Creencias populares y saberes polémicos

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  • 31 Female Ghosts, Monsters, and Demons from Around the World
    Alex Kujawa
    The first in the illustrated folklore series, lovingly illustrated and researched by Alex Kujawa, 31 FEMALE GHOSTS, MONSTERS, & DEMONS FROM AROUND THE WORLD introduces 31 of the most fascinating supernatural females from various folktales and mythology.  Originating as an art project, turning into a series of works, this pocket reference book provides illustration and a summari...

    27,76 €

  • Consequences of Oppression
    Paul Johnson
    This book gives an uncut, undiluted and unapologetic look at the plight of Black America. This book is a real and raw wake-up call to an endangered race. This book explore the problems created, sustained and furthered by a racist system in place designed to oppress and control the masses and more specifically, people of color. Pen Black forcefully removes the veil from your e...

    11,25 €

  • Right of Way
    Kurtis R. Kallenbach
    For many years I’ve sought the initial 'rule of law' proving One’s personal and private continuous and contiguous dominion over a violently removed 'jus cogens' fetal measure accounting for the internationally recognized rest, residue, and remainder of One’s foundational SUPREME BEING.I found it. ...

    46,59 €

  • Council of NINE Council of Saturn High Order of Discipline and Responsibility
    Council Of NINE
    Final book from the Council of NINE written by SEVEN.,also includes book one: History Of The Universe ET’s Living Among You a collection of wisdom, teachings, future comings of earth and 3rd density living., Given by SEVEN Of NINE., Member of the high council of NINE., SEVEN an ET Living Among Earth., ...

    23,37 €

  • Dowse Your Way To Psychic Power
    Anthony Talmage
    BRING OUT THE MAGIC IN YOUR LIFE! We all have a sixth sense. It is our unconscious mind. When we activate it we become superhuman. We are clairvoyant, telepathic, can find lost objects, can talk to our pets, heal disease, peer into the future, re-charge crystals, and commune with the angels. In short we go beyond the confines of our 5 senses and our lives become a daily adventu...

    16,52 €

  • Unlock The Psychic Powers Of Your Unconsious Mind
    Anthony Talmage
    Are you yearning for a new beginning? To be able to press the reset button on your life and make a fresh start?  DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE WITHIN YOU THE TOOLS TO ACHIEVE THE MAGICAL AND MIRACULOUS? Using skills that were familiar to the ancients but lost in the modern world.  Did you know that there is a hidden part of your mind that is linked to the most powerful force in the Uni...

    16,47 €

  • Odysseus Found
    Konstantin Nikolas Kokkolis
    ***NOTE*** Excavation at the site discovered by the author and mentioned in this book has begun as of 2023, after the publication of this book. It promises to be a significant Mycenaean/Bronze Age site.Was there ever an Ithaca or even an Odysseus? This question has been posed for over two millennia. The author believes yes, there was an Odysseus, but 'Ithaca' as a place name ha...

    30,96 €

  • In Tune With The Infinite Mind
    Anthony Talmage
    25 YEARS OF STUDY IN ONE BOOKThis is for serious students of the metaphysical but has the merit of being accessible to those who have discovered the fascinating world of the mind.  It is an alternative, ground-breaking guide to harnessing the life-transforming power found at the source of the Infinite Mind - where the worlds of quantum science and the paranormal meet.Is this ho...

    14,20 €

  • Exist Mankind
    Stephen Sweigart
    ’ExistMankind 2022’ begins with the question 'Who createdgod?' It traces the history of modern Cosmology andphysics. ’The Big Bang Th eory’ it’s Limitations, and thesolving of them. Particle Accelerators. The transition ofhow there is more Matter than Antimatter. Dark Matter,Black Holes, Twin Universe, and Biological Creation andthe many World Mythogical creations. Vitalism and...

    5,54 €

  • Exist Mankind
    Stephen Sweigart
    ’ExistMankind 2022’ begins with the question 'Who createdgod?' It traces the history of modern Cosmology andphysics. ’The Big Bang Theory its Limitations, and thesolving of them. Particle Accelerators. The transition ofhow there is more Matter than Antimatter. Dark Matter,Black Holes, Twin Universe, and Biological Creation andthe many World Mythogical creations. Vitalism and no...

