Medicina popular y salud

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Medicina popular y salud (9871)

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  • Your Mind is not Your Brain
    Gary Epler
    Embark on a transformative journey to uncover your true authentic self and reveal the limitless mind. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Gary Epler, founder of the Eplerian Life Philosophy, shatters the long-held belief that the brain is the sole source of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Through a captivating blend of cutting-edge research, inspiring personal stories, and p...

    17,38 €

  • A Relação Entre Aptidão Física E Percentual De Gordura Corporal Em Policiais Militares
    Rodrigo Aparecido Camargo
    Rodrigo Aparecido Camargo ingressou na Polícia Militar em 2002 onde permanece até os dias atuais. Formado em Educação Física em 2009 onde exerce também a função de instrutor nas aulas de Educação Física na Polícia Militar, o que incentivou a publicação deste livro. Formado também em Nutrição em 2023 pretende exercer a profissão dentro da instituição, ajudando os Policiais na pr...

    15,54 €

  • Wand-Pilates für Senioren
    Fit Forever
    Möchten Sie ein Senior sein, der sich in jeder Hinsicht wieder 10 Jahre jünger fühlt?Sind Sie jemand, der sich wünscht, Sie könnten sich mit einer einfachen täglichen Veränderung körperlich und geistig besser fühlen?Das Altern ist etwas, das wir alle durchmachen, aber es gibt einige, denen es leicht zu fallen scheint, während der Rest von uns damit zu kämpfen hat. Die Wahrheit ...

    22,37 €

  • Living Life the Right Way
    Qui Tran
    Ever wanted to know the right way to live life? This book contains practical advice for what actually to do to get exactly what you want in life. Nothing about positive affirmations, voodoo or any smoke and mirrors but exact activities to make sure you can get what really makes you happy in life. This book is a labor of love, trying to cover health, relationships and community ...

    22,06 €

  • Penitentiary Workouts
    Ghetto Chef
    Penitentiary Workouts, a fully hand-illustrated workout book that was created in the penitentiary by the author known as Ghetto Chef. The character known as D, is a real-life person with his true thoughts and workout experiences created into cartoon form. D’s actions and inspirational words encourage his workout partners to want to change their lives for the better. The author’...

    19,68 €

  • Yoga sur chaise pour les seniors
    Fit Forever
    Souhaitez-vous pouvoir réduire de plusieurs années la façon dont vous vous sentez en adoptant une approche simple de l’exercice à domicile ?Vous cherchez de nouvelles façons d’être actif, de vous mettre en forme et de vous amuser en même temps ?Pour profiter au mieux de ses vieux jours, il faut rester actif dans son corps et dans sa tête. En ce qui concerne le corps, le yoga es...

    13,34 €

  • The SMART Handbook
    Elizabeth Yiannoulis
    Get ready to achieve your goals in 90 days with The SMART Handbook. A pocket size manual to success.The SMART Series of books, includes, The SMART Workbook: Science-Based Tools to Achieve Your Goals, which summarises what experts, such as Andrew Huberman, say into one concise book. Prioritize your goals and maximize your performance by implementing the protocols for success tod...

    5,75 €

  • The Power of Balance Exercises for Seniors
    DNP FNP Tracey Kniess / Janice Rizzo / RRT Janice a Rizzo
    Stumbling through life is no way to enjoy your golden years - say goodbye to shaky steps and hello to a life bursting with confidence! Do you remember the days you walked with sure-footed grace, almost gliding across the room without a second thought? Now, it seems like your reality has been rewritten. The act of walking across the room has turned into a careful choreography of...

    20,97 €

  • Clearing the Air
    Charles A. LeMaistre / Donald R. Shopland
    The release of the1964 Report on Smoking and Health was a true watershed event in public health. The New York Public Library has called the report one of the most important scientific publications of the twentieth century, as important as Albert Einstein’s The Meaning of Relativity and Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.    Clearing the Air: The Untold Story of the 1964 Report on Sm...

    32,20 €

  • Comer,comer
    Beatriz Lobo
    Oi, meu nome é Beatriz e eu sempre sonhei escrever um livro, mas como não sou muito boa em histórias inventadas, eu resolvi escrever um pouco do que eu aprendi nas aulas de Educação em Saúde e Alimentação Saudável da minha escola.Bom, vamos lá!! ...

