Filosofía y teoría de la educación

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  • Empower Our Girls
    Adam Welcome / Lynmara Colon
    Here’s to Helping Girls Find Their Real Power! Girl Power! It’s a popular marketing message that shows up on pink T-shirts across the nation. But sparkly words are not enough to get girls to realize their innate value and reach for their true potential. In Empower Our Girls, educators Lynmara Colón and Adam Welcome collaborate with a strong cast of contributors to shine a light...

    28,09 €

  • Community Schools
    Ferrara, Jacobson, and their colleagues illuminate how community schools become a comprehensive, place-based strategy that both supports high-quality teaching and learning and addresses out-of-school barriers to success. ...

    40,63 €

  • What’s the Right Thing to Do?
    Selma Wassermann
    This book for teachers and parents makes an important case for the need for developing moral behavior in young children. It offers effective tools for teaching children to weigh decisions in the face of potential consequences, examine rationales for their choices, study the effects of their choices on others. ...

    34,21 €

  • Community Schools
    Ferrara, Jacobson, and their colleagues illuminate how community schools become a comprehensive, place-based strategy that both supports high-quality teaching and learning and addresses out-of-school barriers to success. ...

    80,79 €

  • What’s the Right Thing to Do?
    Selma Wassermann
    This book for teachers and parents makes an important case for the need for developing moral behavior in young children. It offers effective tools for teaching children to weigh decisions in the face of potential consequences, examine rationales for their choices, study the effects of their choices on others. ...

    67,43 €

  • Through the Lens of Serendipity
    Allyson Apsey
    He is driving me crazy! Why is she acting this way?I just can’t deal what that person anymore!How do you handle a student, coworker, or family member whose rude, withdrawn, or challenging behavior leaves you feeling hurt, frustrated, or even angry? Before you blow up or walk away, education leader Allyson Apsey suggests gaining a little perspective into the motivation behind th...

    25,70 €

  • Anger in the Classroom
    Glenn Nystrup M.S.
    2020 IRDA Award Winner, Education category'Anger in the Classroom will help teachers figure out the causes of anger and how to prevent it. Lots of good case studies.' --Temple GrandinA teacher with classroom experience over a period of years will naturally grow as an effective teacher. A teacher who does this with increased attention will be able to grow more quickly and fully....

    21,04 €

  • Greater than Equal
    Sarah Caroline Thuesen
    During the half century preceding widespread school integration, black North Carolinians engaged in a dramatic struggle for equal educational opportunity as segregated schooling flourished. Drawing on archival records and oral histories, Sarah Thuesen gives voice to students, parents, teachers, school officials, and civic leaders to reconstruct this high-stakes drama. She explo...

    47,47 €

  • Los Estudios Generales y la Universidad Tomística de Santa Fe de Bogotá
    Édgar Arturo Ramírez Barreto
    Con este libro se quiere mostrar a través de diversas investigaciones lo que significó la expresión Estudios Generales dentro del contexto universitario y específicamente en el de la Orden de Predicadores (Dominicos) durante el periodo hispánico de Santa Fe de Bogotá la Nueva Granada y en el ámbito educativo de España y Europa; toda vez que este modelo educativo nace en los mis...

    9,12 €

  • Filosofía y crítica del presente
    Víctor Manuel Florián Bocanegra
    Subyace en este libro la reflexión de un pensador colombiano que ha emprendido un diálogo incesante con autores del siglo XX cuyas propuestas marcaron una orientación decisiva y particular de la filosofía contemporánea y siguen constituyendo el derrotero de nuestro quehacer filosófico de la actualidad, La característica pedagógica de la obra permite al lector acceder a la filos...

    25,16 €

  • Place 33, - Book 2 - Touched by Angie
    Sherilyn Bridget Avalon
    The reality of this came true when Sherilyn met Sterling.  Sterling’s brain injury opened him up to some seriously sticky strands of relativity that most people are not in contact with. Through his broken brain we found that there are 33 dimensions.  I discovered that I could guide Sterling through all the dimensions somewhat similar to Edgar Casey.  I put Sterling into an extr...

    30,25 €

  • Paradoxes of the Public School
    James E. Schul / James ESchul
    Is the American public school doing what we want it to do?  Or, is what we want it to do in conflict with what society allows it to do?  This book takes on issues central to understanding the complexities of the American public school experience.  Readers are simultaneously taken into the historical and contemporary context of these issues through an honest and provocative appr...

    71,64 €

  • Paradoxes of the Public School
    James E. Schul / James ESchul
    Is the American public school doing what we want it to do?  Or, is what we want it to do in conflict with what society allows it to do?  This book takes on issues central to understanding the complexities of the American public school experience.  Readers are simultaneously taken into the historical and contemporary context of these issues through an honest and provocative appr...

    127,90 €

  • The Educated Underclass
    Gary Roth
    Modern American capitalism is producing a vast population of under-employed and unemployed yet highly educated people. Gary Roth provides a meticulously researched dissection of this phenomenon.’ - Steve Fraser, author of ’Class Matters: The Strange Career of an American Delusion’ ’A fascinating analysis that plots the distance between what we think we know about education and ...

    25,33 €

  • The Sea of Consciousness
    George Adamski / Gerard Aartsen
    George Adamski's lost debut puts his teaching on par with 21st-century science(Revised, July 2019)The Sea of Consciousness is a singularly historical document that includes:- George Adamski’s lost debut from 1932, The Invisible Ocean- two previously unpublished articles by George Adamski- a 16-page section of clippings plus a chronology that document and demystify the origi...

