Libros de ejercicio y entrenamiento físicos

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Forma física y alimentación / Libros de ejercicio y entrenamiento físicos (1525)

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  • Atividades Físicas
    Carla Marcio Marega José Antonio Maluf De Carvalho Giuliano De Sá Pinto Montenegro
    Esta obra, escrita por mais de 25 profissionais da área de Saúde, reunindo médicos, fisioterapeutas, enfermeiros e profissionais de Educação Física, visa mostrar os benefícios da atividade física para diversos públicos, desde crianças até adultos idosos, e como a prática do exercício físico pode ajudar a evitar inúmeras doenças que atualmente ceifam milhões de vidas, como doenç...

    46,47 €

  • Guia Nutricional Completo Para Corredores
    Ayane De Sá Resende
    Este livro reúne as mais importantes orientações da Nutrição Esportiva de forma simplificada, didática e direcionada para corredores. Entre essas orientações, destacam-se: tabelas com fontes de alimentos para cada nutriente, orientações sobre alimentos funcionais, probióticos prebióticos, para monitorar sua hidratação e repor os líquidos adequadamente, para emagrecimento, para ...

    21,68 €

  • The EssentialYoga Program
    Essentialyoga Program
    Here's the proven approach to creating unique yoga workshops incorporating therapeutic essential oils that will elevate the energetic vibration and increase studio class size! This guidebook is the definitive source you've been waiting for - created by yoga and business experts who have put it to the test and taken it to the mat with big results. Ideal for all levels of...

    24,39 €

  • O Médico Astrológico
    William Andrews
    William Andrews, neste pequeno livro recomendado pelo grande astrólogo William Lilly , faz um resumo conciso e abrangente dos fundamentos da astrologia médica. ...

    7,69 €

  • Em Paz Com A Comida
    Nathália Petry E Lydiane Bedeschi Bragunci
    Se você chegou até este livro, algo deve ter feito sentido. Mas pode ser que você ainda esteja se perguntando se ele é para você. Então, gostaria de lhe propor algumas reflexões em forma de perguntas. Em algum momento você:1. Não gostou ou sentiu raiva de partes ou de todo o seu corpo?2. Já fez dieta(s) com o intuito de emagrecer?3. Quando comeu alimentos proibidos pela dieta e...

    14,70 €

  • A Dieta Cetogênica Estratégica
    Alexandre Campos Moraes Amato
    Perder peso, obter mais energia de forma saudável, melhorar a sua saúde, diminuir inflamações e, além de tudo, tratar várias doenças, incluindo o lipedema... tudo isso pode ser alcançado queimando gordura de uma forma natural. Esse é um mecanismo ancestral do nosso corpo que foi desligado com o acesso moderno e infinito aos carboidratos, e pode ser ativado com a uma simples est...

    26,67 €

  • Optologia 6
    Rodrigo Trentin Sonoda
    A OPTOLOGIA 6 ISÓPTICA, busca distribuir de forma equalitária e constante o conhecer a cada amante das ciências ópticas. Abordando distúrbios visuais como cegueira noturna, a aplicação da cromoterapia para a saúde, alterações musculares oculares, desenvolvimento educacional, e a aplicação de prismas para um meio compensatório eficiente. Desejo ao leitor uma viajem ISÓPTICA a e...

    9,68 €

  • Scientific Yoga Practices
    Ali Givehchee
    This book is based on scientific principles and practices of Hatha Yoga exercises, which are designed to influence the physical and mental dimensions of the body. This is the proper implementation of yoga exercises, and carries emotional impacts as well. It also increases the level of consciousness and spiritual understanding in humans. Scientific Yoga Practices contains the la...

    23,08 €

  • Dicas Da Aziza Para Praticantes De Dança Do Ventre
    Aziza Mahaila
    Livro com linguagem agradável e acessível, que trata sobre os diversos aspectos da Dança do Ventre: modalidades, história, técnica, musicalidade, e muito mais. ...

    32,34 €

  • Curación con las hierbas medicinales
    Equipo de expertos 2100
    * ¿Conoce las épocas más adecuadas de recolección? * ¿Sabría qué ejemplares escoger y cómo hacerio? * ¿Le gustaría preparar medicamentos -naturales-? * ¿Qué utilidad tiene cada planta? El manual le ensenara a conocer el mejor momento para recolectar las hierbas y cómo debe proceder para ello. Se ofrece un práctico calendario de recolleción y una guía de preparación de medicamen...

