Estructuras políticas: democracia

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos / Estructuras políticas: democracia (2087)

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  • Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy
    Rodney Wallace Kennedy
    Democracy faces threats from an emerging right-wing movement in democratic governments around the world. This may be even more prevalent in the United States because there is an evil that uses rhetorical tropes to undermine the anchor institutions of democracy: press, courts, universities, and Congress. This evil has a personification--former President Donald Trump. All the rhe...

    40,13 €

    William Gairdner
    William Gairdner, PhD, is a former Olympic athlete, businessman, and author living near Toronto. He began publishing serious essays and books on political and moral philosophy in mid-life, and among his many bestsellers -- books that have profoundly enriched national dialogue and discussion -- are The Trouble With Canada, The War Against the Family, Canada’s Founding Debates, T...

    14,12 €

  • Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary
    Christopher Holman
    A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes’s political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the nature of democratic life. ...

    40,47 €

  • Socialist republic
    Daisy Payling
    This book explores how Sheffield City Council set out to renew left-wing politics in 1980s Britain. Drawing on archival research and oral history interviews, it details the struggle to build a broad-based politics that united class and identity politics and demonstrates how social democracy persisted at a local level under Thatcherism. ...

    157,40 €

  • Erosion of Democracy
    J. Dhopte
    This book is a first part of the series - DEMOCRACY, a series of three books. Democracy during the last decade has suffered a dramatic decline.The constitutional democracies are being overthrown and there is an increase in the regimes that retain the formal institutional trappings while flouting the norms and values on which constitutional democracies are based.The forces of ne...

    22,35 €

  • The Open Society Playbook
    Scott Howard
    In his newest book, Scott Howard, author of The Transgender Industrial Complex, exposes the persons and actors financing the push for globalization and dissolution of national borders. Howard, in his own words, commits the 'thoroughly postmodern crime of telling the truth using the words of the actors committing the acts themselves as evidence.' Just as well-sourced and meticul...

    39,09 €

  • Рациократия
    Алексей Шруб
    Данная книга - это попытка выстроить рационально обоснованную модель (теорию) общественного устройства на основе относительно небольшого набора базовых постулатов и логических рассуждений.Такой подход позволяет обосновывать выбор тех или иных общественных решений, ведь на любой вопрос гражданина вроде 'почему я должен?' или 'почему мне нельзя?' должен быть обоснованный ответ, и...

    23,25 €

  • Institutions and Popular Will in Africa’s Search for Democracy, Development and Peace
    This Festschrift celebrates the life of the late Nigerian political scientist, Oyeleye Oyediran, a highly-respected scholar, who skilfully combined theory with praxis in the quest for Nigerian democracy. The essays in this volume are written by his former students, colleagues and associates, including foremost thinkers and analysts, reflecting on his contributions to scholarshi...

    61,74 €

  • O Pensamento Conservador:
    Eduardo Nunes Jacondino
    O livro foi escrito de modo a analisarmos o tema do conservadorismo, por meio de um olhar voltado às bases teóricas que sedimentaram esta perspectiva. Sabemos que muitas obras foram escritas sobre o conservadorismo, em países como o Brasil. Autores como Paulo Mercadante (2003), José Murilo de Carvalho (2011), João Camilo Torres (2018), Mario Ferreira dos Santos (2012, 2017), Vi...

    11,72 €

  • Tradition and the Deliberative Turn
    Ryan R. Holston
    Reframes the discussion of deliberative democracy in a unique fashion, approaching the debate as a historical conversation. ...

    121,91 €

  • Direito Tributário E Suas Repercussões Socioeconômicas
    Ana Paula Basso E André Luna
    A presente obra coletiva é resultado de um dos projetos propostos pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Estudos de Direito Tributário e suas repercussões socioeconômicas - GPEDTRS (CAPES/CNPQ/UFPB), reforçando seu objetivo em colaborar com a construção de uma sociedade mais justa ofertando conhecimento para diagnóstico e orientações para conjeturar uma política tributária-fiscal eficiente e s...

