Cuestiones y procesos sociales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Cuestiones y procesos sociales (10660)

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  • Homeless Prevention - Evidence-Based Interventions and Strategies
    Carolyn Flowers / Cornel Stemley
    'Explore ’Unveiling the Unseen: A Novel Approach to Homelessness’ on Lulu Book Publishing and major bookstores worldwide. Authored by Dr. Cornel D. Stemley, this self-published work provides fresh insights into homelessness, analyzing Homeless Outreach Team perspectives. From historical roots to effective solutions, this book offers a compelling narrative. ...

    24,50 €

  • The Dedollarization Paradigm
    Jarrel E.
    The Dedollarisation Paradigm: Rethinking Global Financial SystemsIn an age of profound economic transformation, the world is witnessing a fundamental shift away from the once unassailable dominance of the United States dollar (USD) in global finance. The pages of history are being rewritten as nations, economies, and financial institutions grapple with the challenges and opport...

    8,74 €

  • African Migration
    Ikemefuna Taire Paul Okudolo / Victor Ojakorotu
    The issue of African migration since the Covid-19 pandemic depended on novel influences and determinants. The chapters in this edited volume evaluate recent variables that instigated the migration of Africans and assess implications for Africans, Africans in diaspora, and their global reverberations. The volume unites well-researched and theoretically informed empirical studies...

    199,73 €

  • Vietnam’s Modern Day Boat People
    Shira Sebban
    In 2016, a newspaper published an article about four childrendue to be sent to an orphanage after their parents were punished for attempting to flee Vietnam. Among 46 asylum seekers trying to reach Australia by boat, they were intercepted by the Australian navy and returned to Vietnam, where intense retribution awaited. This newspaper article sparked a unifying response in peop...

    58,59 €

  • Yalla Feminists
    Lina AbiRafeh / Rebecca O’Keeffe
    The Arab region continues to be among the most challenging in the world for the progress of women’s rights. Equality remains elusive for women and vulnerable groups in the region due to traditional patriarchal cultures, protracted crises, lack of religious freedom, discriminatory legal frameworks, and chronic insecurity. The strongest indicator of peace in any country is in its...

    95,38 €

  • Preconceito De Marca X Preconceito De Origem Na Atualidade
    Jorge Hilton
    Qual é o cerne deste livro de bolso (formato pocket)? Por conta da chamada one drop rule (regra de uma gota), ainda hoje paira na mentalidade de boa parte dos brasileiros a ideia de que nos Estados Unidos o racismo é definido muito mais pela origem dos indivíduos, do que pelo fenótipo. Enquanto membro do Hip-Hop esse pensamento há muito intriga o autor, pois não é o que suas vi...

    7,66 €

  • O Respeitável Mercado Musical Mais Racista De Todos Os Tempos
    Jorge Hilton
    Há tempos que muitas pessoas vêm manifestando indignação diante de um fenômeno silenciado na grande mídia: a ausência de negros e indígenas de sucesso na música sertaneja. Após a morte do cantor João Paulo, que fazia dupla com Daniel, este mercado impôs uma barreira para os artistas não-brancos, promovendo uma exclusão sem precedentes no gênero, que em seu embrião e desenvolvim...

    22,88 €

  • Miradas a todo color
    Cecilia González-Andrieu / Kochurani Abraham / Kwok Pui-lan / Lucia Vantini / Maricel Mena López / Maricel S. Ibita / Marilou S. Ibita / Marilú Rojas Salazar / Mireia Vidal Quintero / Silvia Martínez Cano / Wonhee Anne Joh
    Desde las Filipinas a México, y desde la India a los Estados Unidos, las autoras aquí reunidas invitan a expandir los colores de nuestra mirada al identificar y analizar las estructuras profundas de la colonialidad y las prácticas de dominio, marginación y exclusión que comportan, siempre desde una clave teológica feminista que nace precisamente de su experiencia.El estado de g...

