
Medicina (69077)

  • Cancer, Sex, Drugs and Death
    Toni Lindsay
    This book is a must read for any psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist or counsellor dealing with a young client undergoing cancer treatment. A strong clinical focus throughout the text provides guidance and structure, showing how to work effectively with young people through learning the language of cancer diagnosis and treatment so that the therapeutic skills you already pos...

    36,12 €

  • Coconut Oil Breakthrough
    B J Richards
    What if there were a way to burn off those extra pounds without having to go on some crazy diet.... just by doing this one simple thing? And use that same product to strengthen and build your hair? Plus get the added bonus of contributing to the health of your brain and memory? And do all that with one affordable product that doesn't break the bank! Not knowing what I&#...

    11,96 €

  • 36 Rezepte für Menschen mit Appetitlosigkeit
    Joe Correa
    36 Rezepte für Menschen mit Appetitlosigkeit: Natürliche Lebensmittel reich an Nährstoffen, um deinen Hunger zu stärken und Appetit anzuregen  Von Joe Correa CSN Appetitlosigkeit ist ein weit verbreitetes Problem und ein erster Schritt und verursacht verschiedene Erkrankungen. Eine unzureichende Aufnahme von gesunden Nährstoffen schwächt das Immunsystem und das ist der kritisch...

    20,27 €

  • US Health
    Lykourkos Liaropoulos
    HOW TO FINANCE AND DELIVER HEALTH CAREHealth has been one of the most frequent issues arising in the Social Policy debate for the last 60 or more years. The answers given vary according to political ideology, economic expediency, and the moral standing of individuals and society. The sources of funding are essentially two: either the individual directly, or a larger group actin...

    16,72 €

  • 8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer
    Marianne C. McDonough
    8 Steps to Getting Real with Cancer is a practical step-by-step guide for newly-diagnosed cancer patients and those who love them. Empowerment is the key theme throughout this book as Marianne McDonough, a breast cancer survivor, addresses the critical first weeks following diagnosis when patients suddenly face wrenching decisions, intense stress, and their own mortality.The bo...

    10,40 €

  • NLN PAX Test Strategy!
    Complete Test Preparation Inc.
    Learn and Practice Proven multiple choice strategies for Reading Comprehension, Word Problems and Basic Math! Plus powerful vocabulary learning techniques to get your vocabulary up to speed fast before the exam! If you are preparing for the NLN PAX-RN, PAX-PN, you probably want all the help you can get! PAX Test Strategy  is your complete guide to answering multiple choice qu...

    14,52 €

  • The Kitten Who Wants to Say Goodbye to Diapers
    Leaves of Gold Press
    What is different about this children’s toilet training book? It uses language patterns and proven, powerful psychological techniques that really get results. Motivation is the key to toilet training. This story is designed to be gently persuasive on both the conscious and unconscious levels. It can be be read aloud to children by an older person, and is intended as an aid to a...

    13,76 €

  • Healthcare Informatics and Analytics
    Amir Hossein Ghapanchi / Amir Talaei-Khoei / Madjid Tavana
    Healthcare practices have been enhanced through the use of information technologies and analytical methods. A cross between computer science, healthcare, and information science is needed for the optimization of data resources and information systems within the healthcare industry. Healthcare Informatics and Analytics: Emerging Issues and Trends introduces the latest research c...

    308,50 €

  • Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare
    Jinglong Wu
    New developments in medical technology have paved the way for the ongoing studies of cognitive neuroscience and biomedical engineering for healthcare. Their different but interconnected aspects of science and technology seek to provide new solutions for difficult healthcare problems and impact the future of the quality of life. Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience ...

    321,66 €

  • Moral Principles and Medical Practice
    Charles Coppens
    The science of Medicine is progressive; genius irradiates its onward march. Few other sciences have advanced as rapidly as it has done within the last half century. Hence it has happened that in many of its branches text-books have not kept pace with the knowledge of its leading minds. Such is confessedly the case in the department of Medical Jurisprudence.This very term, Medic...

    14,28 €

  • Every Man his own Doctor
    R. T. Claridge
    'Discover what will destroy life, and you are a great man-what will prolong it and you are an impostor! Discover some invention in machinery that will make the rich more rich, and the poor more poor, and they will build you a statue! Discover some mystery in art, that will equalise disparities, and they will pull down their houses to stone you.'-Bulwer ...

    17,08 €

  • Potencial Antidiabético da Casca de Symplocos Racemosa Roxb. Casca
    Deepak Mahuli / Neela Bhatia / Nilofar Naikwadi
    A prevenção da diabetes e das suas complicações não é apenas um grande desafio para o futuro, mas é essencial para que a saúde para todos seja um objetivo alcançável. Os grupos de estudo da OMS sublinham fortemente, a este respeito, a utilização óptima e racional dos medicamentos tradicionais e naturais indígenas. A casca de Symplocos racemosa Roxb. é utilizada em preparações p...

