Negocios internacionales

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Empresa y gestión / Negocios internacionales (2985)

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  • Climate Threat and International Economy
    Assaad Ghazouani / Hedia Teraoui
    Sustainable economic development and poverty reduction remain priorities for countries around the world. Climate change could exacerbate the sustainable development challenges faced by developing countries, with potential economic and financial consequences. It is likely to affect both energy consumption and production in many parts of the world. Industrial activities are vulne...

    88,33 €

  • Minaccia climatica ed economia internazionale
    Assaad Ghazouani
    Lo sviluppo economico sostenibile e la riduzione della povertà rimangono priorità per tutti i Paesi del mondo. Il cambiamento climatico potrebbe aggravare le sfide dello sviluppo sostenibile che i Paesi in via di sviluppo devono affrontare, con potenziali conseguenze economiche e finanziarie. È probabile che influisca sia sul consumo di energia che sulla produzione in molte par...

    87,15 €

  • Климатическая угроза и международная экономика
    Ассаад Газуани / Хедиа Тераоуми
    Устойчивое экономическое развитие и сокращение бедности остаются приоритетами для всех стран мира. Изменение климата может усугубить препятствия на пути устойчивого развития, с которыми сталкиваются развивающиеся страны, с потенциальными экономическими и финансовыми последствиями. Оно, вероятно, повлияет как на потребление энергии, так и на производство во многих частях мира. П...

    34,85 €

  • Klimabedrohung und internationale Wirtschaft
    Assaad Ghazouani / Hedia Teraoui
    Die nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die Armutsbekämpfung bleiben für alle Länder der Welt eine Priorität. Der Klimawandel könnte die Hindernisse für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Entwicklungsländern verschärfen und wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Folgen nach sich ziehen. Der Klimawandel wird sich wahrscheinlich sowohl auf den Energieverbrauch als auch auf die ...

    88,43 €

  • Ameaça climática e economia internacional
    Assaad Ghazouani / Hedia Teraoui
    O desenvolvimento económico sustentável e a redução da pobreza continuam a ser prioridades para todos os países do mundo. As alterações climáticas poderão agravar os desafios de desenvolvimento sustentável enfrentados pelos países em desenvolvimento, com potenciais consequências económicas e financeiras. É provável que afectem tanto o consumo como a produção de energia em muita...

    88,45 €

  • Finding Wisdom in Brand Tragedies
    Robert J Thomas
    Brands and branding have deep historical roots. Almost anything or anyone can be branded with a name or mark for commercial or other purposes. The act of branding initiates activities in a brand ecosystem among people and organizations who have a vested interest in the brand’s value. Unfortunately, a brand may experience a tragedy that can put its value and equity at risk. Pund...

    75,11 €

  • The Successful Business Startup Action Guide
    Husam S. AlSaleh
    The ultimate guide to starting a business for would-be entrepreneurs!This business startup action guidebook will teach you from start to finish everything you need to know to be a successful entrepreneur.Give shape to your idea and set up a prosperous business following this proven path to entrepreneurial success.Soon-to-be entrepreneurs will:Learn how to think like an entrepre...

    11,11 €

  • Principles of Marketing (2023 Edition) (paperback, b&w)
    Dr. Maria Gomez Albrecht / Dr. Mark Green / Linda Hoffman
    Black & white print.Principles of Marketing is designed to meet the scope and sequence for a one-semester marketing course for undergraduate business majors and minors. Principles of Marketing provides a solid grounding in the core concepts and frameworks of marketing theory and analysis so that business students interested in a major or minor in marketing will also be prepare...

    54,70 €

  • Principles of Marketing (2023 Edition) (hardcover, full color)
    Dr. Maria Gomez Albrecht / Dr. Mark Green / Linda Hoffman
    Color print.Principles of Marketing is designed to meet the scope and sequence for a one-semester marketing course for undergraduate business majors and minors. Principles of Marketing provides a solid grounding in the core concepts and frameworks of marketing theory and analysis so that business students interested in a major or minor in marketing will also be prepared for mo...

    113,00 €

    Amolo Elvis Juma Amolo
    Public-Private partnership facilitates the injection of private capital and expertise for prompt delivery of Infrastructure Projects in both developed and developing economies. It shutters the negative perception of private investors on risks in Infrastructure Projects. PPP involves a shared responsibility between the public and private investors to deliver Infrastructure Proje...