    33,85 €

  • 夕照漫笔(上)
    中筠 资
    '资中筠先生,大概是今天学术界、文化界、思想界中一位最受尊敬的老前辈了。'--梁文道 '她不阿世、不迎俗,以独立的人格,自立于天地之间。'--杨继绳 '作者绝少废话,叙述简练直白,切中肯綮,持论倘正,隐藏启蒙理想,这是上一世代的大家风范。'--豆瓣读者'无异议' '资中筠先生实乃真的勇士,遗世独立、风骨傲然的士人也!'--豆瓣读者龙辰 本书是继2011年《资中筠自选集》、2013年《老生常谈》之后,著名学者资中筠的又一个自选集,收入其2013-2022年间尚未入集的文章,以及讲座整理稿、访谈记录。全书共两卷、八辑,涉及学术思考、公共话题、私人生活等各个方面。上卷四辑为:文化教育、公益与社会改良、闲情与杂感、访谈录,下卷四辑为:历史与救国、世界观察、思故人、音乐家园。 资先生的主要著...

    28,63 €

  • Sementes Do Conservadorismo Brasileiro
    Cassiano Pastori
    Até pouco tempo o tema conservadorismo foi muito debatido e discutido, ora associando-o às origens das mazelas sociais, ora buscando-o em fontes estrangeiras, para dar-lhe um sentido mais teórico e filosófico. Mas, afinal, o que seria o conservadorismo, donde ele se origina e como se expressa na realidade sociocultural brasileira?Após alguns anos de reflexão e estudos, o presen...

    16,21 €

  • The Trouble With Canada ... STILL!
    William D. Gairdner
    BACK IN PRINT!In 1990 William Gairdner published The Trouble with Canada and it sparked a conservative renewal and inspired a generation.In 1910 he completely this update, The Trouble with Canada ... Still! Gairdner rejoins the battle, showing that Canada suffered a disturbing regime change in the last quarter of the twentieth century and is now caught between two irreconcilabl...

    28,77 €

  • I’ll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It
    Norman Finkelstein
    Norman Finkelstein first made his name while still in graduate school when he exposed an acclaimed national bestseller as a hoax. He went on in subsequent decades to subject Israel’s apologists as well as Holocaust hucksters to withering scrutiny.In his new book, Finkelstein focuses his keen forensic eye on the canonical texts of identity politics. After methodically parsing th...

    23,68 €

  • The Voice of Hope
    Alan E. Clements / Fergus Harlow
    Burma’s nonviolent 'revolution of the spirit' remains one of the most inspiring and significant movements ever. A conclusion to 43 years of investigative research and unique personal involvement by Alan Clements, this urgent book presents not only a compelling case for the release of Burma’s Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners but a meticulous expl...

    25,32 €

  • The Voice of Hope
    Alan E Clements / Fergus Harlow
    Burma’s nonviolent 'revolution of the spirit' remains one of the most inspiring and significant movements ever. A conclusion to 43 years of investigative research and personal involvement by Alan Clements, this book presents not only a compelling case for the release of Burma’s Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners but an explanation for the (corpora...

    25,93 €

  • Political Parties
    Robert Michels / Eden Paul
    This work, first published in German in 1911 introduced the concept of iron law of oligarchy. It is considered one of the classics of social sciences, in particular sociology and political science. This work analyzes the power structures of organizations such as political parties and trade unions. Michels’ main argument is that all organizations, even those in theory most egali...

    12,73 €

  • Kashmir
    Satish Verma
    India’s attainment of Freedom in 1947 was historic. This event marked the birth of Pakistan, and the creation of the conflict on Kashmir as the centre of the debate. In the last six decades, Kashmir has faced political and terrorist activities that are separate from the rest of India and the topic of curiosity.Many national and international writers have written on various aspe...

    24,18 €

  • The Politics of Public Opinion in the Novels of Anthony Trollope
    Jan Gordon
    The Politics of Public Opinion: Trollope's ’Tenth Muse’ takes as its subject the rise of public opinion in the nineteenth-century British novel as (1) a uniquely collective narrative form posing as a singular voice and (2) a 'voice' that distances itself from re-sponsibility by disguising its presence. As both immanent and transcendent, public opinion is aligned with 'empty uni...

