Ideologías políticas

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Ideologías políticas (5029)

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  • Loon, prijs en winst
    Karl Marx
    Loon, prijs en winst is een overzicht van toespraken door Marx in antwoord op stellingen van Weston: (1) Kan de sociale en materiële toestand van de arbeidersklasse door hogere lonen verbeterd worden? en (2). Hebben de bemoeiingen van de vakverenigingen om hogere lonen te bereiken niet een schadelijke uitwerking op andere industrietakken? Het werd aanvankelijk niet gepubliceerd...

    17,22 €

  • Kritiek op het programma van Gotha
    Karl Marx
    De ’Kritiek op het programma van Gotha’ behoort tot de voornaamste geschriften uit de politieke nalatenschap van Karl Marx. Het kwam tot stand in 1875, het jaar waarin de twee voornaamste arbeiderspartijen van Duitsland, de marxistisch geïnspireerde Sociaal-democratische Arbeiderspartij (de 'Eisenachers') en de Algemene Duitse Arbeidersbond van de in 1864 overleden socialist Fe...

    13,40 €

  • Extreem rijk moet worden belast
    Jean-Paul Fonteijn
    De kloof tussen arm en rijk wordt snel groter, maar we doen ons ding en laten het erbij. Met als gevolg dat onze economie steeds oneerlijker en ongezonder wordt.Dit boek legt uit hoe dat zit, en wat we eraan kunnen doen nu het probleem groter en groter wordt. Hoogste tijd voor verandering! We laten gewone mensen veel belasting betalen, en laten extreem rijke mensen en hun gigan...

    16,65 €

  • The History of the Communist Party of the United States
    William Z Foster
    This is William Z. Foster’s definitive history of the Communist Party of the United States. In it he relates the history of a party of the American working class and the story and analysis of the origin, growth, and development of that party. It is the record of a Party which through its entire existence has loyally fought for the best interests of the American working class an...

    32,15 €

  • Universality and Utopia
    Daniel Sacilotto
    This work examines the evolution of the Peruvian indigenista literary tradition in the twentieth century in its relation to the evolution of socialist thought and dialectical materialist philosophy. ...

    158,44 €

  • No masters but God
    Hayyim Rothman
    A study in the writings of a transnational constellation of rabbis, scholars, activists, and theologians active during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It explores how, through the lense of biblical, rabbinic, and kabbalistic literature, they developed themes of anti-authoritarianism, antinomianism, nationalism, and pacifism. ...

    35,53 €

  • Nationalism
    Rabindranath Tagore
    NA ...

    27,09 €

  • 夕照漫笔(下)
    中筠 资
    '资中筠先生,大概是今天学术界、文化界、思想界中一位最受尊敬的老前辈了。'--梁文道 '她不阿世、不迎俗,以独立的人格,自立于天地之间。'--杨继绳 '作者绝少废话,叙述简练直白,切中肯綮,持论倘正,隐藏启蒙理想,这是上一世代的大家风范。'--豆瓣读者'无异议' '资中筠先生实乃真的勇士,遗世独立、风骨傲然的士人也!'--豆瓣读者龙辰 本书是继2011年《资中筠自选集》、2013年《老生常谈》之后,著名学者资中筠的又一个自选集,收入其2013-2022年间尚未入集的文章,以及讲座整理稿、访谈记录。全书共两卷、八辑,涉及学术思考、公共话题、私人生活等各个方面。上卷四辑为:文化教育、公益与社会改良、闲情与杂感、访谈录,下卷四辑为:历史与救国、世界观察、思故人、音乐家园。 资先生的主要著...

    29,87 €

  • Hamas in Power
    Qossay Hamed
    Since winning the majority in the Palestinian legislative council in 2006 and seizing power in Gaza in 2007, Hamas’ location in power has posed a serious challenge to its ability to govern without sacrificing its ideological positions. Various factors such as the obligations of governance, regional polarization, the struggle for power against Fatah, the international environmen...

