Filosofía y teoría de la educación

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  • The Elements
    Patsy Stanley
      When developing a spiritual understanding of the five basic elemental energies, fire, air, earth, water, and ether, one comes to understand the feminine nature of life, its magnetism, organization, responsibilities, and how everything connects.Approximately 85 pages.  ...

    10,18 €

  • The Dark Side of Halloween
    David L. Brown
    The purpose of this book is to make you aware of the dark side of Halloween and show you how the demonic principles and practices are beguiling our children and our culture. I have researched this topic for nearly two decades and there is absolutely no doubt about Halloween's occult connection. Halloween has been the occultists' most effective tool in bewitching America...

    19,92 €

  • Biopower, Racism, State Racism and The Modern/Post Modern North Atlantic State
    Daurius Figueira
    The wave of white supremacist discourse impacting North Atlantic politics in the 21st century is yet to be effectively explained by linking this political reality to the power relations of these North Atlantic States. This book presents this analysis by deconstructing a genealogy of the historico-political discourse of race war Michel Foucault presented in his 1976 public lectu...

    13,15 €

  • Childhood beyond Pathology
    Lisa Farley
    Winner of the 2020 Outstanding Book Award presented by Division B (Curriculum Studies) of the American Educational Research AssociationWinner of the 2019 Critics’ Choice Book Award presented by the American Educational Studies AssociationChildhood beyond Pathology offers an account of the ways that psychoanalytic concepts can inform ongoing challenges of representing developmen...

    127,24 €

    Aleksandra S. Kameneva

    21,17 €

  • Interkulturelle Kompetenzen in der Jugendhilfe
    Etka Akova
    Schon seit Jahrzehnten zieht Deutschland Migrantinnen und Migranten aus der ganzen Welt an. Die Einwanderung hat die deutsche Gesellschaft bereichert, verändert, aber auch irritiert. Eine deutsche Gesellschaft ohne Interkulturalität ist daher kaum vorstellbar. Doch was genau bedeutet Interkulturalität? Wie verändert sich die Gesellschaft? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, setzt ...

    49,91 €

  • Dark Side of Halloween (Halloween)
    David L Brown
    The purpose of this book is to make you aware of the dark side of Halloween and show you how the demonic principles and practices are beguiling our children and our culture. I have researched this topic for nearly two decades and there is absolutely no doubt about Halloween's occult connection. Halloween has been the occultists' most effective tool in bewitching America...

    23,37 €

  • Applying Dialogic Pedagogy
    Cynthia Z Cohen / Cynthia Z. Cohen / Cynthia ZCohen
    This case study of discussion-based teaching finds improvements in student concentration; scaffolding towards higher critical thinking; inclusion of non-traditional learning styles; and reduction of student absenteeism. However, this study did not find effective socialization in discussion-based disciplinary methods. ...

    122,54 €

  • Education Marginalization in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Obed Mfum-Mensah
    The book uses marginality as a critical discourse to outline ways colonial and postcolonial education policies in sub-Saharan Africa created and perpetuated it and deprived some groups from realizing the democratic equality role of education. It provides new ideas for integrating policies to address the educational needs of marginalized children. ...

    129,12 €

  • Holistic Society
    Aleksandar Slavkov Milanov
    How to live in harmony with the planet and with each other? Which is the best way to meet the global challenges of today?Philosophers, political scientists, world leaders and many other people are looking for answers of these crucial questions. Every generation formulates its ideas, has its hopes and is searching for the next step of building a more just social order. According...

    21,23 €

  • Constructivism and the New Social Studies
    The New Social Studies refers to a flurry of academic and commercial activity during the 1960s and 1970s that resulted in the mass development and dissemination of revolutionary classroom materials and teacher resources.  In science as well as social studies, a spirit of “inquiry-based teaching” filled the air during this time, resulting in the development of curricula that wer...

    98,12 €

  • Constructivism and the New Social Studies
    The New Social Studies refers to a flurry of academic and commercial activity during the 1960s and 1970s that resulted in the mass development and dissemination of revolutionary classroom materials and teacher resources.  In science as well as social studies, a spirit of “inquiry-based teaching” filled the air during this time, resulting in the development of curricula that wer...

    140,66 €

  • Future-Focused History Teaching
    Mike Maxwell
    HISTORY EDUCATION IS IN DECLINE because it fails to provide knowledge useful in the future. It's up to history teachers to save history schooling.   History education is fundamentally different from other school subjects in that it doesn't identify general principles derived from its subject matter—principles that describe how the world works that can be applied in the ...

    24,80 €

  • Future-Focused History Teaching
    Mike Maxwell
    HISTORY EDUCATION IS IN DECLINE because it fails to provide knowledge useful in the future. It's up to history teachers to save history schooling.   History education is fundamentally different from other school subjects in that it doesn't identify general principles derived from its subject matter—principles that describe how the world works that can be applied in the ...

    14,54 €

  • Empathy and History
    Tyson Retz
    Since empathy first emerged as an object of inquiry within British history education in the early 1970s, teachers, scholars and policymakers have debated the concept's role in the teaching and learning of history. Yet over the years this discussion has been confined to specialized education outlets, while empathy's broader significance for history and philosophy has too often...

