Metodología psicológica

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Metodología psicológica (572)

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  • Neurofeedback - The Neurofeedback Book for Patients and Therapists
    Jean-Maurice Cecilia-Menzel
    Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback, characterized by the ability to consciously control the brain waves. During neurofeedback therapy, the brain waves are recorded using electroencephalography (EEG). The components of the EEG are extracted and demonstrated to the therapy recipients as audio, video, or both. During neurofeedback therapy, therapy recipients are capable of ass...

    13,41 €

  • Empiryczne Badania
    Jakub Kowalczyk
    Jak badania naukowe wzbogacają życie - metody badawcze wyjaśnione prosto! Metody badawcze psychologii i nauk społecznych w dziedzinie nauk o człowieku różnią się znacznie od metod innych nauk empirycznych. Z pewnością nie jest łatwo próbować zrozumieć myśli innej osoby, a jeszcze trudniej jest w ramach badań, gdy chodzi o myśli i uczucia szczególnie wielu osób. W końcu do zbada...

    10,88 €

  • O Livro Dos Canhotos
    Ulisses Ribeiro
    Finalmente, uma exposição corajosa de um dos grupos minoritários mais negligenciados da sociedade.Este livro está repleto de fatos pouco conhecidos sobre canhotos que evitarão que você se sinta um desastrado ou um idiota. Muitas coisas que você não faz bem não têm nada a ver com sua destreza (em si uma palavra destra), mas sim com o design apenas para a mão direita de muitos pr...

    8,00 €

  • Metodo di Studio
    Walter L. Zambia
    Impara un metodo di studio veloce, facile e vincente!Vorresti che i tuoi voti scolastici siano ottimi?Ti piacerebbe studiare senza perdere tempo e fatica?Desideri migliorare il tuo approccio accademico?Con una certa frequenza gli insegnanti richiamano i propri studenti alla necessità di dotarsi di un metodo di studio. Molto spesso alla mancanza di tale metodo si fa risalire la ...

    15,22 €

  • Metodo Universitario
    Walter L. Zambia
    Scopri come studiare meglio, in poco tempo, senza ansia e come ottenere voti da bacio accademico!Vorresti preparare i tuoi esami più in fretta?Ti piacerebbe superare quell’esame che proprio non riesci a digerire?Desideri laurearti in tempo e con una media alta?Chi non vorrebbe trovare un metodo di studio universitario che fa al caso suo? Ricercare il giusto metodo universitario...

    15,12 €

  • Forskningsmetoder
    Finn Olsson
    Hur forskning berikar livet - forskningsmetoder förklaras enkelt! Psykologins och samhällsvetenskapens forskningsmetoder inom humaniora skiljer sig mycket från andra empiriska vetenskaper. Det är verkligen inte lätt att försöka förstå en annan människas tankar, och det är ännu svårare inom forskningen när det handlar om särskilt många människors tankar och känslor. I slutändan ...

    10,82 €

  • Vetenskapligt Skrivande
    Finn Olsson
    Vetenskapligt skrivande av kandidatuppsatser, magisteruppsatser, examensuppsatser och magisteruppsatser underlättas. Det finns många olika sätt att slutföra en akademisk utbildning, och inget är mindre värdefullt än det andra. Alla är lika viktiga och kan förändra livet för respektive student. Ändå är det så många elever som kämpar för att ens sätta sig ner för att göra ett såd...

    10,72 €

  • Differentiell Psykologi (Differential Psykologi)
    Finn Olsson
    Känna igen, förstå och läsa av människors olika personligheter med hjälp av personlighetsforskning och personlighetsporträtt. Differentiell psykologi handlar om personligheten, som är dold och ett mysterium för resten av mänskligheten. Det är ett djupgående område som förklarar och rättfärdigar vissa beteenden hos vissa människor. Du behöver dock inte ha en magisterexamen i psy...

    10,72 €

  • Global Perspectives on the Psychology of Terrorism
    Nika Chitadze
    The constant threat of terror leads to the destabilization of the political, economic, and social situation in the state. Lack of confidence in personal safety contributes to the growth of anxiety, fears, and mental stress, which negatively affects psychological health, leading to the development of various psychosomatic disorders among the population. Global Perspectives on th...

    216,22 €

  • Holistic Dialogue
    Ayham Kader / Paul Dimmock
    Simultaneously living through and sharing a conversation which the world is deprived of; not having the slightest idea that such a thing exists in us, let alone out there. The ambiguity of what HD is all about is intense enough for many to be shocked by it. Can we see this intensity for what it is rather than define it and explain it away? And maybe an organic process of redefi...

    16,28 €

    M.D. James Benvenuti
    With today’s clinicians under such duress to practice evidence-based medicine in the most economical time frame, an Artificial-Intelligence system becomes compulsory. This INDEX to the Neuro-Cognitive Disorders is the foundation of one such system designed to make accurate and rapid neurocognitive assessments possible. Yet there is no substitution for fact-checking which is t...

    42,35 €

  • Onderzoeksmethode (Methode van Onderzoek)
    Paul Van Dijk
    Hoe onderzoek levens verrijkt - onderzoeksmethoden eenvoudig uitgelegd! De onderzoeksmethoden van de psychologie en de sociale wetenschappen op het gebied van de menswetenschappen verschillen sterk van de methoden van andere empirische wetenschappen. Het is zeker niet gemakkelijk om te proberen de gedachten van een ander te begrijpen, en het is nog moeilijker binnen een onderzo...