    13,47 €

  • Guía de las flores de Bach. Cómo curarse con las flores
    Chiara Fabrocini / Vincenzo Fabrocini
    * Edward Bach, médico homeópata Inglés de principios de siglo, intuyó que para curar de forma eficaz el cuerpo, antes hay que curar la psique. ¿Cómo? Utilizando las virtudes terapéuticas de las flores: sustancias beneficiosas sin contraindicaciones y con poderes contra el miedo, la inseguridad, el pesimismo, la ansiedad y la depresión.* Este libro ayuda al lector a descubrir lo...

    17,63 €

  • Cómo curarse con la homeopatía
    Dr. Giorgio Di Mola
    * ¿Qué es la homeopatía? ¿Cómo actúa? * ¿Cómo deben tomarse los remedios homeopáticos? * ¿Qué remedios son los más adecuados para tener en el botiquín? * ¿Ante qué síntomas, de los diferentes órganos, corresponde aplicar cada remedio? La homeopatía es una medicina natural, una terapia que actúa en armonía con la naturaleza y que se basa en el principio de similitud o analogía, ...

    18,67 €

  • Cómo curarse con ajo, cebolla, naranja y limón
    * Sólo señalamos aquí los más importantes desde nuestro punto de vista, ya que este libro no tiene pretensiones científicas sino únicamente la finalidad de divulgar una fitoterapia al alcance de todos. Diremos primeramente que el ajo contiene aliína, sustancia que posee excelentes propiedades bactericidas y puede ser considerada como uno de los antibióticos más antiguos, aunque...

    12,43 €

  • Cómo curarse con alcachofa, uva, zanahoria y col
    * Este libro trata de cuatro vegetales (la alcachofa, la uva, la zanahoria y la col) que todo el mundo conoce y valora, proponiéndolos no sólo como alimento en nuestra dieta, sino también como materia prima para obtener tisanas, infusiones y vinos que tienen propiedades muy útiles para el organismo.* Si el lector quiere conocer todos estos elementos de contacto y quiere benefic...

    13,47 €

  • Enciende tu corazón
    Cynthia Zak es maestra de yoga y meditación, emprendedora y conferencista internacional. Es cofundadora del sistema de Mindfulness Yomu y dirige el Yomu Institute. Es autora de los libros Descubre todo lo que sabes, Respiremos Juntos y la Agenda de Mindfulness. Colabora con diversos medios de comunicación, es la corresponsal en Estados Unidos de Cadena 3 de Argentina. Es cantau...

    27,53 €

  • Yoga para principiantes
    Lucia Ruiz
    ¿Quieres relajarte y deshacerte del estrés?¿Quieres incrementar tu fuerza y flexibilidad?¿Quieres aliviar el dolor y prevenir lesiones?Si respondiste afirmativamente a cualquiera de esas preguntas, sigue leyendo...La práctica del yoga tiene muchos beneficios para la salud, incluyendo la mejora de su estado físico general, la flexibilidad y la fuerza. También se sabe que reduce ...

    10,30 €

  • Nidra Yoga for beginners
    Ella Rolando
    Craving a simple practice to combat your racing thoughts and sleepless nights? Yoga Nidra is the magic elixir taking the Yoga world by storm.Exploring the depths of your consciousness has never been more relaxing. With the ancient practice of Nidra, you can wander within and come to find solace within yourself. If you’re simply looking for a means of balancing the fast-paced wa...

    25,22 €

  • Running Log
    Amy Newton
    This Running Log diary, notebook is great for runners. This journal allows you to log your runs every day or weekly. It’s a great way to keep track of each run. This journal will help you stay on top of your running & will keep your important details all in one space. The interior includes space for:Race Bucket List - Planner for Races to attend & includes Time, Date, Plac...

    22,58 €

  • Yoga for Every Equestrian
    Gabrielle Diakon
    Yoga for Every Equestrian walks you through your riding journey from the lens of the yoga philosophy. Develop a better balance mentally and physically in and out of the saddle. Most importantly enjoy the process! Yoga can transform us into mentally and physically stronger athletes all while deepening the connection with the horse. This book focuses on the things we can do as ri...

