Medicina: cuestiones generales

Medicina / Medicina: cuestiones generales (25574)

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  • Evaluating Research in Health and Social Care
    Anne Bullman / Gill Needham / Roger Gomm
    `In lieu of serving up the usual fare of methods and applications to be chosen from at whim, it concentrates on clinicians with limited time who wish to evaluate research rather than necessarily do it themselves.... If you already have a book on research methods...this book will still fine-tune your antennae to the good, the bad and the cant’ - The British Journal of Healthcare...

    77,94 €

  • Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism
    Otto F. Kernberg / Otto FKernberg
    A basic text for the understanding of patients with pathological narcissism. ...

    157,38 €

  • Sexualhormone, Neurotransmitter und Co. Differenzierte Neuroendokrine und kardiovaskuläre Untersuchungen zur Sexualität von Männern
    Tillmann Krüger
    Schon fast sprichwörtlich ist die Annahme, Sexualität und Hormone bildeten eine unzertrennliche Einheit. So sehr diese Behauptung in diversen Zeitschriften regelmäßig proklamiert wird, so wenig ist hierüber bislang wirklich geforscht worden. Mit einer nähergehenden wissenschaftlichen Betrachtung der winzigen Botenmoleküle im Rahmen des menschlichen Sexualgeschehens mocht...

    32,04 €

  • Ethics and Social Concern
    Anthony Serafini

    27,28 €

  • Law and Practice of Private Health Insurance and Managed Care
    Christian Funk
    Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: A true revolution has taken place in the financing of health care in America. Today, managed care is dominating the way Americans receive and pay for their health care. With the rise of managed care medicine has been wrenched out of its atomized world of solo physician practices and community hospitals and has been transformed into a modern industry of...

    53,09 €

  • Polynomials with Special Regard to Reducibility
    A. Schinzel / Andrzej Schinzel / ASchinzel

    114,05 €

  • Control Theory for Partial Differential Equations
    I. Lasiecka / ILasiecka / Irena Lasiecka / Roberto Triggiani

    343,49 €

  • The Mandelbrot Set, Theme and Variations
    This volume presents a systematic exposition of current knowledge about the Mandelbrot set and presents the latest research in complex dynamics. Topics discussed include the universality and the local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set, parabolic bifurcations, critical circle homeomorphisms, absolutely continuous invariant measures and matings of polynomials, along with the geo...

    112,81 €

  • Diffusions, Markov Processes, and Martingales
    D. Williams / David Williams / DWILLIAMS / L. C. G. Rogers / LCGRogers

    95,25 €

  • The Healing Arts
    R. S. Downie / RSDownie

    100,83 €

  • Ethical Issues in Biomedical Publication
    When the editors of two of the most prominent medical journals in the world-the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)-were fired in the same year, under circumstances that ranged from acrimonious to politically sensational, media attention again focused on biomedical publication. The controversy highlighted yet another ethica...

    42,83 €

  • Public Health Communication Interventions
    Nurit Guttman

    147,31 €

  • Pathological Gambling
    Brian Castellani
    This first book on the history of gambling examines how it became a major social problem in the United States, and how it was made into a medical disorder. ...

    42,15 €

  • From Clinic to Classroom
    Howard B. Radest / Howard BRadest

    121,93 €

  • The Wages of Seeking Help
    Carol Bohmer

    121,90 €

  • Several Complex Variables

    173,01 €

  • Entwicklung eines Zielsystems für die Beurteilung medizintechnischer Innovationen
    Carsten Lauer
    Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: Ein zentraler Aspekt der Arbeit ist Frage, welche Bedeutung zeitliche, qualitative und kostenmäßige Aspekte bei der Anschaffung eines medizintechnischen Gerätes besitzen. Hierbei möchte ich die verschiedenen Meinungen und Ansichten von Medizinern, Krankenhausverwaltungen, Kostenträgern und Patienten berücksichtigen. I. Kapitel: Gesundheits...

    56,84 €

  • Clinical Judgement
    Jane Macnaughton / R. S. Downie / Robin Downie / RSDownie

    151,34 €

  • The Transplant Patient

    249,44 €

  • Geometric Approaches to Differential Equations
    Ian G. Lisle / Ian GLisle / Peter J. Vassiliou / Peter JVassiliou

    80,23 €

  • Collaborative Inquiry in Practice
    John N. Bray / Joyce Lee / Linda Smith

    148,01 €

  • Learning to Play God
    Robert Marion / Robert Marion M.D.

    16,75 €

  • Authorized to Heal
    Sandra Lee Barney
    In this book, Sandra Barney examines the transformation of medical care in Central Appalachia during the Progressive Era and analyzes the influence of women volunteers in promoting the acceptance of professional medicine in the region. By highlighting the critical role played by nurses, clubwomen, ladies’ auxiliaries, and other female constituencies in bringing modern medicine ...

    54,60 €

  • Moral Status
    Mary Anne Warren

    84,69 €

  • Deadly Medical Mysteries
    Dian Dincin Buchman

    11,67 €

  • Doctors Under Hitler
    Michael H. Kater / Michael HKater
    'A brilliant attempt to explain the profound historical crisis into which medicine had plummeted during the Nazi period with the tried methods of social history.--Historische Zeitschrift'The author has drawn from an extraordinary range of sources, and the weight of evidence he compiles will certainly give pause to anyone who still wants to believe that professionals kept their ...

    53,77 €

  • Medical Anthropology and African American Health
    Eric J. Bailey / Eric JBailey

    121,53 €

    Andrew Pickles / Brian Everitt / BRIAN S EVERITT & ANDREW PICKLES
    About 8000 clinical trials are undertaken annually in all areas of medicine, from the treatment of acne to the prevention of cancer. Correct interpretation of the data from such trials depends largely on adequate design and on performing the appropriate statistical analyses. In this book, the statistical aspects of both the design and analysis of trials are described, with part...

    133,52 €

  • Age Right
    Karlis C. Ullis / Karlis CUllis

    18,97 €

  • Ökonomische Analyse von betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderungsprogrammen
    Andreas Mielke
    Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Verfahren zur wirtschaftlichen Analyse von betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderungsprogrammen vorzustellen und zu beurteilen. Dabei wird zunächst auf das heutige Gesundheitsverständnis und die Auswirkungen der Arbeit und des Arbeitsumfeldes auf die Gesundheit eingegangen. Anschliessend werden Kosten und Nutzen betrieblic...

    45,04 €