    203,06 €

  • French Intellectuals at a Crossroads, 1918-1939
    Tom Conner
    French Intellectuals at a Crossroads examines a broad array of interrelated subjects: the effect of World War I on France’s intellectual community, the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the rise of international communism, calls for pacifism, the creation of an 'Intellectuals’ International of the Mind,' the debate over the myth of the disengaged intellectual, the apolitical group...

    141,35 €

  • Passionate politics
    Indrajit Roy
    In May 2019, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi won the world’s largest election. This book brings together a stellar team of economists, political scientists, sociologists, historians and geographers to explain why Indians voted the way they did. ...

    169,73 €

  • The Communist Temptation
    Tom Conner
    The Communist Temptation: Rolland, Gide, Malraux, and Their Times traces the evolution of the committed left-wing public intellectual in the interwar period, specifically in the 1930s, and focuses on leading left-wing intellectuals, such as Romain Rolland, André Gide, and André Malraux, and their relationships with communism and the broader anti-fascist movement. In that turbul...

    140,30 €

  • Imagine
    Francesca Nesi
    On the surface, Emma Roth, the Gen X granddaughter of an anarchist from Ukraine, couldn’t be more different from millennial Catherine Kroeger, the daughter of an ultra-conservative billionaire. And yet both women have fallen into the cross-hairs of Tom Aldridge, a misogynistic and unscrupulous hedge fund manager. When Emma and Catherine meet for the first time in a Chelsea art ...

    19,10 €

  • Anglophobia
    Frank Salter / Harry Richardson
    'The white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world.' So said journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones.Had she said this about any other race, it is unlikely that she would ever have found employment with a mainstream media outlet. Yet not only was Nikole Hannah-Jones hired by The New York Times; she received the coveted Pulitzer Prize for journalism ...

    15,75 €

  • The Politics
    Aristotle’s philosophy stresses biology, instead of mathematics like Plato. He believed the world was made up of individuals (substances) occurring in fixed natural kinds (species). Each individual has built-in patterns of development, which help it grow toward becoming a fully developed individual of its kind. Political science is the practical science par excellence. It is th...

    30,21 €

  • Nationalism
    Rabindranath Tagore
    The great and legendary author and poet of India needs no introduction when it comes to his vision and ideologies that reverberate even today in his works. In this book, Rabindranath Tagore has spoken about idea of nationalism and how it is important in order to ensure harmony and order in a society. He also spoke about basic human rights that are quintessential for the progres...

    20,73 €

  • Karl Marx: el progreso y los caminos del arte
    Mijaíl Alexandrovich Lifschitz
    Mijaíl Lifschitz inició en 1927 sus primeras exploraciones sobre las ideas estéticas de Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels, convencido que los fundadores del marxismo poseían una concepción autónoma e íntegra sobre los problemas del arte. De su labor investigativa en el Instituto Marx-Engels en Moscú surgió el libro A propósito de los criterios de Karl Marx sobre el arte (1933). Text...

    23,92 €

  • Bravo Alpha Elevens
    R. K. Taylor
    Far from your ordinary survival or preparations manual, Bravo Alpha Elevens seeks to educate you in the material that means the difference between life and death. If you want to know how to armor your home, evade an enemy force, hide amongst the world of spies, and survive catastrophe happily, this is the book for you. An experienced combat veteran and long-time survivalist tak...

    23,78 €

  • The Conquest of Bread
    Peter Kropotkin
    The Conquest of Bread also known colloquially as The Bread Book, is an 1892 book by the Russian anarcho-communist Peter Kropotkin. Originally written in French, it first appeared as a series of articles in the anarchist journal Le Révolté. It was first published in Paris with a preface by Élisée Reclus, who also suggested the title. Between 1892 and 1894, it was serialized in p...