    149,66 €

  • Sexuelle Bildung bei Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Förderung der sexuellen Selbstbestimmung im ambulant betreuten Wohnen
    Katrin Kirschner-Roth
    Sexuelle Bildung für Menschen mit Behinderung wurde lange Zeit überhaupt nicht thematisiert. Gründe dafür sind die unzureichenden pädagogischen Konzepte und Kompetenzen sowie rechtliche Bedenken. Doch wie kann die Soziale Arbeit eine selbstbestimmte Sexualität bei Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung fördern? Katrin Kirschner-Roth betrachtet in dieser Publikation die derzeitige ...

    56,56 €

  • Community Literacy Journal 12.2 (Spring 2018)
    COMMUNITY LITERACY JOURNAL 12.2 (Spring 2018) | The journal understands “community literacy” as the domain for literacy work that exists outside of mainstream educational and work institutions. It can be found in programs devoted to adult education, early childhood education, reading initiatives, lifelong learning, workplace literacy, or work with marginalized populations, but ...

    25,69 €

  • Because We Are Self-determined
    Glenn Rogers
    In Because We Are Self-determined, Dr. Rogers argues that because humans are unique beings—rational, highly aware, self-determined, creative, and achieving, there are certain things that must be true of social and governmental structures if those institutions are to work well for us, providing us with the freedom we need to be who we are and achieve our potential, as individual...

    25,52 €

  • The Beginning of the End of Racism in America
    Elaine Sharp / Richard Sharp
    The Beginning of the End of Racism in America: Black and White is a progressive and pragmatic book that is the antidote to the disease of ignorance and poison of racism. It reflects intimately the causes of these maladies, the results of these maladies, and what must be done in order to completely do away with these maladies.There is no doubt in our mind that, if applied approp...

    11,19 €

  • Unschooled
    Rosi Thornton
    School was an experiment. Meet the control group: ancient yet modern, traditional yet innovative, tried and tested, yet cutting edge... Unschooling has come of age.As we move from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, schools can no longer compete. History shows that school, not unschooling, is the fad. Schools perpetuate inequality, illegitimate hierarchy, and uncritical ...

    12,28 €

  • The Politics
    Written over two thousand years ago, Aristotle’s celebrated work discusses the various benefits and dangers of the major political systems of his time: republic, democracy, aristocracy, oligarchy and tyranny, with a view to deciding which constitutes the ideal polity.  Along the way, we are treated to discussions on a wide swathe of topics, from music and the role of women, thr...

    10,97 €

  • The Fire Within
    Mandy Froehlich
    Adversity itself is not what defines us. It is how we react to that adversity and the choices we make that creates who we are and how we will persevere. The Fire Within: Lessons from defeat that have ignited a passion for learning is a compilation of stories from amazing educators who have faced personal adversity head on and have become stronger people for it. They use their n...

    17,25 €

  • Rethinking the University
    Soo Tian Lee
    Rethinking the University: Structure, Critique, Vocation is an attempt to escape the discursive ruts that characterize debates over higher education in the United Kingdom. It explores three distinct perspectives inspired by Kojin Karatani’s ‘triad of concepts’—instrumentalism, idealism, and community—which the author further develops trans-genealogically to open the way to a he...

    25,07 €

  • What Successful Teachers Do
    Mary C Clement / Mary C. Clement / Mary CClement
    New teachers will follow 12 steps to become established in their classrooms, while experienced teachers will get great ideas from each chapter.This book guides teachers to build support networks. Unlike any other book on the market, it combines research-based strategies with the author’s heartfelt stories of teaching. ...

    83,70 €

  • What Successful Teachers Do
    Mary C Clement / Mary C. Clement / Mary CClement
    New teachers will follow 12 steps to become established in their classrooms, while experienced teachers will get great ideas from each chapter.This book guides teachers to build support networks. Unlike any other book on the market, it combines research-based strategies with the author’s heartfelt stories of teaching. ...

    42,17 €

  • Failing Students or Failing Schools?
    Faith Borkowsky
    Is reading a struggle for your child? Does it cause your child stress or embarrassment? Are you confused by the mixed messages you receive from teachers and other professionals? Then this book is for you!This parent-friendly book will help you understand the various causes of reading difficulties and how you can support your child. With over thirty years of experience as a teac...

    16,70 €

  • Mejores directivos, mejores instituciones educativas
    Laura Lewin
    Liderar y desarrollar docentes hoy contempla un nuevo paradigma, en donde las nuevas generaciones, sumadas a la complejidad de las relaciones y a los ritmos en el trabajo, hacen que debamos pararnos frente a este desafío de una manera diferente. 10 ...

    17,93 €

  • Power, Equity and (Re)Design
    This volume brings together design thinking, critical social theory, and learning sciences to describe promising learning innovations that foster rights, dignity, and social justice for youth. The contributors are emerging scholars who are leading voices working at the intersections of theory and practice for educational equity.Chapters in this volume take up themes of power an...

    71,85 €

  • Power, Equity and (Re)Design
    This volume brings together design thinking, critical social theory, and learning sciences to describe promising learning innovations that foster rights, dignity, and social justice for youth. The contributors are emerging scholars who are leading voices working at the intersections of theory and practice for educational equity.Chapters in this volume take up themes of power an...

    128,13 €

  • Instructional Theory, Concepts and Techniques in Education
    Charlie Carson
    Education plays a key role in the development of an individual and society. Higher education is the advanced stage of formal learning often taught in schools. Higher education can be categorized into general, vocational and professional higher education. This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to education....

    185,17 €