Empresa y gestión

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Empresa y gestión (94063)

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  • مبادئ إدارة الأعمال ونظريات المنظمة
    فاطمة سعدي
    يعتبر هذا الكتاب زبدة جهد متواصل لجمع العديد من الامتحانات ومسابقات الدكتوراه سواء على مستوى الجامعات الجزائرية أو بعض الجامعات العربية، حيث يحتوى على ملخصات للدروس والمحاضرات على شكل إجابات عن الأسئلة المتعلقة بمبادئ إدارة الأعمال ونظريات المنظمة، وهو يكفي لكي يقدم لقارئه خلاصة مفيدة من اجل الحصول على التصحيح النموذجي لامتحانات ومسابقات الدراسات العليا (نظام ل.م.د والماستر وال...

    38,99 €

  • Fashion Planner
    Tina Pencinger
    What is that you can find here that is worth buying it? It’s filled with locations and dates of fashion shows, relevant fashion events and suggestions about fashion museums in the world, fashionable and stylish ’how to’ tips, quotes of fashion and business people, fashion illustrations, and squares, lines and blanks for your dreams, plans, ideas and actions. It is 166 pages of ...

    21,78 €

  • 4 strategie essenziali per il tuo business nel 2018
    Davide Ippolito
    Scopri le nuove frontiere del Marketing alla base del successo delle più grandi realtà italiane e internazionali e impara come implementarle all’interno della tua organizzazione. ...

    11,60 €

  • The Insurance Field Book
    Fouad Husseini
    An easy-to-understand pocketbook for anyone involved or interested in insurance. ...

    44,38 €

  • Getting Closer with LibreOffice Writer
    LibreOffice Indonesia Group
    This book aims to be one of resources for people who want to go deep into and get more knowledge in term of LibreOffice Writer. It titled 'Getting Closer With LibreOffice Writer' which we dedicate for All Indonesian people and all human race. LibreOffice is a free software as office software (office suite) which developed from OpenOffice by The Document Foundation organization ...

    26,79 €

  • Free Video Editor Software Untuk Windows, Mac Dan Linux Edisi Bahasa Inggris
    Cyber Jannah Studio
    Daftar lengkap koleksi free dan opensource software video editor yang tersedia untuk system operasi Windows, Ubuntu Linux dan Mac. Untuk kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa, youtube creator, animator dan pembuat film indie.The complete list free and opensource video editor software available on Windows, Ubuntu Linux, BSD and Macintosh for college student, youtube creator and indie movi...

    16,86 €

  • Panduan Cara Partisi Hardisk Dan SSD Dengan Windows 10 Untuk Pemula Lengkap Dengan Gambar
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Tutorial panduan membuat partisi hardisk dan ssd menggunakan Windows 10 untuk pemula lengkap dengan gambar. Tutorial guide to create hard disk partition and ssd using Windows 10 for beginner complete with picture in indonesia languange. ...

    16,96 €

  • Digital Workforce Transformation
    Colin Beames
    Technological developments, digital disruption and the changing nature of work are issues that are front and centre in the contemporary business landscape, causing organisations to review their business models. Changes to the business model means changes to the shape of the workforce. It is mission-critical to anticipate how changing strategies and business models will alter an...

    39,95 €

  • Notes
    Reyhana Ismail
    An unlined notebook with space to write in the date and a title. Hardback, 54 pages, in a beautiful Moroccan-style pattern. ...

    26,53 €

  • Panduan Cara Memulihkan Sandi Akun Gmail Google Yang Hilang Dan Terlupakan Untuk Pemula
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Panduan cara merecovery dan memulihkan akun google gmail yang hilang atau terlupakan secara bertahap di lengkapi gambar untuk pemula.Guidelines on how to recover and recover lost or forgotten Google Gmail accounts gradually in the complete picture for beginners in indonesia languange. ...

    14,29 €

  • Panduan Transfer Uang Lewat ATM Ke Sesama Bank Dan Bank Yang Berbeda Untuk Pemula
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Panduan Transfer Uang Menggunakan ATM Ke Rekening Sesama Bank Dan Ke Rekening Bank Yang Berbeda Untuk Pemula Secara Bertahap Lengkap Dengan Gambar Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. ...

