
Lenguas (79929)

  • 48 Recettes de Repas pour l'élimination de l'acné
    Joe Correa
    48 Recettes de Repas pour ’élimination de l’acné : La voie rapide et naturelle de correction des problèmes d'acné en 10 jours ou moins! Par Joe Correa CSN   Ces recettes vous aideront à avoir un système immunitaire plus fort grâce à une variété de vitamines et de nutriments. Environ 20 pour cent de toutes les personnes souffrent d'acné pendant 20 et 30 ans, et la cau...

    20,65 €

  • Recetas para Construir Músculo para Fisicoculturismo, para Pre y Post Competencia
    Joseph Correa
    Recetas para Construir Músculo para Fisicoculturismo, para Pre y Post Competencia: Recupérese más rápido y mejore su desempeño, alimentando su cuerpo con poderosas comidas para construir músculo y destruir la grasa Este libro le ayudará a incrementar la cantidad de proteínas que usted consume al día, para facilitar el aumento de masa muscular. Estas recetas le ayudarán a aumen...

    23,05 €

  • Devenir Mentalement Plus Résistant en Bodybuilding en Utilisant la Méditation
    Joseph Correa
    La méditation est l’une des meilleures façons de vous préparer pour atteindre votre véritable potentiel. Vous nourrir correctement et la formation sont deux des pièces du puzzle, mais il vous faut la troisième pièce pour avoir d’excellents résultats. La troisième pièce est la force mentale et c’est ce que vous pourrez obtenir par la méditation. Les athlètes qui pratiquent la m...

    25,89 €

  • Diventare mentalmente resistente nel Bodybuilding utilizzando la meditazione
    Joseph Correa
    La meditazione è uno dei modi migliori per raggiungere il tuo vero potenziale. Mangiare correttamente ed il costante allenamento sono due dei pezzi del puzzle, ma è necessario il terzo pezzo per raggiungere il tuo vero potenziale. Il terzo pezzo è la stabilità mentale che può essere ottenuta attraverso la meditazione. I bodybuilder che praticano la meditazione regolarmente si ...

    25,94 €

  • 40 Recettes pour la Perte de Poids pour un Mode de Vie Actif
    Joseph Correa
    Les 40 Recettes de Perte de poids pour un Style de vie Actif vous aideront à perdre du poids naturellement et efficacement. La connaissance de ce que vous mangez et quand vous mangez fera toute la différence du monde. Si vous n'avez pas encore réussi dans le passé à perdre la graisse superflue, c’est maintenant votre chance d’accomplir le changement. Lisez ce livre et comme...

    23,77 €

  • 90 Essens- und Saftrezepte um abzunehmen und sich noch heute vom Fett zu befreien
    Joseph Correa
    90 Essens- und Saftrezepte um abzunehmen und sich noch heute vom Fett zu befreien werden dir helfen, Gewicht auf natürliche Weise und effizient zu verlieren. Zu wissen was und wann man essen soll, macht einen bedeutenden Unterschied. Wenn du in der Vergangenheit nicht erfolgreich darin warst, das ungewollte Fett zu verlieren, kommt jetzt deine Chance dies zu ändern. Lies dieses...

    26,62 €

  • Le Programme de formation ultime au Bodybuilding
    Joseph Correa
    Pour les bodybuilders qui veulent développer une augmentation consistante de leur masse musculaire, ils auront besoin d’avoir un plan d’entraînement sérieux et auront besoin de le compléter par une excellente nutrition. Ce livre vous fournira un plan d’entraînement organisé et un calendrier.  Deux calendriers NORMAL et INTENSIF de ce plan d’entraînement sont inclus, au cas où v...

    27,38 €

  • 48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen täglichen Protein-Konsum zu steigern und dein Muskelwachstum dadurch anzuregen. Diese Mahlzeiten werden deine Muskeln auf eine organisierte Art und Weise stärken, indem sie deinem Speiseplan eine gesunde Menge an Proteinen zufügen. Zu beschäftigt zu sein, um richtig zu essen, kann manchmal zu einem Problem ...