    117,56 €

  • Guinea, die Orientierungspunkte der Vergangenheit
    Mamady SANOH
    Guinea, eine ehemalige französische Kolonie, erlangte am 2. Oktober 1958 unter der Ägide der PDG die Unabhängigkeit.Trotz der Weigerung Frankreichs, die Aufnahme des Landes in die Vereinten Nationen zu unterstützen, wurde es am 12. Oktober 1958 Mitglied dieser globalen Institution.Die UNO diente Guinea als Kommunikationsraum, um die Weltöffentlichkeit durch eine besonders inten...

    62,14 €

  • Guinea, the landmarks of the past
    Mamady SANOH
    A former French colony, Guinea gained independence on October 2, 1958 under the aegis of the PDG.Despite France’s refusal to sponsor its admission to the UN, it became a member of the global institution on October 12, 1958.The U.N. provided Guinea with a space for communication to sensitize world public opinion on the oppression of colonialism, apartheid and Zionism through a p...

    62,02 €

  • Guinea, i punti di riferimento del passato
    Mamady SANOH
    Ex colonia francese, la Guinea ha ottenuto l’indipendenza il 2 ottobre 1958 sotto l’egida del PDG.Nonostante il rifiuto della Francia di sponsorizzare la sua ammissione all’ONU, il 12 ottobre 1958 divenne membro dell’istituzione mondiale.L’ONU ha fornito alla Guinea uno spazio di comunicazione per sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica mondiale sull’oppressione del colonialismo, de...

    62,02 €

  • Guiné, os marcos do passado
    Mamady SANOH
    Antiga colónia francesa, a Guiné tornou-se independente em 2 de Outubro de 1958, sob a égide da PDG.Apesar da recusa da França em patrocinar a sua admissão na ONU, a Guiné tornou-se membro da instituição mundial em 12 de Outubro de 1958.A ONU proporcionou à Guiné um espaço de comunicação para sensibilizar a opinião pública mundial para a opressão do colonialismo, do apartheid e...

    62,02 €

  • Гвинея, вехи прошлого
    Мамади САНОХ
    Бывшая французская колония, Гвинея обрела независимость 2 октября 1958 года под эгидой ГДП.Несмотря на отказ Франции спонсировать ее прием в ООН, 12 октября 1958 года она стала членом всемирной организации.ООН предоставила Гвинее пространство для общения, чтобы привлечь внимание мирового общественного мнения к угнетению колониализма, апартеида и сионизма посредством особенно ин...

    34,70 €

  • Presentation and Procedures in the African Continental Free Trade Area
    Beauclair NJOYA NKAMGA
    The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is a market and a commercial and economic space that covers 54 out of 55 African States. Established on March 21, 2018 by the Agreement establishing the AfCFTA, taking into account the number of participating countries, it is the largest trade agreement in the world since the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO).Strengt...

    111,59 €

  • Business & Marketing Across Cultures
    Jean-Claude Usunier / Julie Anne Lee / Vasyl Taras
    An essential textbook for students of cross-cultural/intercultural business and marketing. It is liked to the X-Culture project, which is a multicultural exercise where students learn to solve real world international business problems. ...

    96,46 €

  • Business & Marketing Across Cultures
    Jean-Claude Usunier / Julie Anne Lee / Vasyl Taras
    An essential textbook for students of cross-cultural/intercultural business and marketing. It is liked to the X-Culture project, which is a multicultural exercise where students learn to solve real world international business problems. ...

    255,00 €

  • Causality between intra-African trade openness and Customs duty rate
    Cassius FELIHO / Laïfoya Moïse Lawin / Romaric DOSSA
    This study examines the causality between intra-African trade openness and transport infrastructure development index, industrial development index, ICT development, business and competition regulation index, and Customs duty rate. Panel causality test of Granger (1969) and Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012) was applied to data from 36 African countries over the period 2010-2019. The...

    60,13 €

  • Nachhaltigkeit des Girokontos
    Jonathan Muya
    In diesem Dokument befassen wir uns mit der Frage, ob ein Kontokorrentkredit in der DR. Congo untersucht. Wir sind zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass die Wirtschaftswachstumsrate und die Rate der ausländischen Direktinvestitionen die Hauptdeterminanten für die Nachhaltigkeit der Leistungsbilanz der DR. Congolese. Dieses Ergebnis ist sehr wichtig, wenn man bedenkt, dass Entwicklungsl...

    86,89 €

  • Sustentabilidade da conta corrente
    Jonathan Muya
    Neste documento, abordámos a questão da sustentabilidade da conta corrente no caso da DR. Congo. Concluiu-se que a taxa de crescimento económico e a taxa de investimento directo estrangeiro são os principais determinantes da sustentabilidade da República Democrática do Congo. conta corrente congolesa. Este resultado é muito importante, dado que as economias em desenvolvimento c...