    29,00 €

  • A Belated Industry
    Jane Addams
    At the turn of the 20th century, social reformer Jane Addams provides a thought-provoking look at the economic vulnerabilities facing young working women in America’s industrial centers. Addams’ account draws on her groundbreaking work at Chicago’s Hull House settlement, casting an empathetic yet unflinching eye on the harsh realities of poverty and gender inequality.Through pi...

    5,26 €

  • Paradigms Powering China’s Rise
    Belal Ehsan Baaquie
    The primary aim of this book is to understand the ground-breaking paradigms and policies that have powered China’s remarkable rise: from an agricultural society to an industrial powerhouse and a leading nation - and that too in a span of merely forty years from 1979 to 2019. The book covers the rise of China up to 2019 and is divided into five parts. The first part takes a stra...

    93,68 €

  • Movilidad humana y derechos sociales en américa del sur
    Cécile Blouin
    Este libro reúne aportes teóricos sobre derechos sociales en la movilidad humana en la migración internacional, con estudios de caso en Argentina y Chile, desde una perspectiva pluridisciplinaria. Esta publicación no solo ofrece un riguroso análisis legal del grado de protección y garantía de los derechos sociales para las personas migrantes y refugiadas, sino que invita a una ...

    10,04 €

  • Liberated
    Jill E. Schultz
    In Liberated, Jill E. Schultz courageously shares her story, shedding light on a taboo topic untouched until now. She bravely opens up about the aftermath of her own childhood trauma that led her down a curious path of experimentation with other children when she was only a child herself, and the years she spent in shame and self-loathing. Inside these pages, you’ll meet brave ...

    25,03 €

  • Liberated
    Jill E. Schultz
    In Liberated, Jill E. Schultz courageously shares her story, shedding light on a taboo topic untouched until now. She bravely opens up about the aftermath of her own childhood trauma that led her down a curious path of experimentation with other children when she was only a child herself, and the years she spent in shame and self-loathing. Inside these pages, you’ll meet brave ...

    17,63 €

  • Reclaiming Time
    Tanya Ann Kennedy
    Offers an interdisciplinary feminist framework for conceptualizing time and temporal justice as a form of reparation. ...

    126,95 €

  • Surviving A Narcissist
    Christy Brandon
    You don’t have to feel like your best isn’t good enough. Take back your voice and start leading a life that aligns with your own values instead of someone else’s.If you yearn to make a change and end years of abuse and toxicity, then are already a step ahead of your abuser.Perhaps you question if there was something in you that attracted the narcissistic abuser to your life.Yet...

    23,47 €

  • The spatiality and temporality of urban violence
    This interdisciplinary edited volume studies practices and representations of urban violence from a spatiotemporal perspective. It discusses how the spatial and temporal characteristics of the urban can produce and shape violence, and how practices as well as memories of violence transform spatialities and temporalities of cities. ...

    169,41 €

  • How to Unite the Left on Animals
    John Tallent
    Similar to how Trump and QAnon supporters and climate change denialists ignore or outright do not understand reality, Leftists also ignore or have been misinformed about reality. The truth is that our understandings of diet, environmentalism, animal cognition, veganism, animal rights, nutrition, and many other things are severely incorrect. Our abilities to use logic are too of...

    19,32 €

  • Perché le Donne Meritano di Più
    Daria Gałek
    'Perché le Donne Meritano di Più' è un ispirante libro che pone un’enfasi sull’importanza dell’uguaglianza di genere e spiega perché questa non sia soltanto una questione di giustizia, ma anche un motore per una società migliore. L’autore presenta in modo accessibile argomenti e prove su perché le donne meritino migliori condizioni e trattamento in tutti gli aspetti della vita....

    14,20 €

  • Covid-19
    José Ruiz Watzeck
    O livroA Geopolítica da Pandemiaoferece uma análise profunda e abrangente das complexas interconexões entre saúde global, geopolítica e meio ambiente. Explorando desde os desdobramentos iniciais da pandemia de COVID-19 até as lições aprendidas para o futuro, este livro examina como a governança global, a gestão ambiental e a resiliência das comunidades desempenham papéis crucia...