    11,09 €

  • Universal Principle
    Sang Ik Choi
    What is the truth? This has been considered to be the most important question and theme, the ‘alpha and omega’, for human beings to solve throughout our long human history. However, there has not been anyone who could satisfactorily define a universally acknowledged standard of truth to this present day… …until NOW! This book answers the biggest questions we all have. We can kn...

    13,30 €

  • North Korean Defectors in a New and Competitive Society
    Ahlam Lee
    Ideological and political tensions have impeded paying attention to human rights violations against North Koreans. By describing the substantial connection between human rights and nuclear weapons issues in North Korea, this book urges a wide audience to show leadership in helping North Korean defectors seek freedom. ...

    50,51 €

  • The Educated Underclass
    Gary Roth
    Modern American capitalism is producing a vast population of under-employed and unemployed yet highly educated people. Gary Roth provides a meticulously researched dissection of this phenomenon.’ - Steve Fraser, author of ’Class Matters: The Strange Career of an American Delusion’ ’A fascinating analysis that plots the distance between what we think we know about education and ...

    127,25 €

  • The Plight of Potential
    Emerson Csorba
    Drawing on an international body of case studies from leading millennial networks, 'The Plight of Potential' shows how millennials can live deeper and more enriching lives by reflecting on the self, placing value on solitude and resisting the feeling that they must constantly connect and share. ...

    38,32 €

  • Moving Images of Eternity
    William F Pinar
    William F. Pinar presents a comprehensive and original study that demonstrates the significance and pertinence of the scholarship of George Grant for teaching today. While there are studies of Grant’s political philosophy, there has been no sustained study of his teaching. Pinar not only draws upon the collected works; he has also consulted Grant’s PhD thesis at Oxford, as well...

    70,70 €

  • Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency
    This volume of the Research in Global Child Advocacy Series explores participatory methodologies and tools that involve children in research. Perspectives on the role of children have transitioned from viewing children as objects of research, to children as subjects of research, to acknowledgement of children as competent contributors and agents throughout the inquiry process. ...

    97,93 €

  • Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency
    This volume of the Research in Global Child Advocacy Series explores participatory methodologies and tools that involve children in research. Perspectives on the role of children have transitioned from viewing children as objects of research, to children as subjects of research, to acknowledgement of children as competent contributors and agents throughout the inquiry process. ...

    140,47 €

  • Just in Time
    Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth
    ''Serious philosophy is not an attempt to construct a system of beliefs, but the activity of awakening, the conversation passionately pursued. Only if professional philosophy reclaims this paradigm and finds ways to embody it, will it achieve an active place in the thought and life of our culture.'' --James Conlon, ''Stanley Cavell and the Predicament of Philosophy.''This book ...

    21,20 €

  • Just in Time
    Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth
    ''Serious philosophy is not an attempt to construct a system of beliefs, but the activity of awakening, the conversation passionately pursued. Only if professional philosophy reclaims this paradigm and finds ways to embody it, will it achieve an active place in the thought and life of our culture.'' --James Conlon, ''Stanley Cavell and the Predicament of Philosophy.''This book ...

    37,37 €

  • A Thug is Just a Man
    Demetrice McCray
    This book is written for the young and hopeless, for the misguided, misled, misunderstanding, and misunderstood. It’s a book of growth to promote growing. A book to reveal that someone understands, can relate, and cares. This book is written out of love and by faith. It’s inspired by life and the discovery of the power of choice to shape that life. It’s about choosing to know, ...

    12,70 €

  • Essays on Teaching Education and the Inner Drama of Teaching
    Robert V. Bullough Jr
    Challenges teacher educators face coupled with select aspects of teachers’ genuine experiences of teaching, is an area that has been neglected and is often under appreciated. Essays on Teaching Education and the Inner Drama of Teaching comprises 11 essays that address and illuminate the place where troubles and issues, biography and history meet. ...

    189,95 €

  • Vernacular
    Boston Williams
    Poet, political activist, and social commentator Boston ‘The Orator’ Williams’ introduction to the world of print is as fiery as it is eloquent. The Orator’s poetry, though draped in eloquence, does not shy away from the cruxes of social injustice, the issues surrounding identity, and the struggles with love and expression as a young Black Man. This work speaks to feelings of j...

    13,05 €

  • Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law
    This second volume in the series ‘Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law’ zooms in on some of the foundational concepts or principles of the discipline of international criminal law, with a view to exploring their Hinterland beyond the traditional doctrinal discourse. It contains eight chapters on concepts such as sovereignty, global criminal justice, internati...

    26,68 €

  • Why Universities Should Seek Happiness and Contentment
    Paul Gibbs
    The totalising effect of consumerism, well-being and satisfaction is a discourse which may negate the value of struggle and mastery of complex subjects and a realization of personal potentiality. Why Universities Should Seek Happiness and Contentment considers the consequences of a hedonistic and well-being centred model of student education as one of the goals of higher educa...

    57,63 €

  • A Passion for Kindness
    Tamara Letter
    What if you choose to see the good? What if you choose to be the good? In a fast-paced era of technological advances and digitized experiences, it’s easy to miss simple opportunities to strengthen our humanity. Moments created through tiny actions renew hope and reveal compassion and gratitude. By shifting our perspectives and choosing to see the potential for goodness in each ...

    29,85 €