Programación neurolingüística (PNL)

Salud y desarrollo personal / Autoayuda y desarrollo personal / Psicología popular / Programación neurolingüística (PNL) (291)

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  • Lenguaje corporal
    Fulco Razo
    Puedes aprender a leer el lenguaje corporal de las personas de muchas formas, a través de sus manos, piernas, ojos y rostro. Esta habilidad es especialmente útil si estás interesado en tener una cita. Este libro 'Lenguaje Corporal - Guía para la interpretación de la comunicación no verbal' te guiará a través del proceso de hacer preguntas adecuadamente, invitar a alguien a sali...

    13,97 €

  • Lenguaje corporal
    Dick Vela
    El lenguaje corporal no siempre es tan obvio y claro como parece, así lo revela la portada de este libro: la mayor parte de nuestro lenguaje corporal es sutil y se expresa con expresiones apenas perceptibles.Muchos científicos en ciencias sociales han probado que las habilidades sociales vencen a la inteligencia mental cuando se trata de alcanzar objetivos. No importa cuan físi...

    14,58 €

  • Lenguaje corporal
    Uziel Paz
    Un movimiento en falso puede socavar nuestro mensaje. Lo creamos o no, hablamos más con nuestros cuerpos que con nuestras palabras. Las posturas, los gestos y las expresiones transmiten una gran cantidad de información, y a menudo no es lo que uno esperaría. Una sonrisa, por ejemplo, suele considerarse acogedora. Pero doblar una esquina de tu boca más alto y se proyecta superio...

    12,08 €

  • Lenguaje corporal
    Clio Ulloa
    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué piensan otras personas?Si aprendemos a descifrar las señales no verbales que otras personas nos envían, entenderemos mejor los mensajes y las situaciones en que nos encontramos, lo que nos permitirá reaccionar y abordar estas situaciones y personas de la manera más apropiada. Si más personas son capaces de percibir y comprender mejor cómo se si...

    14,71 €

  • Lenguaje corporal
    Adair Ruiz
    ¿Alguna vez has querido saber que están pensando las personas solo con observarlas? Aprender la habilidad de analizar a los demás te dará una ventaja en los ámbitos sociales, personales y profesionales.Este libro te ayudara a entender y pones en uso los diferentes tipos de comunicaciones no verbales. Usar los principios e instrucciones en este libro, podrás aprender los mejores...

    13,25 €

  • Habit Stacking
    Tony Bennis
    Ever wondered what makes certain people enjoy a majority of riches, success, and glory in the world while others struggle to barely make ends meet?Do you wish to create a wealthy, joyful and successful life for yourself?Do you want to know the secret principlesof acquiring a good life, happy existence, material success and more? Do you want to develop winning habits that take y...

    24,41 €

  • Assertiveness for Men
    John Adams
    Do you consider yourself a people pleaser or Mr. Nice Guy? Are you sick being a doormat? Do you have enough of hearing yourself saying ´Yes´ when wanted to say ´NO´?Then keep reading...People around you consider you a very nice person. Your colleagues know they can ask you for help because they know you will get it done in time. But for important decisions, your colleagues go t...

    8,23 €

  • Affirmations
    Affirming Mastery
    If you want to reprogram your subconscious mind for success, then keep reading...This book is all about providing resources and support as you prepare yourself to grab hold of greatness.This could be increasing your wealth and finances or enjoying more happiness and love in your life. In the first chapter, you will learn about the value and importance of affirmations as well as...

    17,93 €

  • Manipulation
    Steven Turner
    If you want to discover the techniques people may use to successfully manipulate you or someone close to you, then keep reading...In this book, you'll discover how you can be a master of manipulation to help you get what you want out of life. You will read about the three steps of manipulation, including analysis, manipulation, and persuasion.You will also be given very cle...

    21,56 €

  • Dark Psychology
    Steven Turner
    If want to discover how people with dark personalities work and what it really takes to persuade someone, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book: Dark Psychology: What Machiavellian People of Power Know about Persuasion, Mind Control, Manipulation, Negotiation, Deception, Human Behavior, and Psychological Warfare that You Don’t Persuasion: Highly Effective Manipulat...

    23,65 €

  • NLP
    Steven Turner
    If you want to discover how to get what you want out of life, then keep reading...Each of us is born with a built-in supercomputer called a brain. But, it has been said that humans can only access a small fraction of its ability.Would you like to know how to unleash your full potential so you can get what you want in life?Would you like to know how some people can seem to achie...

    21,59 €

  • Anger Management
    Tony Bennis
    What is anger? Why does anger lead many people to aggressive and unhealthy behavior? Does it have adverse physiological and psychological effects? Can we term all anger as negative?Do you feel too irritable or on edge? Do traffic jams get you angry? Do your coworkers or boss easily anger you?  Untreated and uncontrolled anger can have very adverse effects on your physical, ment...

    24,38 €

  • Assertiveness Training
    Luke Caldwell
    It goes without saying that in today’s hyper-competitive world, only those that have the ability to be assertive without being seen as downright hostile have any hope of getting ahead. Unfortunately for many people, knowing this and acting on it are two very different things. If you are interested in becoming the assertive, empowered individual that you have always wanted to be...

    24,30 €

  • NLP Hacks 2 In 1
    Joseph Sperry / Patrick Magana
    Have you ever wanted the convincing conviction of a leader? Do you often find obstacles standing between you and your goals? Or feel like others misunderstand you and disregarded what you have to say? Are you finally ready to achieve success in all your endeavors? If you’re ready to unlock all your potential through effortless self-improvement and effective communication, then ...

