
Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Economía (33707)

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  • Défis technologiques et opportunités pour le yerba maté ombré
    Renê Galiciolli / Vitor Afonso Hoeflich
    L’étude examine le scénario actuel du secteur de la production de yerba mate dans la région de la municipalité d’União da Vitória, dans l’État du Paraná, en s’intéressant à la production et à la transformation du yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A.St. Hil). Le yerba mate est actuellement une culture de base et le principal produit non ligneux de l’agro-industrie forestière dans ...

    110,28 €

  • Sfide tecnologiche e opportunità per l’erba mate ombreggiata
    Renê Galiciolli / Vitor Afonso Hoeflich
    Lo studio analizza lo scenario attuale del settore della produzione di yerba mate nella regione del Comune di União da Vitória, nello Stato del Paraná, affrontando la produzione e la lavorazione della yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A.St. Hil). La yerba mate è attualmente una coltura di base e il principale prodotto non legnoso dell’industria agroforestale della regione di stud...

    110,31 €

  • Технологические проблемы и возможности для затененного мате
    Витор Афонсо Хоефлич / Ренê Галициолли
    В исследовании рассматривается текущий сценарий развития сектора производства мате в регионе муниципалитета Униан-да-Витория, штат Парана, с учетом производства и переработки мате (Ilex paraguariensis A.St. Hil). В настоящее время мате является основной сельскохозяйственной культурой и основным недревесным продуктом лесного агробизнеса в исследуемом регионе. Производство мате о...

    60,58 €

  • Évolution du système politique brésilien et de ses institutions
    Edeson Oliveira Junior
    La politique institutionnelle brésilienne présente un phénomène intriguant : le manque de cohérence des politiques économiques qui se reflète dans la croissance économique. Par conséquent, l’objectif de cette étude est de construire une interprétation de la réalité brésilienne liée à l’interaction des institutions politiques et économiques et de les classer, sur la base des rés...

    55,29 €

  • Эволюция политической системы Бразилии и ее институтов
    Эде Оливейра Джуниор
    В институциональной политике Бразилии наблюдается интригующий феномен: отсутствие последовательности в экономической политике, отражающееся на темпах экономического роста. Поэтому целью данного исследования является построение интерпретации бразильской реальности, связанной с взаимодействием политических и экономических институтов, и классификация их на основе результатов, полу...

    26,61 €

  • Evoluzione del sistema politico brasiliano e delle sue istituzioni
    Edeson Oliveira Junior
    La politica istituzionale brasiliana presenta un fenomeno intrigante: la mancanza di coerenza nelle politiche economiche che si riflette sulla crescita economica. Pertanto, l’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di costruire un’interpretazione della realtà brasiliana legata all’interazione tra istituzioni politiche ed economiche e di classificarle, sulla base dei risultati otten...

    55,22 €

  • Entwicklung des brasilianischen politischen Systems und seiner Institutionen
    Edeson Oliveira Junior
    Die brasilianische institutionelle Politik weist ein faszinierendes Phänomen auf: den Mangel an Konsistenz in der Wirtschaftspolitik, der sich im Wirtschaftswachstum widerspiegelt. Ziel dieser Studie ist es daher, eine Interpretation der brasilianischen Realität in Bezug auf die Interaktion von politischen und wirtschaftlichen Institutionen zu erstellen und diese auf der Grundl...

    55,35 €

  • Evolution of the Brazilian political system and its institutions
    Edeson Oliveira Junior
    Brazilian institutional policy has an intriguing phenomenon: the lack of consistency in economic policies reflected in economic growth. Therefore, the aim of this study is to construct an interpretation of the Brazilian reality related to the interaction of political and economic institutions and to classify them, based on the results obtained over the years, into Extractive or...

    55,22 €

  • The Sabotage
    GEW Reports & Analyses Team.
    'The Sabotage' comprehensively examines the geopolitical competition between China and the United States. It focuses on these powers’ strategic initiatives and manoeuvres to assert their global influence.Introduction: The book outlines the intensifying global competition, with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a focal point. This monumental project, envisioned by Chines...

