Filosofía y teoría de la educación

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  • Education Reimagined
    Cheryl Ann (Walchack) Harris / Ira David Socol / Ira Socol / John Michael II Thornton / John Michael Thornton
    Mindsets are shifting where the work areas of the students vary. The class furniture will vary from size and shape of tables, to couches, to a variety of chairs. Students must have the freedom to make choices to take ownership of their learning. This means that mistakes will happen. The classroom should be a comfortable learning environment. ...

    69,88 €

  • Education Reimagined
    Cheryl Ann (Walchack) Harris / Ira David Socol / Ira Socol / John Michael II Thornton / John Michael Thornton
    Mindsets are shifting where the work areas of the students vary. The class furniture will vary from size and shape of tables, to couches, to a variety of chairs. Students must have the freedom to make choices to take ownership of their learning. This means that mistakes will happen. The classroom should be a comfortable learning environment. ...

    35,27 €

  • Let’s Stop Calling it an Achievement Gap
    Autumn A. Arnett / Autumn AArnett
    Between 1980 and 2005, 45 states were involved in lawsuits around equity of funding and adequacy of education provided to all students in the state. Indeed, this investigation could have included any cities in America, and the themes likely would have been the same: Lower funding and resources, disproportionate numbers of teachers and school leaders who do not look like the stu...

    72,07 €

  • Let’s Stop Calling it an Achievement Gap
    Autumn A. Arnett / Autumn AArnett
    Between 1980 and 2005, 45 states were involved in lawsuits around equity of funding and adequacy of education provided to all students in the state. Indeed, this investigation could have included any cities in America, and the themes likely would have been the same: Lower funding and resources, disproportionate numbers of teachers and school leaders who do not look like the stu...

    128,35 €

  • Maestras y maestros de la democracia
    Pío Maceda Granja
    l libro se abre con tres entrevistas imaginadas. Las dos primeras, a Marta Mata i Garriga y a Luis Gómez Llorente, simbolizan el puente hacia la educación de la Segunda República salvando el trauma del franquismo. La tercera, la dedico a Xavier Melgarejo i Draper, que investigó durante más de 10 años el sistema educativo finlandés para buscar la manera de mejorar la educación (...

    15,60 €

  • Childhood beyond Pathology
    Lisa Farley
    Brings psychoanalytic concepts to the notion of childhood development with a keen eye to discussions of social justice and human dignity. ...

    41,01 €

  • Hermeneutics After Ricoeur
    John Arthos
    There has been a renaissance of interest in the work and thought of Paul Ricoeur, one of the great hermeneutic scholars of the twentieth century. It is time to assess the future landscape for hermeneutics as a scholarly field and an educational curriculum after the momentous impact of Paul Ricoeur, who extended and deepened its trans-disciplinary reach, and pushed its profile s...

    173,83 €

  • Cannabis and the Immune System
    Dr. Sasha Noe
    Gain insight into some of the earliest years in cannabinoid research from the only known physician in the US who holds a PhD in molecular and cellular cannabinoid research. The journey began in 1994 when she became fascinated with the question: When someone uses cannabis, how is their immune system affected?Years were spent investigating the role of cannabinoid receptor 1 in th...

    79,56 €

  • Philosopholutionist
    Hamish Nikora
    Education system – evolvedPolitical system – overhauledMonetary system – abolishedThe systems you believed were set in stone are merely droplets of water passing over its jagged surface, and in an ocean of possibility, our potential awaits.In this revolutionary guide to world change, Hamish Nikora, a New Zealand born philosopher and strategist teaches us about our true potentia...

    13,54 €

  • Study of Christianity
    Natasha Fenwick
    This GCSE Religious Studies revision guide explores the new WJEC Eduqas Religious Studies specification for component 02 (Route A) - Study of ChristianityHelping you to achieve the grade you want: content organised according to the specification key words highlighted in context to help you understand and remember them quotes to use, evaluation of key points and an easy to f...

