Estudios interdisciplinarios

Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias / Estudios interdisciplinarios (4971)

Libros Eliminar filtro Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias Eliminar filtro Estudios interdisciplinarios Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Welding Technical Communication
    Jo Mackiewicz
    Explores the teaching and learning of welding through two narratives: the personal narrative, relating the author’s experience as a woman learning how to weld, and the academic narrative examining how instructional communication informs students’ embodied knowledge and enculturation into a community of practice. ...

    121,82 €

  • Institutions, Resilience, and Dynamic Capabilities of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Emerging Economies
    Entrepreneurial ecosystems enhance economic activities and growth in emerging economies. Such ecosystems sustain entrepreneurial ventures that provide a great push to the economic engine of an economy towards growth trajectory. The COVID-19 pandemic placed huge pressure on the survival capacity of entrepreneurial ventures and tested their resilience. Considering the special cas...

    242,26 €

  • Batalha Do Passo Do Rosário, 1827
    André Geraque Kiffer
    Maior batalha campal em território brasileiro, ocorreu no dia 20 fevereiro de 1827, cerca de 13 km a leste da atual cidade de Rosário do Sul. Alvear (comandante do exército republicano platino) dissimulou seus movimentos de forma a fazer Barbacena (comandante do exército imperial brasileiro) acreditar que perseguia a retaguarda de um exército em retirada, quando na verdade todo...

    9,26 €

  • Guerra Do Paraguai, 1864 A 1870
    André Geraque Kiffer
    Os três países (população de 11 milhões) dispostos historicamente contra o Paraguai (população de 450 mil) eram tão superiores em números que podemos concluir que López nunca teve uma chance real de derrotar a Aliança. Assim, a vitória na simulação histórica é baseada no desempenho geral de cada jogador quando medido em relação aos de seus colegas na guerra real. Em outras pala...

    10,70 €

  • Narrative Theory and Therapy in the Post-Truth Era
    Narrative theory goes back to Plato. It is an approach that tries to understand the abstract mechanism behind the story. This theory has evolved throughout the years and has been adopted by numerous domains and disciplines. Narrative therapy is one of many fields of narrative that emerged in the 1990s and has turned into a rich research field that feeds many disciplines today. ...

    242,53 €

  • The Paradoxes of Posterity
    Benjamin Hoffmann / Alan J. Singerman
    Examines the paradoxes inherent in the search for symbolic immortality, arguing that there is only one truly serious literary problem: the transmission of texts to posterity. ...

    50,34 €

  • The Thong Principle
    donalee Moulton
    The Thong Principle has little to do with beachwear and everything to do with effective communication. It’s about ensuring messages are successful for the sender - and the receiver.The book delves into the elements that comprise successful communications - conciseness, clarity, concreteness, and much more. It also puts those elements into context. Communications that miss the m...

    23,02 €

  • Evolution of Peace Leadership and Practical Implications
    Erich Paul Schellhammer
    Faced with conflict and opposition across disciplines and industries, understanding and utilizing peace throughout leadership roles has never been more important than in today’s world. Ensuring leaders are prepared and educated in the benefits of peaceful resolution and management is crucial to create a more thoughtful and civilized society. Further study on the best practices,...

    216,39 €

  • Campanha De Suez, 1973
    André Geraque Kiffer
    Operação Badr foi o codinome da operação militar egípcia para cruzar o Canal de Suez e tomar as fortificações israelenses da Linha Bar Lev, em 6 de outubro de 1973. Sadat foi pressionado, politicamente, para impulsionar a ofensiva em direção aos grandes desfiladeiros do Sinai, mas permaneceu inflexível, mantendo o objetivo original de travar uma guerra limitada. No entanto, os ...

    9,00 €

  • Batalha Naval Do Riachuelo, 1865
    André Geraque Kiffer
    Em junho de 1865 a esquadra brasileira operava no rio Paraná em apoio às incipientes operações aliadas para rechaçar a invasão paraguaia, e materializar um bloqueio fluvial do Paraguai. No final de maio de 1865, nos dias 28 e 29, López, na presença da esquadra brasileira defronte a Corrientes, começou a avaliar ideias para atacá-la. A batalha do Riachuelo, em 11 de junho, durou...

