
Medicina (69077)

  • Pädiatrie
    Deise Soares / Juliana Rockembach
    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Wahrnehmung der Eltern von Spielaktivitäten während des Aufenthalts ihres Kindes in der Kinderklinik zu untersuchen. Die verwendete Methodik war qualitativ, deskriptiv und explorativ. In der Datenanalyse wird zunächst eine kurze Charakterisierung der Teilnehmer vorgenommen, gefolgt von den drei Themen, die nach der Lektüre und Analyse des aus den ...

    56,34 €

  • Paediatrics
    Deise Soares / Juliana Rockembach
    The aim of this study was to investigate parents’ perceptions of play activities during their child’s stay in paediatrics. The methodology used was qualitative, descriptive and exploratory. In the data analysis, a brief characterisation of the participants is presented first, followed by the three themes defined after reading and analysing the material obtained from the intervi...

    56,27 €

  • Pédiatrie
    Deise Soares / Juliana Rockembach
    L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner la perception qu’ont les parents des activités ludiques pendant le séjour de leur enfant en pédiatrie. La méthodologie utilisée est qualitative, descriptive et exploratoire. Dans l’analyse des données, une brève caractérisation des participants est d’abord présentée, suivie des trois thèmes définis après la lecture et l’analyse du maté...

    56,34 €

  • Pediatria
    Deise Soares / Juliana Rockembach
    Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di indagare la percezione dei genitori sulle attività ludiche durante la degenza dei loro figli in pediatria. La metodologia utilizzata è stata qualitativa, descrittiva ed esplorativa. Nell’analisi dei dati, viene presentata prima una breve caratterizzazione dei partecipanti, seguita dai tre temi definiti dopo la lettura e l’analisi del ...

    56,27 €

  • Педиатрия
    Дейз Суарес / Джулиана Рокембах
    Целью данного исследования было изучение восприятия родителями игровой деятельности во время пребывания их ребенка в педиатрии. Использовалась качественная, описательная и исследовательская методология. При анализе данных сначала представлена краткая характеристика участников, а затем три темы, определенные после прочтения и анализа материалов, полученных в ходе интервью. Игра ...

    56,34 €

    Diese zehn Pflanzen sind unsere treuesten Versicherer, die uns Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden garantieren. Sie sind reich an Nährstoffen: Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12; Mineralien: Kalzium, Chlor, Kupfer, Chrom, Eisen, Zink, Lithium, Magnesium, Mangan, Phosphor; Aminosäuren: 7 von 8 essentiellen, 11 von 14 sekundären; Enzyme (Amylase, Katalase, Cellulase, Lipase, Oxidase und ...

    113,21 €

    Estas 10 plantas são os nossos mais fiéis garantes da saúde e do bem-estar. São ricas em nutrientes: vitaminas A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 e B12; minerais: cálcio, cloro, cobre, crómio, ferro, zinco, lítio, magnésio, manganês e fósforo; aminoácidos: 7 dos 8 essenciais, 11 dos 14 secundários; enzimas (amilase, catalase, celulase, lipase, oxidase e fosfatase), mono e polissacáridos (ce...

    113,22 €

    Боко Паскал АКАБАССИ
    Эти 10 растений - наши самые верные гаранты здоровья и хорошего самочувствия. Они богаты питательными веществами: витаминами А, В1, В2, В3, В6, В9 и В12; минералами: кальцием, хлором, медью, хромом, железом, цинком, литием, магнием, марганцем и фосфором; аминокислотами: 7 из 8 основных, 11 из 14 основных; ферментами (амилаза, каталаза, целлюлаза, липаза, оксидаза и фосфатаза), ...

    113,19 €

    These 10 plants are our most loyal insurers, guaranteeing our health and well-being. They are rich in nutrients: vitamins A, B1 B2, B3, B6, B9, B12; minerals: calcium, chlorine, copper, chromium, iron, zinc, lithium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus; amino acids: 7 of the 8 essential, 11 of the 14 secondary; enzymes (amylase, catalase, cellulase, lipase, oxidase and phosphatase...

    113,26 €

  • Discussion on TCM Basics Through Understanding of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon
    yingxiong feng
    The Huangdi Neijing, also known as the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon, is one of the classical works of ancient Chinese medicine and is considered the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine. It is attributed to the Yellow Emperor, but in reality, it is a compilation of the medical experiences of various masters from different periods.The Huangdi Neijing consists of two parts:...

