Historia de la medicina

Medicina / Medicina: cuestiones generales / Historia de la medicina (4480)

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  • Asclepius
    Emma J. Edelstein

    64,81 €

  • Caring and Curing

    49,76 €

  • Subjected to Science
    Susan E Lederer
    The first full-length history of biomedical research with human subjects in the period 'before Tuskegee'--from 1890 to 1940Long before the U.S. government began conducting secret radiation and germ-warfare experiments, and long before the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, medical professionals had introduced--and hotly debated the ethics of--the use of human subjects in medical ex...

    38,37 €

  • Revolutionary Medicine
    C. Keith Wilbur / CKeith Wilbur
    Here are the struggles, the strategies, the odd treatments, and the theories the limited amount of physicians used when the Revolutionary War exploded. ...

    13,29 €

  • The Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine Empire
    Timothy S. Miller

    39,22 €

  • The Progress of Experiment
    Harry M. Marks / Harry MMarks

    130,37 €

  • Medicine and Modernity

    180,88 €

  • Drugs and Narcotics in History
    Porter / Porter Roy / Teich Mikulas

    58,07 €

  • Sir Arthur Newsholme and State Medicine, 1885-1935
    John M. Eyler / John MEyler

    180,10 €

  • The Transformation of German Academic Medicine, 1750-1820
    Thomas H. Broman / Thomas HBroman

    142,88 €

  • Medical Ethics in the Renaissance
    Winfried Schleiner
    This book is the first comprehensive examination of medical ethics in the Renaissance. It investigates the ethical considerations, evaluations of procedures, and techniques of problem-solving in the writings of European physicians and surgeons from the mid-sixteenth through the mid-seventeenth centuries.While much of the medical practice and literature of the Renaissance remain...

    40,49 €

  • Traditional Medicine in Africa
    The inaccessibility of biomedicine to most of Africa’s population because of escalating costs has necessitated a search for alternative ways of managing illnesses. Traditional medicine, which has always been practised in the indigenous cultures, is fast filling this therapeutic gap. This book is a collection of essays based on a multidisciplinary approach to traditional medicin...

    68,80 €

  • Health & Healing in Eighteenth-Century Germany
    Mary Lindemann

    43,60 €

  • Technology in the Hospital
    Joel D. Howell
    How did use of medical technology such as urinalyses, blood tests, and x-ray machines change patient care in early-twentieth-century American hospitals? To what extent was the use of new machines influenced by the ideas of scientific medicine and to what extent by the availability of newly structured facilities and trained personnel? Drawing on the medical treatment of more tha...

    40,38 €

  • Women’s Bodies in Classical Greek Science
    Dean Jones / Jones Dean Jones / Lesley Ann Dean-Jones
    this is an informative work which makes a significant contribution not only to the history of Greek medicine, but also to our understanding of the place and role of women in Greek society. ...

    74,88 €

  • Sickness and the State
    Lenore Manderson

    137,28 €

  • A Social History of Wet Nursing in America
    Janet Golden

    101,04 €

  • Charitable Knowledge
    Susan C. Lawrence / Susan CLawrence

    199,92 €

  • Man and Microbes
    Arno Karlan / Arno Karlen

    15,52 €

  • Medical Services and the Hospital in Britain, 1860 1939
    Steven Cherry

    37,71 €

  • Medical Services and the Hospital in Britain, 1860-1939
    Steven Cherry

    92,93 €

  • Blood and its Third Anatomical Element
    A. Bechamp / ABechamp
    Blood and its Third Anatomical Element is a scientific book written by Antoine Bechamp, a French biologist and chemist. The book delves into the study of blood and its components, specifically the third anatomical element, which Bechamp believed to be a vital part of the human body’s immune system.Bechamp’s theory challenged the popular belief at the time that bacteria were the...

    33,70 €

  • Polio’s Legacy
    Anthony Sorem / Edmund J Sass / Edmund J. Sass / Edmund JSass / George Gottfried
    his book shows readers the reality of polio and how it alters human lives. ...

    102,58 €

  • Moonlight, Magnolias, and Madness
    Peter McCandless
    Moonlight, Magnolias, and Madness is a social history of the perceptions and treatment of the mentally ill in South Carolina over two centuries. Examining insanity in both an institutional and a community context, Peter McCandless shows how policies and attitudes changed dramatically from the colonial era to the early twentieth century. He also sheds new light on the ways secti...

    83,24 €

  • Learning to Heal
    Kenneth M. Ludmerer

    44,25 €

  • Naples in the Time of Cholera, 1884 1911
    Frank Snowden

    173,73 €

  • Living in the Shadow of Death
    Sheila M. Rothman
    For more than 150 years, until well into the twentieth century, tuberculosis was the dreaded scourge that AIDS is for us today. Based on the diaries and letters of hundreds of individuals over five generations, Living in the Shadow of Death is the first book to present an intimate and evocative portrait of what it was like for patients as well as families and communities to str...

    44,42 €

  • Disease, Medicine and Society in England, 1550 1860
    Roy Porter

    46,33 €

  • The Western Medical Tradition
    L. Conrad / Lawrence Conrad / LConrad / Vivian Nutton

    58,80 €

  • The Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages
    Joan Cadden

    51,57 €