    31,73 €

  • Effective Digital Marketing for Improving Society Behavior Toward DEI and SDGs
    As the world continues to grapple with issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), organizations face numerous challenges in determining the most effective digital marketing strategies to promote DEI and contribute to achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). These challenges can include determining the main objectives, deciding on the ideal means to communicate wit...

    235,81 €

  • Financial Evaluation and Risk Management of Infrastructure Projects
    In light of the recent financial crisis in Europe and the increasing importance of sustainability in construction, insights and practical guidance for financial evaluation and risk management of infrastructure projects are extremely valuable for a well-planned future. It can make a massive difference in the outcomes of construction projects that have access to the 'future econo...

    222,46 €

  • Hidden WOMBAT
    Rush Bartlett / Topher Kinsella
    Good ideas are killing great companies.A waste of money, brains, and time (WOMBAT) is guaranteed if your company thinks product first, market second.Every late-stage failure, every pivot, is a testament to this. When you’re wrong about the market, you cannot be right about the product, so how do we fix this fundamental error?Needs-Driven Innovation (NDI)-inspired by Stanford Un...

    25,14 €

  • Attainable Sustainability
    Adriel Lubarsky
    Are you prepared for sustainability to be a regulated market requirement for your business? Do you understand how to leverage carbon offsets, avoid greenwashing lawsuits, and turn sustainability into a profit center for your business?Sustainability is moving from a market advantage to a market requirement. Companies who don’t act quickly and thoughtfully risk alienated customer...

    9,12 €

  • DINAMICHE GEOPOLITICHE MONDIALI 1814-1918. Il conflitto anglo-tedesco
    John Karkazis
    Questo libro presenta un’analisi concisa dell’ambiente geopolitico (alleanze e conflitti) dell’Europa per il periodo che va dalle guerre napoleoniche alla Prima guerra mondiale, concentrandosi sulle opzioni e le iniziative geostrategiche del Regno Unito, il principale attore geopolitico mondiale. In questo contesto, esamina i conflitti anglo-tedeschi, anglo-francesi e russo-gia...

    77,90 €

  • DINÂMICA GEOPOLÍTICA MUNDIAL 1814-1918. O conflito anglo-alemão
    John Karkazis
    Este livro apresenta uma análise concisa do ambiente geopolítico (alianças e conflitos) da Europa no período que vai das guerras napoleónicas à Primeira Guerra Mundial, centrando-se nas opções e iniciativas geoestratégicas do Reino Unido, o principal ator geopolítico mundial. Neste contexto, examina os conflitos anglo-alemães, anglo-franceses e russo-japoneses na Europa, em Áfr...

    77,89 €

  • DYNAMIQUE GÉOPOLITIQUE MONDIALE 1814-1918. Le conflit anglo-allemand
    John Karkazis
    Ce livre présente une analyse concise de l’environnement géopolitique (alliances et conflits) de l’Europe pour la période allant des guerres napoléoniennes à la Première Guerre mondiale, en se concentrant sur les options et initiatives géostratégiques du Royaume-Uni, le principal acteur géopolitique mondial. Dans ce contexte, il examine les conflits anglo-allemand, anglo-frança...

    77,89 €

  • WELTWEITE GEOPOLITISCHE DYNAMIK 1814-1918. Der deutsch-britische Konflikt
    John Karkazis
    Dieses Buch enthält eine prägnante Analyse des geopolitischen Umfelds (Bündnisse und Konflikte) in Europa für den Zeitraum von den Napoleonischen Kriegen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den geostrategischen Optionen und Initiativen des Vereinigten Königreichs, des weltweit führenden geopolitischen Akteurs, liegt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die deutsch-eng...

    77,86 €

  • МИРОВАЯ ГЕОПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ДИНАМИКА 1814-1918 ГГ. Англо-германский конфликт
    Джон Карказис
    В книге представлен краткий анализ геополитической обстановки (союзов и конфликтов) в Европе за период от Наполеоновских войн до Первой мировой войны с акцентом на геостратегические возможности и инициативы Великобритании, ведущего мирового геополитического игрока. В этом контексте рассматриваются англо-германский, англо-французский и русско-японский конфликты в Европе, Африке ...

