Libros de ejercicio y entrenamiento físicos

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  • Manual familiar de las medicinas alternativas
    Dr. Alexandre Strasny / DrAlexandre Strasny
    Las medicinas alternativas se encuentran cada día más presentes en nuestra sociedad; sin embargo, puede resultar complicado escoger la terapia adecuada ante una enfermedad. A través de esta obra, el lector descubrirá cómo surgen y se desarrollan las enfermedades y, sobre todo, cómo pueden llegar a resolverse numerosas afecciones si se ponen en práctica los principios de la medi...

    28,03 €

  • Renuncia a la obesidad
    Monique Laroque-Medina
    ¿Cuáles son las causas de la obesidad? ¿Qué riesgos conlleva? no sólo influyen en ella el exceso de alimento y el sedentarismo: el cuerpo y la mente se entrelazan en esta disfunción, a menudo difícil de resolver. Monique Laroque-medina le da las herramientas para valorar de una forma madura y consciente si realmente desea enfrentarse a este problema; si este es su deseo, el lib...

    17,63 €

  • Vientre plano en 24 días
    Charles Ruocco
    Programa rápido y eficaz para moldear y mantener la figura. Las técnicas y los ejercicios se presentan también en un DVD, que comprende tablas específicas para hombre y para mujer; en él se describen los movimientos correctos que hay que efectuar para trabajar los abdominales y afinar la cintura. Charles Ruocco es entrenador y profesor de gimnasia. Ha ideado un método muy efica...

    44,67 €

  • Beginning Yoga
    Pauline Lawson
    Do you want to realize the benefits of yoga but don't know where to begin? Yoga for beginners will guide you step by step into the pactice of yoga. Learn how to get started with the excercises in just a few minutes with easy to follow step by step instructions. eliminate discomfort, have less anxiety, sleep better with a clear mind, and beat depression? For the longest time...

    9,01 €

  • Cruising for Fitness or Finish Lines
    Sue Ward
    Get the best fitness results in the least amount of time! “Cruising,” combines walking and running for a simple, time-efficient workout that will have you exercising for fun, fitness, or even your first road race − especially if you have a busy lifestyle. Start by training for a 5K (3.1 miles) and finish feeling confident and fit. Continue with a 10K, half or full marathon. Can...

    14,39 €

  • Yogic Ethics for a Balanced Mind
    Ananda Tapasiddha
    An in-depth analysis of the concept of ethics within the yogic world-view and as a part of spiritual meditation, this book discusses the principles of Yama Niyama from the perspective of psychology and philosophy in modern language suitable to the western student. Yama Niyama are considered as the base upon which empathy, trust, self-reflection and a coherent personality can de...

    14,53 €

  • Yoga Para Principiantes
    John Carter
    El Plan de Yoga Que te Hará Feliz y Saludable Comenzando Hoy… ¿Estás cansado de buscar una manera de estar en forma que no toma todo tu tiempo libre? ¿Quisieras dejar de invertir una fortuna en cosas como clubs de dietas, comidas empacadas o membresías de gimnasio? Si es así, ¡la solución que has estado buscando es comenzar tu propia rutina de Yoga! En este libro, vas a aprende...

    10,22 €

  • Chakras & The Third Eye
    Amy White
    This is a compilation book of:·Chakras: For Beginners - How to Awaken and Balance Your Chakras and Heal Yourself with Chakra Healing, Reiki Healing and Guided Meditation·Third Eye: Simple Techniques to Awaken Your Third Eye Chakra With Guided Meditation, Kundalini, and Hypnosis (psychic abilities, spiritual enlightenment)Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Spinning your wheels in t...

    15,15 €

  • Chakras For Beginners
    Amy White
    Do you find yourself consistently fatigued, depressed, worried, anxious, tense, judgmental or butter towards others yet still want to find a way to work on and combat all of that not only for your health, but also for the well-being of those around you? Then it is possible that your chakra energy points are imbalanced, and this book gives a very detailed description of how each...

    13,02 €

  • Secrets of Health and Fitness
    Mark Meek
    Being the best that you can be, in terms of health and fitness, is more attainable than you might think. When I was 15 years old, I got tired of feeling out-of-shape and have been learning, both by study and by experience, ever since. Today, at nearly 60, I have lived my life in nearly perfect health and am doing daily workouts that I would have been very pleased with as a teen...