    86,83 €

  • Устойчивость счета текущих операций
    Джонатан Муйя
    В данной работе мы рассмотрели вопрос устойчивости текущего счета на примере ДР. Конго. Был сделан вывод, что темпы экономического роста и уровень прямых иностранных инвестиций являются основными факторами, определяющими устойчивость текущего счета ДР. Конго. Этот результат очень важен, учитывая, что развивающиеся экономики обвиняют внешние факторы в неустойчивости своих текущи...

    34,64 €

  • Sustainability of the current account
    Jonathan Muya
    In this paper we have addressed the issue of current account sustainability in the case of DR. Congo. We have come to the conclusion that the rate of economic growth and the rate of foreign direct investment are the main determinants of the sustainability of the DR. Congolese current account. This result is very important, knowing that developing economies blame external factor...

    86,83 €

  • Sostenibilità delle partite correnti
    Jonathan Muya
    In questo articolo abbiamo affrontato il tema della sostenibilità delle partite correnti nel caso della RD. Congo. Si è concluso che il tasso di crescita economica e il tasso di investimenti diretti esteri sono le principali determinanti della sostenibilità delle partite correnti della RD. Congo. Questo risultato è molto importante, dato che le economie in via di sviluppo attri...

    86,83 €

  • Risikoteilung oder Koordinierung der Haushaltspolitik
    Alfred ASHU / Christophe Raoul BESSO / Sandrine Cecile ALIGUI
    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der schwierigen Frage der wirtschaftlichen Stabilität in heterogenen Währungsräumen. Ziel ist es, in der CEMAC-Zone die Wirksamkeit der haushaltspolitischen Koordinierung und der Risikoteilung zu bewerten. Zunächst wird jedoch das politische und wirtschaftliche Umfeld der CEMAC vorgestellt, gefolgt von der Identifizierung der Schocks, die die Zone ...

    86,89 €

  • Risk sharing or coordination of fiscal policies
    Alfred ASHU / Christophe Raoul BESSO / Sandrine Cecile ALIGUI
    This paper addresses the thorny issue of economic stability in heterogeneous currency areas. The objective is to evaluate, in the CEMAC zone, the effectiveness of fiscal policy coordination and risk sharing. However, the political and economic environment of the CEMAC is first presented, followed by the identification of shocks affecting the zone. Then, the theoretical evaluati...

    86,77 €

  • Condivisione del rischio o coordinamento delle politiche fiscali
    Alfred ASHU / Christophe Raoul BESSO / Sandrine Cecile ALIGUI
    Il presente lavoro affronta la spinosa questione della stabilità economica in aree valutarie eterogenee. L’obiettivo è quello di valutare, nella zona CEMAC, l’efficacia del coordinamento delle politiche fiscali e della condivisione dei rischi. Tuttavia, viene prima presentato il contesto politico ed economico della CEMAC, seguito dall’identificazione degli shock che colpiscono ...

    86,77 €

  • Partilha de riscos ou coordenação de políticas orçamentais
    Alfred ASHU / Christophe Raoul BESSO / Sandrine Cecile ALIGUI
    O presente documento aborda a espinhosa questão da estabilidade económica em zonas monetárias heterogéneas. O objectivo é avaliar, na zona CEMAC, a eficácia da coordenação das políticas orçamentais e da partilha de riscos. No entanto, é primeiro apresentado o ambiente político e económico da CEMAC, seguido da identificação dos choques que afectam a zona. Em seguida, a avaliação...

    86,83 €

  • Разделение рисков или координация фискальной политики
    Альфред АШУ / Кристоф Рауль БЕССО / Сандрин Сеси АЛИГУИ
    В данной работе рассматривается сложный вопрос экономической стабильности в неоднородных валютных зонах. Цель - оценить в зоне CEMAC эффективность координации фискальной политики и распределения рисков. Однако сначала представлена политическая и экономическая среда CEMAC, затем определены шоки, влияющие на зону. Затем теоретическая оценка координации фискальной политики показыв...

    34,70 €

  • Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Häfen
    Valentin Bouyogo
    Wird der Autonome Hafen von Douala den harten Wettbewerb überleben, der sich trotz der von den Behörden so sehr gepriesenen Logik der Komplementarität abzeichnet? Seine Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und seine Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft des Golfs von Guinea stehen im Mittelpunkt der Sorgen, die sich um den Beitrag der Zolleinnahmen zum Staatshaushalt, die Versorgung der Unternehmen ...

    56,27 €