    12,18 €

  • Yoga sur chaise
    Olivia Burns
    Vous cherchez de nouvelles façons de créer l’état d’esprit heureux qui vous a manqué pendant toutes ces années ?Voulez-vous découvrir ce qui vous empêche d’avancer grâce à une approche simple et efficace ?Trouver le temps et l’espace pour bouger d’une manière qui vous libère est vraiment la clé d’une vie longue, heureuse et saine qui vous libère de toutes les manières possibles...

    15,75 €

  • How to Have Beautiful Skin for the Rest of Your Life
    Fried Editor
    Discover what every woman needs to know. 'How to Have Beautiful Skin for the Rest of Your Life'. A step-by-step eBook to clear your skin complexion naturally. The best beauty tips, advice without toxic and expensive products. Enjoy radiant, younger-looking, flawless skin now. Are you suffering from a bad case of acne? I will tell you everything you need to know about acne witho...

    12,70 €

  • The Secret of Natural Beauty
    Fried Editor
    Are you here to give your skin that tender loving care it truly deserves? Do you want to break free from the harmful effects of the chemicals? Every day we use the word 'Skincare', but are you really using it as it is intended? Caring for your skin takes more than just applying multiple layers of products. It’s not 'care' when you are putting harmful chemicals on your skin. I a...

    17,25 €

  • The Complete Guide to Hair Removal for Women Everything you need to know about your hair removal options
    Fried Editor
    Do you have unwanted hair growth on your face or body? Are you confused about what to do? Have you tried a variety of different methods without satisfaction? Will you know how to advise your teen daughter when she asks for help? Is your excess hair due to a hormonal imbalance such as PCOS? This easy-to-use guide discusses every hair removal product and method on the market...

    8,33 €

  • Nature’s Child
    Paula J. Johnson
    Have you noticed that despite more and more resources regarding children’s health, they seem to be more sick, less resilient, and over medicated? Parents are desperate to find another way! 'Nature’s Child' provides a comprehensive, easy to understand, natural approach to managing children’s health issues using safe, holistic remedies while learning how to strengthen the immune ...

    12,39 €

  • Ayurvedic Practices for the Modern World
    Embark on a transformative journey through the pages of 'Ayurvedic Practices for the Modern World: Integrating Kerala’s Wisdom into Daily Life.' This enlightening book invites readers to explore the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, seamlessly blending ancient traditions with contemporary living. Nestled within the verdant landscapes of Kerala, where the air is infused with the scen...

    33,27 €

  • Efficacy, Effectiveness And Efficiency In The Management Of Health Systems
    Mbuso Mabuza
    'We must be led by those who have mastery of the skills to mobilize, coordinate and direct broad collaborative actions within the complex public health system. These skills need constant refinement and honing' - South West Public Health Leadership Institute.Whatever the system, plan, strategy, intervention, or procedure, the client’s well-being should be the primary considerati...

    34,00 €

  • How To Live
    Irving Fisher
    To one who has been an eye-witness of the wonderful achievements of American medical science in the conquest of acute communicable and pestilential diseases in those regions of the earth where they were supposed to be impregnably entrenched, there is the strongest possible appeal in the present rapidly growing movement for the improvement of physical efficiency and the conquest...

    10,82 €

  • How to Boost Your Metabolism
    Shelly M. Sterling
    Pretty much everyone wants to lose weight successfully, however, it is necessary to pay attention to the metabolic process to ensure that the weight loss process doesn’t have to be harder than it already is. You certainly want to have your metabolism on your side.Metabolism is the process of conversion of foods you consume into energy which is used by your body for many differe...

    9,30 €

  • First Aid
    Blessing Isaackson
    FIRST AID-A Step-By Step Guide takes the reader step -by-step through the various stages of first Aid. Pictures are used to illustrate the treatment of diverse medical conditions. The reader will feel confident learning about CPR, how to identify heart attack, angina, asthma, diabetes and meningitis.Employers will find this book an invaluable resource on their library and a use...

