Estudios literarios: ficción, novelistas y prosistas

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios literarios: ficción, novelistas y prosistas (1770)

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  • An Earnest Blackness
    Eugen Bacon
    In this debut collection of personal essays, Eugen Bacon offers critical perspectives on blackness, Afrofuturism, colonialism, historicity, and (mis)recognition as she explores the untapped possibilities of speculative fiction. Using a variety of analytic, narrative, and anecdotal techniques, Bacon shares her experiences as an African Australian woman, mother, and writer who oc...

    26,62 €

  • Discovering Dune
    Frank Herbert’s Dune is one of the most well-known science fiction novels of all time, and it is often revered alongside time-honored classics like The Lord of the Rings. Unlike Tolkien’s work, the Dune series has received remarkably little academic attention. This collection includes fourteen new essays from various academic disciplines--including philosophy, political science...

    71,82 €

  • Nordic Gothic
    Giving an overview of contemporary Nordic Gothic in different media as well as tracing its history, Nordic Gothic also provides a number of case studies and in-depth analyses of individual narratives. It explores Nordic folklore, settings and identities as well as making visible cultural anxieties haunting the welfare state. ...

    35,83 €

  • Rosas en la arena: los relatos de Susan Glaspell
    Noelia Hernando Real
    Tradicional y modernista, costumbrista y arriesgada, complaciente y feminista, la obra de ficción de Susan Glaspell no se ajusta a patrones sencillos. Ganadora de un Premio Pulitzer de teatro, adalid de la vanguardia teatral en Estados Unidos, escritora de novelas de reconocido prestigio, hasta hoy sus relatos siguen siendo el secreto mejor guardado de la literatura norteameric...

    15,00 €

  • The Transcendent Vision of Mythopoeic Fantasy
    David S. Hogsette
    An ever-expanding critical library on fantasy fiction requires an analysis of why the genre is so ubiquitous, enduring and beloved. This work analyzes the mythic elements in foundational fantasy texts, arguing that mythopoeic fantasy reveals timeless truths that link human cultures past and present. Through close readings of works like Phantastes, The King of Elfland’s Daughter...

    79,41 €

  • Painful pleasures
    Christopher Vaccaro
    The chapters of Painful pleasures offer new and worthwhile pathways of examination into medieval culture and invite further analyses into the kinkier side of human sexualities, a side that in fact could not be more central to a study of our culture. ...

    168,95 €

  • Tolkien y el derecho a la fantasía
    Alexis Louvet
    «Mitopoeia» de J.R.R. Tolkien es un poema sobre el arte subcreador, sobre el sentido de la «obsesión» humana por crear mitos. Una defensa de la fantasía poética contra la visión materialista y nihilista del mundo. Puede considerarse el compendio de la teoría poética y la visión filosófico-teológica de su autor. Las apostillas a dicho poema que se presentan en este volumen inten...

    15,59 €

  • More Modern Mythmakers
    Michael McCarty
    Features Horror, Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy’s most influential writers and filmmakers interviewed about the art and craft of their genres. The 25 interviews include Steve Alten, Reggie Bannister, Terry Brooks, Charles de Lint, Dennis Etchison, John Everson, Alan Dean Foster, Ray Garton, Sephera Giron, Owl Goingback, Charles Grant, Nancy Holder, Paul Kane, Ronald Kelly, Jo...

    13,24 €

  • From Imagination to Faërie
    Yannick Imbert
    Tolkien is one of our most beloved fantasy writers. Such was the power of his imagination that much has been written on his invented world, languages, and myth. This book is an invitation to tread the paths of Tolkien’s realm, exploring three regions of his work: language, myth, and imagination. We will be looking for a path leading to a summit from where we can view Tolkien’s ...

    32,78 €

  • From Imagination to Faërie
    Yannick Imbert
    Tolkien is one of our most beloved fantasy writers. Such was the power of his imagination that much has been written on his invented world, languages, and myth. This book is an invitation to tread the paths of Tolkien’s realm, exploring three regions of his work: language, myth, and imagination. We will be looking for a path leading to a summit from where we can view Tolkien’s ...

