Medicina: cuestiones generales

Medicina / Medicina: cuestiones generales (25574)

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  • Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society, The
    Hans S. Reinders / Hans SReinders
    The Future of the Disabled in Liberal Society questions developments in human genetic research from the perspective of persons with mental disabilities and their families. Hans S. Reinders argues that when we use terms such as 'disease' and 'defect' to describe conditions that genetic engineering might well eliminate, we may also be assuming that disabled lives are deplorable a...

    41,20 €

  • The Moral Challenge of Alzheimer Disease
    Stephen Garrard Post

    41,13 €

  • Handbook of Public Relations
    Robert L. Heath

    216,01 €

  • How Scientists Explain Disease
    Paul Thagard
    How do scientists develop new explanations of disease? How do those explanations become accepted as true? And how does medical diagnosis change when physicians are confronted with new scientific evidence? These are some of the questions that Paul Thagard pursues in this pathbreaking book that develops a new, integrative approach to the study of science. Ranging through the hist...

    69,26 €

  • Explicit Birational Geometry of 3-Folds

    103,10 €

  • Basic Proof Theory
    A. S. Troelstra / Anne S. Troelstra / Anne STroelstra / ASTroelstra / H. Schwichtenberg / HSchwichtenberg

    72,04 €

  • An Introduction to K-Theory for C*-Algebras
    F. Larsen / FLarsen / M. Rordam / M. Rrdam / MRordam / MRrdam

    45,71 €

  • An Introduction to K-Theory for C*-Algebras
    Flemming Larsen / M. Rrdam / MRrdam / N. J. Laustsen / NJLaustsen

    107,07 €

  • The Progress of Experiment
    Harry M. Marks / Harry MMarks

    51,79 €

  • Diffusions, Markov Processes and Martingales
    D. Williams / David Williams / DWILLIAMS / L. C. G. Rogers / LCGRogers

    96,05 €

  • Tuskegee’s Truths
    Between 1932 and 1972, approximately six hundred African American men in Alabama served as unwitting guinea pigs in what is now considered one of the worst examples of arrogance, racism, and duplicity in American medical research--the Tuskegee syphilis study. Told they were being treated for 'bad blood,' the nearly four hundred men with late-stage syphilis and two hundred disea...

    82,30 €

  • Milestones in Health and Medicine
    Anne S. Harding / Anne SHarding

    139,41 €

  • Topics in Symbolic Dynamics and Applications

    80,11 €

  • Modular Forms and Galois Cohomology
    Haruzo Hida

    142,33 €

  • Mehr Qualität durch Information
    Martin Völkl
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, inwieweit die Informationstechnologie Einfluss auf die Qualität der Gesundheitsversorgung nehmen kann. Auf der Grundlage eines beschränkt rational handelnden Individuums wird als Ausgangspunkt dafür die Überlegung angestellt, dass dem Patienten ein gesteigertes Interesse an der Qualität der Gesundheitsver...

    57,01 €

  • Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Krankenhaus-Betriebsvergleichen
    Andreas Schelzel
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden in den Budget- und Pflegesatzverhandlungen der Krankenhäuser mit den Krankenkassen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung Krankenhaus-Betriebsvergleiche herangezogen. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit werden die verschiedenen Ansätze, die dazu in den letzten Jahren gemacht wurden und solche, die aktuell in der Diskussion stehen, ...

    45,30 €

  • The Future of Human Reproduction, ’Ethics, Choice and Regulation’

    88,88 €

  • Immunoassays

    190,44 €

  • Computational and Geometric Aspects of Modern Algebra
    Nick Gilbert

    86,15 €

  • Jewish and Catholic Bioethics
    Drawing on multiple interconnected scriptural and spiritual sources, the Jewish tradition of ethical reflection is intricate and nuanced. This book presents scholarly Jewish perspectives on suffering, healing, life, and death, and it compares them with contemporary Christian and secular views.The Jewish perspectives presented in this book are mainly those of orthodox scholars, ...

    36,64 €

  • Lie’s Structural Approach to Pde Systems
    Olle Stormark

    185,64 €

  • The Troubled Dream of Life
    Daniel Callahan
    Drawing on his own experience, and on literature, philosophy, and medicine, Daniel Callahan offers great insight into how to deal with the rewards of modern medicine without upsetting our perception of death. He examines how we view death and the care of the critically ill or dying, and he suggests ways of understanding death that can lead to a peaceful acceptance. Callahan’s t...

    36,29 €

  • Mother of Pearl
    Melinda Haynes
    Capturing all the rueful irony and racial ambivalence of small-town Mississippi in the late 1950s, Melinda Haynes’ celebrated novel is a wholly unforgettable exploration of family, identity, and redemption. Mother of Pearl revolves around twenty-eight-year-old Even Grade, a black man who grew up an orphan, and Valuable Korner, the fifteen-year-old white daughter of the town who...

    16,46 €

  • Addiction Treatment
    Sandra Rasmussen

    204,28 €

  • Intimate Relationships in Medical School
    Michael F M.D. Myers

    108,89 €

  • Research Methods and Audit for General Practice
    David Armstrong / John Grace

    151,29 €

  • Categories and Modules with K-Theory in View
    A. J. Berrick / AJBerrick / M. E. Keating / MEKeating

    187,73 €

  • Descriptive Set Theory and Dynamical Systems
    A. Kechris / A. Louveau / AKechris / ALouveau

    99,64 €

  • The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London
    Doreen Evenden

    157,40 €

  • Researching the Public Opinion Environment
    Sherry Devereaux Ferguson

    172,83 €