    39,97 €

  • Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted to Know
    Dr. Amlan Ray / Vibrant Publishers
    Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know is an introduction to the requisites of macroeconomics, for beginners and veterans alike.Learn the concepts of macroeconomics and the logic behind various economic policies adopted at national and global levels.Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know sheds light on the essential concepts of macroeconomics and how t...

    41,70 €

  • Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted to Know
    Dr. Amlan Ray / Vibrant Publishers
    Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know is an introduction to the requisites of macroeconomics, for beginners and veterans alike.Learn the concepts of macroeconomics and the logic behind various economic policies adopted at national and global levels.Macroeconomics Essentials You Always Wanted To Know sheds light on the essential concepts of macroeconomics and how t...

    62,30 €

  • Global Libidinal Economy
    Gavin Fridell / Ilan Kapoor / Maureen Sioh
    Claims unconscious desire plays a constitutive role in global political economy. ...

    44,80 €

  • Opțiunile binare
    Benjamin Daniel / Ligia Constantinescu
    Vrei să înveți cum să tranzacționezi opțiuni binare? Ai mai tranzacționat înainte și te-ai străduit să faci profit?Nu-ți face griji! În această carte, te voi îndruma și te voi învăța tot ce trebuie să știi despre tranzacționarea opțiunilor binare.Îți prezint și o strategie simplă și puternică de a tranzacționa cu tendințe și o strategie de gestionare a banilor, pentru a-ți creș...

    17,19 €

  • Paradigms Powering China’s Rise
    Belal Ehsan Baaquie
    The primary aim of this book is to understand the ground-breaking paradigms and policies that have powered China’s remarkable rise: from an agricultural society to an industrial powerhouse and a leading nation - and that too in a span of merely forty years from 1979 to 2019. The book covers the rise of China up to 2019 and is divided into five parts. The first part takes a stra...

    93,68 €

  • Global Corporate Finance
    Suk H Kim
    Global Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach, 4th edition (GCF4) introduces students and practitioners to the principles that are essential to the understanding of global financial problems and the policies that global business managers contend with. The objective of this book is to equip current and future business leaders with the tools they need to interpret the issues, to m...

    134,31 €

  • La descentralización pasmada
    Efraín Gonzales de Olarte
    Este libro analiza el proceso de descentralización en el Perú, iniciado en 2003, en la producción, la distribución, el empleo, el bienestar y el desarrollo humano con el fin de verificar si ha contribuido a la solución de los tres problemas estructurales en las regiones: la débil integración, la divergencia en el crecimiento y las desigualdades entre regiones y dentro de ellas....

    10,15 €

  • Steel and Progress
    ELIO E
    In this preface, we emphasize the pivotal role of the Indian steel industry in driving India’s economic growth. We highlight steel as an essential product for the development of any modern economy, often considered the backbone of human civilization. The per capita steel consumption serves as a crucial indicator of a country’s socioeconomic development and living standards.Indi...

    27,71 €

  • The Empire of Value
    Andre Orlean / M. B. Debevoise

    43,53 €

  • Bitcoin is Better
    Daniel Hershberger
    In a world where the working class struggles against the tide of unnatural inflation, this illuminating read unveils the power of bitcoin as nature’s true currency. Journeying from Wall Street to the Himalayan mountains, Daniel exposes the sinister plot of the Keynesian Kings and explores how a simple, transparent, and energy-driven digital money can become a unifying force to ...

    15,18 €

  • Unleash Your Digital Destiny
    Igor Ujhazi
    Shifting landscape of the digital age forces us to beckon 2024 as a year of unprecedented opportunity and transformation. The internet, once a marvel, has now become the lifeblood of global commerce, uniting people and ideas across the world. If you’ve ever dreamt of building a thriving online business, the time to seize this potential is now.'Digital Mastery' is more than just...

    21,42 €

  • Contratos Empresariais
    Jerfferson Da Mata Almeida E Wallace Fabrício Paiva Souza
    Dando sequência ao projeto de construir um material de Direito Empresarial de forma mais didática para os nossos alunos, finalizamos mais uma obra, desta vez sobre Contratos Empresariais. Como Professores, temos a missão de contribuir para que o aprendizado do aluno seja eficaz, o que pode se dar de várias formas. Ao longo de nossa experiência docente, sempre buscamos dar o máx...

    20,22 €