Filosofía y teoría de la educación

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  • The Song of Solomon the Snail
    Caroleann Rice

    12,82 €

  • Community Literacy Journal 12.1 (Autumn 2017)
    COMMUNITY LITERACY JOURNAL 12.1 (Autumn 2017) | The journal understands “community literacy” as the domain for literacy work that exists outside of mainstream educational and work institutions. It can be found in programs devoted to adult education, early childhood education, reading initiatives, lifelong learning, workplace literacy, or work with marginalized populations, but ...

    25,60 €

  • Achieving Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice in Education
    Chris Brown
    This book this book provides an overview of research and ideas in relation to evidence-informed policy and practice (EIPP) in education. The chapters all share a single overarching purpose: providing insight into how EIPP in education can be achieved. The result is a powerful account of Brown’s recent work. ...

    159,52 €

  • Castells in Africa
    Castells in Africa: Universities and Development collects the papers produced by Manuel Castells on his visits to South Africa, and publishes them in a single volume for the first time. The book also publishes a series of empirically-based papers which together display the multi-faceted and far-sighted scope of his theoretical framework, and its fecundity for fine-grained, deta...

    42,12 €

  • La gouvernance universitaire
    Abdou Salam Sall
    A la lumière d’une expérience propre, cet ouvrage présente différentes problématiques de gouvernance universitaire en Afrique avec un accent spécifique sur les dynamiques en cours. Il permet de mieux comprendre les mutations aux niveaux des structures de gouvernance des établissements d’enseignement supérieur avec le nouveau management public et les périmètres de responsabilité...

    39,61 €

  • Common Sense Philosophy
    Robert Craig
    Common-Sense Philosophy uses our natural reasoning capacity that makes judgements about statements or propositions. Reasoning is a starting point, as it is impossible to prove reason using our reason. our common-sense notions are a feature of our nature. Our common-sense oes not challenge whether we can think; rather it uses our thinking in exploring important questions. e curr...

    11,94 €

  • Spiritual Warfare
    We must renew and refresh culture in order to reflect the spiritual building blocks that life is created and maintained by. Spiritual Warfare is a public call for awareness, an inspiration to the regrowth and renewal of popular culture and recreate the values and principles. Spiritual Warfare references the principles found in the Nguzo Saba to emphasis the ideas and philosophi...

    17,82 €

  • Latina/o College Student Leadership
    Adele Lozano
    This book examines Latina/o college student leadership and leadership development in higher education. Lozano analyzes emerging frameworks, empirical research, leadership models, essays, and promising practices to provide insight into how Latina/o students experience and promote leadership in higher education. ...

    61,35 €

  • Rumbos sin Telos
    Roman De La Campa
    La llegada de un nuevo siglo marcada por la preeminencia del mercado neoliberal, las nuevas formas de sociabilidad y comunicación propiciadas por la tecnología y los medios de la información, las manifestaciones del terrorismo, las migraciones masivas y la emergencia de ciertos populismos de derecha análogos a ciertos autoritarismos de izquierda, suponen un punto de inflexión e...

    17,19 €

  • The Push for a Child Philosophy
    Maxine Therese
     What children really need has been misunderstood for most of human history. Drawing on the latest scientific research, philosophy, and psychology as well as her own clinical experience, Maxine illuminates the life of the child. This book promotes the child as a soul - unified in body, mind, and spirit. Articulated through the Foundational Needs Model,  the complex interplay of...

    24,04 €

  • The Historical Roots of Corruption
    Eric M. Uslaner / Eric MUslaner

    29,75 €

  • Cheating in College
    Donald L McCabe / Kenneth D Butterfield / Linda K Treviño
    Today's students are tomorrow's leaders, and the college years are a critical period for their development of ethical standards. Cheating in College explores how and why students cheat and what policies, practices, and participation may be useful in promoting academic integrity and reducing cheating.The authors investigate trends over time, including internet-based chea...

    34,34 €

  • Teaching Social Skills through Role Play
    Christopher Glenn
    This book contains over 150 role plays for elementary aged students that will help them to develop social skills and self-understanding. ...

    78,19 €

  • Teaching Social Skills through Role Play
    Christopher Glenn
    This book contains over 150 role plays for elementary aged students that will help them to develop social skills and self-understanding. ...

    39,42 €

  • Magersucht im Jugendalter. Bin ich schuld, wenn mein Kind hungert?
    Carina Bernmann / Isabel Pranger
    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit / Sozialarbeit, Note: 1,3, Medical School Hamburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Einführend in das Thema erfolgt eine Darstellung der Krankheit Magersucht mit ihren Auslösern, Symptomen und Therapieformen, die oft zur Behandlung ergriffen werden, wie z.B. die psychotherapeutische Einzelbehandlung und die Familientherap...