    11,04 €

  • How to Install Lubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver Dual Boot with Windows 10
    Cyber Jannah Studio
    Lubuntu is based on the LXDE environment which aims to be lightweight. It’s a great distribution as it aims to keep the impact on your system low and takes up fewer resources. Lubuntu si very good lightweight operating system for old pc and netbook. This ebook is focused on the steps to install Lubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver in dual boot with Windows 10.Lubuntu 18.04 is a long ter...

    14,20 €

  • INVISTA NA COSTA DO MARFIM - Visit Ivory Coast - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    A Costa do Marfim é um país localizado na África Ocidental, no hemisfério norte, entre o Trópico de Câncer e o Equador.É limitado a norte por Burkina-Faso e Mali. A oeste, pela Libéria, a noroeste pela Guiné, a leste pelo Gana e é limitado a sul pelo Oceano Atlântico.Sua área é de 322.462 km2, para uma população de aproximadamente 23.202.000 habitantes.A capital política do paí...

    79,48 €

  • INVEST IN IVORY COAST - Visit Ivory Coast - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Ivory Coast is a country located in West Africa, in the northern hemisphere, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator.It is bounded to the north by Burkina-Faso and Mali. To the west, by Liberia, to the northwest by Guinea, to the east by Ghana and is bordered to the south by the Atlantic Ocean.Its area is 322,462 km2, for a population of approximately 23,202,000 inhabitant...

    79,48 €

  • Escuta Ativa
    Lilly De Sisto
    ✓ Finalmente, o manual para saber tudo, saber realmente como ouvir os outros está disponível!Você finalmente encontrou o livro que estava procurando: página após página, você poderá embarcar em um caminho que irá guiá-lo, passo a passo, ao conhecimento da comunicação efetiva com outras pessoas!Nas 110 páginas do livro, você conhecerá e entenderá os seguintes tópicos:- Tipos de ...

    38,24 €

  • Escucha Activa
    Lilly De Sisto
    ✓ Por fin disponible el manual para saberlo todo, pero realmente todo, sobre la escucha real de los demás!Por fin ha encontrado el libro que buscaba: página tras página, podrá emprender un camino que le guiará, paso a paso, hacia el conocimiento de cómo comunicarse eficazmente con otras personas.En las 110 páginas del libro, podrá conocer y comprender los siguientes temas:- Tip...

    37,97 €

  • INVEST IN MAURITANIA - Visit Mauritania - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    A vast country of one million thirty thousand km² (1,030,700), Mauritania is populated by nearly four million inhabitants. The country has significant natural resources: iron ore, gold and copper, oil and gas, as well as one of the most fish-rich coasts in the world. It is irrigated to the south by the Senegal River. Extensive livestock farming and irrigated and rain-fed crops ...

    50,91 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN MAURETANIEN - Visit Mauritania - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Mauretanien ist ein riesiges Land mit einer Million dreißigtausend km² (1.030.700) und hat fast vier Millionen Einwohner. Das Land verfügt über bedeutende Bodenschätze: Eisenerz, Gold und Kupfer, Öl und Gas sowie eine der fischreichsten Küsten der Welt. Es wird im Süden vom Senegal-Fluss bewässert. Extensive Viehwirtschaft und Bewässerungs- und Regenfeldbau sind die traditionel...

    69,44 €

  • INVISTA NA TANZÂNIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    A Tanzânia, oficialmente a República Unida da Tanzânia, é um país da África Oriental na região dos Grandes Lagos Africanos. Faz fronteira com Uganda ao norte; Quênia ao nordeste; Ilhas Comoro e Oceano Índico a leste; Moçambique e Malawi ao sul; Zâmbia a sudoeste; e Ruanda, Burundi e República Democrática do Congo, a oeste. O Monte Kilimanjaro, a montanha mais alta da África, fi...

    107,74 €

  • INVEST IN TANZANIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is a country in East Africa within the African Great Lakes region. It borders Uganda to the north; Kenya to the northeast; Comoro Islands and the Indian Ocean to the east; Mozambique and Malawi to the south; Zambia to the southwest; and Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Mount Kilimanjaro,...