    8,15 €

  • Batalha Naval De Hampton Roads, 1862
    André Geraque Kiffer
    Também conhecida como Batalha do Monitor e do Merrimack (reconstruído e renomeado como CSS Virginia) ou Batalha de Ironclads, foi a mais importante batalha naval durante a Guerra Civil Americana, travada durante os dias 8 e 9 de março de 1862. Os dois dias de batalha atraíram a atenção de quase todas as marinhas do mundo. O USS Monitor tornou-se o protótipo de uma nova classe d...

    8,15 €

  • Batalha Naval De Lissa, 1866
    André Geraque Kiffer
    A Batalha de Lissa ou Batalha de Vis (em croata: Bitka kod Visa) ocorreu em 20 de julho de 1866 no Mar Adriático perto da ilha dálmata de Vis (Lissa em italiano) e foi uma vitória significativa para uma esquadra do Império Austríaco sobre uma italiana numericamente superior. Um dos principais motivos desse fraco desempenho foi a rivalidade interna entre os comandantes da esquad...

    7,98 €

  • Migração Venezuelana: Roraima Como Epicentro Dos Deslocamentos
    Carlos Alberto Borges Da Silva / Fernando Elói Martins Senhoras (orgs) / Lima Mendes
    O ciclo vicioso engendrado por uma híbrida crise de natureza econômica e política na Venezuela tem repercutido desde a década de 2010 em um boom migratório internacional que se materializa por meio de dois padrões de deslocamento, tanto sul-sul, para o entorno próximo na América do Sul, quanto sul-norte, para os Estados Unidos e Europa.Fruto de um contexto ímpar de deslocamento...

    14,55 €

  • Interfaith Marriage
    Bonni-Belle Pickard
    As societies across the globe rethink and often discard the institutions of marriage and religion, interfaith marriages continue to grow in number. These unions, usually committed to seeing past the traditional sectarian labels, often struggle when the traditional sources of support for marital life--faith community, family support--are not available. Still, the determination o...

    22,81 €

  • Interfaith Marriage
    Bonni-Belle Pickard
    As societies across the globe rethink and often discard the institutions of marriage and religion, interfaith marriages continue to grow in number. These unions, usually committed to seeing past the traditional sectarian labels, often struggle when the traditional sources of support for marital life--faith community, family support--are not available. Still, the determination o...

    36,54 €

  • Combating Hate
    Billie Murray
    Explores tactics that affirm, support, and even protect those who are the victims of hate speech while fostering democratic deliberation among those committed to combating hate. ...

    151,14 €

  • Australians Speak Out
    Rodney G. Miller
    The book assesses rhetorical stylistic choices of public figures in a representative democracy, referencing over 20 notable Australians from the 1890s to modern times. 'Although it may seem like Australians Speak Out will be...a country-specific analysis of Australia’s linguistic idiosyncrasies, this is a book designed to appeal to a broad audience...Miller’s orators resonate w...

    27,09 €

  • Sustainability Management Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries
    Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries emphasizes the research of sustainability management and strategies in developing countries providing information to the public, researchers, planners, and stakeholders dealing with sustainability management and strategies, particularly for developing and emerging economic countries. ...

    200,45 €

  • A Título De Pôr Do Sol
    Osvaldo Matsuda
    Em busca de um título (nomear um território) à épica história da formação de uma cidade por forasteiros em um lugar sem nome, sem lei, sem ética e inspirado em filmes do velho oeste americano; onde os mais notórios acontecimentos se davam ao entardecer, portanto ao pôr do sol. ...

    16,79 €

  • Intercultural Learning in Language Education and Beyond
    This book provides a contemporary and critical examination of the theoretical and pedagogical impact of Michael Byram’s pioneering work on intercultural communicative competence and intercultural citizenship. The book offers comprehensive, up-to-date and accessible knowledge for researchers, teachers, teacher-trainers and students. ...

