Educación pedagogía

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía (67417)

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  • Simple Guide for Teachers and Trainers
    Narita Rahl

    26,64 €

  • So You Wanna Be a Doctor?
    S. Green / SGreen
    Becoming a doctor is an extremely difficult endeavor, and 'So You Wanna be a Doctor?' is an attempt to make each step just a little easier. It provides a guide for those who wish to choose medicine as a career. It is a lighthearted yet informative step-by-step outline of the best methods to gain entrance into medical school. Interspersed between key sections, full of important ...

    30,33 €

  • Road Warrior Without an Expense Account
    Jason Heath
    Rethinking Music Performance for the 21st-Century Musician ...

    17,64 €

  • The Eclectic Manual of Methods for the Assistance of Teachers
    An Unknown Author
    This historical manual for primary school teachers was designed for use alongside textbooks of the 1880s, and provides abundant insight into the classrooms of the era.Written at a time when most teaching in America took place in small schoolhouses, the author - who wrote anonymously - speaks of the sheer demand for standardized guidance among teachers of the time. There was no ...

    15,07 €

  • The Subjection of Women
    John Stuart MILL
     The object of this Essay is to explain as clearly as I am able, the grounds of an opinion which I have held from the very earliest period when I had formed any opinions at all on social or political matters, and which, instead of being weakened or modified, has been constantly growing stronger by the progress of reflection and the experience of life: That the principle which r...

    24,67 €

  • Lecture on Education
    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann was an early proponent of universal public education in the United States; these writings summarize his views and ideals about making tutoring available to every child in the nation.Born to a farmer of modest circumstances, Mann knew what it was like to be disadvantaged by birth; he obtained merely six weeks of schooling a year for most of his childhood. Yet his cur...

    9,34 €

  • Valerius Terminus
    Sir Francis Bacon
    It is impossible to ascertain the motive which determined Bacon to give to the supposed author the name of "Valerius Terminus-Of the Interpretation of Nature", or to his commentator, of whose annotations we have no remains, that of Hermes Stella. It may be conjectured that by the name Terminus he intended to intimate that the new philosophy would put an end to the wandering of ...

    18,42 €