Historias reales

Biografía e historias reales / Historias reales (3348)

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  • The Crimes Of England
    G.K. Chesterton
    The Crimes Of England is a fictional novel written by English writer G. K. Chesterton. The book showcases Chesterton’s views on the First World War. The Central Powers and the Allies, especially France, the United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Japan, and the United States, fought each other in this conflict (led by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire). Chesterton talks a...

    9,57 €

  • The Man Who Knew Too Much
    G.K. Chesterton
    The man who knew too much is a collection of short stories written by G. K. Chesterton which is centered around Horne Fisher, who is a font of all knowledge, which enables him to solve crimes and mysteries in less time. Fisher is a man who socializes with journalists and politicians (and comes from a family of politicians himself). They solve all sorts of crimes that turn out ...

    13,24 €

  • Mi historia
    Mauricio Arroyo Paniagua
    Mi Historia. Relato basado en una experiencia de la vida real, en la cual una persona común y corriente narra la experiencia de recibir por parte del Universo una de las mejores oportunidades de poder navegar entre lo real y lo espiritual en muchos sucesos posteriores a su fallecimiento por una negligencia médica. El universo le da la oportunidad de regresar al plano de los viv...

    11,70 €

  • The Quest Of The Sacred Slipper
    Sax Rohmer
    The Quest of the Sacred Slipper is another rough-and-tumble tale of eastern evil clashing with western civilization by Sax Rohmer. The book has a story of a group of homicidal Muslims who are racing after a slipper that once belonged to the prophet Mohammed in this gory novel by the prolific and commercially successful Sax Rohmer (Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward). In this narrative...

    21,31 €

  • A Prisoner by No Crime of My Own
    At three years old, Jodie watched her father murder a woman in a seedy hotel room. He, a true-born sociopath, strolled undetected, using religion as his disguise. A life suffocating the truth wouldn’t work for Jodie. The murdered woman’s spirit seemed to ignite a search for answers in Jodie’s adulthood. A budding darkness around the reality of her past was coming sharply into f...

    20,19 €

  • Aliens and the Dearly Departed
    MJ Miller
    Exes, aliens, and hypnotic illusions terrorize one of Luckland’s own.When Pippa receives an emergency text, she doesn’t expect to find one of her mother’s BFFs missing or have a basement blow up right beneath her feet. Star maps and exes haunt Prudence’s past, so Pippa and Devon take a trip to Roswell to chase the origins of an alien statue, only to uncover mysteries that go fa...

    13,49 €

  • The Baby Overland
    Larry M. Griggers
    This book is a dramatization of a killing that took place in 1920, and documents the capture, multiple trials, and sentencing of a man who was suffering from a mental disorder.This book’s inspiration was planted indelibly in my mind by my late Uncle James Ellis Boyd. It happened when I was a young boy - sitting on a rock formation on the bank of Swift Creek in lower Toombs Coun...

    56,32 €

  • Into the Lion’s Mouth
    Larry Loftis

    20,46 €

  • Silver Moon Touched
    Niko Riki
    He put on his jacket and said, - I have told you, that I did a love spell. I wanted to attract Richard, but now I have a stalker guy. I wish I have never done that magic spell, because now it is just too much of attention.- You are my angel. Finally, you are in my arms I have waited for that to happen all this time. Melanie, I will never let you go, and I understand why you wer...

    13,77 €

  • Confesiones de un opiómano inglés
    Thomas De Quincey
    En algún lugar, no sé dónde, de alguna manera, no sé cómo, unos seres, no sé cuáles, libraban una batalla, un combate, una agonía que se desarrollaba como un gran drama o una composición musical; mi inquietud era tanto más difícil de soportar, puesto que ignoraba el sitio, la causa, la naturaleza, el posible resultado de la lucha. Como suele ocurrir en los sueños en los que por...