    26,02 €

  • 51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen Körper nach deinen Wünschen zu formen und die Fett-Aufnahme zu reduzieren. Ein erhöhter Protein-Anteil in der Ernährung führt bewiesener Maßen zu einem gesteigerten Muskelwachstum und zu einer verbesserten Leistung in allen Lebenslagen. Deinen Körper mit mehr Muskeln auszustatten bietet dir viele Vorte...

    23,82 €

  • Analyzing Language and Humor in Online Communication
    Misunderstandings in technology-mediated communication can be due to a lack of tone and facial expression on the part of the speaker, which provide additional context clues into the meaning of the message beyond textual representation. As technology becomes more of a ubiquitous element in our interactions with one another, further study into the ways in which language and humor...

    242,82 €

  • Am Biobull Naomh
    Michael Bauer
    This re-publication combimes the SSPCK Gaelic Bible and the translation of the Apocrypha in a single lectern bible edition.It has been edited with a light hand, including fixing of typos and adjustment of some very archaic words and spellings (for example sè » sia, faghail » faotuinn, a ta » a tha) and some of the internally irregular spellings contained in the original publica...

    90,06 €

  • Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis
    Misconceptions regarding gender identity and issues of inequality that women around the world face have become a predominant concern for not only the citizens impacted, but global political leaders, administrators, and human rights activists. Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis explores how an analysis of language us...

    242,72 €

  • Guaranteed Formula for Public Speaking Success
    Everett Ofori
    Guaranteed Formula for Public Speaking builds upon many of the great works on public speaking in that it provides concrete techniques that you can learn in the morning and use to great advantage in the afternoon. It is also a text that has been used successfully to train corporate executives, including doctors and salespeople. Whether you want to give an information speech, a p...

    30,01 €

  • Creating Literary Stories
    William H Coles
    An essential guide for every writer of fiction.  Learn: Character, Narration, Structure, Dialogue, Point of View, Writing in Scene, Drama (Conflict-Action-Resolution), Humor, Revision William H. Coles is the award-winning author of short stories, essays on writing, interviews, and novels in contests such as The Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction and the William Faulkner...

    7,88 €

  • Wordspeller ESL Phonetic Dictionary
    Diane M Frank
    If you don't know the first 2-3 letters a word starts with, how do you find it?  This dictionary will find it for you! Spell your word in Spanish or English. Misspell your word in Spanish or English to find the correctly spelled word. Wordspeller ESL Phonetic Dictionary has over 70,000 entries of commonly used American English words with multiple misspellings based upon the...

    26,25 €

  • The Progressive Alef-Bet ~ Psalm 119
    Ahava Lilburn
    The Progressive Alef-Bet: Reading to Learn Hebrew ~ Book OneThe Progressive Alef-Bet is an English-based translation of Psalm 119. This instructional book covers all the Hebrew letters, as well as the vowels.The Progressive Alef ~Bet uses the unique and dynamic Reading to Learn approach. It crosses the English-Hebrew barrier by progressively substituting the English letters for...

    34,72 €

  • The Country of the Blind
    H.G. Wells / H.GWells
    “In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king” repeats in Chen Fangyuan’s mind after he finds himself trapped in a valley holding a community of people for whom a disease eliminated their vision many generations before and no longer have a concept of sight. Chen Fangyuan quickly finds that these people have developed their other senses to compensate for their lack of s...

    16,46 €

  • Picturing Chinese
    ThunderStone Books
    Many Chinese characters are pictographic and therefore look like the objects they represent. These characters are among some of the oldest and most common characters in Chinese and can often be used together with other characters to form new characters. Whether you are learning to write Chinese or simply want a better understanding of Chinese characters, Picturing Chinese is a ...

    12,75 €

  • Engaging Language Learners through Technology Integration
    Po Li / Shuai Li
    Web 2.0 technologies, open source software platforms, and mobile applications have transformed teaching and learning of second and foreign languages. Language teaching has transitioned from a teacher-centered approach to a student-centered approach through the use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and new teaching approaches. Engaging Language Learners through Techn...

    243,03 €

  • Publishing Globally
    Infarom Publishing
    Like every other trade nowadays, the book industry is experiencing the process of globalization. For publishers, licensing the translation rights for some titles represents an important direction of development. The traditional way is to find a foreign rights agent or agency to represent the publisher abroad. There are no rules for the process of licensing translation rights...

