
Humanidades / Historia / Historia: teoría y métodos / Historiografía (762)

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  • The American Civil War
    Fabian Vartez
    Between 1861 and 1865, a civil war took place in the United States. Two sides of the country, the North and the Union, fought against and in favor of slavery, but above all, because of their different views on federal laws, aspects of the economy, and how the world’s future should be faced.  The political and economic elite of the North were in favor of a type of economic expan...

    18,02 €

  • The Life and Death of King Richard the Second
    William Shakespeare
    The Life and Death of King Richard the Second, usually called Richard II, is a set of experiences in a play by William Shakespeare that is considered to have been written in roughly 1595. It depends on the existence of King Richard II of England (governed 1377-1399) and is the initial segment of a quadruplicate, alluded to by certain researchers as the Henriad, trailed by three...

    18,02 €

  • The Life and Death of King Richard the Third
    William Shakespeare
    The Life and Death of King Richard III is an authentic play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in around 1592. It portrays the Machiavellian ascent to influence and the ensuing short rule of Richard III of England. The play is gathered among the accounts in the First Folio and is most frequently delegated as such. Incidentally, in any case, as in the quartoed...

    21,30 €

    William Shakespeare
    [THE LIFE OF KING HENRY THE EIGHTH ] . Henry VIII is a cooperative history play, composed by William Shakespeare and John Fletcher, in light of the existence of Henry VIII. An elective title, All Is True, is kept in contemporary records, with the title Henry VIII holding off on showing up until the play’s distribution in the First Folio of 1623. Expressive proof demonstrates th...

    19,12 €

  • The Life of King Henry the Fifth
    William Shakespeare
    [ THE LIFE OF KING HENRY THE FIFTH] The play is set in England in the mid-fifteenth century. The political circumstances in England are tense: King Henry IV has died, and his son, the youthful King Henry V, has been crowned king. A few unpleasant nationwide conflicts have left individuals in England fretful and disappointed. Besides, to acquire the admiration of the English pub...

    19,12 €

    William Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare made Henry IV, Part 1 during or before 1597. It is the second play in a tetralogy known as ’Shakespeare’s Henriad’ which contains, all together, Richard II; Henry IV, Part 1; Henry IV, Part 2; and Henry V. The play happens over around a year, starting with the fight at Homildon in Northumberland among Hotspur and Douglas in 1402, and expands through the figh...

    19,12 €

    William Shakespeare
    Henry IV, Part 2 (1598) is one of Shakespeare’s authentic plays and the third portion of Shakespeare’s Lancastrian Tetralogy that additionally incorporates Richard II, Henry IV, Part I, and Henry V. This quadruplicate was adjusted into the widely praised TV series The Hollow Crown (2012), featuring Tom Hiddleston as Prince Hal/Henry V. A portion of the significant topics of thi...

    20,24 €

    William Shakespeare
    Henry VI, Part 1 is a solid festival of early English patriotism that stands out the English from the French, depicted here as feminine and conspiring. A kid ruler, Henry VI, is on the English lofty position, and the dauntless Talbot drives the English reason in France. Joan La Pucelle (Joan of Arc), who becomes skipper of...

    19,14 €

  • Of This and That, Essays Mostly
    James Babcock
    The variety of essays included in this volume were written as serious histories, some as would-be editorials never submitted, and some for family as memoirs. The criterion for inclusion was the notion that each contains one or more thoughts that might be of general interest. The essays deal with famous empires, the historiography of the FHA, the Federal Reserve, monetary excess...

    16,64 €

  • 清代地方政府
    编辑推荐著名历史学家、社会学家瞿同祖先生于学术时期写就的经典之作从人的角度,了解州县级地方政府的运作和基层治理逻辑认识清帝国结构性集体腐败的根源哈佛大学出版社1962年首版,至今仍是一个绕不开的起点,一座未被逾越的高峰深入浅出,简明易懂,即便是无学术背景的普通读者也能阅读无碍第三次全面修订译本,精益求精,忠于原作 内容简介《清代地方政府》是著名历史学家、社会学家瞿同祖先生的代表作,也是他于学术时期用英文撰写的一部经典之作。本书由哈佛大学出版社1962年首版,为瞿同祖在世界范围内赢得了巨大声誉,至今仍是西方汉学界相关教学和研究中的书。民间有言'天高皇帝远',学术界也有个论题是'皇权不下县',作为小行政单元的清代州县级地方政府,直接与普通百姓打交道,其重要性不言而喻。《清代地方政府》一书的写作目的就是描述、分析和诠释清代州县级地方政府的结构与运作。瞿同祖...