    12,82 €

  • Mitologia Piaga
    Rafael Nolêto
    Uma obra repleta de mistérios e magia, que lança uma abordagem inovadora sobre as narrativas mitológicas piagas. Um amplo e detalhado catálogo com mais de 200 mitos de Deuses, Espíritos, Encantados, Diabretes, Assombrações e outros Seres Míticos do Piauí.Nesta obra, Rafael Nolêto vai além do ato de reproduzir e propagar relatos populares. Aqui, somos levados a refletir sobre o ...

    29,06 €

  • The Mars 360 Religious and Social System
    Anthony of Boston
    This book contains 3 major volumes about Mars’s effect on human life and events, and is presented as a follow up to Michel Gauquelin’s Mars Effect. This book uses real time demonstrations to show how Mars can trigger events in real time, events like stock market crashes and terrorist attacks. It also shows how the personality is affacted by the position of Mars at the time a pe...

    67,18 €

  • Odysseus Found
    Konstantin Nikolas Kokkolis
    ***NOTE*** Excavation at the site discovered by the author and mentioned in this book has begun as of 2023, after the publication of this book. It promises to be a significant Mycenaean/Bronze Age site.Was there ever an Ithaca or even an Odysseus? This question has been posed for over two millennia. The author believes yes, there was an Odysseus, but 'Ithaca' as a place name ha...

    40,51 €

  • Lucifer Unveiled
    V. Lynn
    Once the most powerful of the heavenly hosts, Lucifer is now the sworn enemy of the MOST HIGH GOD and everything HE created. The moment Lucifer witnessed Adam and Eve in Paradise, he plotted their demise. From the Garden of Eden until the present age, Lucifer and his seed have infected humanity through mass deception, corruption, and doctrines of devils. The goal is to exalt hi...

    17,34 €

  • Oranges for Oysters
    Lynn Persepolis
    An anthropological scientific study of ancient Zoroastrian Judaism, Christianity, and Islam of Semitic and nomadic Iran--with general East Asian Hindu and Buddhist philosophical, social, and religious reference to the newer Catholic order of chivalry of the Knights Templar, including genealogical cultural Mystery Cryptology of The Holy Grail --transcripted angelic or alien sigh...

    12,90 €

  • Les Prophètes de l’agenda.
    J.D. Nüremberg
    "Les prophètes de l’agenda" est un livre qui décrit la situation géopolitique actuelle, comment l’agenda 2030 avance pour priver les citoyens de leurs libertés et imposer un nouvel ordre mondial asservissant. Tout cela a été prophétisé par des écrivains et des cinéastes qui nous ont montré plusieurs décennies à l’avance ce que serait le destin programmé de l’humanité. Nous pouv...

    27,89 €

  • I Profeti Dell’agenda.
    J.D. Nüremberg
    "I profeti dell’agenda" è un libro che descrive l’attuale situazione geopolitica, come l’agenda 2030 stia avanzando per privare i cittadini delle loro libertà e imporre un nuovo ordine mondiale schiavizzante. Tutto questo è stato profetizzato da scrittori e registi che ci hanno mostrato molti decenni prima quale sarebbe stato il destino programmato dell’umanità. Possiamo fermar...

    26,77 €

  • Going Through Changes
    Voni Love
    Going Through Changes" is a comprehensive guide for women navigating the challenges of hormonal transitions. This guide covers a wide range of topics including hormonal changes, common symptoms, and how to manage them, nutritional and lifestyle tips, mindfulness and self-care, and medical interventions. It also includes information about sexual vitality, vaginal dryness, and th...

    38,13 €

  • Die Propheten der Agenda
    J.D. Nüremberg
    "Die Propheten der Agenda" ist ein Buch, das die aktuelle geopolitische Situation beschreibt, wie die Agenda 2030 voranschreitet, um die Bürger ihrer Freiheiten zu berauben und eine neue, versklavende Weltordnung durchzusetzen. All dies wurde von Schriftstellern und Filmemachern prophezeit, die uns Jahrzehnte im Voraus gezeigt haben, wie das geplante Schicksal der Menschheit au...

    27,82 €

  • The Agenda Prophets
    J.D. Nüremberg
    "The Prophets of the Agenda" is a book that describes the current geopolitical situation, how the 2030 agenda is advancing to deprive citizens of their freedoms and impose a new enslaving world order. All this has been prophesied by writers and filmmakers who have shown us decades in advance what the programmed fate of humanity would be. We can stop it, information will set us ...