    14,57 €

  • Liderança Autêntica E Capital Psicológico No Ambiente De Trabalho
    Maria De Nazaré Nascimento Cordeiro
    O livro Liderança Autêntica e Capital Psicológico no Ambiente de Trabalho é fruto de um árduo trabalho de pesquisa da autora Maria de Nazaré Nascimento Cordeiro, dedicada pesquisadora, profissional/psicóloga com vasta experiência nas organizações, que almeja com esse estudo divulgar novas perspectivas na compreensão do fenômeno da Liderança nas organizações.A autora, acreditand...

    13,15 €

  • Entre Rastros De Som E Poesia
    Josué Alves
    Em sua obraEntre rastros de som e poesia , o autor a partir de uma escrita poética e fluida, traz uma série de reflexões e indagações sobre a vida, o comportamento humano, o consumismo desenfreado, bem como os novos sintomas que emergiram no pós-pandemia da Covid-19, como a ansiedade e o mal-estar humano. Entre narrativas e poesias, o livro é um verdadeiro convite a uma pausa n...

    10,50 €

  • Dying the Good Death
    Donnica L. Brown Pierre RN / RN Donnica L. Brown Pierre
    Eternally, from struggles to serenity, from a jaded life to joy and jubilation in heaven, I pray that this book will invoke the tough conversations regarding being prepared financially for final arrangements and discussing end-of-life wishes. Both living wills and materialistic wills are important. Planning certainly helps the survivors cope better, and this book will help you ...

    13,11 €

  • Advances in Endodontics and Periodontics
    Irene Pina-Vaz
    This Special Issue of Applied Sciences, titled 'Advances in Endodontics and Periodontics', aims to improve the state of the art in relation to the most relevant advances in Endodontics and Periodontics. Topics addressed in this Special Issue include alternative treatment strategies such as 'green' antimicrobials, the relationship with systemic diseases, new devices and material...

    71,18 €

  • Enhancing a taxonomy for medicinal plants by incorporating Information Extraction from Biomedical Literature
    Niyati Kumari Behera
    In last few years, the volume of experimental data and publications produced in biomedical domain have scaled up rapidly. This enormous amount of knowledge has been stored in text databases such as MEDLINE, PubMed Central, BioMed Central etc. For example, MEDLINE, one of the largest bibliographic text database of biomedical information science, has more than 27 million research...

    35,59 €

  • Research Progress of Plant Compounds for Diabetes and Its Complications
    Numerous chronic complications appear in the evolution of diabetes mellitus type 2 and type 1, and they significantly influence the duration of life of the patient. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease where pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory mechanisms are intensely expressed. Given the numerous beneficial effects present in compounds extracted from different plants, such as...

    71,27 €

  • Key Advances in the Treatment of the Critically Ill
    Spyros D. Mentzelopoulos
    This reprint of a Special Issue of the Journal of Clinical Medicine includes a submission-motivating editorial, eleven clinical research papers (including a meta-analysis), six narrative reviews and a survey-based study, focusing on a wide variety of aspects of intensive care. Five studies pertain to coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) assess intermittent vs. prolonged prone vent...

    90,93 €

  • The Living Wetsuit
    Sue Adstrum PhD
    Dive into the fascinating world of human anatomy with Sue Adstrum’s ground-breaking book, The Living Wetsuit: Demystifying anatomy for everyday use. This compelling read offers a fresh perspective on our bodies’ anatomical structure, blending historical insights, scientific exploration, and the untapped wisdom of fascia - the body’s connective tissue that intertwines and suppor...

    56,30 €

  • Гибкость икроножной мышцы
    Этот справочник содержит информацию об эффективности эксцентрических упражнений и статической растяжки для улучшения гибкости икроножных мышц у студентов мужского пола. В книге представлены данные, полученные в ходе оригинального исследования, и предложен критический анализ. Она будет полезна для физиотерапевтов и людей, занимающихся физическим воспитанием, и поможет им в их ис...

    55,04 €

  • Die Flexibilität der Wadenmuskulatur
    Avinash Tiwari / Dwarikanath Rout / Nihar Ranjan Mohanty
    Dieses Nachschlagewerk enthält Informationen über die Wirksamkeit von exzentrischen Übungen und statischem Dehnen bei der Verbesserung der Wadenmuskelflexibilität bei männlichen Universitätsstudenten. Das Buch stellt Daten vor, die im Rahmen von Originaluntersuchungen gesammelt wurden, und bietet eine kritische Analyse. Es ist für Physiotherapeuten und Personen, die im Bereich ...

    55,04 €

  • Flexibilité du muscle du mollet
    Avinash Tiwari / Dwarikanath Rout / Nihar Ranjan Mohanty
    Cet ouvrage de référence contient des informations sur l’efficacité des exercices excentriques et des étirements statiques pour améliorer la souplesse des muscles du mollet chez les étudiants universitaires de sexe masculin. L’ouvrage présente des données recueillies dans le cadre d’une recherche originale et propose une analyse critique. Il sera utile aux physiothérapeutes et ...