    39,68 €

  • Slaughter in Ukraine
    Daniel Wrinn
    " Putin is making the same mistakes that doomed Hitler when he invaded the Soviet Union." – ReviewerA Gripping and Riveting Short History of Operation BarbarossaIn just four weeks in the summer of 1941, the German Wehrmacht wrought unprecedented destruction on four Soviet armies. They conquered central Ukraine, killing or capturing three-quarters of a million men.This is an inf...

    15,37 €

  • Writing the History of Slavery
    Exploring the major historiographical, theoretical, and methodological approaches that have shaped studies on slavery, this addition to the Writing Historyseries highlights the varied ways that historians have approached the fluid and complex systems of human bondage, domination, and exploitation that have developed in societies across the world. The first part examines more re...

    153,21 €

  • 军事里的中国史

    32,53 €

  • A Guerra Civil Espanhola E As Américas
    Organização Ismara Izepe De Souza E Matheus Cardoso Da Silva De Ângela Meirelles De Oliveira
    Reunimos neste livro contribuições que ajudem o leitor do século XXI a pensar a Guerra Civil Espanhola na ocasião dos 80 anos do fim (oficial) do conflito, como um evento transnacional que extrapolou as fronteiras espanholas e, devido às suas características, tornou-se o grande centro de gravidade da solidariedade internacionalista daquela geração. ...

    12,78 €

  • A Pedra Misteriosa
    Roberto Salgado De Carvalho
    Uma obra criada por seres extraterrestres? Um monumento que prova a chegada dos fenícios no Brasil? Uma fórmula codificada de energia atômica desenvolvida há milhares de anos? Qual poderia ser o significado dos estranhos símbolos gravados sobre uma rocha no Nordeste? Muitas teorias foram elaboradas para explicar esse enigma do passado pré-histórico. O fascinante livro A Pedra M...

    7,62 €

  • 历史的温度6:站在十字路口
    编辑推荐张玮《历史的温度》系列正版均为裸脊锁线装,胶装都是盗版,请认准正版购买。裸脊锁线装帧(封面和内里不黏在一起,详见产品详情图),翻开能摊平,阅读更流畅,比胶装更牢固,内文双色印刷。狂儒和翰林,是否也面临彷徨和抉择?高管或高知,何曾能逃离人性诱惑?当皇帝,做帝师,是进是退?抛头颅,洒热血,是战是降?这是曾摆在众多历史人物面前的抉择,也是当下我们时常面临的选择,总有几次,我们会站在十字路口,面临抉择。我们读史,当感受其矛盾、纠结,去解读,去借鉴。大众历史科普读物《历史的温度》系列第6本,喜闻乐见的故事写法,每一篇文章都是一个有意思的历史故事,落笔客观、有温度。   脱离常规历史的宏大叙事,走向细节,寻找时代的真实故事,讲述我们所不了解的人物和事件。饱含丰富的历史知识,读完可以多一些典故,长一些知识,变成有趣、有见识的人。复旦大学博导严锋教授、社科院...

    47,70 €

  • Il mio omaggio a Roma. 753 a.C. - 476 d.C.
    Alfredo Raneri
    'Il mio omaggio a Roma' nasce dal desiderio di descrivere la città, che assorbita la civiltà greca la fece sua creando la 'Civiltà occidentale' ...

    33,35 €

  • History and Identity
    Stefan Berger

    133,48 €

  • History and Identity
    Stefan Berger

    43,37 €

  • Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance
    Ronald G. Musto / Ronald GMusto
    Writing Southern Italy before the Renaissance is the first comprehensive book in English to examine the works of trecento historians of the Mezzogiorno. It introduces these writers, their lives, works, sources, language choices, narrative communities and strategies, and their styles and forms. Ronald G. Musto brings to bear current methodological and theoretical frameworks to d...

    27,31 €

  • Wisdom of the Tumbuka People
    William Mumba
    Proverbs in Africa are capsules of the wisdom of the people. Luviri Press is happy to present another collection of such proverbs this time focussing on the Tumbuka people who live in Northern Malawi and Eastern Zambia. The people of Central Africa are a mixed people with mixed cultures due to a mixed history. Citumbuka, the language as it is known today, is a result of a compl...

