dev Malhotra. An in-depth exploration of the lasting impact of these watershed moments in history, this book probes the reverberations that reverberate through different nations, cultures, and generations.The conflicts alte...

    18,70 €

  • Interior Design for Beginners
    Ericksen Becker / Trenton Hanson / Vanessa Sims
    A book that will show you how to affordably decorate your home!We all enjoy living in picturesque locations where we may enjoy the gratification that comes with them. To achieve this goal of making our homes exude elegance at first glance, we all go to great efforts to paint them, purchase upscale furniture, hang various works of art throughout the house, and do a variety of ot...

    24,64 €

  • Breaking Boundaries
    Adrian Garcia
    Industrial architecture has come a long way since its inception, constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of society. This subchapter explores the remarkable journey of industrial architecture, from its early beginnings to the cutting-edge designs of today. Whether you are an aspiring architect or simply curious about the field, this chapter will provide you with a compre...

    25,50 €

  • The Ebenezer Project
    Peter Ryder
    Ever since the Civil War the history of the Christian Church in England has been characterised by a threefold division, into the Anglicanism of the State, Roman Catholicism slowly being tolerated again and the fastest growing sector, Protestant Nonconformity. The great urban expansion of the 19th century saw the building of thousands of new chapels and meeting houses which form...

    43,20 €

  • The Woman in the Room
    L. Jane Hastings
    Jane Hastings was just nine years old when she declared she would become an architect. A child of Depression-era Seattle, Jane worked her way through college in the aftermath of World War II and was among the first women licensed to practice architecture in the state of Washington. Throughout her award-winning career, she designed more than 500 projects and achieved many 'first...

    24,78 €

  • The Woman in the Room
    L. Jane Hastings
    Jane Hastings was just nine years old when she declared she would become an architect. A child of Depression-era Seattle, Jane worked her way through college in the aftermath of World War II and was among the first women licensed to practice architecture in the state of Washington. Throughout her award-winning career, she designed more than 500 projects and achieved many 'first...

    31,89 €

  • Discovering Dubai
    Manupriam Seth
    Discover the vibrant city of Dubai through the eyes of an artist in this captivating collection of on-location sketches. Whether you’re an experienced artist or a casual doodler, you’ll delight in the rich textures and nuanced moments captured in these drawings. There’s no better way to truly know a city than by walking its streets, and no better way to discover its essence tha...

    64,29 €

  • La nueva escena artística de lima
    Giuliana Borea
    Este libro examina la confi guración de la escena del arte contemporáneo en una nueva Lima desde una perspectiva antropológica. Al rastrear las prácticas de artistas, curadores, coleccionistas, galeristas y museos, identifica tres momentos claves en la reconfi guración de esta escena e ilumina nociones y prácticas cambiantes de lo local, lo global, lo social y lo indígena. A tr...

    21,08 €

  • L’Osservatorio Sassi per la Gestione del sito UNESCO di Matera. Il progetto per l’avvio e il metodo.
    Angela Colonna
    Nel 2013 il sito UNESCO materano de 'i Sassi e il parco delle Chiese rupestri' si è dotato del suo primo Piano di Gestione, a vent’anni dall’iscrizione nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale. Il Piano di Gestione si è andato definendo lungo un percorso articolato e partecipato, e la sua struttura è il risultato di sintesi degli apporti di tutte le fasi del percorso. Il processo pa...

    24,80 €

  • Synergy and Balance with the Natural World
    Don Kulak
    Working WITH the forces of nature results in healthier, more climate-resilient buildings, reduced costs, property appreciation, and ecosystem regeneration. Building development, land/water management, and architecture that is integrated with and complimentary of local ecosystems and climate also solves problems such as flooding, effects of drought, and contaminated land/water. ...

    21,51 €

  • Acerca de la arquitectura
    Alejandro Lapunzina
    Acerca de la Arquitectura Este libro titulado recoge, en forma escrita, el relato verbal de cuatro conferencias de Alejandro Lapunzina que fueron parte de un ciclo homónimo organizado por el Colegio de Arquitectos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires a través de la Casa Curutchet. Orientadas a un público heterogéneo, fundamentalmente compuesto por estudiantes y docentes de arquitect...

    18,72 €

  • Bonet
    Ernesto Katzenstein / Gustavo Natanson / Hugo Schvatzman
    Antonio Bonet quería hacer este libro, colaboró activamente proporcionando documentos que tenía en su poder y dando información de cómo obtener otros, participó entusiastamente en las entrevistas que le hicieron los autores del libro, y manifestó su deseo que participara su amigo el pintor Alfredo Hlito.Gran parte de los documentos y fotos de época las tenía y cuidaba Ernesto K...

    24,96 €

  • La cuestión urbana en ciudades intermedias patagónicas
    Carlos Sanabra
    ¿Es posible imaginar una ciudad anhelada, ajustando los comportamientos de su gente para construirla? ¿Y como consecuencia, vivir en un entorno urbano con una naturaleza amable y embellecida por la acción creadora e inteligente del ser humano? Y en retrospectiva, ¿Cómo entender su desarrollo histórico? El Libro ofrece una respuesta a esos interrogantes haciendo foco en ciudades...

    41,60 €

  • Objetos tenaces de Nueva York
    Juan Ruescas Baztán
    A mediados de 1980, tres vagones cargados con pavo congelado recorren hacia el norte el Barrio Neoyorquino de Meatpacking. Lo hacen por lo alto del West Side Improvement, el viaducto que durante décadas ha conectado industrias y mayoristas del suroeste de la isla con los muelles de carga de la ciudad, atravesando fábricas y almacenes desde la calle 34 hasta la terminal de St. J...

    18,72 €

  • Big Cities Coloring Book for Adults | Cities of the World 1
    Monsoon Publishing
    Big Cities - Cities of the World Coloring Book No. 1A great coloring book for all city fans, architecture lovers and City Trip Fans. Every City has its own flair, own vibe, and there are 4 pages of each city to color. The cities coloring book includes 47pp. A4 Capital Cities of the world from Mexico City, to Rio de Janeiro, Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona, London, Paris, Praha, K...

    6,86 €

  • John Q. Hejduk. El universo en un cubo
    Luis Sebastian Aranguren Lizcano
    El universo en un cubo es un trabajo de investigación sobre tres series de casas desarrolladas por el arquitecto John Q. Hejduk: Casas Texas, Casas Diamond y Casas Muro. La hipótesis sostenida es que, en estas series de casas, desarrolladas entre 1954 y 1974, existe una expansión del concepto de orden en arquitectura. El concepto de orden tiene una incidencia en operaciones tan...

    20,80 €

  • Sistema de classificação e modelo de reabilitação baseado na sustentabilidade
    Abobakr Al-Sakkaf
    Este livro opta por desenvolver um sistema de classificação abrangente para edifícios históricos que não só avalia os diferentes componentes do edifício, mas também optimiza as despesas através da utilização eficaz e da atribuição do orçamento limitado entre os componentes do edifício. O sistema funciona através de 4 módulos integrados: 1) base de dados central que inclui um in...

    75,20 €

  • Sistema di rating e modello di riabilitazione basato sulla sostenibilità
    Abobakr Al-Sakkaf
    Questo libro opta per lo sviluppo di un sistema di rating completo per gli edifici storici che non solo valuta i diversi componenti dell’edificio, ma ottimizza anche le spese attraverso l’utilizzo efficace e l’allocazione del budget limitato tra i componenti dell’edificio. Il sistema si basa su 4 moduli integrati: 1) database centrale che comprende un inventario di tutti i comp...

    75,20 €