    30,11 €

  • First Aid
    Blessing Isaackson
    FIRST AID-A Step-By Step Guide takes the reader step -by-step through the various stages of first Aid. Pictures are used to illustrate the treatment of diverse medical conditions. The reader will feel confident learning about CPR, how to identify heart attack, angina, asthma, diabetes and meningitis.Employers will find this book an invaluable resource on their library and a use...

    20,44 €

  • The Art of Mindkeeping
    Stacey McCann
    Unlock a connection to a more illuminated you, through Mindkeeping, a meditative technology and framework that can help you evolve past the hurts and pains of the physical world and emerge with a new generation of consciousness. Mindkeeping is a practical and accessible path to reaching a profound spiritual destination that’s been within you all along. It’s not about fixing wha...

    25,40 €

  • Remove the 'Splinters' and Watch the Body Heal
    Dr. Gerald H Smith
    Our current medical model is broken because it is based on faulty science, inaccurate laboratory tests, invasive techniques, poisonous drugs, focuses on symptomatic relief, dissemination of disinformation, and fear-based. The paradigm presented in this book is based on 50 plus `years of clinical experience and thousands of hours of research. The takeaway message is that the pat...

    47,66 €

  • Conhecimentos Indispensáveis A Todo Enfermeiro No Brasil
    Enfº Dani Bom Sucesso
    A Enfermagem possui ampla áreas de atuação, porém, para exercê-las é preciso não esquecer-se da base, da essência. Reuni neste livro os conhecimentos que considero indispensáveis a todo Enfermeiro no Brasil, independente do seu local de trabalho. Deixo aqui uma síntese de tudo que aprendi na graduação e que me são indispensáveis. Espero que este livro lhe sirva de consulta a co...

    16,16 €

  • Alineación de Yoga Principios y Práctica
    Steven A Weiss
    Steven Weiss, MS, DC, C-IAYT es un quiropráctico holístico y nutricionista con una pasión de por vida por el yoga como practicante, profesor y terapeuta de yoga. Su experiencia práctica y su dedicada investigación en alineación postural y mecánica estructural han formado su perspectiva única y su habilidad para unir yoga, anatomía y alineación para desbloquear el potencial huma...

    49,68 €

  • Gut Health for Women
    JJ Nicolls
    Who knew that the path to a better life could start with the gut? Unlock your journey to wellness, reset your gut health starting now, and transform your life starting today!Do you have unexplained stomach issues like bloating, nausea, and constipation?Do you often experience low energy, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, and other issues that affect your mood?Is your skin frequently...

    11,21 €

  • How to Prevent and Cure Most Disease Naturally via Western Naturopathy, Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda
    Richard G. Heft
    Controlling the thick, thin, hot, cold, dry, moist, airy energetic, elemental, nutrient (building, cleansing), poisonous  nature of the body, every structure nerve, gland, organ, bone, muscle, artery, hormone, blood, acid, mucus, urine, stool healthy, diseased stone, tumor, cancer, etc. ivia diet (food, herbs), exercise, fresh air, sunshine and spiritual practice is the science...

    15,98 €

  • Health through Will Power
    James J. Walsh
    Our generation has been intent on the development of the intellect. We have been neglecting the will. 'Shell shock' experiences have shown us that the intellect is largely the source of unfavorable suggestion. The will is the controlling factor in the disease. Many another demonstration of the power of will has been furnished by the War. This volume is meant to help in the rest...

    13,36 €

  • Fasting Cure and Its Benefits
    Upton Sinclair
    Upton Sinclair was not only a prolifc and much admired author, but also a follower of Bernarr MacFadden’s Physical Culture movement (see his Physical Culture Cook Book, 1901) and a member of the editorial staff of Physical Culture Magazine. Dedicated to MacFadden, this volume advocates the benefits of systematic fasting in producing long-lasting health benefits. This book is a ...

    10,82 €

  • 365 Simple Tips for Healthy Living - One Day at a Time
    Fried Editor
    Discover 365 daily health tips that provide vital information for health in the form of natural cure, which is the healing power of the body and spirit that works with the help of wholesome food, potent nutrients, yogic practice, and simple exercise. It is the responsibility of the individual to partake of food in moderation only, and to engage in the simplest asanas and healin...

    12,55 €