    16,57 €

  • Yoga
    Julia Solloway
    Many people make the excuse of having too little time or being too busy for their reasons for not doing yoga. But the reality is that yoga only requires a small amount of time dedicated to its practice per day.Here’s some highlights of what you’ll learn:The Science and History Of Yoga and Why It Works So WellWhat You Need To Buy To Do Yoga (Very Little)The 13 Different Styles O...

    15,93 €

  • Yoga
    Dianne Baptiste
    Along with the images of the poses, you will find step-by-step instruction on how to perform them. Regular practice of the yoga poses gives practitioners optimum benefits, both physically and mentally.This book will reveal the profoundly transformational INNER dimension of Yoga, which covers:How you can heal your emotional blocks permanently and be empowered to take the bold ac...

    15,96 €

  • Yoga for Scoliosis Back Pain Relief at Home for Beginners with Ayurvedic Diet Plan
    Julia Meadows
    Do you suffer from Scoliosis back pain?Want a completely natural, safe, tried, and tested diet and exercise program to treat and prevent scoliosis? Then read on...A new study claims performing a single yoga pose for 90 seconds for at least 3 days a week could reduce spine curvature in patients with scoliosis in as little as 3 months - The researchers, including Dr. Loren Fishma...

    16,03 €

  • Strength Training For Fat Loss - Protocol
    Logan Legend
    Discover The Amazing Benefits That The Strength Training Protocol Can Do For Your Physique and Health Today! If you want to reach your fitness goals as soon as possible, strength training is absolutely indispensible in your workout routine. Let’s cut down the time it takes for you to gain strength and start growing those muscles that you’ve always dreamed of. In 'The Strength T...

    14,12 €

  • A translation of Yoga-Vâsishta-Laghu - (the smaller)
    KNarayanaswami Aiyar
    This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve ...

    14,01 €

  • Swara Yoga
    Ananda balayogi Bhavanani / Yogachariya Jnandev
    This book is jointly authored by Yogachariya Jnandev Giri and Yogachariya Dr Ananada Balayogi Bhavanani. It will give the reader a deeper understanding of the Swaras, the breath cycles through the right and left nostrils and the interconnectedness and importance of having conscious awareness of these to live a yogic life.The Swara Yoga teachings come from 'Shiva Swarodaya,' an ...

    24,76 €

  • YOGA Science and Practice
    Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
    We have recently become aware of the importance of Yoga in daily life, nay as an integral dinacharya not to be missed. However, for most of us the real meaning of Yoga is still obscure. It is more than asana or body gymnastics. It is much more than our outer garment. Yoga is closely related to the mind and heart. To our feelings, sensations, emotions and attitude. To our citta,...

    41,28 €

  • Yoga Bible For Beginners
    Charice Kiernan
    Improve Your Health With YogaLearn why successful people like Beyoncé, Ryan Gosling, and Arianna Huffington all practice yoga!Get access to 30 yoga poses with step-by-step instructions to develop your own yoga practice.Do you often feel stressed, tense, or even anxious?Would you like to live a healthier and happier life instead?Now you can: ’The Yoga Bible For Beginners’ will a...

    19,00 €

  • Yoga
    Peter Cook
    Learn How to Practice Yoga Beginner Poses!Learn 10 super easy yoga poses for absolute beginners.If you’re new to yoga, this is the best place to get started.To do these poses, you do NOT need to:- be flexible, or- have any prior yoga experienceHere’s an insight: according to one scientific study, yoga can lower cortisol levels (a stress hormone).EVEN when practiced for the very...

    15,06 €

  • A Timeless Birth
    Kat Villain
    Ignite your innate womb wisdom by optimizing your mind, body, and soul in preparation for childbirth. Liberate your intuition and take the passage of motherhood into your own hands with practical and accessible tools for radiant health. A Timeless Birth provides a comprehensive holistic approach to creating the conditions for a graceful pregnancy, empowered birth, and regenerat...

    60,74 €

  • A Timeless Birth
    Kat Villain
    Ignite your innate womb wisdom by optimizing your mind, body, and soul in preparation for childbirth. Liberate your intuition and take the passage of motherhood into your own hands with practical and accessible tools for radiant health. A Timeless Birth provides a comprehensive holistic approach to creating the conditions for a graceful pregnancy, empowered birth, and regenerat...

    44,66 €