Forma física y alimentación

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Forma física y alimentación (8592)

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  • A Journey To Rejuvenation
    Charlotte Ethan / Ellen Jefferson
    A Journey To Rejuvenation A Book Of Detox And Cleansing Way’s To Purify Your Body For Health And Longevity Both Children And Adult. In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health and vitality is more important than ever. 'Revitalize Your Life' is a comprehensive guide that takes you on a transformative journey towards rejuvenation and total cleansing. Discover the art ...

    12,34 €

  • The Complete Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners
    Callie Dinwiddie
    Discover the flavors of the Mediterranean with the ultimate guide to healthy eating - the complete Mediterranean diet cookbook.Are you thinking about a change of lifestyle?Are you wondering what all the fuss over the Mediterranean diet is about?Do you even know what this diet is?You are in the right place!The Mediterranean diet is more of a lifestyle than a diet...Every meal is...

    12,23 €

  • Weight Watchers Freestyle Cookbook
    Damian Matthews / Lina Olson / Lina Sternlight / Miranda Mason / Miranda Olson / Miranda Oslon / Miranda Wright / Nora Armong / Nora Oslon / Nora Wright / Sally Sterling / Sarah Sterling / Sarah Wright
    Are you ready to embark on a delicious and healthy culinary journey?Look no further than our brand-new Weight Watchers Cookbook!The Weight Watchers program is a popular weight loss and healthy lifestyle approach emphasizing balanced eating and portion control. The Freestyle program is a particular version of the Weight Watchers program that assigns point values to different foo...

    24,81 €

  • Dejar de Fumar es Fácil Si Sabes Cómo El Único Libro que Necesitas Para Dejar el Tabaco sin Engordar y Para Siempre
    Dr. Eduardo Robledo Gómez
    ¿Has intentado dejar de fumar múltiples veces sin éxito? ¿Te sientes atrapado en el ciclo de la adicción, deseando encontrar una salida? Entonces, este libro es para ti.¿Qué descubrirás en este libro?El poder de la decisión: Descubre cómo tomar la determinación correcta y hacer de dejar de fumar una realidad.Herramientas y técnicas: Aprende estrategias efectivas, desde ejercici...

    12,70 €

  • Princípios E Fundamentos Da Massagem Ayurvédica
    Luiz Fernando Jacinto Filho
    O trabalho a ser apresentado tem o objetivo de instruir e aprofundar nos conceitos primordiais do Ayurveda e da Massagem Ayurvédica Abhyanga, proporciona uma vivência única e profunda no conhecimento dos Vedas, um verdadeiro mergulho no autoconhecimento.Com o devido respeito e devoção pela arte de transmitir esse conhecimento milenar; é que dedico esse ensino como meu próprio D...

    25,02 €

  • Como Emagrecer
    Camila De Lima
    Aqui você encontrará mais de 70 receitas deliciosas esaudáveis para te ajudar nessa tarefa. Perder peso naturalmente e semfazer dieta. Você também aprenderá 10 exercícios físicos fáceis eeficazes que você pode fazer em casa sem precisar de nenhumequipamento ou espaço. Esses exercícios irão ajudá-lo a construirmúsculos, queimar calorias e melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar. Ao final...

    8,53 €

  • Como Alcançar Seus Objetivos Na Dieta
    Camila De Lima
    Neste conteúdo vamos explorar como trabalhar tanto a mentequanto o corpo para alcançar seus objetivos na dieta.Através de uma abordagem criativa e simples, você aprenderátécnicas e estratégias para manter-se motivado e no caminhocerto, poisAlcançar seus objetivos na dieta é possível quando você trabalhasua a mente e o corpo em conjunto. Com as técnicas e estratégiasapresentadas...

    10,20 €

  • Mude Sua Rotina
    Camila De Lima
    Está na hora de desvendar todos os segredos e empoderar as pessoas a cuidarem de sua pele de forma completa e consciente. Com os conhecimentos compartilhados neste livro, você estará equipado com todas as informações para alcançar e manter uma pele radiante e saudável. Lembre-se de que cada pele é única, por isso é importante adaptar essas dicas às suas necessidades individuais...