    17,68 €

  • Invierno sueco
    Matías Wiszniewer
    ¿Qué ignotos laberintos convocan a reencontrarnos con René Descartes, aquel viajero que soñó su filosofía en una dramática noche de 1619? Esta fascinante novela nos conduce a un apasionante viaje por las ideas que engendraron el mundo moderno, a un tiempo histórico fundacional, y hasta a un thriller psicológico y policial. La pluma del autor logra sumergirnos en la íntima conci...

    27,08 €

  • 51 Cuentos de amores eróticos y otros
    Nolbert Alfero
    Este libro recoge cincuenta y una historias narradas en la voz de Diego, un faenero que, debido a su trabajo, se desplaza por todo el territorio de Chile, y otros lugares de Latinoamérica. Esta existencia nómada, que se desarrolla en diferentes ciudades y ambientes, da pie a que Diego con frecuencia termine en la cama de mujeres y hombres con quienes quizás no se hubiera encont...

    18,99 €

  • With Janis Joplin
    Silvia Sánchez Zaldívar
    El 19 de enero de 2023 Janis Joplin cumpliría 80 años.Su fatídico final dejó a muchos huérfanos. Ella nos cantaba desde su corazón.Su vida es una historia de superación: la chica triste que huye de su hogar esforzándose por encontrar el afecto y aceptación del entorno con el empeño de superar la maldición de su soledad.Un personaje inspirador, que muchos eligen como compañera e...

    16,00 €

  • El ojo de la aguja
    Diego Cano Pintos
    El ojo de la aguja recoge ejercicios literarios del autor.Se agrupan relatos más largos con otros más cortos, o microrrelatos, y en ese entretejimiento casual aparece la ironía, el humor o la crítica. Los hay duros, y también dulces o amargos, como las frutas de un frutero. También aleccionadores o que hacen reflexionar sobre algún hecho. Suelen estar escritos en primera person...

    9,99 €

  • The Karachi Deception
    Shatrujeet Nath
    NA ...

    21,55 €

  • A Place In My Heart
    Darcy Wiemers
    How do you recover from the life-altering calamity of the murder of your wife and unborn child? Detective Sergeant Sam Mackenzie faced that reality and the accompanying grief that threatened to destroy him. The road to recovery for Sam is long and strewn with many obstacles, as well as life-threatening events he has to navigate around.Change beckons when least expected. In Sam’...

    13,59 €

  • True Crime Stories
    H.J. Tidy
    No one ever truly disappears. In every unsolved case, at least one person knows the truth. True crime is one of the most popular genres on the bookshelves--new docuseries and podcasts entice an audience millions strong. But why are we so drawn to real-life horror? What does it say about us? True crime is about humanity. We are hardwired to pay attention to things that could har...

    22,99 €

  • Greed
    Timothy V. Tousey
    It was called the crime of the decade. Newspapers from across the country told of the mysterious death of the wealthy and eccentric Margretta Todd in 1905. In her younger years, Margretta had been the mistress of Napoleon III in Paris and was a favorite in the emperor’s court. Later, she built an upscale apartment building in Manhattan at 29 W. Twenty-Sixth Street called the Vo...

    15,94 €

  • Greed
    Timothy V. Tousey
    It was called the crime of the decade. Newspapers from across the country told of the mysterious death of the wealthy and eccentric Margretta Todd in 1905. In her younger years, Margretta had been the mistress of Napoleon III in Paris and was a favorite in the emperor’s court. Later, she built an upscale apartment building in Manhattan at 29 W. Twenty-Sixth Street called the Vo...

    25,75 €

  • El Indio de Sevilla
    Ángel de la Rosa es una persona que por culpa de las drogas se ve abocado a vivir en la calle, perdiendo a su mujer e hijos. La situación tan caótica en la que tiene que sobrevivir, su forma de vestir (va con el torso desnudo, porta un arco y unas flechas) y en la que se autodenomina el Indio de Sevilla, hace que la ciudad lo acoja como un personaje diferente que deambula por s...