    59,61 €

  • Intercultural Learning in Language Education and Beyond
    This book provides a contemporary and critical examination of the theoretical and pedagogical impact of Michael Byram’s pioneering work on intercultural communicative competence and intercultural citizenship. The book offers comprehensive, up-to-date and accessible knowledge for researchers, teachers, teacher-trainers and students. ...

    181,22 €

    UN LIBRO DEDICATO ALLA SPERANZAL’Umanità è ad un bivio tra autodistruzione e cambiamento.Siete negativi e pessimisti? Il futuro vi inquieta?Non siete felici a causa dei vostri problemi quotidiani, per non parlare di guerre, crisi, e inquinamento?Vi darò tanti motivi per diventare persone positive, serene, e in grado di ottenere una pace oltre ogni immaginazione!Vi guiderò in un...

    21,69 €

  • Practicing Peace
    Michael John Wood
    This book is about the practice of peace in daily life. Although most of us want peace, we often struggle to live it. Someone annoys us and we find ourselves in a vortex of conflict. When we care deeply about something it can be easy to burn relationships if we encounter people whose values differ from ours. We may ask ourselves, “How can we make a positive difference in ...

    29,42 €

  • Practicing Peace
    Michael John Wood
    This book is about the practice of peace in daily life. Although most of us want peace, we often struggle to live it. Someone annoys us and we find ourselves in a vortex of conflict. When we care deeply about something it can be easy to burn relationships if we encounter people whose values differ from ours. We may ask ourselves, ''How can we make a positive difference in the w...

    43,51 €

  • Webjornalismo Nos Principais Sites Jornalísticos Brasileiros. Estudo De Gêneros E Formatos
    Clarissa Josgrilberg Pereira
    A sociedade em rede aponta para um novo fazer jornalístico a partir das potencialidades advindas das tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Assim, nesses tempos de hiperconexão, a prática jornalística passa por transformações ainda em curso e pouco compreendidas. É deste cenário que surge nossa inquietude para estudar e teorizar sobre as novas configurações apresentadas no to...

    17,00 €

  • Batalha De Argel, 1956 E 1957
    André Geraque Kiffer
    A batalha de Argel foi uma campanha de guerrilha urbana travada pela FLN (Frente de Libertação Nacional da Argélia) contra as autoridades coloniais francesas da Argélia do final de 1956 ao final de 1957, incluindo policiais, soldados regulares e veteranos da Guerra da Indochina. O fracasso da insurgência rural forçou os descontentes a encontrarem novos caminhos para a ação, des...

    8,75 €

  • Foreign Aid to the Gaza Strip between Trusteeship and De-Development
    Ahmed Tannira
    One of the very few books that focus on the political economy of Gaza under the foreign aid regime that has emerged post Oslo Agreement 1993. ...

    57,54 €

  • We Have a Choice
    Sharon Thompson
    These lessons represent Sharon Thompson’s personal long-term process of trying to understand the true nature of U.S. foreign and domestic policy. This quest included enrolling in seven college classes-one at Metro State University taught by local peace activist, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, and six at the University of St. Thomas in their Justice and Peace Studies program under the d...

    22,40 €

  • We Have a Choice
    Sharon Thompson
    These lessons represent Sharon Thompson’s personal long-term process of trying to understand the true nature of U.S. foreign and domestic policy. This quest included enrolling in seven college classes-one at Metro State University taught by local peace activist, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, and six at the University of St. Thomas in their Justice and Peace Studies program under the d...

    16,92 €

  • Beyond Coloniality
    Aaron Kamugisha
    Against the lethargy and despair of the contemporary Anglophone Caribbean experience, Aaron Kamugisha gives a powerful argument for advancing Caribbean radical thought as an answer to the conundrums of the present. Beyond Coloniality is an extended meditation on Caribbean thought and freedom at the beginning of the 21st century and a profound rejection of the postindependence s...

    42,72 €