    88,42 €

  • INVISTA NO ZIMBÁBUE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    O livro INVISTA NA TANZÂNIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles já está a caminho de Brasília e será entregue nas mãos do Presidente Lula, como podem ver no Shipment abaixo.A Agência de Investimento e Desenvolvimento do Zimbábue (ZIDA), é uma agência de investimento responsável pela promoção e facilitação do investimento local e estrangeiro no país. Surgiu como uma integração de tr...

    85,36 €

  • INVISTA NO ZIMBÁBUE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    O livro INVISTA NA TANZÂNIA - Visit Tanzania - Celso Salles já está a caminho de Brasília e será entregue nas mãos do Presidente Lula, como podem ver no Shipment abaixo.A Agência de Investimento e Desenvolvimento do Zimbábue (ZIDA), é uma agência de investimento responsável pela promoção e facilitação do investimento local e estrangeiro no país. Surgiu como uma integração de tr...

    112,51 €

  • INVEST IN ZIMBABWE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Zimbabwe is a land linked country in Southern Africa bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west and southwest, Zambia to the northwest and Mozambique to the east and northeast. A journey to Zimbabwe will take you through breath taking landscapes, from the highveld, balancing boulders, flaming msasa trees, and lush mountains. Zimbabwe is the home to the greatest...

    85,36 €

  • Employee Handbook
    Peter Ingrasselino™
    This Handbook is for the smaller scale business in the Hospitality Industry it covers ALL aspects ...

    29,87 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN SIMBABWE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Simbabwe ist ein Binnenstaat im südlichen Afrika und grenzt im Süden an Südafrika, im Westen und Südwesten an Botswana, im Nordwesten an Sambia und im Osten und Nordosten an Mosambik. Eine Reise nach Simbabwe führt Sie durch atemberaubende Landschaften, vom Hochland über balancierende Felsen, flammende Msasa-Bäume und üppige Berge. Simbabwe ist die Heimat der größten Wasserfäll...

    81,19 €

  • Career Advice for Engineering Professionals
    Angelo A. Keene
    An informal grouping of personal advice and lessons learned from more than thirty seven years of engineering software development experience. This book includes space to add your own notes and advice as well. ...

    46,92 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN SENEGAL - Invest in Senegal - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    An der Westküste Afrikas, zwischen 12°88 und 16°41 nördlicher Breite und 11°21 und 17°32 westlicher Länge, liegt Senegal am westlichen Ende des afrikanischen Kontinents in seiner am weitesten fortgeschrittenen Lage im Atlantischen Ozean eine Drehkreuzposition, die Afrika mit dem Rest der Welt verbindet. Es gilt als das einfachste und schnellste Tor nach Westafrika und eröffnet ...

    91,85 €

  • Other People’s Money and How The Bankers Use It
    Louis D. Brandeis
    While Louis D. Brandeis’s series of articles on the money trust was running in Harper’s Weekly many inquiries came about publication in more accessible permanent form. Even without such urgence through the mail, however, it would have been clear that these articles inevitably constituted a book, since they embodied an analysis and a narrative by that mind which, on the great in...

    15,49 €

  • INVEST IN MOZAMBIQUE - Visit Mozambique - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Mozambique is a country on the east coast of Southern Africa, bounded by: Tanzania to the north; to the northwest, Malawi and Zambia; to the west, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland; to the south, South Africa; to the east, the section of the Indian Ocean known as the Mozambique Channel.In the Mozambique Channel, neighbors are Madagascar and the Comoros (including the French ...

    48,88 €

  • Reputazione
    Davide Ippolito
    PRONTI PER LA QUINTA RIVOLUZIONE INDUSTRIALE?La Reputazione è il capitale intangibile del prossimo millennioOggi la Reputazione assume un’importanza inedita.Davide Ippolito ci guida in un mondo nel quale la Reputazione diventa vero e pro- prio Capitale d’azienda. Viviamo infatti un tempo dominato dalla costruzione del consenso e non più solo in settori tradizionali come quelli ...

    13,37 €