Matemáticas y ciencia

Matemáticas y ciencia (110957)

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  • Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents
    The Reprint 'Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents: Greener Approaches for Sustainable Chemistry' is based on the selection of contributions to the topical Special Issue and aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the 'state of the art' and the remarkable advances in the field of the two classes of unconventional, i.e., green solvents. The broad scope and diverse approac...

    79,75 €

  • Wildlife Conservation
    Vasilios Liordos
    Human activities, particularly habitat loss, overexploitation for economic gain, and climate change, are considered responsible for the current biodiversity crisis. Wildlife conservation and management research focuses on efforts to avert the loss of species and their habitats, address societal issues, and ultimately contribute toward a sustainable world for future generations....

    70,36 €

  • Basi cellulari del rigetto dell’allotrapianto cutaneo
    N. B. Thippeswamy
    In questo libro è stato spiegato chiaramente il ruolo delle cellule immunitarie nel rigetto dell’allotrapianto. Le risposte di rigetto agli allotrapianti cutanei sono caratterizzate da meccanismi di distruzione tissutale sia antigenici che aspecifici, anche se è l’azione antigenico-specifica delle cellule Tc a determinare principalmente la sopravvivenza o il rigetto dell’allotr...

    68,41 €

  • Bases celulares da rejeição de aloenxertos cutâneos
    N. B. Thippeswamy
    Neste livro foi explicado claramente o papel das células imunitárias na rejeição de aloenxertos. Tanto os mecanismos de destruição tecidular específicos do antigénio como os não específicos caracterizam as respostas de rejeição aos aloenxertos de pele, embora seja a ação específica do antigénio das células Tc que determina principalmente a sobrevivência ou a rejeição da pele en...

    68,35 €

  • Activité antimicrobienne des graines de Nigella Sativa L.
    Sehar Abbas
    Dans la présente étude, l’extraction des graines de Nigella sativa L. a été réalisée à l’aide de différents solvants. La technique d’extraction par macération à froid a été utilisée pour l’extraction à l’aide de différents solvants, à savoir le méthanol, l’éther de pétrole, le n-hexane et l’eau distillée. Le criblage phytochimique de différents extraits de graines de N. sativa ...

    62,81 €

  • Антимикробная активность семян Нигеллы Сатива.
    Сехар Аббас
    В данном исследовании экстракция семян Nigella sativa L. проводилась с использованием различных растворителей. Для экстракции использовался метод холодной мацерации с применением различных растворителей, т.е. метанола, петролейного эфира, н-гексана и дистиллированной воды. Фитохимический скрининг различных экстрактов семян N. sativa L. выявил наличие различных лекарственно акти...

    62,87 €

  • Dairy farm management
    Ciro Amaral Bittencourt
    Simple ways of organizing and controlling zootechnical data, which can help control the farm. Sectorization can help with a better understanding of the functions assigned to each activity on the farm, providing a broader view of the productivity rates of each function. The control of general data helps to organize the accounts and ultimately to improve the rotation of the farm’...

    48,43 €

  • Gestion d’une exploitation laitière
    Ciro Amaral Bittencourt
    Des méthodes simples d’organisation et de contrôle des données zootechniques qui peuvent contribuer au contrôle de l’exploitation. La sectorisation peut aider à mieux comprendre les fonctions attribuées à chaque activité de l’exploitation, ce qui permet d’avoir une vision plus large des taux de productivité de chaque fonction. Le contrôle des données générales permet d’organise...

    48,43 €

  • Environmental Quality of Recent Sediments in the Gulf of Cariaco
    Gregorio Martínez Campos
    The Gulf of Cariaco occupies a predominant place in the northeastern region of Venezuela due to its strategic potential from an economic and food security point of view. On the other hand, it is a very interesting region from the geological, geochemical and hydrodynamic point of view, due to the interactions between the Caribbean and South American plates, which cause different...

    106,54 €

  • Внесение калийных удобрений при фертигации
    Де Мария Г / Дэв Коррейя дос Анжус / Фер Фелипе Феррейра H
    Папайя обладает хорошими характеристиками, поскольку ее урожай собирают рано и постоянно, а также она экономически выгодна, поскольку окупаемость вложенного капитала наступает быстрее, чем у многих других плодовых культур. Тем не менее, один фактор, который заслуживает внимания, когда речь заходит о получении удовлетворительных урожаев папайи, - это химическое плодородие почвы....