    17,25 €

  • The Power Of NLP
    Joseph Sperry / Patrick Magana
    Have you ever wanted to convince others of something you believe in, but failed to do so?Do you often feel misunderstood or like others disregard what you have to say?Would you like to establish strong, lasting connections with others?  If you’re someone who wants to master the power of persuasion while improving yourself and your communication style along the way, then this bo...

    10,30 €

  • NLP for Leadership
    Jonatan Slane
    Do you want to become a better leader by improving your decision making?Do you wonder how you can improve your people management and communication skills?Do you want to discover the NLP techniques used by the greatest leaders in the world, so you can be a great leader yourself?Then keep reading...Being a great manager or leader isn’t a born skill. Many great leaders developed a...

    11,72 €

  • Emotional Intelligence for Leadership
    Jonatan Slane
    Do you want to discover how to guide people in the right direction by recognizing their emotions?Do you wonder why some people are progressing faster in their careers than you, even when they seem less smart? Do you want to learn how to manage people more effectively, so you can cut your workweek from 60 hours to 40 hours or less?Then keep reading…A recent study in Career Build...

    14,77 €

  • NLP Secrets
    Joseph Sperry / Patrick Magana
    Ever wanted the communication skills of a leader? Do you often feel there are obstacles standing between you and your goals? Have you ever wondered if you were one of them? Are you ready to take control of your life to start seeing success in all your endeavors?  If you’re ready to truly reprogram yourself to accomplish your best life now, then look no further – this book is fo...

    10,17 €

  • Affirmations
    Affirming Mastery
    If you want to become more self-confident, attract opportunities and have a positive outlook on life, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book: Affirmations: 500 Daily Affirmations for Positive Thinking, Success, Money, Love, Happiness, Focus, Abundance, Self-Esteem, and Motivation Affirmations: 500 Positive Daily Affirmations for Success, Wealth, Health, Love, Happin...

    21,66 €

  • Affirmations
    Affirming Mastery
    If you want to become more self-confident, attract opportunities and have a positive outlook on life, then keep reading...Do you want to unleash the greatness within you?Do you get excited when you think about the possibilities for your life?Would you like to attract positive things into your life?If so, then you've come to the right place.You see, your thoughts are creatin...

    18,01 €

  • Thought Models for Leadership
    Jonatan Slane
    Are you ambitious and you want to improve career trajectory?You wonder how some managers and leaders can make decisions in a split-second?Or you want to improve your productivity and efficiency to get more done in less time?Then keep reading …Scientists have been trying to discover essential differences between the average Joe on one side and a Billionaires or Great Leaders on ...

    11,65 €

  • My Lessons With Kumi
    Michael Colgrass
    Psychological principles and skills applied to performance and presentation, taught through fictional narrative and lessons/exercises. Michael Colgrass combines neuro-linguistic programming, mime, creativity, hypnosis, psychology and Grotowski physical training in this engaging teaching tale. Nick's encounters with his teacher, Kumi, become one of the most comprehensive sel...

    26,20 €

  • Affirmations
    Affirming Mastery
    If you want to become more self-confident, attract opportunities and have a positive outlook on life, then keep reading...Two manuscripts in one book: Affirmations: 500 Daily Affirmations for Positive Thinking, Success, Money, Love, Happiness, Focus, Abundance, Self-Esteem, and Motivation Affirmations: 500 Positive Daily Affirmations for Success, Wealth, Health, Love, Happin...

    12,39 €

  • How To Analyze People
    David T Abbots
    You hear everyone saying stuff, but what are they “REALLY” saying?You have to agree: we all have had those moments when we seem to hear what others are saying but we end up completely misunderstanding what they actually meant.Actually, this is a problem for most people: not being able to fully understand others, not being able to predict what other people are thinking, and what...

    16,12 €

  • Manipulation
    David T Abbots
    Do you want to learn how to bend people to your will?You have to agree: we all have wanted at some point in our lives to manipulate someone into doing what you desire.Yet, there are moments when you have really tried to apply some methods or tactics, you still end up empty-handed by not being able to successfully manipulate someone...Well, if you have been in a similar situatio...

    16,12 €

  • Mental Toughness
    Chris S Jennings
    Do you want to learn how to tackle mental challenges and take control of your life? Learn to pilot your life, how to make confident decisions, how to ward off negativity and create a better version of yourself. Fear, anger and a host of other factors have been responsible for a lot of setbacks in people’s careers and the only way to overcome this is by taking visible steps towa...

    16,17 €

  • Manipulation
    David T Abbots
    Do you want to learn how to bend people to your will?You have to agree: we all have wanted at some point in our lives to manipulate someone into doing what you desire.Yet, there are moments when you have really tried to apply some methods or tactics, you still end up empty-handed by not being able to successfully manipulate someone...Well, if you have been in a similar situatio...

    15,32 €

  • Mental Toughness
    Chris S Jennings
    Do you want to learn how to tackle mental challenges and take control of your life? Learn to pilot your life, how to make confident decisions, how to ward off negativity and create a better version of yourself. Fear, anger and a host of other factors have been responsible for a lot of setbacks in people’s careers and the only way to overcome this is by taking visible steps towa...

    15,14 €

  • How To Analyze People
    David T Abbots
    You hear everyone saying stuff, but what are they “REALLY” saying?You have to agree: we all have had those moments when we seem to hear what others are saying but we end up completely misunderstanding what they actually meant.Actually, this is a problem for most people: not being able to fully understand others, not being able to predict what other people are thinking, and what...

    15,35 €

  • Dark Psychology
    David T Abbots
    Caution This incredible book contains powerful psychological techniques to influence people at will. Bewarned your buying this book at your own risk. Dark Psychology are techniques developed by powerful politicians, self-made businessmen, and other masters of their own universe, when applied, can help you to analyze anyone around you or in your life. These three books will del...

    15,48 €

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