Estructura y procesos políticos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos (5862)

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    Thomas E. Brymer
    Our democracy is now under attack from within and without as it has never been since the Civil War. Yet, the evidence is clear that Americans are, as a whole, civically illiterate, and woefully unprepared for the assault our democracy is undergoing. For Americans to be prepared to function effectively as constructive citizens in their democracy in the 21st century and beyond, t...

    34,10 €

  • Vote For Honesty and Get Democracy Done
    Ann Whitehead
    The truth matters. As our elected representatives make vital decisions on our behalf, an essential requirement of a functioning democracy is that the people in governance are honest with the electorate. Vote for Honesty and Get Democracy Done: Four Simple Steps to Change Politics seeks solutions to the increasing problem of dishonest behaviour by some UK politicians. It is an a...

    19,06 €

  • Direito Administrativo Destrinchado
    Paula Pignonato
    O livro de estudos e exercícios Direito Administrativo Destrinchado, carrega esse nome não só porque a palavra DESTRINCHAR tem o sentido de esmiuçar (separar em partes) para que cada parte do Direito Administrativo fosse explicada e visualizada da forma mais clara e prática possível, mas também porque a palavra DESTRINCHAR tem o sentido de buscar até encontrar, não para resolve...

    12,82 €

  • The 2020 Portland Riots
    Tommy Clark
    The death of George Floyd in 2020 stimulated violent demonstrations in cities across the world. Police Officer Tommy Clark served on the vanguard of those nightly riots, among the worst in US history.For more than 100 days, extremist groups lay siege to the community through arson, vandalism, and looting. The brave men and women of the Portland Police Bureau risked their lives ...

    10,84 €

  • Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary
    Christopher Holman
    A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes’s political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the nature of democratic life. ...

    121,48 €

  • Political Tribalism in America
    Timothy Redmond
    The democratic ideal demands that the citizenry think critically about matters of public import. Yet many Democrats and Republicans in the United States have fallen short of that standard because political tribalism motivates them to acquire, perceive and evaluate political information in a biased manner. The result is an electorate that is more extreme, hostile and willing to ...

    42,80 €

  • Democracy Disrupted

    108,11 €

  • Actores políticos, elecciones y sistemas de partidos
    Carlos Varetto / Juan Pablo Milanese / Vários Autores
    Los análisis de política subnacional en América Latina llegaron para quedarse y el presente libro consolida esta área de investigación mostrando su versatilidad y aplicabilidad. Los trabajos compilados en este libro reflejan una agenda de investigación muy promisoria y se enmarcan claramente en los avances anteriormente descritos. Es claro lo que ganamos al ampliar nuestro foco...

    16,31 €

  • Walled Culture
    Glyn Moody
    Ed Sheeran and Dua Lipa get sued for alleged plagiarism and the majority of creators see pennies for their work, while the revenues of the record labels are exploding. Libraries struggle to give access to ebooks and get sued by an increasingly more powerful book industry, while publicly funded research papers get locked up. Walled Culture is the first book providing a compact, ...

    10,55 €

  • The Constitution of the United States of America, 1787
    James Madison
    The Constitution of the United States is one of the most important and pivotal documents in history. Strenghten your understanding and build appreciation for the words and sacrifices of our Founding Fathers of America. ...

    7,69 €

  • Normalization of the Global Far Right
    Dr Ulrike M. Vieten / Prof Scott Poynting
    Exploring how the boundary between the extremist far right and centre-right parties and politics became blurred, Normalization of the Global Far Right deconstructs one of the most pressing issues of today: the rise of the far right. ...

    122,66 €

  • O Instituto Do Recall Eleitoral
    Ricardo Sérvulo Fonsêca Da Costaítulo: O INSTITUTO DO RECALL ELEITORALAutor: Ricardo Sérvulo Fonsêca da CostaEditora Norat1ª ediçãoPublicação: 20 de setembro de 2022Categoria: JurídicoÁrea: Direito Eleitoral285 páginasISBN Livro físico 978-65-86183-12-2Sinopse:Tendo por objeto de pesquisa o recall eleitoral evidenciando a possibilidade de sua aplicação no direito pátrio, esse estud...

    14,46 €

  • Notes on Democracy
    H. L. Mencken
    2022 Reprint of the 1926 First Edition.   Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Notes on Democracy is a harsh critique of democracy. The book places political leaders into two categories: the demagogue, who 'preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots' and the pandering politician, 'who listens to...

    18,69 €

  • Teoria Da Pena E Monitoramento Eletrônico
    Thainá Rodrigues Vieira
    O estudo baseia-se na aplicação do referido instrumento no Brasil e no mundo e possui como objetivo geral investigar a possibilidade de aplicá-lo como pena alternativa aos regimes aberto e semiaberto. Tal enfoque justifica-se pelo cenário carcerário atual, pelas falhas operacionais que contribuem para a falta de vagas nos regimes de execução de pena adequados e pela baixa efeti...

    13,70 €

  • Grandpa Says The Wold Must Help Tibetans Liberate Tibet
    Col (retd)
    About The BookThere are over six million Tibetans who live in Tibet under Chinese colonial rule. They have no human rights. Their lands and businesses are handed over to Han and Hui Chinese settlers. Their women are forcibly married off to Chinese settlers. Their religion and cultural heritage are being systematically destroyed. Without outside assistance, all they can do is to...

    19,18 €

  • The Next Benghazi
    Ezekiel Smith
    At approximately 9:40 PM, on September 11, 2012, a culmination of bureaucratic failures materialized as members of a terrorist organization known as Ansar al Sharia attacked the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. That attack resulted in the deaths of US Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. As th...