    59,57 €

  • Seeing with Free Eyes
    Marlene K. Sokolon / Marlene KSokolon
    Examines the ideas of justice in Euripidean tragedy, which reveals the human experience of justice to be paradoxical, and reminds us of the need for humility in our unceasing quest for a just world. ...

    42,75 €

  • Lore and Verse
    Yue Zhang
    Explores how poetry was used to disseminate and interpret history in early medieval China. ...

    121,84 €

  • Manoel Urbano Da Encarnação
    Jamescley Almeida De Souza
    Você constata que um homem deixou um legado para as gerações posteriores no momento em que se torna impossível falar do solo onde ele pisou sem tocar no seu nome. Esse pensamento parece se mostrar verdadeiro respeitante a Manoel Urbano da Encarnação, o prático e explorador do rio Purus, fundador de povoados, de seringais, de sítios e de cidades. Falar dele é viajar na história,...

    28,83 €

  • (re)cortes Na Floresta E (re)organização Territorial
    Amiraldo Do Socorro Soares Da Cunha
    Nos últimos anos o Estado, enquanto instituição pública, se tornou o principal agente regulador do processo de urbanização, através do provimento da infraestrutura, ainda que precária em algumas cidades, porém, necessária à garantia do desenvolvimento municipal. Nas cidades amazônicas, como em Breves, no Marajó, o processo de ordenamento territorial municipal assumiu as mais di...

    10,69 €

  • 易中天中华史
    编辑推荐全球视野,现代阐释,侦探小说一样好看的中华历史。学者易中天潜心撰写,从动笔到完成,历时九年,共24卷,大结局之卷名为《命运和选择》。我们的旅程从3700年以前,洛阳盆地上崛起的二里头遗址开始,直到公元1840年东西方文明的那次剧烈碰撞,才告一段落。一路走来,我们经历了怎样的命运、做了怎样的选择?为什么是这些选择,而不是其他?当一个从原始时代直接过渡而来、数千年未曾中断的文明需要升维时,又有哪些该留,哪些又该变?走向现代当真只有一条道路、一种选择吗?谜底,将在本卷揭晓。 内容简介第24卷《命运和选择》是中华史系列的总结之卷,易中天带你快速闪回,从3700年以前洛阳盆地上'中国崛起'开始,鸟瞰西周如何以政治智慧构建起华夏文明圈,又怎么把'产权不清'的锅甩给了子孙,再经战国两百年试错、变法与争鸣,中华终于步入帝国时代。此后,中华帝国史鲜明地分作四段...

    32,88 €

  • Passagens Da História Do Brasil
    Marilda Soares
    Abordando a História do Brasil e dos povos afrodescendentes, esta publicação busca resgatar a história e a memória afro-brasileira, fazendo emergir um olhar crítico e emancipador, fomentando ações do ativismo negro e outros movimentos sociais que visam a superação do racismo e de toda e qualquer forma de discriminação, preconceito, exclusão e intolerância existente no meio soci...

    17,67 €

  • Breviário dos Anais da Ilha Terceira de Ferreira Drummond
    Dionísio Sousa
    Este breviário e, principalmente, este seu primeiro volume, são apenas um esboço daquilo que para os 4 volumes da obra original foi um pioneiro trabalho de anos de espinhosas tarefas e mesquinhos frutos na apreciação do próprio, mas que laboriosamente nascidos no século XIX ainda são a obra modelar que venceu o tempo e o pouco apreço dos seus contemporâneos. É mais uma homena...

    10,60 €

  • Gospel and History
    Klaas Johan Popma / Harry Van Dyke
    Gospel and History picks up where Scriptural Reflections on History left off, but with the added benefit of some 30 years’ experience of life in church and society between them - indeed, the entire post-war period of the recovering 1950s and the revolutionary 1960s. A lot of water had gone under the bridge, and this was also true of Reformational philosophy. Theology in many re...

    19,62 €

  • Gospel and History
    Klaas Johan Popma / Harry Van Dyke
    Gospel and History picks up where Scriptural Reflections on History left off, but with the added benefit of some 30 years’ experience of life in church and society between them - indeed, the entire post-war period of the recovering 1950s and the revolutionary 1960s. A lot of water had gone under the bridge, and this was also true of Reformational philosophy. Theology in many re...

    27,50 €