Estudios étnicos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Grupos sociales / Estudios étnicos (8296)

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  • Патаны в старых социальных структурах и исламский ревизионизм
    Кемал Ыилдирим
    Подавляющее большинство пуштунов проживает на территории, простирающейся от юго-восточного Афганистана до западного Пакистана. Небольшие дополнительные колонии можно найти в Северных районах, оккупированном Пакистаном Кашмире и Карачи в Пакистане, а также в других частях Афганистана. Есть небольшие общины в Иране и Индии, а также большая община рабочих-мигрантов в странах Арави...

    34,83 €

  • Black Sonshine
    Ph.D. Terrance Wells
    Black Sonshine is a refreshing book that offers a comprehensive and new approach to nurturing African American males into adulthood. This powerful body of work is a must-read for Black males, as well as their caregivers. Its brilliant composition provides valuable insights into the psychological development of Black males in America while equipping readers with the tools needed...

    16,47 €

  • Language and Antiracism
    José L. Magro
    Beginning from the premise that being non-racist - and other ’neutral’ positions - are inadequate in the face of a racist society and institutions, this book provides language educators with theoretical knowledge and practical tools to implement antiracist pedagogy in their classrooms. ...

    132,60 €

  • Language and Antiracism
    José L. Magro
    Beginning from the premise that being non-racist - and other ’neutral’ positions - are inadequate in the face of a racist society and institutions, this book provides language educators with theoretical knowledge and practical tools to implement antiracist pedagogy in their classrooms. ...

    41,74 €

  • The World as Abyss
    David Chandler / Jonathan Pugh
    This book is about a distinctive ’abyssal’ approach to the crisis of modernity. In this framing, influenced by contemporary critical Black studies, another understanding of the world of modernity is foregrounded - a world violently forged through the projects of Indigenous dispossession, chattel slavery and colonial world-making. Modern and colonial world-making violently forge...

    18,92 €

  • Ricostruire
    Nel parlare di 'luoghi della memoria' il primo riferimento è spesso a siti di interesse storico legati ad avvenimenti di carattere bellico. Tuttavia l’espressione 'luoghi di memoria' racchiude nella sua matrice semantica una valenza assai più articolata. Un luogo di memoria può essere inteso come una unità significativa, tanto di ordine materiale che ideale, che la volontà degl...

    22,69 €

  • Black Men Who Have Made A Difference
    Minnie L. Ransom
    These brave and resilient modern men such as George Floyd, Tyler Perry, President Barack Obama, Steve Harvey, Mahammad Ali, standing on the shoulders of men like Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jackie Robinson, Dr. Ralph Bunch, Bill Pickett, Dr. Charles Drew, Thurgood Marshall, Elijah McCoy, Benjamin Banneker, and many more of our past who in the face of adversity and ine...

    25,41 €

  • Black Men Who Have Made A Difference
    Minnie L. Ransom
    These brave and resilient modern men such as George Floyd, Tyler Perry, President Barack Obama, Steve Harvey, Mahammad Ali, standing on the shoulders of men like Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Jackie Robinson, Dr. Ralph Bunch, Bill Pickett, Dr. Charles Drew, Thurgood Marshall, Elijah McCoy, Benjamin Banneker, and many more of our past who in the face of adversity and ine...

    18,92 €

    Chindukuri Maneesha / Ghantasala Nirupama / Mude Murali Naik
    La cendre de balle de riz est une bonne source de silice. La teneur en silice de la RHA est de près de 95 %. La silice est utilisée comme matière première pour la fabrication du verre, du caoutchouc, etc. La cendre de balle de riz est utilisée pour l’extraction de la silice car elle est économiquement viable par rapport à d’autres sources. Dans la présente étude, la silice est ...

    61,44 €

    Chindukuri Maneesha / Ghantasala Nirupama / Mude Murali Naik
    La cenere di lolla di riso è una buona fonte di silice. Quasi il 95% del contenuto di silice è presente nella RHA. La silice è utilizzata come materia prima per la produzione di vetro, gomma, ecc. La cenere di lolla di riso viene utilizzata per l’estrazione della silice perché l’RHA è economicamente conveniente rispetto ad altre fonti. Nel presente studio la silice è stata estr...