    17,83 €

  • Fascism
    Leon Trotsky
    'Fascism: What it is and How to fight it' is a collection of writings by Trotsky. Communist leader Leon Trotsky examines the class origins and character of fascist movements. Building on foundations laid by the Communist International in Lenin’s time, Trotsky advances a working-class strategy to combat and defeat this malignant danger.This was one of Trotsky’s great contributio...

    24,92 €

  • Propaganda 2.1
    Peter K. Fallon
    Since the US presidential election of 2016 the words propaganda and fake news have been prominent in American political and cultural discourse. Yet very few people can provide a coherent explanation of what they mean, precisely, when using them. On the two sides of the political spectrum (''red'' and ''blue''), each points out messages from the other side that they think are un...

    23,70 €

  • Propaganda 2.1
    Peter K. Fallon
    Since the US presidential election of 2016 the words propaganda and fake news have been prominent in American political and cultural discourse. Yet very few people can provide a coherent explanation of what they mean, precisely, when using them. On the two sides of the political spectrum (''red'' and ''blue''), each points out messages from the other side that they think are un...

    35,63 €

  • The Political Seduction of the Church
    Michael L Brown
    Was the relationship between evangelical Christians and Donald Trump a match made in heaven or a marriage made with hell? Did Christian conservatives trade their reputation for a seat at the political table, or is this just a false accusation from the Trump-hating, Christian-bashing, leftist media? And how did Donald Trump go from unlikely presidential candidate to superhero to...

    30,19 €

  • Direito Em Movimento
    Belinda Pereira Da Cunha
    Direito em Movimento é também um tema para além de um título, que surge quando as inquietudes e inseguranças jurídicas e sociais fervilham no contexto ambiental, cronologicamente sentidos pelos seres viventes desse planeta.Em meio aos avanços e retrocessos em matéria ambiental em que pese o princípio da proibição do retrocesso ambiental , não se pode negar a tensão sobre o au...

    18,04 €

  • Asynchronous Exchange
    Anders Baerbock
    During centuries now capitalism sustained and expanded a human world based on monetary fraud, systemic disadvantages, and failed democracies, which massively squandered the Earth’s material resources and irreversibly destroyed countless ecosystems. By the aforesaid means, capitalism severely conditioned the future of humankind on Earth and engendered a factually plutocratic wor...

    63,37 €

  • Consumer Activism
    Eleftheria J. Lekakis
    This book is a comprehensive exploration of the complexities and dilemmas of using the marketplace as an arena for politics. It goes beyond simply buying or boycotting to critically explore how individuals, collectives, corporations and governments do politics with and through consumption. ...

    162,26 €

  • Consumer Activism
    Eleftheria J. Lekakis
    This book is a comprehensive exploration of the complexities and dilemmas of using the marketplace as an arena for politics. It goes beyond simply buying or boycotting to critically explore how individuals, collectives, corporations and governments do politics with and through consumption. ...

    52,95 €

  • Duelo De Titãs: Gigante Verde Amarelo Vs Dragão Vermelho, Numa Guerra Político Ideológica Global
    Antonio Carlos R. De Lima
    Duelo de Titãs: Gigante Verde Amarelo VS Dragão Vermelho, trata da grande batalha entre o patriotismo e o esquerdismo no Brasil, no senário de uma verdadeira guerra político ideológica global.O livro inicia com a frase: Pode-se enganar a todos por algum tempo; pode-se enganar alguns por todo o tempo; mas não se pode enganar a todos o tempo todo (Abraham Lincoln) e termina com a...

    9,36 €

  • Communication Essays
    Rodney G. Miller
    Communicate Personally...a powerful survey that displays how systematic personal communication can foster growth, change, and dialogues that promote organizational and community trust...'- D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review Connecting these seven thought-provoking essays, written over three decades, is a common aim for communication to optimize results - whether t...

    15,50 €

  • The Irish parliament, 1613-89
    Coleman A. Dennehy
    This book is a study of the Irish parliament as an administrative and legal institution. It is particularly interested in how parliament dispatched the business put before it, how its various parts interacted and how this colonial institution engaged with other elements of the administrative machinery both inside and outside the kingdom. ...

    35,67 €

  • The COVID Chronicles
    W. E. Gutman
    Sardonic, iconoclastic, profane, and unapologetically blunt, The COVID Chronicles casts a dystopian eye on the self-inflicted ills that plague mankind - global warming and climatic disasters; unfettered capitalism, corruption, and injustice; greed, violence, and a lust for war; the rising irrelevance of knowledge and the pride of ignorance; the subversion of democracy and the s...

    20,31 €

  • Die Fahne Hoch
    Erwin Reitmann / Fritz Daum / Max Kullak
    Horst Ludwig Georg Erich Wessel, born in Bielefeld in 1907, was the most celebrated martyr of the National Socialist movement. As a Sturmführer in the brown-shirted Sturmabteilung (SA), Horst Wessel led his men in Berlin, where the Communist paramilitary Red Front Fighters’ League did their best to disrupt the activities of the new German Nationalists. In response to his capabl...

    29,17 €

  • Anthem
    Ayn Rand
    Ayn Rand published her book, Anthem, in 1946. In the included foreword she provided, she bemoaned 'people who accept collectivism by moral default' despite there being ample evidence of the bloody consequences of that approach. 'Those who refuse to see it now are neither blind nor innocent.' Sadly, though some seventy years have passed, that evidence has only accumulated and co...

    19,41 €