
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Ideologías políticas / Nacionalismo (555)

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  • Cataluña entre la sensatez y el delirio
    Julio Puente López
    En la obra 'Cataluña entre la sensatez y el delirio. Prensa y opinión' se intenta explicar por qué la sociedad catalanaha llegado a la situación actual de fractura social. ¿O existía ya antes? ¿A qué se debe el auge del independentismo en estos últimos años?Para explicar esto el autor examina lo que nos fue diciendo la prensa.¿Qué nos dijeron, sobre todo en sus artículos de opi...

    18,00 €

  • The Origins of the Chinese Nation
    Nicolas Tackett

    134,22 €

  • Den politiske soldaten
    Derek Holland
    ”Det som är rätt och sant behöver inte många ord och långa utläggningar. Det rätta och sanna sägs med få ord och är enkelt begripbart för alla.” Denna skrift har författats med den uttryckliga avsikten att vara en sporre till handling och lägger upp krav som författaren menar att man skall kunna ställa på nationalister som verkar politiskt, och de principer han anser bör ligga ...

    9,15 €

  • The Origins of the Chinese Nation
    Nicolas Tackett

    44,11 €

  • Horst Wessel
    Hanns Heinz Ewers
    Hanns Heinz Ewers bok handlar om Horst Wessel, en av många unga tyska män som valde att kämpa mot kommunismen och för nationalsocialismen på 1920- och 1930-talet. Under denna period stod det klart att någon av parterna snart skulle ersätta den unga tyska demokratin, och de gjorde allt de kunde för att gå segrande ur striden om vilka som i förlängningen skulle styra Tyskland. We...

    30,70 €

  • Det fria Sverige
    Det fria Sverige (Förening)
    Ur första kapitlet 'Det fria Sverige': Vad är föreningen Det fria Sverige? Vad vill vi? Varför investerar vi tid och pengar i denna sammanslutning? Varför ska du göra det? Det kan finnas många frågor för den som just kommit i kontakt med oss och på följande sidor ämnar vi förklara och berätta så mycket vi kan för att du skall få en så enkel och klar bild som möjligt av oss. Mån...

    13,85 €

  • Small states in world politics
    Matthias Maass
    This book focuses on the state level analysing factors that determine small state survival and proliferation. It demonstrates theoretically, quantitatively, and historically that small state survival depends first-and-foremost on the structure and particular features of the states system in which the small state finds itself. ...

    157,23 €

  • Att förstå alternativhögern
    Sedan det stod klart att Donald Trump vunnit valet i USA, till det samlade globala etablissemangets fullständiga häpnad och oförståelse, fick en ny politisk rörelse sitt genombrott. Båda presidentkandidaterna hade under valrörelsen relaterat till denna nya motkultur; förloraren Hillary Clinton med avsky och i föraktande tal, segraren Donald Trump genom att posta en bild av sig ...

    24,92 €

  • The Courage to Stand
    Dr. Shon Neyland
    I believe that America is still strong, a leader of the free world, and capable of even greater accomplishments through a paradigm shift and through embracing one another in love and respect.  It is time to eliminate the antiquated race and color  identification terms of “black” and “white” and begin a new nomenclature—we are Americans! 3 ...

    18,76 €

  • The Courage to Stand
    Dr. Shon Neyland
    I believe that America is still strong, a leader of the free world, and capable of even greater accomplishments through a paradigm shift and through embracing one another in love and respect.  It is time to eliminate the antiquated race and color  identification terms of “black” and “white” and begin a new nomenclature—we are Americans! 3 ...

    27,89 €

  • Volume I
    The introductory work from Summani Documents, and the first book on identitarianism and national reconstructionism from a uniquely Canadian perspective.  Summani guides the reader through several issues, including: the sociological crises Civilisation faces from radical women's empowerment, the threat to the British and French nuclear arsenals from Islamisation, the Sec...

    31,91 €

  • Nationalism
    Rabindranath TAGORE
    Bengali author and statesman Rabindranath Tagore was a poet, Brahmo philosopher, and cultural reformer. He lived during the long period of Indian independence and was acquainted with several political leaders in Asia. This book gives out his opinion on Nationalism. 3 ...

    6,61 €

  • Anarcho-Fascism
    Jonas Nilsson
    Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn deals with a multitude of important current issues, and presents a controversial and constructive starting point for an intellectual discussion on how the West can regain control of its own destiny. The book can rightly be described as a polemical pamphlet, built on solid arguments and full of references to other works, for those who wish to deepe...

    16,11 €

  • Anarcho-Fascism
    Jonas Nilsson
    Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn deals with a multitude of important current issues, and presents a controversial and constructive starting point for an intellectual discussion on how the West can regain control of its own destiny. The book can rightly be described as a polemical pamphlet, built on solid arguments and full of references to other works, for those who wish to deepe...

    23,56 €

  • Making Nordic Historiography
    Is there a 'Nordic history'? If so, what are its origins, its scope, and its defining features? In this informative volume, scholars from all five Nordic nations tackle a notoriously problematic historical concept. Whether recounting Foucault's departure from Sweden or tracing the rise of movements such as 'aristocratic empiricism,' each contribution takes a deliberately tran...