    48,51 €

  • Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story
    Jaan Einasto
    The concepts of dark matter and the cosmic web are some of the most significant developments in cosmology in the past century. They have decisively changed the classical cosmological paradigm, which was first elaborated upon during the first half of the 20th century but ran into serious problems in the second half. Today, they are integral parts of modern cosmology, which expla...

    182,06 €

  • The Game of Logic
    Lewis Carroll
    The Game of Logic is a book written by Lewis Carroll, the author best known for his famous works such as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. The Game of Logic is a treatise on logic and logical reasoning, written in the form of a game. The book was first published in 1887 and is still considered a valuable resource for those interested in logic and m...

    10,89 €

  • Harmonic Functions and Random Walks on Groups
    Ariel Yadin

    101,30 €

  • Higher Special Functions
    Wolfgang Lay

    160,50 €

  • Influência da temperatura na toxicidade do cádmio
    Sana Boughammoura
    Tomando como índices de toxicidade a desmineralização óssea, o stress oxidativo e as alterações histológicas de certos tecidos no peixe teleósteo Aphanius fasciatus, comparámos, por um lado, os teores de Cd e Ca, bem como os teores de matéria orgânica e mineral na coluna vertebral e, por outro lado, os teores de MDA, MTs, PSH e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes (SOD e CAT) ...

    82,60 €

    Eshonkulov Alijon Khaydarovich
    Atualmente, cerca de 80% da população mundial utiliza plantas medicinais e mais de 35% dos medicamentos utilizados são derivados de plantas medicinais. Nos países europeus, são utilizadas mais de 1300 plantas medicinais, 90% das quais são recolhidas a partir de recursos naturais.A utilização tradicional de plantas medicinais não depende principalmente das condições climáticas o...

    68,73 €

    Eshonkulov Alijon Khaydarovich
    Gegenwärtig verwenden etwa 80 % der Weltbevölkerung Heilpflanzen, und mehr als 35 % der verwendeten Arzneimittel werden aus Heilpflanzen gewonnen. In den europäischen Ländern werden mehr als 1300 Heilpflanzen verwendet, von denen 90 % aus natürlichen Quellen stammen.Die traditionelle Verwendung von Heilpflanzen ist nicht in erster Linie von den klimatischen Bedingungen oder dem...

    68,80 €

  • Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Toxizität von Cadmium
    Sana Boughammoura
    Anhand von Knochendemineralisierung, oxidativem Stress und histologischen Veränderungen bestimmter Gewebe beim Teleosteen-Fisch Aphanius fasciatus als Indizien für Toxizität verglichen wir den Gehalt an Cd und Ca sowie den Gehalt an organischer und mineralischer Substanz in der Wirbelsäule einerseits und den Gehalt an MDA, MTs, PSH und die Aktivität der antioxidativen Enzyme (S...

    82,66 €

  • Influenza della temperatura sulla tossicità del cadmio
    Sana Boughammoura
    Considerando come indici di tossicità la demineralizzazione ossea, lo stress ossidativo e le alterazioni istologiche di alcuni tessuti del pesce teleosteo Aphanius fasciatus, abbiamo confrontato i contenuti di Cd e Ca, nonché i contenuti di materia organica e minerale nella colonna vertebrale da un lato e, dall’altro, i contenuti di MDA, MTs, PSH e l’attività degli enzimi antio...

    82,53 €

    Eshonkulov Alijon Khaydarovich
    Attualmente, circa l’80% della popolazione mondiale fa uso di piante medicinali e oltre il 35% dei farmaci utilizzati deriva da piante medicinali. Nei Paesi europei si utilizzano più di 1300 piante medicinali, il 90% delle quali è raccolto da risorse naturali.L’uso tradizionale delle piante medicinali non dipende principalmente dalle condizioni climatiche o dalla ricchezza dell...

    68,73 €

    Eshonkulov Alijon Khaydarovich
    At present, about 80% of the world’s population uses medicinal plants and more than 35% of the medicines used are derived from medicinal plants. In European countries more than 1300 medicinal plants are used, 90% of which are collected from natural resources.The traditional use of medicinal plants is not mainly dependent on climatic conditions or flora richness but on socio-eco...