    18,98 €

  • Web Engineering Advancements and Trends
    David Rine / Ghazi Alkhatib
    As countless failures in information technology and Web-based systems are caused by an incorrect understanding of knowledge sharing, an increased awareness of modern, fundamental industry concepts becomes crucial to Web and interface developers. Web Engineering Advancements and Trends: Building New Dimensions of Information Technology examines integrated approaches in new dimen...

    236,40 €

  • Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning
    Michael Thomas
    Over the last few years, second generation Internet-based services, or Web 2.0 technologies, have emerged as the new buzzwords in information communication technologies. The Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning investigates how those involved in education - teachers, students, and administrators - can respond to the opportunities offered by Web 2.0 techn...

    348,35 €

  • Post-Revolutionary Cuban Spanish
    Jesus Nez Romay / Jesus Nunez Romay / Jesus Nzqez Romay
    Because the first socialist revolution in the Americas took place in Cuba, this country has also seen the rise of new terms and the introduction of new, very specific meanings for old terms, adopted as required to express new realities. How can these neologisms be rendered in English, when no English-speaking country has as yet carried out a Marxist-Leninist social revolution a...

    11,00 €

  • User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning
    Giorgos Zacharia / Panayiotis Zaphiris

    112,14 €

  • Flash Nonfiction Funny
    Brian Doyle / Doyle Brian
    The seventy-one flash essays collected here are hilarious proof that you don’t need more than 750 words to laugh out loud. Featuring both established and up-and-coming writers, these essays are no flashes in the pan—they demonstrate careful attention to craft and exploration: everything you want in a thoughtful essay, only shorter. This collection is perfect for students of wri...

    12,71 €

  • La Révolution bilingue
    Fabrice Jaumont
    Conçu comme un guide pratique et accessible, la Révolution bilingue raconte l'histoire d'un mouvement visant à développer l’éducation bilingue dans les écoles publiques, raconté par des parents et des éducateurs qui ont fondé leurs propres filières. Ces mères, ces pères, ces enseignants et ces directeurs d’écoles sont des visionnaires qui partagent une même conviction :...

    15,92 €

  • Name Construction in Mediæval Japan
    Solveig Throndardottir
    Name Construction in Mediæval Japan examines Japanese names from earliest records to the close of the medieval period in 1600. Like ancient Greek or Latin names or Arabic names, ancient and medieval Japanese names express the social role of the individual in Japanese society. The main text and accompanying notes provide a guide to the origin and social role of formal names, com...

    47,55 €

  • 36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares
    Joe Correa
    36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares: Mantenga Su Cuerpo Saludable Y Fuerte Mediante Una Dieta Apropiada y Hábitos Nutricionales Inteligentes Por Joe Correa CSN   La vesícula biliar es un saco pequeño justo debajo del hígado. Almacena, concentra y secreta la bilis, que es esencial para digerir alimentos grasos. La bilis también ayuda a absorber vitaminas sol...

    20,54 €

  • Treinamento de Resistência Mental Avançado para Fisiculturismo
    Joseph Correa
    Esse Livro vai mudar significantemente a maneira como você pode impulsionar-se mental e emocionalmente através das técnicas de visualização ensinadas nesse livro. Você quer ser o melhor? Para ser o melhor deve treinar psicologicamente e mentalmente para alcançar a sua máxima capacidade. Comumente pensa-se que visualizar é uma atividade que não pode ser quantificada, o que torn...

    20,62 €

  • 54 Rezepte gegen Diabetes, die dir helfen, deine Beschwerden auf natürliche Art zu kontrollieren
    Joe Correa
    54 Rezepte gegen Diabetes, die dir helfen, deine Beschwerden auf natürliche Art zu kontrollieren: Gesunde Ernährungsmöglichkeiten für alle Diabetiker Von Joe Correa CSN   Diabetes wird verursacht durch eine Dysfunktion der Bauchspeicheldrüse, die kein Insulin mehr produziert. Typ 1 Diabetes wird als Autoimmunerkrankung klassifiziert. Darunter versteht man einen Zustand, bei ...

    20,47 €