    51,68 €

  • Clues from the Couch
    Laird R. Blackwell
    The detective story--the classic whodunit with its time-displacement structure of crime--according to most literary historians, is of relatively recent origin. Early in its development, the whodunit was harshly criticized for its tightly formula-bound structure. Many critics prematurely proclaimed 'the death of the whodunit' and even of detective fiction altogether. Yet today, ...

    79,35 €

  • New Frontiers in Popular Romance
    Susan Fanetti
    In the twenty-first century, the romance genre has gained a growing academic response, including the creation of the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance. Popular romance has long been so ignored and maligned that seemingly every scholarly work on it opens with a lengthy defense of the genre and its value for academic study. Even the early scholarly works ...

    93,96 €

  • Mi Griega
    Alejandro Yan Martínez
    Mi Griega es una historia de amor verdadero, en el que se tiene constante referencia la bendición de Dios. En ella, el autor va narrando en tercera persona la vida de un hombre y una mujer que, sin buscarse, pero anhelando un mismo fin, por gracia de Dios, se encuentran. Maravillosamente realiza un juego a lo largo de la obra, pasando constantemente a prosa poética en primera p...

    9,36 €

  • Magic Words, Magic Worlds
    Matthew Oliver
    While all fiction uses words to construct models of the world for readers, nowhere is this more obvious than in fantasy fiction. Epic fantasy novels create elaborate secondary worlds entirely out of language, yet the writing style used to construct those worlds has rarely been studied in depth. This book builds the foundations for a study of style in epic fantasy. Close reading...

    71,82 €

  • America Moon
    Deanna Stinson
    A look at occult American History by Saint GothicIncluding 5 stories on Gothic culture. ...

    39,10 €

  • Law, Government, and Society in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Works
    José María Miranda Boto
    Law and government are aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien’s works that have not received much scholarly attention. However, they are present in many facets of his sub-creation. In describing the various societies that populate it, Tolkien addressed aspects of their legal and governmental systems, such as the succession of kings, inheritance, or the Mayor of Michel Delving. In many cases...

    30,36 €

  • Discursos e Identidades en la Ficción Romántica / Discourses and Identities in Romance Fiction
    María Isabel González-Cruz
    Despreciado por la crítica por su condición de literatura popular y femenina, el género romántico no solo continúa imbatible en el mercado editorial con su elevado índice de ventas, sino que en las últimas décadas está siendo objeto de interesantes estudios académicos. 'Discursos e Identidades en la Ficción Romántica' se suma a esta corriente, al abordar el análisis interdiscip...

    78,03 €

  • Caso abierto
    Alejandro Susti / José Güich
    El relato policial surge en el siglo XIX, estrechamente vinculado con los cambios que trae la modernidad, como la ajetreada vida en las grandes ciudades y la exaltación del raciocinio lógico-deductivo. De ahí que, en su período clásico, narre las aventuras de brillantes investigadores que hacen alarde de sus poderes de deducción, como A. Dupin, S. Holmes o H. Poirot. Luego lleg...

    30,10 €

  • Tolkien, la Tradición y la Tierra Media
    Martin Simonson
    La presente colección contiene once ensayos sobre Tolkien y su legendarium, que tratan sobre asuntos tan variados como los vínculos entre la Tierra Media y los textos antiguos que la inspiraban, la poesía de la Gran Guerra, el trascendentalismo norteamericano, la idea del -coraje del Norte-, los acontecimientos históricos del siglo XX, y la peculiar relación entre Tolkien y los...

    17,67 €

  • Arab and Muslim Science Fiction
    How is science fiction from the Arab and Muslim world different than mainstream science fiction from the West? What distinctive and original contributions can it make? Why is it so often neglected in critical considerations of the genre? While other books have explored these questions, all have been from foreign academic voices. Instead, this book examines the nature, genesis, ...

    81,12 €

  • Powers of Darkness
    A-e A-e / Bram Stoker / Rickard Berghorn
    A unique version of Bram Stoker’s seminal gothic masterpiece Dracula, this novel, from the turn of the nineteenth century, is a very early anti-fascist piece of literature, criticizing the Social Darwinism and scientific racism of the time. Powers of Darkness is also a splendid horror novel twice as long as Stoker’s original.First published in Sweden 1899-1900, very little is k...