    176,96 €

  • Blood and Faith
    Damon T Berry
    Since the 1980 US presidential races, the term 'religious right' has come to signify a politically and socially conservative form of Christianity. This term implies a joining of socially conservative evangelical Christianity with conservative politics that continues to shape the Republican Party to this day. But this relationship is hardly new in American history; certain forms...

    42,62 €

  • National Identity and Europe in Times of Crisis
    Europeanness is challenged by the multiple crises and debates happening across the continent. There is long-standing disagreement over Europe’s boundaries, and politicians and citizens continually reflect on the EU’s past, present and future. This book analyses such reflections and political struggles in a variety of national and local contexts. ...

    168,74 €

  • Statehood, Scale and Hierarchy
    Lauren Zentz
    Against the background of language and nation formation in Indonesia, this book demonstrates how language planning is inseparable from the broader actions of the state, and how postcolonial nationalism and globalization have had profound implications for language use and state actions to control it. ...

    181,42 €

  • Patriotic Education in Contemporary Russia . Sociological Studies in the Making of the Post-Soviet Citizen
    Anna Sanina
    This book is a comprehensive study of the social roots of citizen raising in contemporary Russia. It traces the development of governmental patriotic programs in recent decades, discusses how the Soviet past and political traditions influence today's system of patriotism formation, and presents numerous examples illustrating real-life processes in current patriotic education. W...

    39,68 €

  • The far right in the Balkans
    Vera Stojarova
    The first book to provide comprehensive coverage of the far right parties in the Balkans ...

    43,35 €

  • Secessionism and the European Union
    Glen M.E. Duerr / Glen M.EDuerr / Glen MEDuerr
    Secessionist (also called, nationalist, or pro-independence) political parties exist in many countries in the developed world; they raise-and then spend-a lot of money, win votes in elections, and their elected officials serve in seats in local, regional, and national parliaments. Yet, despite all of this effort, there has not been a successful case of secession since 1921 when...

    61,21 €

  • Psycho-nationalism
    Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

    30,05 €

  • A Modern History of the Balkans
    Thanos Veremis
    The history of the Balkans has been a distillation of the great and terrible themes of 20th century history-the rise of nationalism, communism, fascism, genocide, identity and war. Written by one of the leading historians of the region, this is a new interpretation of that history, focusing on the uses and legacies of nationalism in the Balkan region. In particular, Professor V...

    95,54 €

  • Israel under Siege
    Raffaella A. Del Sarto / Raffaella ADel Sarto
    Raffaella A. Del Sarto examines the creation of Israel’s neo-revisionist consensus about security threats and regional order, which took hold of Israeli politics and society after 2000 and persists today. ...

    87,35 €

  • Israel under Siege
    Raffaella A. Del Sarto / Raffaella ADel Sarto
    Raffaella A. Del Sarto examines the creation of Israel’s neo-revisionist consensus about security threats and regional order, which took hold of Israeli politics and society after 2000 and persists today. ...

    44,44 €

  • Citizenship, identity and belonging in Kenya
    Every couple of years, an inspired group of people, led by the editors of AwaaZ Magazine (, organise a festival in Nairobi, Kenya, that goes by the name ‘SAMOSA’—South Asian Mosaic of Society and the Arts— bringing together different communities through art, music, dance, film and discussions. In 2016, during the 7th biennial event, included was a colloquiu...

    9,43 €

  • Anarko-fascism
    Jonas Nilsson
    Anarko-fascism: Naturen återfödd är en bok som lyfter flera viktiga frågor och presenterar en såväl kontroversiell som konstruktiv utgångspunkt för en intellektuell diskussionen om hur Västerlandet skall kunna ta tillbaka kontrollen över sitt eget öde. Boken kan med rätta beskrivas som en stridsskrift innehållandes väl underbyggda argument, och frekventa hänvisningar till ytter...

    18,27 €

  • In Defense of Prejudice
    Greg Johnson
    Greg Johnson’s In Defense of Prejudice collects 45 essays, speeches, reviews, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics, including White Nationalism, the Alternative Right, the “Alt Light,” the Donald Trump phenomenon, sexual politics, cosmopolitanism, Freemasonry, the Old Right, and the Jewish question. There are essays on such figures as Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Adolf Hit...

    35,56 €

  • In Defense of Prejudice
    Greg Johnson
    Greg Johnson’s In Defense of Prejudice collects 45 essays, speeches, reviews, and opinion pieces on a wide range of topics, including White Nationalism, the Alternative Right, the “Alt Light,” the Donald Trump phenomenon, sexual politics, cosmopolitanism, Freemasonry, the Old Right, and the Jewish question. There are essays on such figures as Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Adolf Hit...

    22,00 €

  • Precarious Belongings
    In the midst of refugee crises, terrorist attacks and territorial disputes across the globe, nationalism remains a powerful force in generating affects of inclusion and exclusion. In Asia, inter-Asian migration, enabled and disrupted by a history of colonialism, capitalist globalization and political conflicts, has rendered the idea of nation as both politically distinct and c...

    178,85 €