    12,14 €

  • Rehab to Throw Like a Pro
    Edward Martel / Max Wardell
    This book serves as a practical guide to maximizing clinicians' effectiveness in rehabilitating overhead throwing athletes. Topics covered will include throwing mechanics, assessment of throwing athletes, and manual therapy with the primary focus of this guide being exercise interventions. Assessment strategies and exercise interventions will be laid out in a progression th...

    16,53 €

  • Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book
    Elizabeth J. Rochester
    Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book: A New View At Yoga PosesDo you practice yoga with passion and would like to intensively explore the asanas and its effects on your body? Do you also have a creative streak and find relaxation through painting? Look no further as this book is a creative way to learn about the human anatomy and how doing yoga can affect it!Yoga originally came from Ind...

    22,25 €

  • Ayuno intermitente y dieta cetogénica
    Elizabeth Moore
    2 manuscritos completos en 1 libro Ayuno Intermitente: ¿Cómo perder peso, quemar grasa y aumentar su claridad mental sin tener que renunciar a todos sus alimentos favoritos? La Dieta Keto: La Guía Definitiva sobre la Dieta Cetogénica para la Pérdida de Peso y la Claridad Mental que incluye cómo entrar en la Cetosis e Ideas para Preparar Comidas ¿Usted está enfermo y cansado de ...

    21,68 €

  • The Lean Exec
    Neill David Watson
    Struggling to fit exercise and eating right around long work days?  Spend your day commuting, at your desk and in meetings?  Want to find simple ways to get back on track with your health and fitness?*Includes Access To Free Bonus Content*  Neill Watson’s symmitarian philosophy stems from 20 years of testing and improving his knowledge of fitness, nutrition and resistance train...

    15,59 €

  • Breath Love
    Lauren Chelec Cafritz
    Are you ready to meet life in a more excited and open way? Would you like to embrace adventure and intimacy without being afraid?Emotional mastery is within reach. It’s possible to be a beautiful mess, and be powerful and present at the same time. The power of breath brings courage, confidence, wisdom, creativity, peace . . . and much more.Part memoir, part inspiration, part in...

    12,45 €

  • Back Health & Core Stability
    Kerrie Hains
    Have you ever suffered from back pain? Do you still suffer from back pain? The intention of this book is to teach you the skills to alleviate common causes of back pain and dysfunction.As you work through this book you should find your core strength, stability and mobility all improve. Additionally, you should experience improvements in your posture, function and recurring pain...

    28,75 €

  • Get on the Ball
    Kerrie Hains
    Kerrie has been exercising on Swiss Balls since the mid 1990’s. She has gained extensive knowledge and experience on correct and effective exercises using the ball. Hundreds of photos are depicted and explained throughout the book. The many benefits of exercising on a Swiss Ball are discussed. Core Stability is explained with detailed instruction on correct activation of the es...

    25,75 €

  • Your Life is Medicine
    Kristen Schneider
    Ayurveda is the oldest form of Holistic Medicine. It’s clear, intuitive, and practical! According to Ayurveda, balancing your Dosha, or mindbody constitution with proper nutrition and lifestyle choices is the key to preventing and reversing disease. In today’s modern world that is inundated with elaborate health trends and an overwhelming amount of information, ayurveda lends u...

    28,52 €

  • Secrets of Natural Walking (SONW)
    Effendi Irmansyah / Irmansyah Effendi
    “Walking is man’s best medicine.” - Hippocrates (Father of Modern Medicine), 460-370 BCWe know that walking is beneficial for our health, but how should we walk? Do we know how to step properly?  What does a proper step look and feel like? Have we been walking improperly? Can improper walking harm us?Understanding the basic foundation of proper walking is crucial as it can help...

    17,90 €

  • La Dieta Keto
    Elizabeth Moore
    Si usted siempre ha querido perder peso y tener un estilo de vida simple y saludable pero sigue luchando por encontrar algo que le funcione, continúe leyendo...¿Usted está enfermo y cansado por no poder perder peso?¿Usted ha probado otras dietas sin fin pero nada parece funcionar por más de unas pocas semanas?¿Finalmente usted quiere despedirse de esos kilos extra y descubrir a...