    55,04 €

  • Flessibilità del muscolo del polpaccio
    Avinash Tiwari / Dwarikanath Rout / Nihar Ranjan Mohanty
    Questo libro di riferimento contiene informazioni sull’efficacia degli esercizi eccentrici e dello stretching statico nel migliorare la flessibilità dei muscoli del polpaccio tra gli studenti universitari maschi. Il libro presenta dati raccolti attraverso ricerche originali e offre un’analisi critica. Sarà utile ai fisioterapisti e alle persone coinvolte nell’educazione fisica,...

    55,04 €

  • Flexibilidade do músculo da barriga da perna
    Avinash Tiwari / Dwarikanath Rout / Nihar Ranjan Mohanty
    Este livro de referência contém informações sobre a eficácia dos exercícios excêntricos e dos alongamentos estáticos na melhoria da flexibilidade dos músculos da barriga da perna em estudantes universitários do sexo masculino. O livro apresenta dados recolhidos através de investigação original e oferece uma análise crítica. Será útil para fisioterapeutas e indivíduos envolvidos...

    55,04 €

  • Experimental Model of Chronic Sensory Neuropathy due to Oxaliplatin
    Juliana Lino / Mariana Vale / Renata Bessa Last N
    This book can be used as a basis for experimental research aimed at improving the health condition of patients who use chemotherapy and, consequently, may develop alterations that compromise their quality of life. We would like to pay tribute to Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Ribeiro (in memorian) for the opportunity to carry out this research at LAFICA/UFC. We hope that this reading will s...

    79,28 €

  • Modello sperimentale di neuropatia sensoriale cronica dovuta all’oxaliplatino
    Juliana Lino / Mariana Vale / Renata Bessa Pontes
    Questo libro può essere utilizzato come base per la ricerca sperimentale volta a migliorare le condizioni di salute dei pazienti che utilizzano la chemioterapia e che, di conseguenza, possono sviluppare alterazioni che compromettono la loro qualità di vita. Vorremmo rendere omaggio al Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Ribeiro (in memoria) per l’opportunità di svolgere questa ricerca presso LAF...

    79,27 €

  • Isolement du verbascoside et validation d’une méthode analytique
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    Dans cette étude, le verbascoside phénylpropanoïde, identifié par RMN, qui a des activités pharmacologiques telles qu’antioxydant, analgésique, anti-inflammatoire et gastroprotecteur, a été isolé de la fraction d’acétate d’éthyle des parties aériennes de Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. La méthode analytique utilisant la chromatographie liquide à haute performance a été dé...

    49,74 €

  • Isolation of verbascoside and validation of an analytical method
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In this study, the phenylpropanoid verbascoside, identified by NMR, which has pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective, was isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of the aerial parts of Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl. The analytical method using high-performance liquid chromatography was developed and validated to...

    49,74 €

  • Profil biochimique et protéomique des nouveau-nés SGA
    Sandra Mattos
    L’hypothèse de Barker sur la programmation fœtale des maladies chroniques non transmissibles propose qu’un stimulus environnemental défavorable, tel qu’une restriction de nutriments ou d’oxygène pendant une période critique du développement fœtal, induise des effets structurels et fonctionnels dans l’organisme en développement, optimisant la croissance d’organes clés tels que l...

    69,60 €

  • Biochemisches und proteomisches Profil von SGA-Neugeborenen
    Sandra Mattos
    Barkers Hypothese der fetalen Programmierung chronischer, nicht übertragbarer Krankheiten geht davon aus, dass ein ungünstiger Umweltreiz wie eine Nährstoff- oder Sauerstoffrestriktion während einer kritischen Phase der fetalen Entwicklung strukturelle und funktionelle Auswirkungen auf den sich entwickelnden Organismus hat, indem er das Wachstum von Schlüsselorganen wie dem Geh...

    69,60 €

  • Isolamento del verbascoside e validazione di un metodo analitico
    Daniella Maria Soares de Oliveira / Marilis D. Miguel / Obdúlio G. Miguel
    In questo studio è stato isolato dalla frazione di acetato di etile delle parti aeree di Buddleja stachyoides Cham. & Schltdl il fenilpropanoide verbascoside, identificato mediante NMR, che possiede attività farmacologiche quali antiossidante, analgesica, antinfiammatoria e gastroprotettiva. Per quantificare il contenuto di verbascoside nell’estratto alcolico grezzo delle parti...

    49,74 €