    10,75 €

  • Correndo
    João Tavares
    EmCorrendo pela Vida , somos convidados a embarcar em uma jornada de superação e autodescoberta por meio da corrida. O autor, um ex-sedentário determinado a viver além das expectativas impostas a ele, compartilha sua inspiradora trajetória de transformação e liberdade.Nesta obra motivacional e envolvente, o autor desmistifica a crença de que correr é um esporte exclusivo para a...

    7,89 €

  • Acupuntura No Tratamento De Feridas Por Enfermeiros
    Neila Reis & Célia Falcão
    É com grande satisfação que apresentamos a primeira ediçãodo livro Acupuntura no Tratamento de Feridas por Enfermeiros- relato de experiência. Nele são descritos métodos alternativos de tratamento de feridas,como a técnicas Cercar o Dragão que apesar de ainda ser desconhecida pela sociedade Ocidental, já é praticado há milhares de anos pelos ocidentais.Espera-se que esta obra ...

    6,79 €

  • Medicinal Mushrooms
    Felicity Paulman
    Are you searching for a natural and effective method to enhance your overall health and well-being? Look no further than the remarkable advantages of medicinal mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms, a time-honored tradition in global healing practices, have gained recognition for their therapeutic properties. They boast a diverse array of over 14,000 species, each offering unique bene...

    9,70 €

  • Okinawa Diet
    Bruce Ackerberg
    Unlock the key to a longer and healthier life without the need for costly treatments, expensive products, or frequent therapeutic vacations. Discover the secret to longevity as you delve into the wisdom of the Okinawans, a community known for their exceptional lifespan.In a world where the average life expectancy reached a remarkable 72.6 years in 2019, it’s essential to explor...

    9,64 €

  • Cold Therapy
    Felicity Paulman
    Explore the diverse landscape of pain management with a wide array of approaches, catering to different preferences and needs. From conventional pharmaceutical remedies to holistic alternatives like chiropractic care and acupuncture, the options are manifold. Within this spectrum, one particularly intriguing avenue is cold therapy, often known as cryotherapy.This guide delves i...

    9,64 €

  • Craniosacral Therapy
    Felicity Paulman
    Are you familiar with the overwhelming sensation of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you find yourself battling persistent pain and stress on a regular basis? If so, you’re not alone. Many individuals grapple with mental and physical challenges that can significantly impact their quality of life. Craniosacral therapy offers a compassionate and effective ap...

    9,67 €

  • The Book the Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You to Read
    Jenny McDonald
    ’Some diet industry feathers are about to get ruffled! A gentle and kind book that doesn’t judge, it just feels like a good friend who wants the best for you. Easy to read and follow, a book so many will relate to.’Holly Matthews, best-selling author, self-development coach and founder of The Happy Me ProjectWhat if you made the DECISION to never diet again?An empowering and co...

    19,38 €

  • Goji Berry
    Brandon Gilta
    Explore the world of Goji Berries with this comprehensive beginner’s guide. Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are a vibrant red fruit originating from China, celebrated for their potential health benefits. This book takes you on a journey through the fascinating history of goji berries, delving into their rich tradition of use in Chinese medicine.Discover the nutritional...

    9,61 €

  • Pendulum Healing
    Felicity Paulman
    Discover the Mystical World of Pendulum Healing: A Beginner’s GuideUnlock the secrets of an ancient healing practice that harnesses the power of the pendulum to promote balance in your body, mind, and spirit. In this captivating guide, delve into the fascinating realm of pendulum healing and explore its potential to enhance your overall well-being.Inside, you’ll explore:1. What...

    9,61 €

  • The End of Hunger
    Jenny Eaton Dyer
    2020 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalists - Ecology and Environment Jesus’ command is clear: we are called to feed all of God’s children. But is that possible?Twenty-five years ago, 23.3 percent of the world’s population lived in hunger. Today, that number has dropped to 12.9 percent-giving rise to the renewed hope that what once seemed unthinkable is now within rea...

    18,50 €

  • Arachnoiditis
    Patrick Marshwell
    Discover a comprehensive guide to navigating the challenges of arachnoiditis, a condition that affects the delicate web-like membrane surrounding the spinal cord and nerves. 'Unraveling the Web of Arachnoiditis' delves into the various facets of this rare and complex ailment, providing essential insights for both patients and caregivers.Arachnoiditis can arise from diverse caus...

