
Humanidades / Filosofía (76325)

  • Les questions esthétiques contemporaines
    Robert de Sizeranne
    Les questions esthétiques contemporaines, un livre classique, a été considéré comme important tout au long de l’histoire de l’humanité, et pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, chez Alpha Editions, nous avons fait des efforts pour sa préservation en rééditant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. Tout ce livre a été reformaté, retapé e...

    23,90 €

  • Le livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l’enseignement de ses filles
    Geoffroy de Landry
    Le livre du chevalier de La Tour Landry pour l’enseignement de ses filles, un livre classique, a été considéré comme important tout au long de l’histoire de l’humanité, et pour que cet ouvrage ne soit jamais oublié, chez Alpha Editions, nous avons fait des efforts pour sa préservation en rééditant ce livre dans un format moderne pour les générations présentes et futures. Tout c...

    26,96 €

  • Memorabilia (Royal Collector’s Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
    Henry Graham Dakyns / Xenophon
    The lengthiest and most famous of Xenophon’s Socratic writings, the Memorabilia is a defense of Socrates, offering edifying examples of Socrates’ conversations and activities. Xenophon argues that Socrates was innocent of the formal charges against him: failure to recognize the gods of Athens, introduction of new gods, and corruption of youth. He demonstrates through recounted ...

    47,81 €

  • The Nature of Goodness
    George Herbert Palmer
    'The Nature of Goodness' by George Herbert Palmer is a philosophical exploration of the concept of goodness and its implications for human life and society. Published in 1903, the book delves into the nature of morality, ethics, and virtue, offering insights into the foundations of ethical thought and conduct.George Herbert Palmer, an American philosopher and educator, approach...

    14,18 €

  • The Battle of Principles
    Newell Dwight Hillis
    'The Battle of Principles' by Newell Dwight Hillis is a collection of essays and lectures that explore fundamental principles of ethics, philosophy, and spirituality. Published in 1892, the book addresses pressing moral and social issues of the late 19th century while offering timeless insights into the human condition.Newell Dwight Hillis, an American Congregationalist ministe...

    14,26 €

  • Table Talk
    William Hazlitt
    'Table Talk: Essays on Men and Manners' by William Hazlitt is a collection of insightful and engaging essays covering a wide range of topics related to human nature, society, literature, and culture. First published in 1821, this collection showcases Hazlitt’s keen intellect, wit, and penetrating observations on the world around him.William Hazlitt, an English writer and litera...

    21,63 €

  • Our Knowledge Of The External World
    Bertrand Russell
    'Our Knowledge of the External World - As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy' by Bertrand Russell is a seminal work in the philosophy of science. Published in 1914, this book reflects Russell’s attempts to apply the rigorous methods of science to the study of philosophical problems and to clarify the nature and limits of human knowledge.Bertrand Russell, a British phil...

    13,33 €

  • The Basis of Morality
    Annie Besant
    'The Basis of Morality' by Annie Besant is a philosophical work that explores the foundations of ethics and moral principles from a theosophical perspective. Besant, a prominent figure in the Theosophical Society, presents a synthesis of Eastern and Western philosophical traditions to offer insights into the nature of morality and human conduct.In the book, Besant examines vari...

    9,24 €

  • Diary Of A Deplorable!
    Deplorable Dr. William N. Bender
    I am a deplorable. That is what a left-leaning, law breaking democrat has chosen to call me because, as a Christian conservative, I supported a Presidential candidate with whom I agreed. Seventy-four million Americans voted the same way I did in 2020, so I guess we are all deplorables. I’m also a white male, and in today’s world, that is the only group that one can discriminate...

    14,20 €

  • Essays of Love and Virtue
    Havelock Ellis
    'Essays of Love and Virtue' by Havelock Ellis is a collection of essays that explores themes of love, morality, and human relationships from a psychological and philosophical perspective. Published in 1922, the book reflects Ellis’s deep interest in human sexuality, psychology, and ethics.Havelock Ellis was a pioneering psychologist and social reformer known for his groundbreak...