    49,93 €

  • Potenziale antidiabetico di Symplocos Racemosa Roxb. Corteccia
    Deepak Mahuli / Neela Bhatia / Nilofar Naikwadi
    La prevenzione del diabete e delle sue complicanze non è solo una sfida importante per il futuro, ma è essenziale se la salute per tutti deve essere un obiettivo raggiungibile. I gruppi di studio dell’OMS sottolineano con forza, a questo proposito, l’uso ottimale e razionale delle medicine tradizionali e naturali indigene. La corteccia di Symplocos racemosa Roxb. è usata in pre...

    49,93 €

  • Neuroprotektive Rolle von Pregabalin bei experimenteller diabetischer Neuropathie
    Archana Jorige
    Oftmals stoßen wir auf sehr beeindruckende Forschungsartikel, die sich mehr auf die Ergebnisse der Forschung konzentrieren. Dabei können wir jedoch einige wichtige Schritte in der Methodik übersehen. Dieses Buch enthält jedoch einen Schritt-für-Schritt-Forschungsprozess, durch den Sie die hier enthaltene Arbeit verstehen werden. Dieses Buch enthält chirurgische Verfahren zur Is...

    49,68 €

  • Нейропротекторная роль прегабалина при экспериментальной диабетической нейропатии
    Арчана Джориге
    Часто мы сталкиваемся с очень впечатляющими научными статьями, в которых больше внимания уделяется результатам исследования. Но при этом мы можем упустить некоторые ключевые шаги в методологии. Но эта книга включает в себя пошаговый процесс исследования, благодаря которому вам будет очевиден результат работы, включенной в книгу. Эта книга включает в себя хирургическую процедуру...

    49,68 €

  • Rôle neuroprotecteur de la prégabaline dans la neuropathie diabétique expérimentale
    Archana Jorige
    Nous tombons souvent sur des articles de recherche très impressionnants qui se concentrent davantage sur les résultats de la recherche. Mais il peut arriver que certaines étapes clés de la méthodologie soient omises. Mais ce livre comprend un processus de recherche étape par étape qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec le travail inclus dans cet ouvrage. Ce livre comprend...

    49,68 €

  • Antidiabetisches Potenzial von Symplocos Racemosa Roxb. Rinde
    Deepak Mahuli / Neela Bhatia / Nilofar Naikwadi
    Die Vorbeugung von Diabetes und seinen Komplikationen ist nicht nur eine große Herausforderung für die Zukunft, sondern auch von entscheidender Bedeutung, wenn Gesundheit für alle ein erreichbares Ziel sein soll. Die WHO-Studiengruppen betonen in diesem Zusammenhang nachdrücklich die optimale, rationelle Verwendung traditioneller und natürlicher einheimischer Arzneimittel. Die ...

    50,00 €

  • Potentiel antidiabétique de l’écorce de Symplocos Racemosa Roxb. Écorce
    Deepak Mahuli / Neela Bhatia / Nilofar Naikwadi
    La prévention du diabète et de ses complications n’est pas seulement un défi majeur pour l’avenir, mais elle est essentielle si l’on veut que la santé pour tous soit un objectif réalisable. Les groupes d’étude de l’OMS insistent fortement à cet égard sur l’utilisation optimale et rationnelle des médicaments traditionnels et naturels indigènes. L’écorce de Symplocos racemosa Rox...

    49,93 €

  • Противодиабетический потенциал Symplocos Racemosa Roxb. Bark
    Дипак Махули / Нила Бхатия / Нилофар Наиквади
    Профилактика диабета и его осложнений - это не только серьезная задача на будущее, но и важнейшее условие для того, чтобы здоровье для всех стало достижимой целью. В связи с этим исследовательские группы ВОЗ настоятельно подчеркивают необходимость оптимального и рационального использования традиционных и натуральных лекарственных средств коренных народов. Кора Symplocos racemos...

    50,00 €

  • Ruolo neuroprotettivo del pregabalin nella neuropatia diabetica sperimentale
    Archana Jorige
    Molte volte ci imbattiamo in articoli di ricerca molto impressionanti che si concentrano maggiormente sui risultati della ricerca. Ma si possono perdere alcuni passaggi chiave della metodologia. Ma questo libro include un processo di ricerca passo dopo passo, che vi farà capire il lavoro svolto. Questo libro include la procedura chirurgica per l’isolamento del nervo sciatico da...