    10,97 €

  • Teaching Methodology
    Suresh Kumar
    Educational management is an applied field of management. One can therefore deduce that educational management refers to the application of theory and practice of management to the field of education or educational institutions. Educational administration is a process of acquiring and allocating resources for the achievement of predetermined educational goals. We conclude, the ...

    13,98 €

  • Schedules of Reinforcement
    B. F. Skinner / C. B. Ferster
    2022 Reprint of the 1957 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software.  This revolutionary book, first published in 1957, described how organisms could be reinforced on different schedules and that different schedules resulted in varied behavioral outcomes. Table of contents:   Introduction   Continuous Reinforcement Sche...

    31,77 €

  • On Morals
    Jack Lutat
    ON MORALS IS A NASCENT EXPLORATION OF IDEAS we contemplate everyday. It provides a finite structure that can be used to describe an infinite array of unique situations and circumstances. This book, which in truth is a 22-page paper, offers not one new lens, but a new set of lenses with which to analyze one’s own and others’ life circumstances. This book lays down a path of step...

    10,74 €

  • Essential Research Methods in Psychology
    This book uses inventive pedagogy to captivate and engage students as they learn to use the essential methods required to be successful in their psychology degree. ...

    208,74 €

  • Essential Research Methods in Psychology
    This book uses inventive pedagogy to captivate and engage students as they learn to use the essential methods required to be successful in their psychology degree. ...

    82,18 €

  • Academia, Chernobyl, Expeditions and the Greeks
    Gloria Leon
    The memoir Academia, Chernobyl, Expeditions and The Greeks: A Research Psychologist on the Move recounts memorable experiences over the course of the author’s career as an academic psychologist engaged in research on stress and coping in extreme environments. The focus of the book is on the author’s personal experiences - the events, people, and the environment with its natural...

    42,83 €

  • Academia, Chernobyl, Expeditions and the Greeks
    Gloria Leon
    The memoir Academia, Chernobyl, Expeditions and The Greeks: A Research Psychologist on the Move recounts memorable experiences over the course of the author’s career as an academic psychologist engaged in research on stress and coping in extreme environments. The focus of the book is on the author’s personal experiences - the events, people, and the environment with its natural...

    180,27 €

  • Exploratory and Descriptive Statistics
    John Goldring / Julie Scott Jones
    Nervous about statistics? This guide offers a clear, straight to the point break down of exploratory and descriptive statistics and its potential. Anchored by lots of examples and exercises to enhance your learning, this book will give you the know-how and confidence needed to succeed on your quantitative research journey. ...

    51,72 €

  • Espacios de supervisión
    Fernando Vicente Gómez
    La supervisión es, como todo espacio relacional, el encuentro entre aquel o aquellos a quienes se les reconoce un saber y aquellos otros que desean acceder al mismo y exponen sus prácticas para profundizar en su desarrollo. No solo la transmisión de un saber sino también un lugar de creación de saber y conocimiento.No siempre entendida así, muchas veces desde una posición de co...

    18,00 €

  • Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
    Jonathan Smith
    Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is a qualitative research approach committed to the examination of how people make sense of their major life experiences. This handy text covers its theoretical foundations and provides a detailed guide to conducting IPA research. ...

    71,47 €

  • Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
    Jonathan Smith
    Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is a qualitative research approach committed to the examination of how people make sense of their major life experiences. This handy text covers its theoretical foundations and provides a detailed guide to conducting IPA research. ...

    202,91 €

  • ¿Un humanismo ético?
    Carmen González Táboas / Emilio Vaschetto / José María Álvarez / Miriam Chorne
    ¿Existe un humanismo que no sostenga cierta fe en «el hombre»? El psicoanálisis sabe que el mal anida de infinitas maneras en el corazón del ser que habla. Las anotaciones lacanianas de Carmen González Táboas descubren un singular humanismo, el de la América indohispana, con sus mitos, creencias y culturas; sus soledades y sus extremas pobrezas; la rara conjunción de lo premode...

    27,00 €

  • Good Science
    Joshua W. Clegg / Joshua WClegg

    39,64 €

  • Good Science
    Joshua W. Clegg / Joshua WClegg

    120,67 €

  • Dukhovniye struktury cheloveka
    Andrey Mamychenko
    АНДРЕЙ МАМЫЧЕНКОДУХОВНЫЕ СТРУКТУРЫ ЧЕЛОВЕКА - ДУХ ДУША ИНСТИНКТЫ ТЕЛА ИХ ПОТРЕБНОСТИ, РАЗВИТИЕ, СЧАСТЬЕ И ДЕПРЕССИИПубликуются фрагменты и главы из большой аналитической книги Дух Душа Духовность Человек о духовных структурах человека. Это глубокое авторское исследование духовной сущности человека.---------------Творческий комитет издательского проекта Queen Elizabeth II рассмо...

    34,62 €

  • Qualitative Studies of Silence

    41,59 €

  • Psicoterapia ericksoniana
    Efrén Muñoz Quiroz
    Los terapeutas ericksonianos nos encontramos ante el reto de implementar un estilo de psicoterapia que no cuenta con una estructura previamente definida. Esto nos lleva a desarrollar habilidades que nos permitan diseñar y aplicar intervenciones terapéuticas cortadas a la medida, mismas que evaden las concepciones y esquemas tradicionales de lo que habitualmente se entiende por ...

    15,60 €

  • Thematic Analysis
    Virginia Braun
    This book is the definitive approach to thematic analysis, offering a highly accessible and practical discussion of doing TA. ...

    212,68 €