    24,17 €

  • Turbulence, Empowerment and Marginalisation in International Education Governance Systems
    This book presents a new theory of empowerment, exploring how senior leaders can navigate turbulence within governance systems to empower young societal innovators for equity, renewal, and peace. ...

    160,30 €

  • Community Literacy Journal 13.1 (Fall 2018)
    COMMUNITY LITERACY JOURNAL 13.1 (Fall 2018) | The journal understands “community literacy” as the domain for literacy work that exists outside of mainstream educational and work institutions. It can be found in programs devoted to adult education, early childhood education, reading initiatives, lifelong learning, workplace literacy, or work with marginalized populations, but it...

    25,72 €

  • From the Barrio to the Beach
    Rey Hernandez
    From the Barrio to the Beach is a novel about two public schools that are separated by a short fifteen mile stretch of Interstate 5. In his novel Rey Hernandez shares an incredible and revealing look at the challenges educators face as they strive to close the disparity in academic performance between two distinct groups of students. He provides a unique glimpse into his profes...

    18,35 €

  • From the Barrio to the Beach
    Rey Hernandez
    From the Barrio to the Beach is a novel about two public schools that are separated by a short fifteen mile stretch of Interstate 5. In his novel Rey Hernandez shares an incredible and revealing look at the challenges educators face as they strive to close the disparity in academic performance between two distinct groups of students. He provides a unique glimpse into his profes...

    25,60 €

  • Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law
    This first volume in the series ‘Philosophical Foundations of International Criminal Law’ correlates the writings of leading philosophers with international criminal law. The chapters discuss thinkers such as Plato, Cicero, Ulpian, Aquinas, Grotius, Hobbes, Locke, Vattel, Kant, Bentham, Hegel, Durkheim, Gandhi, Kelsen, Wittgenstein, Lemkin, Arendt and Foucault. As a sub-discipl...

    37,42 €

  • Future Leaders or Losers
    John M. Bradley / John MBradley
    These guidelines for raising and understanding youths are valuable tools for parents and caretakers worldwide. The suggested approach allows easy reflection in remembering our teenage trials and tribulations. The relatively easy application of our past experiences will help cultivate some of our future leaders, who may otherwise get lost in a negative social or legal system. If...

    8,52 €

  • Conocimiento extrasensorial
    Cassandra Eason
    Esta obra es una guía fascinante para todos aquellos que quieren aprender a utilizar el poder de su mente para mejorar todos los aspectos de su vida. La autora explica con ejemplos y ejercicios cómo acceder a poderes hasta ahora desconocidos, como la clarividencia y la telepatía. Así pues, si desea aprender a desarrollar su verdadero potencial psíquico, este es su libro. ...

    12,43 €

  • Culture, Community, and Educational Success
    Crystal Glover / Crystal Polite Glover / Stephanie Troutman / Toby S. Jenkins / Toby SJenkins
    This book offers an opportunity for an anti deficit and positive examination of Black/Black-multiracial culture and its role in creating educational efficacy among academics of color. Through personal narrative, educational and learning theory, and creative writing/poetry, this hybrid text examines the cultural path to the doctorate. ...

    122,43 €

  • Understanding, Dismantling, and Disrupting the Prison-to-School Pipeline
    Kenneth Fasching-Varner
    This volume provides a concentrated and powerful dialog about the nexus between schools, prisons, and the free-market economy where youth are on fast tracks from schools to prisons. ...

    54,18 €

  • More Like Life Itself
    Cory Wright-Maley
    John Dewey wrote in multiple places that education should be an experience of the content and processes of life itself. Too often, social studies is taught in a way that tells students about real-life, but fails to engage them in the process of life for which Dewey advocated. The core purpose of simulations is to reflect the processes, events, and phenomena expressed in a varie...

    127,47 €

  • More Like Life Itself
    Cory Wright-Maley
    John Dewey wrote in multiple places that education should be an experience of the content and processes of life itself. Too often, social studies is taught in a way that tells students about real-life, but fails to engage them in the process of life for which Dewey advocated. The core purpose of simulations is to reflect the processes, events, and phenomena expressed in a varie...