    61,44 €

    Chindukuri Maneesha / Ghantasala Nirupama / Mude Murali Naik
    A cinza de casca de arroz é uma boa fonte de sílica. Quase 95% do conteúdo de sílica está presente na RHA. A sílica é utilizada como matéria-prima para o fabrico de vidro, borracha, etc. A cinza de casca de arroz é utilizada para a extracção de sílica porque a cinza de casca de arroz é economicamente viável em comparação com outras fontes. No presente estudo, a sílica é extraíd...

    61,44 €

    Гхантас Нирупама / Муде Мурали Наик / Чиндукури Манееша
    Зола рисовой шелухи является хорошим источником кремнезема. Содержание кремнезема в RHA составляет почти 95%. Кремнезем используется в качестве сырья для производства стекла, резины и т.д. Зола рисовой шелухи используется для извлечения кремнезема, поскольку RHA экономически выгодна по сравнению с другими источниками. В данном исследовании кремнезем извлекается из золы рисовой ...

    27,47 €

    Chindukuri Maneesha / Ghantasala Nirupama / Mude Murali Naik
    Reishülsenasche ist eine gute Quelle für Kieselsäure. Der Kieselsäuregehalt in RHA beträgt fast 95 %. Kieselsäure wird als Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Glas, Gummi usw. verwendet. Reishülsenasche wird für die Gewinnung von Kieselsäure verwendet, da RHA im Vergleich zu anderen Quellen wirtschaftlich ist. In der vorliegenden Studie wird Kieselsäure aus Reishülsenasche unter V...

    61,44 €

  • Illmatic Consequences
    Illmatic Consequences combines social science and hip-hop studies to address disinformation and propaganda that distorted political discourse after the 2020 election. In this text, scholars and activists come together to clap back on the lies that animated attacks at local school boards and the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. capitol. Following a thematic structure, t...

    70,31 €

  • Estudos sobre a literatura albanesa e o Kanun de Lekë Dukagjini
    Besim Muhadri
    Ismail Kadare, Din Mehmeti e outros autores da literatura albanesa contemporânea são abordados em profundidade no livro 'Estudos sobre a literatura albanesa e o Kanun de Lek Dukagjini'. O livro centra-se também no Kanun de Lek Dukagjini, uma das maiores obras da cultura albanesa.O autor estruturou o livro em duas partes:- a primeira parte intitula-se 'Estudos literários albanes...

    87,12 €

  • Studien über die albanische Literatur und den Kanun von Lekë Dukagjini
    Besim Muhadri
    Ismail Kadare, Din Mehmeti und andere Autoren der zeitgenössischen albanischen Literatur werden in dem Buch 'Studies on Albanian Literature and the Kanun of Lek Dukagjini' eingehend behandelt. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht auch der Kanun von Lek Dukagjini, eines der größten Werke der albanischen Kultur.Der Autor hat das Buch in zwei Teile gegliedert:- Der erste Teil trägt den...

    87,11 €

  • Études sur la littérature albanaise et le Kanun de Lekë Dukagjini
    Besim Muhadri
    Ismail Kadare, Din Mehmeti et d’autres auteurs de la littérature albanaise contemporaine sont tous traités en profondeur dans le livre 'Studies on Albanian Literature and the Kanun of Lek Dukagjini' (Études sur la littérature albanaise et le Kanun de Lek Dukagjini). Le livre est également centré sur le Kanun de Lek Dukagjini, l’une des plus grandes œuvres de la culture albanais...

    87,12 €

  • Studi sulla letteratura albanese e il Kanun di Lekë Dukagjini
    Besim Muhadri
    Ismail Kadare, Din Mehmeti e altri autori della letteratura albanese contemporanea sono trattati in modo approfondito nel libro 'Studi sulla letteratura albanese e il Kanun di Lek Dukagjini'. Il libro è incentrato anche sul Kanun di Lek Dukagjini, una delle più grandi opere della cultura albanese.L’autore ha strutturato il libro in due parti:- la prima parte è intitolata 'Studi...