    26,79 €

  • The Destiny Code
    Anastasia J. Gollov
    'The Destiny Code' guides its readers on a fascinating journey to discover the true self. The book you are holding in your hands provides you with a highly effective tool to learn all about yourself - a special methodology that allows you to calculate and interpret your Destiny Code using your date of birth. It not only allows you to work out what your own special number code i...

    64,60 €

  • O Homem Fraco
    J.D. Nüremberg
    Por trás das belas palavras da agenda de 2030 há um plano, um plano ditatorial que irá gradualmente eliminar seus direitos e liberdades. Neste livro eu digo a verdade de tudo o que aconteceu na pandemia e o que vai acontecer em um curto espaço de tempo. Logo, você não terá nada, mas também não será feliz, será escravo deles, sem lazer, sem poder se relacionar com os outros, sem...

    17,34 €

  • Atteindre l’illumination
    Samuel Blanco
    Transcender les limites du moi et fusionner avec l’univers est l’objectif spirituel de tout chercheur de soi. Les auteurs relatent ici plusieurs façons d’y parvenir, ainsi que des expériences mystiques et d’autres sujets énigmatiques et paranormaux. Il s’agit d’un livre d’illumination écrit par un homme qui a vécu pour le plaisir et le sexe, et qui, au fil des révélations, a pr...

    20,21 €

  • Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
    E. M. 979-8-88830-256-9
    PREFACEThe want of an interesting work on Greek and Roman mythology, suitable for the requirements of both boys and girls, has long been recognized by the principals of our advanced schools. The study of the classics themselves, even where the attainments of the pupil have rendered this feasible, has not been found altogether successful in giving to the student a clear and succ...

    30,46 €

  • Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome E. M. Berens
    E. M. Berens
    PREFACEThe want of an interesting work on Greek and Roman mythology, suitable for the requirements of both boys and girls, has long been recognized by the principals of our advanced schools. The study of the classics themselves, even where the attainments of the pupil have rendered this feasible, has not been found altogether successful in giving to the student a clear and succ...

    18,52 €

  • L’uomo Debole
    J.D. Nüremberg
    Dietro le belle parole dell’Agenda 2030 si nasconde un piano, un piano dittatoriale che eliminerà gradualmente i vostri diritti e le vostre libertà. In questo libro racconto la verità su tutto ciò che è accaduto in termini di pandemia e su ciò che accadrà a breve. Presto non avrete nulla, ma non sarete nemmeno felici, sarete i loro schiavi, senza tempo libero, senza potervi rel...

    17,34 €

  • Raggiungere l’illuminazione.
    Samuel Blanco
    Trascendere i limiti del sé e fondersi con l’universo è l’obiettivo spirituale di ogni ricercatore di sé. Qui vengono raccontati vari modi per raggiungere questo obiettivo, oltre a esperienze mistiche e altri argomenti enigmatici e paranormali. È un libro di illuminazione di un uomo che ha vissuto per il piacere e il sesso, e che nelle rivelazioni ha preso coscienza della neces...

    22,53 €

  • Alcançando o Esclarecimento.
    Samuel Blanco
    Transcender os limites do eu e fundir-se com o universo é o objetivo espiritual de todo aquele que busca a si mesmo. É um livro de esclarecimento de um homem que viveu por prazer e sexo e que em revelações se tornou consciente da necessidade de amar os outros e de ser humilde e bom. É, portanto, uma visão peculiar e diferente daquilo a que você está acostumado. Até mesmo os mai...

    22,53 €

  • Der Schwache Mann
    J.D. Nüremberg
    Hinter den schönen Worten der Agenda 2030 verbirgt sich ein Plan, ein diktatorischer Plan, der Ihre Rechte und Freiheiten schrittweise beseitigen wird. In diesem Buch sage ich die Wahrheit über alles, was in Bezug auf die Pandemie geschehen ist, und über das, was in Kürze geschehen wird. Bald werden Sie nichts mehr haben, aber Sie werden auch nicht glücklich sein, sondern ihr S...

    21,94 €

  • Erlangung der Erleuchtung.
    Samuel Blanco
    Die Grenzen des Selbst zu überschreiten und mit dem Universum zu verschmelzen ist das spirituelle Ziel eines jeden Selbstsuchers. Hier werden verschiedene Wege aufgezeigt, um dies zu erreichen, aber auch mystische Erfahrungen und andere rätselhafte und paranormale Themen. Es ist ein Buch der Erleuchtung von einem Mann, der für Vergnügen und Sex gelebt hat und dem durch Offenbar...

    22,50 €