    10,81 €

  • Fatty Liver Solution
    Jeffrey Winzant
    Fatty liver, medically known as hepatic steatosis, is a prevalent condition affecting nearly a third of the United States population today. It encompasses two distinct categories: non-alcoholic fatty liver and alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Unhealthy dietary choices, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to the development of this conditio...

    9,61 €

  • EFT Tapping for Weight Loss
    Stephanie Hinderock
    Have you ever had trouble losing weight no matter how hard you restricted your calorie intake, or how vigorously you exercised on a daily basis? I know I’ve had my fair share of frustrating experiences here and there.If you’re just like me, and many other women out there, I’m sure you know how it feels to practically exhaust all efforts to no avail.While this may be very troubl...

    9,64 €

  • Modified Keto Diet
    Larry Jamesonn
    Explore the concerning statistics surrounding obesity in America, where 36.5% of adults struggle with this issue. Delve deeper into the data, revealing that 40% of individuals aged 40 to 59 are at risk of obesity, while a third of those aged 60 and above are already diagnosed as obese. Among younger adults aged 20 to 39, 32.3% face the same challenge, and the troubling fact tha...

    9,79 €

  • Spinal Stenosis Diet
    Patrick Marshwell
    Discover the intricacies of spinal stenosis in this comprehensive guide that delves deep into the condition’s nuances. From its two distinct types to its multifaceted causes, explore the world of spinal stenosis and empower yourself with knowledge to navigate its challenges effectively.As we age, our spines undergo transformations, often leading to spinal stenosis-a condition w...

    9,61 €

  • Alkaline Smoothies
    Mary Golanna
    In 2013, Victoria Beckham, famously known as Posh from the iconic 90s British girl group Spice Girls, brought the alkaline diet into the spotlight by sharing her enthusiasm for the cookbook 'Honestly Healthy: Eat with Your Body in Mind, the Alkaline Way' by Chef Natasha Corrett and nutritionist Vicki Edgson on Twitter. This endorsement triggered a widespread trend, with many ad...

    10,74 €

  • Myositis
    Patrick Marshwell
    Discover a comprehensive beginner’s guide to myositis, a group of rare autoimmune diseases that cause muscle inflammation, pain, and mobility challenges. In this invaluable resource, you’ll delve into the world of myositis, gaining insights into its causes, types, risk factors, complications, and more.Unravel the mystery behind myositis as we explore its enigmatic origins, stro...

    9,67 €

  • Emagrecer E Magra Ser.
    Cristina Alves Caleffi
    Este livro foi criado com o intuito de ajudar você mulher, que já tentou por várias vezes um emagrecimento eficaz e duradouro, mas em todas as tentativas que realizou, não teve sucesso. E isso é muito frustrante e faz a gente desistir de tentar, não é mesmo?Aqui neste livro eu te mostro o caminho que você deve seguir e como, mesmo sozinha, alcançar seu objetivo de emagrecimento...

    13,57 €

  • Wine & Health
    Richard Baxter
    'No amount of alcohol is safe.' So read the August 23, 2018 headlines following the publication in the journal Lancet of a global study. Though in the weeks after the Lancet’s publication it became plain that the authors’ conclusions were overstated to bait the media, it was hard to ignore troubling epidemiological evidence that this and other recent studies had discovered whic...

    17,43 €

  • Tailbone Pain
    Patrick Marshwell
    Are you or someone you know suffering from the debilitating pain of coccydynia, commonly known as tailbone pain? This condition, often caused by injuries to the coccyx, can be incredibly challenging to manage, disrupting daily life and causing frustration for those seeking relief.'Relief from Coccydynia' is your essential beginner’s guide to understanding and addressing tailbon...

    9,79 €

  • Endometriosis Diet Plan
    Mary Golanna
    A Guide to Managing Endometriosis Through DietAs women age, their health becomes a paramount concern, and specific conditions can impact their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Endometriosis, a prevalent condition affecting approximately 11% of women each year, poses significant health risks. Studies reveal that 50% to 60% of women with endometriosis experience debili...

    9,61 €

  • Body Recomposition for Women
    Stephanie Hinderock
    Are you a woman looking to transform your body and enhance your overall well-being? Discover the secrets of body recomposition in this empowering guide designed specifically for women who are new to weightlifting, have struggled with fat loss in the past, or simply want to achieve a healthier, more confident version of themselves.Body recomposition is the art of simultaneously ...

    10,71 €