    87,15 €

  • Исследования по албанской литературе и канун Лекë Дукагйини
    Бесим Мухадри
    Исмаил Кадаре, Дин Мехмети и другие авторы современной албанской литературы подробно рассматриваются в книге 'Исследования по албанской литературе и Канун Лека Дукаджини'. В центре книги - 'Канун' Лека Дукаджини, одно из величайших произведений албанской культуры.Автор разделил книгу на две части:- первая часть называется 'Албанское литературоведение' и представляет собой компл...

    34,85 €

  • Freedom Fighters
    Abul Pitre
    Freedom Fighters: Struggles Instituting Black History in K-12 Education captures the ongoing struggle to implement multicultural curricula in schools. It details how African American students, caught in the vicious cycle of territorial fights, low test scores, and placed at risk for dropping out of school, can experience self-transformation through the study of Black History. D...

    52,06 €

  • Racism and Resistance
    Timothy Joseph Golden
    Essays providing a multi-disciplinary look at Derrick Bell’s thesis of racial realism. ...

    41,86 €

  • A City without Care
    Kevin McQueeney
    New Orleans is a city that is rich in culture, music, and history. It has also long been a site of some of the most intense racially based medical inequities in the United States. Kevin McQueeney traces that inequity from the city’s founding in the early eighteenth century through three centuries to the present. He argues that racist health disparities emerged as a key componen...

    126,87 €

  • A City without Care
    Kevin McQueeney
    New Orleans is a city that is rich in culture, music, and history. It has also long been a site of some of the most intense racially based medical inequities in the United States. Kevin McQueeney traces that inequity from the city’s founding in the early eighteenth century through three centuries to the present. He argues that racist health disparities emerged as a key componen...

    38,02 €

  • Relocating the Sacred
    Niyi Afolabi
    Maps manifestations of the sacred and religious syncretism in Afro-Brazilian cultural forms. ...

    42,92 €

  • Black in Print
    Jennifer Carolina Gómez Menjívar
    Explores the role of print media in conversations about race and belonging across Central America. ...

    121,61 €

    Anushree Ningombam / Nipun Dhalla / Pooja Palwankar
    Il parodonto è tipicamente limitato, nonostante abbia molte prove. Le prove antemortem possono includere documenti e prove parodontali. Quando la scena del crimine è caratterizzata dalla scarsità o dall’assenza di altri fluidi corporei, è sempre necessario potenziare i laboratori forensi per contribuire all’identificazione. Un parodontologo può assumere un ruolo proattivo nella...

    87,11 €

    Anushree Ningombam / Nipun Dhalla / Pooja Palwankar
    O periodonto é tipicamente limitado, apesar de ter muitas evidências. As provas antemortem podem incluir registos e provas periodontais. Quando existe uma escassez ou ausência de quaisquer outros fluidos corporais num local de crime, existe sempre uma necessidade imperiosa de melhorar os laboratórios forenses para ajudar na identificação. Um periodontista pode ter um papel proa...

    87,11 €

    Anushree Ningombam / Nipun Dhalla / Pooja Palwankar
    Der Zahnhalteapparat ist in der Regel eingeschränkt, obwohl es viele Anhaltspunkte gibt. Antemortem-Beweismaterial könnte parodontale Aufzeichnungen und Beweise umfassen. Wenn an einem Tatort nur wenige oder gar keine anderen Körperflüssigkeiten vorhanden sind, besteht immer die zwingende Notwendigkeit, die forensischen Labors bei der Identifizierung zu unterstützen. Ein Parodo...

    87,10 €

    Anushree Ningombam / Nipun Dhalla / Pooja Palwankar
    Le parodonte est typiquement limité, malgré la présence de nombreuses preuves. Les preuves antemortem peuvent inclure des dossiers et des preuves parodontales. Lorsque les autres fluides corporels sont rares ou inexistants sur une scène de crime, il est toujours nécessaire d’améliorer les laboratoires médico-légaux pour faciliter l’identification. Un parodontiste peut jouer un ...

    87,10 €

    Анушри Нингомбам / Нипун Дхалла / Пуджа Палванкар
    Пародонт, как правило, ограничен, несмотря на наличие большого количества доказательств. Посмертные доказательства могут включать пародонтологические записи и улики. При нехватке или отсутствии каких-либо других жидкостей тела на месте преступления всегда возникает острая необходимость в расширении возможностей судебно-медицинских лабораторий для помощи в идентификации. Пародон...

    34,82 €