    12,00 €

    E. Larby
    Un desencantado agente del CNI se involucra voluntariamente en una investigación sobre un asesinato y lo que descubre, puede devenir en un escándalo tal que, podría hacer desaparecer a un importante partido político y salpicar al CNI,Su investigación le lleva al descubrimiento de una trama que había conseguido ocultar la autoría real del mayor atentado que se ha producido en nu...

    12,56 €

  • The Evil I Have Seen Davidson & Jones
    PJ Jones / Robert Davidson
    Reader’s Favorite True Crime 2022, The Evil I Have Seen is a collection of six murder cases that haunt the memories of retired Detective Lt. Robert (Robbo) Davidson. Each story is based on his actual case files, witness statements, trial transcripts, and interviews with the people involved. The Evil I Have Seen is set between the bayous and Big Woods of northwest Louisiana’s De...

    19,79 €

  • Ace In The Hole
    OJ Modjeska
    A glamorous and talented Hollywood actress and playwright approaches one of America’s most notorious incarcerated serial killers, seeking insight into the mind of a murderer.Hoping to leverage his fame to her own advantage, she interviews him as part of research for her new play. She dreams of creating the next Hollywood horror hit, but her plans go awry when she underestimates...

    12,64 €

  • Ace In The Hole
    OJ Modjeska
    A glamorous and talented Hollywood actress and playwright approaches one of America’s most notorious incarcerated serial killers, seeking insight into the mind of a murderer.Hoping to leverage his fame to her own advantage, she interviews him as part of research for her new play. She dreams of creating the next Hollywood horror hit, but her plans go awry when she underestimates...

    20,30 €

  • Ace In The Hole
    OJ Modjeska
    A glamorous and talented Hollywood actress and playwright approaches one of America’s most notorious incarcerated serial killers, seeking insight into the mind of a murderer.Hoping to leverage his fame to her own advantage, she interviews him as part of research for her new play. She dreams of creating the next Hollywood horror hit, but her plans go awry when she underestimates...

    9,90 €

  • Ace In The Hole
    OJ Modjeska
    A glamorous and talented Hollywood actress and playwright approaches one of America’s most notorious incarcerated serial killers, seeking insight into the mind of a murderer.Hoping to leverage his fame to her own advantage, she interviews him as part of research for her new play. She dreams of creating the next Hollywood horror hit, but her plans go awry when she underestimates...

    9,57 €

  • Ace In The Hole
    OJ Modjeska
    A glamorous and talented Hollywood actress and playwright approaches one of America’s most notorious incarcerated serial killers, seeking insight into the mind of a murderer.Hoping to leverage his fame to her own advantage, she interviews him as part of research for her new play. She dreams of creating the next Hollywood horror hit, but her plans go awry when she underestimates...

    21,00 €

  • Murder At The Wedding
    Vijay Kerji
    What if you meet an Indian Hercule Poirot who investigates an Indian Wedding Mystery?Rishab Das, the bridegroom, has been murdered on the night of his engagement in a temple at Secunderabad.Detective Mayur Varma is asked by Rishab’s father to investigate the crime. Mayur interviews Rishab’s relatives and gathers clues around the temple. He along with his junior Aisha Mishra and...

    15,50 €

  • Lo que de verdad funciona eres tú
    Sara Vanessa Rodríguez Muñoz
    Engordar, adelgazar, engordar, adelgazar, ¿te resulta familiar? La frustración y la baja autoestima me acompañaron hasta que descubrí la alimentación saludable y el deporte, convirtiéndome en atleta de fitness; pero mi obsesión por ganar y la autoexigencia derivaron en un diagnóstico inesperado: ansiedad y depresión. Toqué fondo y renací con un claro propósito, ayudar a otras p...

    15,00 €

  • Rooted in Deception
    Laura Churchill Duke
    In 1905 an energetic man with grand plans arrives in Nova Scotia. He has a wonderful way with words, and entrancing stories. But it turns out there is more than one story to him, and not all his plans are grand. He’s the sort of man that, after you shake his hand, you had better count your fingers. Laura Churchill Duke, bestselling author of Two Crows Sorrow, spins another ...

    15,60 €