    158,33 €

  • Notes on Democracy
    H. L. Mencken
    Notes on Democracy is a 1926 book by American journalist, satirist, cultural critic H. L. Mencken. Notes on Democracy is a critique of democracy. The book places political leaders into two categories: the demagogue, who 'preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots' and the demaslave, 'who listens to what these idiots have to say and then pretends that ...

    16,44 €

  • Notes on Democracy
    H. L. Mencken
    Notes on Democracy is a 1926 book by American journalist, satirist, cultural critic H. L. Mencken. Notes on Democracy is a critique of democracy. The book places political leaders into two categories: the demagogue, who 'preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots' and the demaslave, 'who listens to what these idiots have to say and then pretends that ...

    28,38 €

  • The American Regime
    An Anonymous January 6 Prisoner
    After being targeted by the federal government in the wake of the events on January 6th, 2021, the author of The American Regime delves into the study of history, philosophy, and politics to answer the singular question of our time: what precisely is the nature of the evil that now openly rules over America and, through the American empire, the broader world?The great irony of ...

    28,90 €

  • Reforma Administrativa
    Osvaldo Dalla Coletta
    Reforma Administrativa: substituir o atual sistema administrativo e político presidencialista do Brasil pelo sistema parlamentarista republicano, com voto distrital puro para eleger os parlamentares federais, distritais, estaduais e municipais e, também, para eleger os ocupantes de cargos públicos eletivos de mais nove instituições públicas. Todos os mandatos públicos eletivos ...

    6,99 €

  • Bharat-Cheen
    भारत के समकालीन, राजनीति में आंतरिक एवं बाह्य दोनों क्षेत्रों में सर्वाधिक महत्व है। सौभाग्य से ई. 1979 में विदेश मंत्री स्व. बाजपेयी की बीजिंग यात्रा के बाद दोनों देशों के संबंधों में उत्तरोत्तर सुधार हुआ है। र्दुभाग्य से भारतीय जन मानस में चीन की एक नकारात्मक छवि जो सत्य से अधिक भ्रामक पर आधारित है। इस पुस्तक में उस भ्रमजाल के पार जाकर देखने का निष्पक्ष प्रयास है।पुस्तक में उ...

    17,78 €

  • As Sombras Da Ditadura
    Julis Orácio Felipe
    Nos idos de 1890 começa a se formar na Alemanha um ambiente que, mais tarde, seria entendido como o berço do nazismo. Inúmeras variáveis sociais culminaram com um caldo de cultura que viabilizou a instalação do regime autoritário mais sangrento de que se tem notícia na época moderna, que, só no holocausto nazista gerou, aproximadamente, a morte de 6.000.000 de judeus em campos ...

    10,25 €

  • Democracy in One Book or Less LP
    David Litt

    26,20 €

  • US Fractured
    Dr Shila Patel MD
    AMERICA, WAKE UP! We may be on the verge of a civil war or World War III. Take off your blinders and examine how we are losing our freedoms and democracy. US Fractured is an in-depth study of the sociological events, political uprisings, Supreme Court rulings, economic failures, and conflicts that are continuing to affect the lives of all Americans, both young and old. What cor...

    38,06 €

  • Suchana Ka Adhikar Adhinium (सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम)
    Rajender Pandey
    सूचना का अधिकार एक मौलिक अधिकार है। सभी विकासशील देशों में सूचना का अधिकार जनता को प्राप्त है और भारत में भी इस अधिकार की व्यवस्था कुछ वर्षों पूर्व ही की गई है ताकि आम जनता सरकारी कामकाजों की गहराई तक जाकर सरकार से सवाल कर सके। सूचना की जानकारी होने पर लोगों को सरकार द्वारा लिए गए निर्णयों का पता चल जाता है। इससे सरकारी तंत्र के गलत इस्तेमाल पर रोक लगती है।वर्ष 2005 में 'सूचना...

    16,78 €

  • We’re Not All the Same
    Tracey Hill
    'They all promise you everything, then turn up with a barrel full of mud.' Politicians don’t exactly enjoy a positive image. Anger about the people in power is often understandable, but many of these low opinions seem all-inclusive. Can it really be true that all politicians everywhere are lying, corrupt, inept and cowardly?Campaigner and former councillor Tracey Hill broadens ...

    9,36 €