    11,68 €

  • Dostoyevsky as a laboratory of Ideas
    Jan Krasicki / Elena Tverdislova
    This book aims at presenting and elucidating the most important themes in the work of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. This is done neither through a critical interpretation of his texts nor a reconstruction of Dostoyevsky’s Weltanschauung but through a detailed analysis of philosophical and metaphysical motifs permeating his novels. Accordingly, Dostoyevsky’s works emerge as strongly drama...

    32,50 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Albert Camus
    J.D. Ponce
    Este apasionante ensayo se centra en la explicación y análisis de El Mito de Sísifo, de Albert Camus, una de las obras más influyentes de la historia y cuya comprensión, por su complejidad y profundidad, escapa a la comprensión en primera lectura. Tanto si ya has leído El Mito de Sísifo como si no, este ensayo te permitirá sumergirte en todos y cada uno de sus significados, abr...

    16,40 €

  • Solilóquios Ao Vento
    Eduardo Antônio Medeiros Souza
    Mensagens filosóficas, psicológicas e sociológicas de espíritos que fazem uma leitura da loucura sob o prisma pentadimensional. A primeira parte foi psicografada antes de 2008, a segunda parte na pandemia de COVID 19 e na terceira parte o médium conta como os espíritos foram Juntando as partes e fortalecendo sua confiança para trazer o livro a público. Esse livro pode ser lido ...

    7,42 €

  • As We Are and As We May Be
    Walter Besant
    'As We Are and As We May Be' is a philosophical and social commentary written by Sir Walter Besant, a British novelist and historian, in the late 19th century. The book was first published in 1903. Besant was a prominent figure in the literary and social circles of his time, and he used his platform to advocate for social reform and address issues related to poverty and inequal...

    14,36 €

  • Georg Hegel
    Pomar Assets / v. santos Rodrigo
    Numa jornada pelo vasto e intricado campo da filosofia, poucos pensadores provocaram tantas reflexões e debates como Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Este livro propõe uma imersão profunda nas obras desse filósofo alemão do século XIX, cujas ideias transcenderam seu tempo e continuam a influenciar o pensamento contemporâneo. Ao conduzir análises críticas minuciosas, pretendemos d...

    10,66 €

  • Sete Verdades Sobre A Verdade
    Diante das mais diversas situações da vida cotidiana, a maioria das pessoas espera, senão exige, que se lhe digam a verdade. O paciente espera que o médico lhe informe a verdade sobre sua saúde; o juiz exige que as testemunhas em um processo digam somente a verdade sobre o que depõem; o povo deseja, ainda que desesperançado, que seus governantes digam a verdade sobre seus progr...

    8,64 €

  • Ideas
    Edmund Husserl
    2024 Hardcover Reprint of 1931 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. Widely regarded as the principal founder of phenomenology, one of the most important movements in twentieth century philosophy, Edmund Husserl’s Ideas is one of his most important works and a classic of twentieth century thought. Husserl’s early thou...

    35,34 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Friedrich Nietzsche
    J.D. Ponce
    Este apasionante ensayo se centra en la explicación y análisis de Así Habló Zaratustra, de Friedrich Nietzsche, una de las obras más influyentes de la historia y cuya comprensión, por su complejidad y profundidad, escapa a la comprensión en primera lectura. Tanto si ya has leído Así habló Zaratustra como si no, este ensayo te permitirá sumergirte en todos y cada uno de sus sign...

    16,54 €

  • Black Victim To Black Victor
    Adam B Coleman
    With the success of the first edition of this book, came an opportunity to polish this 'underdog' book with more editorial clarity that helps to make the original book shine through.Adam B. Coleman, New York Post contributor, and Human Events columnist, believes that Black Americans are constantly lied to about the source of their community’s issues to profit off their pain and...

    14,05 €

  • A History of Freedom of Thought
    J. B. Bury
    Most people who live in open societies, especially in the West, take freedom of thought and the right to express that thought for granted. But through most of history, independent thinking, outside of the framework of social or religious convention, was discouraged and often actively persecuted. It is only recently that rational critiques of traditional perspectives have become...

    13,33 €

  • Essays of Love and Virtue
    Havelock Ellis
    This is a new edition of 'Essays of Love and Virtue,' originally published in 1922 by George H. Doran Company, of New York. Part of Adeptio’s Unforgettable Classic Series, this is not a facsimile reprint. Obvious typographical errors have been carefully corrected and the entire text has been reset and redesigned by Adeptio Editions to enhance readability, while respecting the o...