    49,68 €

  • Papel neuroprotector da pregabalina na neuropatia diabética experimental
    Archana Jorige
    Muitas vezes, deparamo-nos com artigos de investigação muito impressionantes que se concentram mais no resultado dessa investigação. Mas aí podemos perder alguns passos fundamentais na metodologia. Mas este livro inclui o processo de investigação passo a passo, pelo que será óbvio para si o trabalho aqui incluído. Este livro inclui o procedimento cirúrgico para o isolamento do ...

    49,68 €

  • Un tratado de neumología en Abulcasis
    Luisa María Arvide Cambra
    Abu l-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (c.936-c.1013), conocido en la tradición latina, entre otros nombres, como Abulcasis, es uno de los médicos árabes más importantes del islam medieval, que, entre otras aportaciones, llevó a la cirugía a las más altas cotas científicas. Compuso una obra enciclopédica, titulada Kitab al-Ta?rif (Libro de la disposición médica), que está dividida en treinta t...

    18,00 €

  • They Still Call Me Doctor
    Barbara Henick Bachow M. D.
    Dr. Bachow spent her childhood in the inner city, growing up in the Brooklyn projects. Blessed with the necessary academic skills and personality, she fought her way out of her humble beginnings to achieve a level of success that she had never thought possible. Not surprisingly, over the years she became accustomed to the accolades of achievement while standing on life’s pedest...

    13,04 €

  • They Still Call Me Doctor
    Barbara Henick Bachow M. D.
    Dr. Bachow spent her childhood in the inner city, growing up in the Brooklyn projects. Blessed with the necessary academic skills and personality, she fought her way out of her humble beginnings to achieve a level of success that she had never thought possible. Not surprisingly, over the years she became accustomed to the accolades of achievement while standing on life’s pedest...

    22,52 €

  • Governance, democracy and ethics in crisis-decision-making
    This volume brings together findings from rapid-response COVID-19 research that are linked by a focus on governance decisions, particularly the ’how’ and the ’why’ of decision-making during the pandemic. Contributors reflect on how the pandemic seems impossible to disentangle from issues of trust and accountability in power and authority. ...

    71,32 €

  • Effetti antimicrobici di alcuni estratti di frutta su alcuni patogeni umani
    Abboud Y. El Kichaoi / Farida N. Mosleh / Mahmoud W. El Hindi
    L’uso di farmaci chimici, in generale, ha effetti collaterali dannosi per la salute umana, quindi il nostro studio incoraggia il ritorno alla natura attraverso l’uso di estratti grezzi nel controllo di molte malattie derivanti da microrganismi. Ovviamente, l’ampio uso di antibiotici nel trattamento delle infezioni batteriche ha portato alla diffusione di ceppi resistenti, per c...

    69,85 €

  • Efeitos antimicrobianos de alguns extractos de frutos em alguns agentes patogénicos humanos
    Abboud Y. El Kichaoi / Farida N. Mosleh / Mahmoud W. El Hindi
    A utilização de medicamentos químicos, em geral, tem efeitos secundários nocivos para a saúde humana, pelo que o nosso estudo incentiva o regresso à natureza através da utilização de extractos brutos no controlo de muitas doenças resultantes de microrganismos. Obviamente, a utilização generalizada de antibióticos no tratamento de infecções bacterianas levou à disseminação de es...

    69,78 €

  • Ängste und Depressionen bei schwangeren Frauen in Quetta, Pakistan
    Fahad Saleem / Qaiser Iqbal / Rahila Ghaffar
    Die aktuelle Studie zielt darauf ab, die Häufigkeit und die Prädiktoren von A&D bei schwangeren Frauen zu untersuchen, die ein tertiäres Gesundheitsinstitut in der Stadt Quetta, Pakistan, besuchen. Es wurde eine fragebogenbasierte Querschnittserhebung durchgeführt. Die vorvalidierte Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) wurde verwendet, um die Häufigkeit von A&D bei den ...

    49,74 €

  • Anxiété et dépression chez les femmes enceintes de Quetta, Pakistan
    Fahad Saleem / Qaiser Iqbal / Rahila Ghaffar
    L’étude actuelle vise à évaluer la fréquence et les facteurs prédictifs de l’anxiété et de la dépression chez les femmes enceintes qui fréquentent un institut de soins de santé tertiaire dans la ville de Quetta, au Pakistan. Une enquête transversale basée sur un questionnaire a été menée. L’échelle d’anxiété et de dépression hospitalière (HADS) pré-validée a été utilisée pour é...

    49,74 €

  • Фармацевтические исследования и инновации
    Гулшан Синдхвани / Пооя Матхур / Праншул Сетхи
    Фармацевтические исследования и инновации - это динамичные области на пересечении науки, технологий и здравоохранения. Достижения в области открытия лекарств, разработки рецептур и интеграции передовых технологий определяют будущее фармацевтики, открывая возможности для более эффективных методов лечения и улучшения состояния пациентов. Решение проблем и развитие сотрудничества ...

    118,97 €