    17,53 €

  • The Conquest of Bread
    Peter Kropotkin
    The Conquest of Bread also known colloquially as The Bread Book, is an 1892 book by the Russian anarcho-communist Peter Kropotkin. Originally written in French, it first appeared as a series of articles in the anarchist journal Le Révolté. It was first published in Paris with a preface by Élisée Reclus, who also suggested the title. Between 1892 and 1894, it was serialized in p...

    28,16 €

  • The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty
    Michael Rectenwald
    The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda is the definitive treatment of the Great Reset. In a scholarly examination, Rectenwald treats the various components of the Great Reset, including the economic system it establishes, the deep history of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the population control 'ethics' of the WEF and related globalist organ...

    19,59 €

  • Prussianism and Socialism
    Oswald Spengler
    In this new translation of Prussianism and Socialism, Oswald Spengler reflects on the relationship between socialism, liberalism and Prussianism. For Spengler, Prussianism is a typically German disposition, which is expressed in qualities such as a sense of duty and a willingness to sacrifice oneself for the common good. In contrast to Marxism, which Spengler strongly criticise...

    16,36 €

  • Prussianism and Socialism
    Oswald Spengler
    In this new translation of Prussianism and Socialism, Oswald Spengler reflects on the relationship between socialism, liberalism and Prussianism. For Spengler, Prussianism is a typically German disposition, which is expressed in qualities such as a sense of duty and a willingness to sacrifice oneself for the common good. In contrast to Marxism, which Spengler strongly criticise...

    28,26 €

  • Reforma Administrativa
    Osvaldo Dalla Coletta
    Reforma Administrativa: substituir o atual sistema administrativo e político presidencialista do Brasil pelo sistema parlamentarista republicano, com voto distrital puro para eleger os parlamentares federais, distritais, estaduais e municipais e, também, para eleger os ocupantes de cargos públicos eletivos de mais nove instituições públicas. Todos os mandatos públicos eletivos ...

    6,99 €

  • Unending Capitalism
    Karl Gerth / Anastasia Osinovskaya
    What forces shaped the twentieth-century world? Capitalism and communism are usually seen as engaged in a fight-to-the-death during the Cold War. With the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party aimed to end capitalism. Karl Gerth argues that despite the socialist rhetoric of class warfare and egalitarianism, Communist Party policies...

    40,16 €

  • The Future of Lenin
    Essays that argue in favor of Lenin’s continuing relevance for twenty-first century politics and thought. ...

    42,87 €

  • Trotski
    Leon Trotsky
    Deze autobiografie is een toegankelijke kennismaking met een opmerkelijk revolutionair en zijn opvattingen. Het is een uitermate politiek boek, wat niet verrassend is gezien de rol van politieke activiteit in het leven van Lev Dadidovitsj Bronstein, alias Leon Trotski (1879-1940). Ondanks de omvang van het boek is het een goed vertrekpunt voor lezers die Trotski willen leren ke...

    41,74 €

  • The Kenyan Socialist Vol. 5
    The Kenya Socialist exists to promote socialist ideas, experiences and world outlook; increase awareness of classes, class contradictions and class struggles in Kenya, both historical and current; expose the damage done by capitalism and imperialism in Kenya and Africa; offer solidarity to working class, peasants and other working people and communities in their struggles for e...

    31,74 €

  • Capitalism in the 21st Century
    Guglielmo Carchedi / Michael Roberts
    Contemporary capitalism is always evolving. From digital technologies to cryptocurrencies, current trends in political economy are much discussed, but often little understood. So where can we turn for clarity? As Michael Roberts and Guglielmo Carchedi argue, new trends don’t necessarily call for a new theory. In Capitalism in the 21st Century, the authors show how Marx’s law of...

    126,69 €

  • One Against All
    Roberto Echavarren
    After decades of misinformation during the Soviet period, we can today, with historical hindsight and a better grasp of old and new sources, appraise what Lenin’s government meant for Russia and the world.Without Lenin, the alternative models of totalitarian dictatorships in the 20th century, so aptly characterized this way by Hannah Arendt, would have been unthinkable. In what...

    68,54 €