    71,21 €

  • Cómo elaborar proyectos
    Gutiérrez Cerda
    Ante la necesidad de que los docentes indaguen, investiguen y participen en un debate constructivo sobre los temas inmediatos y trascendentes que la educación colombiana requiere, la cooperativa editorial Magisterio entrega la colección mesa redonda como un elemento más de análisis útil, tanto para los maestros nuevos como para los maestros experimentados. Forman la colección m...

    9,43 €

  • Juegos matemáticos
    Esperanza Casas
    Es un libro que trata los procesos que rigen el pensamiento matemático en general y no de ninguna rama concreta de la matemática. El objetivo es mostrar cómo acometer cualquier problema, para lograr el pleno desarrollo del razonamiento matemático.Para pensar matemáticamente, es necesario olvidarse de cualquier tipo de presión evaluación, tiempo, competencia no dedicarse a la bú...

    17,73 €

  • Origami
    Báez Porras
    En la labor educativa se hace cada vez más importante y necesario encontrar fuentes de motivación que lleven a los niños a desarrollar sus potenciales de creatividad e imaginación y que a la vez les permitan un buen empleo de su gran tiempo libre. El trabajo con papel es un recurso idóneo para ello. El docente debe propiciarlo en clase, ya sea como resultado de una temática o c...

    9,72 €

  • Las competencias argumentativas
    Samper De Zubiría
    Este libro trata sobre una de las competencias evaluadas en las nuevas pruebas de estado y defenderá la necesidad de considerar ésta como un propósito central en la escuela. Para ello el autor parte de la pregunta y la reflexión sobre cómo y bajo qué circunstancias se generan los cambios en educación.En esta obra se hablará de una de las maneras para desarrollar el pensamiento:...

    15,15 €

  • Cómo investigar en educación
    Ramírez Alberto / Samper De Zubiría
    En la presente obra, los autores socializan su extensa experiencia en el campo de la investigación educativa. Ambos de manera conjunta han estado al frente de los programas de investigación llevados a cabo durante los últimos quince años en la innovación pedagógica del Instituto Alberto Merani e independientemente han dirigido programas de investigación en diversas Universidade...

    14,30 €

  • Historia y perspectiva actual de la educación infantil
    Blanco Sanchidrián / Julio Ruiz
    Este libro es un compendio de los pedagogos, las corrientes pedagógicas y psicológicas, las instituciónes y las practicas más relevantes en educación infantil a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX, es decir, desde que aparecen en la génesis de los sistemas educativos hasta nuestros días. Se centra en A través de su contenido podemos ver no solo la evolución de la educación infantil...

    17,16 €

  • Los elementos de la investigación
    Gutiérrez Cerda
    Desde que apareció en 1991 la primera edición de Elementos de la investigación, el texto tuvo una gran aceptación entre los estudiantes, docentes y personal vinculado al campo investigativo en Colombia y Latinoamérica. El libro hace parte de la bibliografía de quienes de una u otra forma se encuentran vinculados a la investigación científica, una de las herramientas fundamental...

    20,87 €

  • Cómo evaluar el aprendizaje escolar
    Ignacio Montenegro
    La evaluación es una estrategia de aprendizaje cuyo propósito es asegurar el éxito del proceso formativo y con ello, aportar a la calidad educativa. Una evaluación sistemática requiere un buen diseño y desarrollo curricular, incluido el plan de estudios. A partir de estas premisas, se ofrece apoyo metodológico para abordar la pragmática de la evaluación en el aula como escenari...

    10,58 €

  • Cómo diseñar un currículo por competencias
    Samper De Zubiría
    En la última década estamos ante un nuevo renacer de la esperanza educativa, asociada ahora al trabajo por competencias. El supuesto con el que se ha reivindicado el optimismo pedagógico es que ya lo enseñado en las escuelas no se quedará solamente en las cabezas de los estudiantes, sino que le ayudará a transformar sus actividades; se aplicará en el mundo cotidiano y, por ello...

    13,73 €