    11,66 €

    Alexander Vasilyevich Tolmachev
    Dans le premier recueil d’articles scientifiques intitulé 'La mort dans les mythologies et les enseignements religieux', l’auteur a tenté d’appréhender une variété de documents sur la manière dont les mythologies et les enseignements religieux comprenaient la mort et traitaient son arrivée inévitable. Dans ce recueil, l’auteur a continué à explorer les concepts scientifiques et...

    48,76 €

    Alexander Vasilyevich Tolmachev
    In the first collection of scientific articles 'Death in Mythologies and Religious Teachings' the author tried to comprehend a variety of material on how mythologies and religious teachings understood death and treated its inevitable arrival. In this collection, the author has continued to explore scientific concepts and philosophical views on death, including the views of phys...

    48,69 €

  • A Philosophical Approach to Human Awareness
    François Musampwa Assumani
    In my book, I talk about man and his natural environment, focusing on his psychophysical side, mixing science and philosophy. In science, I approach physics by focusing on the way a wave behaves, a notion that enables me to establish a link with the way man functions psychologically.Science, physics, is a field that would make it easier for anyone to understand the deeper human...

    84,34 €

  • Philosophischer Ansatz zur Bewusstwerdung des Menschen
    François Musampwa Assumani
    In meinem Buch spreche ich über den Menschen und seine natürliche Umgebung, wobei ich den Schwerpunkt auf seine psychophysische Seite lege, ich mische Wissenschaft und Philosophie. In der Wissenschaft beschäftige ich mich mit der Physik, indem ich mich auf die Art und Weise konzentriere, wie sich eine Welle verhält; dieser Begriff ermöglicht es mir, eine Verbindung zu der Art u...

    84,41 €

    Alexandr Vasilievich Tolmachev
    Les mythes sur l’origine de la mort sont présents chez presque tous les peuples. Les concepts de l’âme, de la vie après la mort et de nombreux rites religieux et magiques sont liés à des idées religieuses et mythologiques sur la mort. L’auteur est préoccupé par la question de la mort et a décidé d’entamer son propre chemin vers sa résolution. Si l’on ne tient pas compte des att...

    48,76 €

    Alexandr Vasilievich Tolmachev
    I miti sull’origine della morte sono presenti in quasi tutti i popoli. I concetti di anima, aldilà e molti riti religiosi e magici sono legati alle idee religiose e mitologiche sulla morte. L’autore si è occupato della questione della morte e ha deciso di intraprendere un proprio percorso per risolverla. Senza considerare l’atteggiamento personale nei confronti della propria e ...

    48,69 €

    Alexandr Vasilievich Tolmachev
    Os mitos sobre a origem da morte encontram-se em quase todos os povos. Os conceitos de alma, vida após a morte e muitos ritos religiosos e mágicos estão ligados a ideias religiosas e mitológicas sobre a morte. O autor está preocupado com a questão da morte e decidiu iniciar o seu próprio caminho para a sua resolução. Sem uma reflexão sobre as atitudes pessoais face à sua própri...

    48,69 €

  • Un approccio filosofico alla consapevolezza umana
    François Musampwa Assumani
    Nel mio libro parlo dell’uomo e del suo ambiente naturale, concentrandomi sul suo lato psicofisico, mescolando scienza e filosofia. Nella scienza mi avvicino alla fisica concentrandomi sul modo in cui si comporta un’onda, e questa nozione mi permette di stabilire il legame con il modo in cui l’uomo funziona psicologicamente.La scienza, la fisica, è un’area che renderebbe più fa...

    84,34 €

  • Uma abordagem filosófica da consciência humana
    François Musampwa Assumani
    No meu livro, falo do homem e do seu ambiente natural, concentrando-me no seu lado psicofísico, misturando ciência e filosofia. Na ciência, abordo a física centrando-me na forma como uma onda se comporta, e esta noção permite-me estabelecer a ligação com a forma como o homem funciona psicologicamente.A ciência, a física, é um domínio que facilitaria a qualquer pessoa a compreen...

    84,34 €