    19,19 €

  • Conto - Ligações De Uma Paixão
    Duarte M. B.
    Sinopse: O amor tem seus caminhos misteriosos para fazer se encontrarem duas pessoas. Após isso o que os movem, influenciam, inspiram e faz acontecer adanadada paixão-amor? Será uma meraQuímica, Destino, Acaso,Vontade e ou Desejos de e entre essas duas pessoas? Muitas indagações e reflexões ainda envolvem os sentimentos denominados de amor e paixão, mas aqui amor e paixão serão...

    10,19 €

  • Debt Crisis and Popular Social Protest in Sri Lanka
    S. Janaka Biyanwila
    Fusing the regional with the global, this book widens its perspective from a distinct, national moment to an international interdependency with the power to ripple across every corner of the globe. ...

    149,71 €

  • Jael The Conqueror
    Donald R Downing
    In the sacred pages of the Bible, one name stands out among the courageous and relentless warriors: Jael. This captivating tale resurrects her story, bringing to life a woman of God who defied all expectations and shattered societal norms.From a young age, Jael displayed an unwavering faith and an extraordinary strength that would shape her destiny as a Hebrew warrior. Born in ...

    25,23 €

  • Applying Interdisciplinarity to Globalization, Management, Marketing, and Accountancy Science
    Ladislava Knihová / Lubomír Civín / Vladislav Pavlát
    With the world becoming increasingly interconnected and complex, traditional means are no longer sufficient to address complex global issues. Scholars often struggle to navigate the intricate web of interdisciplinary research and theory. This gap in understanding leaves many academics feeling adrift in their pursuit of knowledge, unable to harness the full potential of interdis...

    314,64 €

  • Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education
    This book explores Intercultural Citizenship across a variety of US learning contexts. The chapters, which comprise both conceptual and empirical studies, represent a wide variety of languages at levels ranging from beginner to advanced. They urge us to look at how Intercultural Citizenship enhances and expands the work of world language educators. ...

    48,15 €

  • Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education
    This book explores Intercultural Citizenship across a variety of US learning contexts. The chapters, which comprise both conceptual and empirical studies, represent a wide variety of languages at levels ranging from beginner to advanced. They urge us to look at how Intercultural Citizenship enhances and expands the work of world language educators. ...

    169,76 €

  • Women’s Rights, Gender Wrongs
    Women’s Rights, Gender Wrongs explores the diverse ways that the global spread of gender-identity ideology has affected all aspects of women’s lives. Writers from all continents and all walks of life discuss its personal and professional impacts on many levels. They range from a myth-busting Brazilian academic to an Angolan lesbian, from a Canadian ex-prisoner to the mother of ...

    22,53 €

  • The Coming Race Wars
    William Pannell
    In the wake of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, Fuller Seminary theologian William Pannell decried the sentiment among white evangelicals that racism was no longer an urgent matter. In The Coming Race Wars? he meticulously unpacked reasons why our nation-and the church-needed to come to terms with our complicity in America’s racial transgressions before we face a more dire reckoning...

    20,05 €

  • Women Empowerment and the Feminist Agenda in Africa
    This book argues that African women’s lived experiences are often spoken about authoritatively by people who are not included within this demographic, relegating these women to the role of spectators in their own stories. The dominant narratives of African womanhood, legitimized by intellectual discourse, are neither written by African women nor Africans in general. This book s...

    216,22 €

  • Home in Transition
    Meike Watzlawik
    This book presents an integrative perspective on home or Heimat showing that it is much more than the place we were born or where we live. This book brings fresh theoretical and empirical perspectives on what home is and can be from different viewpoints. The chapters invite the reader to face challenging questions of what we learn about Heimat, when it is taken from us, threate...

    71,48 €

  • Home in Transition
    Meike Watzlawik
    This book presents an integrative perspective on home or Heimat showing that it is much more than the place we were born or where we live. This book brings fresh theoretical and empirical perspectives on what home is and can be from different viewpoints. The chapters invite the reader to face challenging questions of what we learn about Heimat, when it is taken from us, threate...

    127,74 €