    30,13 €

  • Friendship in The Lord of the Rings
    Cristina Casagrande
    The Lord of The Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien, involves many characters with a common goal: the destruction of the Ring of Power. They connect with each other through their individual journeys and become friends.This book analyses how friendship in Tolkien’s seminal work collaborates in the development of the characters, as well as contributing to the success of their final goal.U...

    29,07 €

  • Dragon Ball Cultura Volumen 2
    Derek Padula
    ¡La aventura de Son Gokū comienza! Únete a mí en Dragon Ball Cultura Volumen 2, pues viajaremos junto a Gokū en un viaje épico en busca de una fuerza mayor.Con cada paso que da Gokū, descubrirás mucho más sobre la espiritualidad oculta y el simbolismo que encontramos en Dragon Ball, algo que hace de la serie un gran éxito. Verás cómo el autor, Akira Toriyama, sintetiza la cultu...

    20,79 €

  • The Gothic Literature and History of New England
    Faye Ringel
    The Gothic Literature and History of New England surveys the origin, nature and future of the Gothic mode in New England’s history and literature, from the Puritans to the present, showing how the legacy of religious intolerance, racism and misogyny haunts fiction, film and popular culture. ...

    36,02 €

  • 78 rpm - Fake
    José G. Cordonié / José GCordonié
    JOSÉ G. CORDONIÉInventor de ficciones, que nació en La Coruña (1967) y reside en Madrid, donde desarrolla su labor profesional en el sector de automoción.Ha publicado las siguientes obras: Las baladas de Morotropium, narración poética finalista del premio La Nunca Poesía (Ediciones Oblicuas, 2012), 26 [Veintiséis], obra ganadora del III Premio Wilkie Collins de Novela Negra (M....

    15,09 €

  • The Truman Gumshoes
    J.K. Van Dover
    The hard-boiled style of detective fiction emerged in America in the years after the First World War. In the late 1940s, following the Depression, the New Deal, and the Second World War, a new generation of young writers revisited the conventions governing the fictional private eye, and began to move him (the tough detective was still always male) and his world in new directio...

    79,57 €

  • Cordones pareados
    Paco Huelva
    Paco Huelva nació en Almonte (Huelva) en 1956. Ha publicado nueve libros de narrativa. Es articulista de opinión y ejerce la crítica literaria en las páginas culturales de diversos periódicos y revistas. Es consejero de la Asociación Internacional Humanismo Solidario (de la que fue cofundador). Consejero de la Asociación Colegial de Escritores de España (Sección de Andalucía) y...

    20,00 €

  • DE HOMBRES Y OTROS MONSTRUOS: Los mitos modernos de Frankenstein y Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
    Martin Simonson
    En la tercera década del siglo XXI, marcada por debates y miedos cada vez más insistentes en torno a los peligros de la inteligencia artificial, la modificación genética y las múltiples identidades generadas en redes sociales, Frankenstein y Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde son más vigentes que nunca. En este ensayo, Martin Simonson explica el tipo de sociedad que vio nacer a estos dos mi...

    14,55 €

  • J.R.R. Tolkien: Historia, Leyenda, Mito
    Eduardo Segura
    La mitología inventada por J.R.R. Tolkien posee una cualidad intrínseca que la diferencia de otros mundos imaginarios: es profundamente verosímil. Tal coherencia hunde las raíces de su credibilidad última en los idiomas ideados por el autor desde sus años universitarios en Oxford. Pero hay algo incluso más profundo. El modo en que historia, leyenda y mito se funden en una sínte...

    20,79 €

  • Gothic Kernow
    Ruth Heholt / Tanya Krzywinska
    Focussing on written and visual culture that is made in or made about Cornwall, this book argues that Cornwall and the Scilly Isles (known as ’Kernow’ in the Cornish language) have a special relationship with Gothic, one that has been overlooked in the literature on regional Gothic. ...

    35,76 €