    16,41 €

  • ACE Personal Trainer Study Guide 2019-2020
    Trivium Personal Trainer Prep Team
    You're probably thinking this is just another typical study guide. Because we know your time is limited, we've created a product that isn't like most study guides. With Trivium Test Prep’s unofficial ACE Personal Trainer Study Guide 2019-2020: Exam Prep and Practice Test Questions for the American Council on Exercise CPT Exam you'll benefit from a quick but tota...

    25,37 €

  • Yoga in Britain
    Suzanne Newcombe
    Yoga in Britain reveals how yoga came to be an accepted, mainstream activity in the twentieth century. During this period, yoga transformed from an esoteric concept into a something that would be taught to thousands of middle-class women in adult education classes. For the post-war welfare state, yoga was understood as having potential public bene­fit in promoting physical heal...

    45,55 €

  • Yoga in Britain
    Suzanne Newcombe
    Yoga in Britain reveals how yoga came to be an accepted, mainstream activity in the twentieth century. During this period, yoga transformed from an esoteric concept into a something that would be taught to thousands of middle-class women in adult education classes. For the post-war welfare state, yoga was understood as having potential public bene­fit in promoting physical heal...

    127,82 €

  • Return to Spirit
    Christopher B. Soltis / Christopher BSoltis
    A spontaneous Kundalini awakening is a rare, but achievable phenomenon. Geared for anyone interested with increasing their understanding of Kundalini as well as practitioners of yoga, meditation, and other spiritual disciplines, in Return to Spirit, Chris guides readers through many life experiences including battles with depression, substance abuse, chemical dependency and fin...

    28,33 €

  • Return to Spirit
    Christopher B. Soltis / Christopher BSoltis
    A spontaneous Kundalini awakening is a rare, but achievable phenomenon. Geared for anyone interested with increasing their understanding of Kundalini as well as practitioners of yoga, meditation, and other spiritual disciplines, in Return to Spirit, Chris guides readers through many life experiences including battles with depression, substance abuse, chemical dependency and fin...

    19,54 €

  • Asana and Mudra
    Swami Kripalu
    Swami Kripalu was arguably the most accomplished kundalini yoga master in modern times. He revived an ancient form of yoga taught to him by his guru, whom he later discovered was Lakulisha, the 28th incarnation of Shiva. He called this yoga sahaja, or natural yoga, which is also known by many other names, including surrender yoga and kundalini yoga. Kripalu practiced natural yo...

    71,41 €

  • Atha
    Sally-Shakti Willow

    12,25 €

  • Athletic Training for Men and Boys - A Comprehensive System of Training Tables for All Events
    A. W. Close / F. A. M. Webster / FAMWebster / J. A. Heys / JAHeys
    'Athletic Training for Men and Boys' is a vintage illustrated guide to athletics by F. A. M. Webster. It contains a complete system of athletics training to be followed by coaches or students, and will be of considerable utility to athletes new and old. Frederick Annesley Michael Webster (1886 - 1949) was a British athletics coach and author, and soldier active during World Wa...

    24,39 €

  • Mi hija se ve gordita
    Dominique-Adèle Cassuto / Sophie Guillou
    La dictadura de la línea hace estragos. En la adolescencia, cuando es habitual y frecuente que el cuerpo se redondee temporalmente, el tema se convierte en una catástrofe. El resultado es que nuestras hijas empiezan dietas de adelgazamiento descabelladas, que ponen en peligro su salud y su crecimiento. Este libro responde alas numerosas preguntas sobre el tema: Cómo ayudarla a ...

    10,35 €

  • 65 Yoga Classes
    Timothy Michael Howell
    From start to finish, the last yoga book you will ever need! 65 Complete Yoga Classes.  20 Yin Yoga Classes and 45 Hatha Yoga Classes.  442 pages. 2586 photos each with detailed explanations make this yoga book a BLUEPRINT for anyone, regardless of fitness level.  63 different yoga practitioners, who are REAL PEOPLE, a variety of ages, sizes, fitness, and ability levels.  Acces...

    48,24 €