    16,02 €

  • Factories for learning
    Christy Kulz
    This book draws on research at Dreamfields Academy, a celebrated secondary school, to explore how neoliberal education models reproduce raced and classed inequalities. ...

    145,27 €

  • It’s Not My Fault
    George A Goens / George A. Goens / George AGoens
    To be successful, children cannot adopt a victim mentality. When confronted with challenges, character matters -- responding effectively to address life’s challenges. Schools must teach character development in an environment that holds children responsible and accountable. ...

    71,42 €

    A declining culture follows a predictable path. In this imaginative account the importance of walking in the light and in the truth are examined as well as the consequences of failing to do so. The main characters, Prince Venture and his companion Adolos, are sent on a mission to call the people into the service of the King's King. This proves to be both challenging and ins...

    8,82 €

  • Pi of Life
    Sunil Singh
    Blending classic wisdom with over 100 pop culture references, Singh whimsically switches the lens in this book from the traditional society teaching math to a new and bold math teaching society. With charming buoyancy and intimacy, he takes us on an emotional and surprising journey through the deepest goldmine of mathematics—our personal happiness. ...

    100,21 €

  • Pi of Life
    Sunil Singh
    Blending classic wisdom with over 100 pop culture references, Singh whimsically switches the lens in this book from the traditional society teaching math to a new and bold math teaching society. With charming buoyancy and intimacy, he takes us on an emotional and surprising journey through the deepest goldmine of mathematics—our personal happiness. ...

    50,39 €

  • Factories for learning
    Christy Kulz
    This book draws on research at Dreamfields Academy, a celebrated secondary school, to explore how neoliberal education models reproduce raced and classed inequalities. ...

    35,89 €

  • It’s Not My Fault
    George A Goens / George A. Goens / George AGoens
    To be successful, children cannot adopt a victim mentality. When confronted with challenges, character matters -- responding effectively to address life’s challenges. Schools must teach character development in an environment that holds children responsible and accountable. ...

    36,81 €

  • Dialogic Pedagogy
    This book provides a wide-ranging and in-depth theoretical perspective on dialogue in teaching. It explores the philosophy of dialogism and explains its importance in teaching and learning. The authors present the core concepts of dialogism as a social theory of language and consider the implications of these ideas for pedagogy. ...

    60,23 €

  • Life 2.0
    Samrat Bera
     Have you ever wondered about life in its entirety? Not just your lifespan, but the entire cycle of life? Why are we born and what is the meaning of life? Is this all a technology play, is this something more spiritual or is this a combination of both?     Life 2.0! ignites the ideas and concepts for many of these topics. We must be curious about how the world around us came in...

    8,31 €

  • Años de aprendizaje
    Gustavo Bombini
    Paola Piacenza plantea en esta obra la posibilidad de leer los años sesenta en la Argentina a partir de la hipótesis de un relato de formación que caracteriza a la retórica de distintos discursos centrales a la época y que imaginan una cultura en tiempo de transición. Son los años del desarrollismo pero también los de la revolución. El cambio se impone como valor y el aprendiza...

    23,00 €

  • Reclaiming Goodness
    Hanan A. Alexander / Hanan AAlexander
    Reclaiming Goodness: Education and the Spiritual Quest begins with the premise that sound models for achieving both spiritual fulfillment and the 'good life' are lacking in contemporary culture. Arguing that contemporary education is responsible for having abandoned spirituality and the cultivation of goodness in people, Hanan A. Alexander advances a definition of spirituality ...

    42,68 €

  • The Classroom as Privileged Space
    Glorie Taponeswa Chimbganda / Tapo Chimbganda
    This book examines the psychic and emotional effects of the dehumanization of children based on discrimination and difference in classrooms. Using psychoanalysis, it highlights the emotional structures that develop in learners through the repeated trauma of racism and homophobia. Recommended for scholars in education, psychoanalysis, and sociology. ...

    122,37 €

    J. Stephen Parker
    This comprehensive training manual is jam-packed with techniques and strategies on the art and practice of personal evangelism. It is a unique and vital contribution to the evangelism literature and supplements the 'life style' approach that has been so popular. Even though most Christians sincerely desire to share their faith, many feel ill-equipped for this complex and o...

    14,09 €

  • Attuned Learning
    Elie Holzer
    Practice-oriented educational philosopher Elie Holzer invites readers to grow as teachers, students, or co-learners through 'attuned learning,' a new paradigm of mindfulness. Groundbreaking interpretations of classical rabbinic texts sharpen attention to our own mental, emotional, and physical workings as well as awareness of others within the complexities of learning interacti...

    32,57 €

  • Living the Questions
    Wade Tillett
    In Living the Questions: Dispatches From a Life Already in Progress, Wade Tillett takes up the question of how to live – not in some abstract sense, but in the urgent present. Tillett realizes that how to live is a question that each of us is already asking – and answering – moment-by-moment. These texts offer surprising discoveries of how we are already inventing solutions to ...

    71,43 €