    68,67 €

    Eshonkulov Alijon Khaydarovich
    Actuellement, environ 80 % de la population mondiale utilise des plantes médicinales et plus de 35 % des médicaments utilisés sont dérivés de plantes médicinales. Plus de 1 300 plantes médicinales sont utilisées dans les pays européens, dont 90 % sont collectées à partir de ressources naturelles.L’utilisation traditionnelle des plantes médicinales ne dépend pas principalement d...

    68,80 €

  • Terapi Kesehatan Jiwa Dan Mental Dalam Islam Softcover Edition
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Seiring dengan dinamika perkembangan kehidupan modern yang semakin kompleks, maka perubahan psikis dalam diri manusia juga mengalami perubahan, utamanya dengan perkembangan mental atau jiwa seseorang yang telah mengalami modernisasi kultur dan gaya hidup. Tekanan psikis atau gangguan metal (psychoses) yang melanda banyak masyarakat modern saat ini memunculkan wacana tentang car...

    13,46 €

  • Integrative facial cupping
    Carlos Paulo
    FACIAL CUPPING BOOKFacial cupping protocols, natural beauty book with cups, 6' x 9 ', white paper / interior color / facial cupping for beginners / Easy four different programs for beauticians, family, Spa or for all.This book is practical and accessible, explanatory diagrams with natural beauty products set. It is a simple and effective technique with cheap natural beauty pro...

    26,51 €

  • Sistem Pengobatan Kedokteran Islami Ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW Bersumberkan Dari Al-Quran Dan Al-Hadist
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Agama Islam mengatur kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai aspek termasuk dalam dunia perawatan dan pengobatan. Allah SWT yang maha pengasih dan penyayang kepada umat manusia, melalui kekasih-Nya Rasulullah SAW, Allah mengajarkan kepada manusia cara merawat dan memelihara kesehatan.Pengobatan ala Nabi biasa dikenal dengan sebutan Thibun Nabawi sekitar abad ke-13 yang diperkenalkan o...

    14,20 €

  • 浅谈中医 一个西医学习中医的笔记 精装版
    李鼎九(Dingjiu Li)
    此书稿是李鼎九教授以一个西医老人虚心细致,认真自学,研读中医而精心纪录的心血结晶,是对中医学习各个步骤的浅出深入的详尽总结,从中医的阴阳五行,四诊八纲,到一些常用中草药的中英文名称及其用途,全面而简明扼要,容易懂,容易学。这是李鼎九教授一步步的自学总结,实际上,也是一部非常适合有志了解学习中医的中英文人士的好教材和参考书。 ...

    46,59 €

  • Walking into the Light
    Lucas Verhelst BSc MRACI
    One person every 20 seconds loses a limb due to diabetes related complications. By the time you finish reading this article four people have lost lower limbs and within five years three of those people will have died. Diabetes is a poor mans’ disease because with access to the latest technology, like insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors, diabetes becomes a paper tige...

    19,85 €

  • Fundamentals of Biomedical Optics
    Caroline Boudoux
    Prof. Boudoux’s book covers a comprehensive range of topics in biomedical optics and biophotonics. The organization of the material is well thought out, starting off with a toolbox of essential concepts that are general and yet detailed enough for a broad range of student backgrounds. The heart of the book covers the essential topics of tissue optics, as well as optical imaging...

    127,49 €

  • How to Deal With Anger, Stress, Depression, Grief and Sadness from Islamic Perspective
    Muhammad Vandestra
    The average human being in the developed world battles sadness, anger, stress, depression and worry on a daily basis. While the majority of the world’s population confront extreme poverty, famine, conflict and despair those of us privileged to lead relatively easy lives must tackle fear, stress, and anxiety. Why are those of us blessed with riches beyond compare immersed in lon...

    25,86 €

  • The Life of the Spider
    J. Henri Fabre / JHenri Fabre
    Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos, Fellow of the Zoological Society of London, and with a preface by Maurice Maeterlinck.Written by the founding father of the science of modern entomology, this work remains one of the standard studies of the lifestyle, habits, mating ceremonies, and astonishing technical abilities of the spider family.Jean-Henri Fabre, famous for his d...

    23,25 €